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Career Progression

1. Where we focus our energy


Snr Marketing Analytics Manager

Marketing Analytics Manager

Customer Focus

Business Delevery

Development Focus

2. What drives and energises us


Snr Marketing Analytics Manager

Marketing Analytics Manager

Professional expertise

Innovation & Creativity

Teamwork & Collaboration

Self-insight & Resilience

3. The critical skills that enable us


Snr Marketing Analytics Manager

Marketing Analytics Manager

Analysis & Decision Making

Commercial Focus

Positive Impact & Influence


Change Focus



Increase level between MA Manager & Snr MA Manager

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1. Where we focus our energy



Q1 2016

Redeveloped the Accuity board report.

Q1 2016

Delivery of new analysis e.g. Flightglobal product




xxx was instrumental in the production of

the new layout, streamlining the process of
collating the metrics & other relevant
Business Delivery
information. She also introduced more userfriendly terminology that's helped gain
additional buy-in from stakeholders

An example of new analysis that xxx has

worked on is the new FG product report.
This has delivered new insight on the
engagement by existing customers with
marketing activity. It is helping the FG
marketing team guage what impact their
activity & campaigns are having on retaining
exisiting business as well as generating
Business Delivery
new business. In delivering this analysis xxx
has demonstrated excellent business
delivery - she was extremely thorough in
gathering the initial requirements, was
focused on delivering the reports on time &
strove to deliver analysis that went beyond
the requirements i.e. provided increased

Customer Focus
Business Delivery

Development Focus

2. What drives and energises us



Secondment to Data & Tech Team


Attendence at & contribution to the

APAC Marketing Conference



xxx has volunteered to take a part-time secondment with the

Data & Tech Team. This demonstrates her willingness to not
only develop her own knowledge (data structure, data &
systems theory etc), but also help progress our marketing
analytics capability (move towards a 'single source of truth',
improved engagement between MA and Data & Tech, simpler
reporting etc). I think this demonstrates her willingness to
press on in the face of obstacles, her ability to rise to new
challenges & her focus on overcoming barriers & developing
solutions to ensure progress

Self-insight & Resilience

xxx has taken an active part in this conference, helping the

marketing teams across the different businesses & the
extended marketing teams with analysis that's starting to
uncover new insight around the Asian area. Her attendence
also meant she got a better understanding of the new
analytical requirements needed for the region which she has
summerised & which we will work to deliver on over the next
few months.

Teamwork & Collaboration

Professional expertise
Innovation & Creativity
Teamwork & Collaboration

Self-insight & Resilience

Professional expertise
Innovation & Creativity
Teamwork & Collaboration

Self-insight & Resilience

3. The critical skills that enable us


Q1 2016

Q1 2016

Q1 2016



Ownership of new request tracker

A new process has been introduced to

capture the growing number of new
analytics requests the team is receiving. xxx
has taken ownership of this, got buy-in from
the team so that everyone is using it & is
continuing to guide them through this
period of process change. The result is that
there is now a clearer understanding of all
the requests that are being worked on, there
is a prioritization schedule & where relevant,
solutions are being applied across markets.

Advanced Analytics Project

xxx has taken the knowledge she gained

working with the RELX Customer Analytics
Team last year & applied it to an advanced
analytics project the Marketing Analytics
team is working to help progress the level of
insight we provide. She has demonstrated
great leadership qualities during this project,
for example, by i) readily taking charge,
motivatating & organising the other
members of the project team, ii) developing
& encouraging a sense of purpose in the
team, & iii) earning the respect of &
crediblilty with the team through her
knowledge sharing & 'hands-on' approach

Better visualisation

xxx has led the drive to improve the

visualisation of the data that the team
reports on. This is a key concept as better,
simpler visualisation leads to improved
understanding & insight. She's taken it upon
herself to learn more about the subject
through reading & online training. Her
leadership qualities have been demonstrated
by her encouraging / coaching the team to
implement improvements to visulalisation in
their own reports & analysis

Q1 2016

Q1 2016


xxx has a wealth of knowledge that she

readily shares with the team, particularly
helping them to develop their understanding
of SalesForce but also coaching them in new
skills e.g visualisation, advanced analytics
techniques. She has a great relationship with
the other members of the team, she not only
builds & maintains rapport & relationships
with the other members but also commands
their attention & buy-in through her
knowledge & the approach she adopts.

Team Management

xxx's leadership & management of Ana &

Sabrina is exemplorary & the way she is
developing them is impressive. She gives
the right balance of hands-on support as
well as stretch targets & tasks. She's very
effective at understanding team dynamics
and giving constructive feedback & support
to ensure the team are working effectively
together & delivering to the best of their


Change Focus



Positive Impact &



Analysis & Decision Making
Commercial Focus
Positive Impact & Influence


Change Focus

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