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Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Amended by Membership vote February 28, 2016
Article I
Name & Purpose
Section 1. Name
The name of the booster Organization shall be Elite Youth Cheer (the
Section 2. Purpose of this Organization
Oversee fundraising, spirit and promotional activities directed toward the support of
the competitive programs of nationally competing amateur athletes. In the
performance of these duties the Organization will have sole responsibility for the
administration of all the funds generated through fundraising activities.
The term administration shall include establishing recordkeeping requirements over
specific fundraising activities, receiving and distributing funds in accordance with
established requirements, and maintaining and reporting financial recordkeeping
support on behalf of Elite Youth Cheer for funds received and distributed for its
ongoing operation.
There shall be no discrimination in the services of the Organization on the basis of
race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation. The
members of the Organization will assist in the raising of the necessary funds to
support athletes.
Section 3. Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Organization is To promote and foster interest in and
good will toward the participants of amateur competitive teams. Our primary
objectives shall be to aid, sponsor and create interest in athletic activities for
nationally competing amateur athletes and to obtain funds therefore by various
promotional methods.
Article II
Basic Policies
The Organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.
The name of the Organization or the names of any members in their official
capacities shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or in
connection with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to
promotion of the purpose of the Organization.
The Organization shall not directly or indirectly participate or intervene (in any
way, including the publishing, distribution or statements) in any political campaign
on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office, or devote more than
an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by
propaganda or otherwise.

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be
distributable to its members, directors, trustees, Executive Board or other private
persons except that the Organization for the service rendered and make payments
and distributions in furtherance of the purposed set forth in Article I.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the Organization shall not
carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (I) by an Organization
exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue
Code, or (II) by an Organization, contribution to which are deductible under Section
170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
A quorum vote for voting will be decided by a two-thirds vote of membership. All
members in good standing have the right to vote and may vote in favor of or
against, however, an absence of voting will be considered in favor. Choosing to
abstain must be selected on the ballot to vote an abstention vote.
All expenditures not included in the budget or presented as membership
reimbursement must be approved by the executive board.
All current Organization by-laws will be available for member examination on the website
Article III
Section 1. Membership
The voting membership of this organization shall consist of Opt In parents and/or
legal guardians of athletes participating in a nationally competitive amateur sport
for the current competition season. (Levels 4 through 8)
The Organization shall conduct enrollment of members based on the two (2)
competitive seasons in a year. There will be no late memberships accepted. Opt In
forms must be submitted by November 1st for Fall Season 2014 and hereafter by
October 1st for Fall Season starting 2015 and thereafter. Fall membership will be
retroactive to September 1st and will continue through January 31. Winter/Spring
Season Opt In Forms are due no later than March 1 st. Winter/Spring Season
membership is retroactive to February 1st and continues to August 31st.
The term of the membership shall coincide with Grand Ledge Elite Cheer
competition season(s) and end each year on August 31.
Membership is necessary to cast a vote at a general meeting or to hold office,
submit receipts for reimbursement but non-membership does not preclude
participation in any of the activities sponsored by this organization.
Membership is by athlete. When voting occurs, family members who are responsible
for the custodial and financial support of the athlete (parent, step-parent, legal
guardian, etc.) are eligible to cast a vote. A member is allowed one vote per
National Competing athlete. Only one parent per household per athlete may vote.

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Membership is based on the Opting In form being filled out and submitted to the

