Client Meeting Structure

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Unit 59 Website

Meeting with client 17/06/2016

Meeting called by Alicia Tolhurst
Attendees: Karen McAvoy

Subject: Present Proposal to client


Client brief
Initial ideas for website
Any other business


Client brief
I had started a new job as a Junior Web Developer for a design company and I had to analyse other
websites to gain understanding of HTML and XHTML. Cascading Style Sheets, Web page construction
and Terminology.
Initial ideas for website
The client thought that the initial ideas for my website were good and were happy for me to
continue with my plans.
My client liked my proposal and only asked for a slight change in the colour scheme to make the
colours a little less intense and also so that the colours were more blue than purple.
The client was happy with my storyboards, but wanted to know the colour schemes for my website
and pages. They thought that my storyboards were very informative and so were happy for me to
continue with my page designs.
Any other business
The client was happy with what I presented to them and was happy for me to create the website
using the plan that I had shown to them.

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