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Music Video

Us Against The World

Francis Serumaga

Attack Promo
Sutton Common Road


It is proposed that the music video will last for 3 minutes and 46 seconds and will
be filmed at Grove Park, Sutton Common Road and the DH studio, which is
located in Glenthorne High School, it will be edited at our Sutton facility.

The music video will show the whole purpose of being together as a community.
It will show that everyone who is part of their community should do something to
show that they care and love to be a part of the area they live in. The artist in
the video (Francis Serumaga) will be shown to be someone who is known around
his community for helping out and doing what they can to make it a better place.
The songs all about staying together and putting aside differences even through
tough times. Since the target audience is for teenagers 13-18 year olds, it would
show the message that you should try and do whatever you can to help. This will
appeal to the target audience because of how the artist is represented, wearing
casual clothing which would be worn by a typical young person and the location
which is set in would also be similar to a place they would live. Specifically, the
borough of Sutton is a typical area for the demographic of this audience so we
would like to reflect that in this video

Several locations have been visited and a shortlist has been drawn up:
Suggested locations are:

Grove Park, Enter through Mill Lane, Carshalton, SM5

Sutton Common Road
DH Studio in Glenthorne High School, 270 Sutton Common Road, Sutton,
Sutton High Street

When going to these locations, we need to be aware of what hazards could be

harmful to ourselves and the equipment. Some of the locations are potentially
more dangerous than others.
Health and Safety
Grove Park is a public park which is mostly an open area. Since it is a public park
anyone could use it we would need to watch out for any objects that wouldnt
be seen in the grass. Most of objects that would actually be dangerous would be
broken glass which we could step on. Also in the Grove, there is a pond which is
near the park, we would have to make sure not to film near the pond to not risk
having any of the equipment fall into the water which would cause it to damage.
Sutton Common Road is a busy road, so theyd be a lot of vehicles driving pass
throughout the day. We would mostly be filming on the pavement so there
wouldnt be so much danger of vehicles. There will be some areas such as
driveways which well need to avoid filming on because vehicles would be

passing though those areas. The same would go for Sutton High Street, except
its a more busy area with many people walking past. In order to not get affected
by this it would be best to film in a quieter park of the high street.
The studio in the school is most likely to be the safest. The only health and
safety issue well have to be aware of would be the wires which would be
running across the floor.

The music video will include the following:


Artist will be shown in a street, gradually more people come in.

Artist in a park; which would normally be a place with many people.

Artist in studio; show the song being created.

Since the song is about being an influence to your community, a location in

which could relate to most of the audience was needed. A Street and a park
would of made the most sense to us. The park would be associated as a place
where teenagers would gather and enjoy the time which is being spent there.
Being in the park would show that the artist is just like any other ordinary
person. The artist begins alone but is joined by others, further conveying the
sense of community.

The Us Against The World music video will be in colour and in HD 720p
The Us Against The World music will start with an establishing shot of the park
with artist on bench
Cut to long shot of the street where the artist is walking.

Artist would be preparing to perform in music studio. Idea of the video is for him
to perform in the music video while showing clips of what has happening while
he was in the other 2 locations, so him in the studio would be the present and
the park and street locations would be the past events so the park and street
would be narratives. This would continue this way through the whole video, but
in the street and park locations it would show how respected the artist is within
the community so throughout the video, gradually more people would be with
Near the end of the song, a lot more people would be with him than when he
started at the beginning of the video. The video would end with him in the studio,
and the person helping with the song would signal that hes finished.

DSLR Cameras + Tripods- 30 a day
Adobe Premiere - 30 a month
Subtotal - 60
Production Contingency @10%
Travel Expenses @40p per mile

Total production budget 60.80

The production will be produced within the timescale that will be indicated by our
shooting and editing schedules. Attack Promo will ensure that all location filming
is carefully planned to take into account the safety of the crew and the general
public and any production contingencies. The finished Us Against The World
music video will be available for viewing at an appropriate time in order for any
changes to be made before the suggested release date.

Sources of requirements
The costumes that will be worn in the music video will be casual clothes that
would be worn on a daily basis; the actors will be wearing clothing such as
hoodies, jeans, shirts and traditional trainers.

Guarantee of Satisfaction

Initial discussion on the Us Against The World music video content will
take place.

Production equipment will be used in a safe operational manner at all


Attack Promo is covered by Public Liability Insurance to the sum of


A copy of all rushes (camera original material) will be supplied on

request in DVD format.

A rough cut trailer version of the Us Against The World will be supplied
for inspection and discussion.

A meeting to discuss the final master version will be organised with a

focus group of interested parties.

The completed Us Against The World music video will be provided on

DVD for inspection.

The completed Us Against The World music video will not be released
until the client is completely satisfied with technical quality and content.

Attack Promo
Attack Promo asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in
accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. Any
unauthorised copying of this work will result in prosecution.

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