Section 2. Athlete Account

Athlete not returning
In the event that an athlete chooses not to return to Grand Ledge Elite / Youth Cheer
for reasons including but not limited to personal, the parent may request in writing
to the Executive Board to have the athletes current balance transferred to another
siblings account. This request must be submitted in writing (email to and meet the following qualifications in order for it to
be submitted to the Executive Board for review and/or acceptance.
The sibling in question must share the same parent financially
The sibling in question must at least be in GL Elite Cheer/Youth Cheer for a
The sibling in question must have in their current account more than $5.00
The EB will have 7 business days to respond to the request, then another 2 business
day to transfer the money.
Freezing Athletes account
In the event an athlete needs to leave the program for up to a year, for reasons
including but not limited to personal, that athletes account can be "frozen" until
they return. This request must be submitted in writing (email to If athlete chooses not to return after a years time,
they may request to have funds transferred to a sibling or funds will be forfeited. To
transfer to another sibling this must be requested in writing (email to and meet the following qualifications in order for it to
be submitted to the Executive Board for review and/or acceptance.
The sibling in question must share the same parent financially
The sibling in question must at least be in GL Elite Cheer/Youth Cheer for a
The sibling in question must have in their current account more than $5.00
The EB will have 7 business days to respond to the request, then another 2 business
day to transfer the money.
Athlete Injured
In the event an athlete is injured for any reason, and it's determined medically that
an athlete is not able to participate in the Grand Ledge Elite / Youth Cheer anymore,
then the financial parent of the injured athlete can withdraw the remaining account
balance and close the account. This request must be done within 14 business days
from the final notification. Extension might be granted based on unforeseen reasons
pertaining to the Executive Board. This request must be submitted in writing (email

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

to and meet the following qualifications in order for it

to be reviewed by the Executive Board for acceptance.
Receipts for reimbursement of funds paid for "cheer expense". (Example:
tuition fees, tumbling fees, camp fees etc... )
The injured athlete must show a form of documentation (with consideration to
HIPPA) from a treating physician, stating the athletes injury and cheer status.
The EB will have 7 business days to respond to the request, then another 2 business
day to issue a check.
** Any funds forfeited will be allocated to the operating fund account **
Clause: any exceptions outside of the above stated will be at the
Executive Board's discretion.
Article IV
Executive Board of Directors
Section 1. Executive Board
The Executive Board of Elite Youth Cheer shall consist of a President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and Advisor.
The Executive Board shall supervise, control and direct the affairs of Elite Youth
Cheer by determining policies or changes within the limits of these by-laws.
The Executive Board shall serve a term of one year and shall remain in office until
their successors are elected and transitioned into their respective positions.
However, the Treasurer will oversee the financials until the yearly audit is
performed, within 30 days of fiscal year close.
Term of office will coincide with the Fiscal Year September 1 to August 31.
The officers shall be elected annually, during the August Meeting by a majority vote
of members present. Installation of incoming officers shall be at the meeting in
September. Officers shall help transition their duties to the newly elected officers
and shall transfer any official records to the newly elected officers
An Executive Board member may be removed from the Executive Board by a single
majority vote of the Executive Board, for failure to perform duties, for conduct
All Executive Board members are volunteers and none are paid any compensation
for services performed. As such, no officer shall incur any personal liability as a
result of serving as an officer.
Section 2. Committee Chairmen
Committees may be created or dissolved by the President and the Executive Board
as required ensuring effective and efficient operation of Elite Youth Cheer (EYC).

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

The president shall appoint Committee Chairmen, with the approval of the Executive
The Chairperson of each Committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive
Board. Chairperson is to maintain all written and/or electronic record keeping that
must be submitted to the Treasurer and/or Executive Board. This includes those
athletes the participated and fees collected.
The committees will work within the approved budget.
If a budget adjustment is needed, the Committee Chairperson will present the
request and the reasoning to the Executive Board for approval.
The power to form special committees and appoint their members rests with the
Executive Board. Because a special committee is created and appointed for a
specific purpose, it automatically goes out of existence when its work is finished and
its final report is received.
Committee Chairpersons are encouraged to attend monthly Board Meetings when
they have items to discuss with the Executive Board; however they are not required
to attend Executive Board meetings.
A Committee member may be removed by the Executive Board by a simple majority
vote of the Executive Board, for failure to perform duties or for conduct
Section 3. Removal or Vacancy
Should an officer need to vacate the position, the Executive Board shall make an
appointment to serve the balance of the term.
Article V
Election of Executive Board
Section 1. Elections
President, Vice President, and Secretary must have a nationally competing amateur
athlete on one of the cheer competitive teams.
Qualifications for becoming an officer:
1. Member in good standing for President, Vice President, and Secretary
a. Good standing as it relates to a former Executive Board member
means the former Board member satisfactorily completed his/her
term on the Board.
b. Good standing as it relates to a member at large means the
member has not been removed from Elite Youth Cheer by a majority
vote of the Board.

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

2. Attended 50% of all General Meetings.

3. Consent to serving in such position at the time of the election.
Treasurer and Advisor are required to have a nationally competing amateur athlete
on one of the cheer competitive teams during their term or if already serving on the
board the balance of the executive board may vote to waive this qualification
requirement for one term.
Qualifications for becoming Treasurer or Advisor:
1. Attended 75% of all General Meetings.
2. Consent to serving in such position at the time of the election.
The entire Executive Board shall be elected by ballot vote at the end of the current
years competitive season.
Executive Board positions shall serve no more than 2 consecutive terms in any
position and no more than 4 consecutive years on the Executive Board.

Section 2. Nominations
The Nomination Chair will collect nominations from membership to be published
prior to the voting at the August meeting. A date and time of when the nomination
window will close will be published, as further nominations will not be added to the
slate after this time.
Article VI
Duties of Executive Board
Section 1. President
The President shall, with the assistance of the Executive Board, have general
supervision, direction and control of the affairs of Elite Youth Cheer.
Attend all Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) General Meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Maintain relationship with the coaches to communicate appropriate material on and or by email, including by-laws and meeting
Act as one of the two required signatories for signing checks.
See that all by-laws are adhered to.

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Shall appoint Committee Chairpersons to fill vacancies and/or appoint people for
vacant Executive Board positions.
Shall call special meetings as required.
Shall serve on all Committees but will only chair the Executive Board.
Prepare and distribute the agenda for general meetings and Executive Board
Section 2. Vice President
Assume the role of President in the event the President is unable to serve.
Oversee the functions of all committees designated by the Executive Board to
include, but not be limited to fundraising, spirit and promotional committees.
These duties shall include the coordination of recordkeeping and monetary controls
as designated by the Executive Board.
Act as one of the two required signatories for signing checks.
Attend all Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) General Meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Section 3. Secretary
Present minutes from previous meetings at every general and Executive Board
Record the minutes of all meetings of the Organization.
Take detailed notes at each meeting including recording any votes.
Maintains hard copies and electronic copies of all records and minutes.
Complete and distribute necessary Organization correspondence.
Keep a written record of attendance at Executive Board meetings and confirm
quorum requirements have been met.
Maintain a current copy of Organization by-laws and meeting minutes from all Elite
Youth Cheer meetings.
Attend all Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) General Meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Section 4. Treasurer
Have custody of all funds of the Organization.

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Maintain accurate records of all bank accounts and documentation of all cash
receipts and disbursements.
Must be proficient in Excel or other board approved software to provide booster and
athlete account totals as requested.
Maintain current and accurate records of memberships.
Establish policies and procedures to ensure safe, efficient and accurate
management of cash receipts and disbursements.
Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, or
Organization in accordance with the budget.
Act as one of the two required signatories for signing checks.
Present a current financial statement at all general meetings, Executive Board
meetings, and at other times when requested by the Organization.
Constructs full report of the years activities at the end of the fiscal year.
Be responsible for the maintenance of such books of accounts and records,
including financial statements, budgets, bank statements, receipts, invoices,
cancelled checks, and tax returns for seven (7) years.
Submit books to the Auditing Committee as requested.
Work with the Executive Board in establishing an annual budget.
Ensure that a Federal Form 990 is filed by January 15 of each year.
Attend all Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) General Meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Section 5. Advisor
Advisor must have held an Executive Board position in the immediate previous year.
Attend all Elite Youth Cheer general meetings and Executive Board meetings.
The Organization shall conduct its business in compliance with Roberts Rules of
Order in all cases.
Also serves as Parliamentarian for Elite Youth Cheer, advising on parliamentary law
and matters of procedure when requested.
Provide general advice and guidance as needed to ensure a seamless transition to
the new Executive Board.
Perform additional duties requested as needed by the President.

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Section 6.

Duties of Other Chairpersons

Drive their committee to accomplish the goals and purposes of the Organization.
Maintain good records of their activities to pass on to the Executive Board as well as
the next Chairperson.
Attend all Elite Youth Cheer general meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Article VII
Financial Policies
Section 1. Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year of the Organization shall be September 1 to August 31.
Each fiscal year, the Executive Boards budget shall contain a carryover cash
balance at a minimum to cover operation expenses for 6 months.
Section 2. Annual Audit
An audit committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board at any time with a 30
day written request by any current member.
The committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members who are not
authorized signors on the bank accounts.
The audit committee shall perform an audit of the accounts and records within 60
days of formation.
All audit findings shall be presented to the Executive Board, with the Executive
Board then presenting findings to full membership.
Section 3. Budget
No business of the Organization may be conducted until a budget has been
The Treasurer shall present a budget for the next fiscal year to the general
membership before the end of the current fiscal year.
The proposed budget shall be posted through normal communication channels no
less than five (5) days prior to the voting meeting.
Section 4. Check Signing
Signors shall include the Treasurer, the President and the Vice President. Other
signors may be determined by the Treasurer, with the approval of the Executive

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Section 5. Fundraising
Primary fundraising for the Organization shall come from fundraising activities as
implemented throughout the year. Other sources may include, but not limited to,
spirit wear sales, advertising and program sales, golf tournament, other special
events and donations.
A portion of funds raised will be utilized for operating costs of Elite Youth Cheer.
Individual/Direct Fundraisers will be broken down as follows:
70% Individual Athlete Account
Operating Costs
10% Fundraiser Participant Share Account
15% General Fund
Event/Identifiable Donation Fundraisers will be broken down as follows:
80% Individual Athletes Account
Operating Costs
Fundraiser Participant Share Account
10% General Fund
General Fundraisers & Sponsors will be broken down as follows:
15% Operating Costs
70% Membership Share
15% General Fund

Fundraisers will be broken down as follows:

Individual Athletes Account
Operating Costs
Membership Share Account
General Fund

All fundraising activities will be handled through the Booster club. Information with
approximate charitable donation, payment information, deadlines, etc., will be
given. Fundraised money cannot be expended until the actual deposit made has
cleared to the Organization. All fundraised deposits are non-refundable.
An individual athlete account must have had a balance greater than zero during the
membership period to receive a portion of the membership share.
Athletes who choose to leave the program mid-season or are asked to leave the
program forfeit any and all funds in their individual and membership account.
Individual Account funds forfeited will be moved to the membership share account.
Section 6. Managed Accounts
The Organization will maintain all funds.


Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

Individual athletes managed funds will be collected and disbursed in accordance

with the Organizations financial procedures.
Section 3. Bond Insurance
Elite Youth Cheer will purchase and carry Bond Insurance starting September 2015.
Article VIII
Benefit to Members
In order to receive benefits from Elite Youth Cheer (as stated in Purpose/Mission)
1. A member must be in good standing and not been removed from the
Booster by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
2. Must volunteer in some capacity within Elite Youth Cheer.
Article VIIII
Amendments to By-Laws
Section 1. Amendments
These by-laws may be amended by majority vote of the Executive Board and then
by a majority vote of the members in attendance at any General Membership
Article X
The organization may be dissolved only with authorization of its Executive Board
given at a special meeting called for that purpose, and with the subsequent
approval by no less than two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members. In the event of the
dissolution of the organization, the assets shall be applied and distributed as
All liabilities and obligations shall be paid, satisfied and discharged, or adequate
provision shall be made therefore. Assets not held upon a condition requiring return,
transfer, or conveyance to any other organization or individual shall be distributed,
transferred, or conveyed, in trust or otherwise, to charitable and educational
organization, organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended, of a similar or like nature to this organization, as determined by
Executive Board.
Article XI
General Provisions
Section 1. Distribution of Net Earnings
No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the benefit of or be
distributed to any of its Executive Board, directors, or other private persons.
Section 2. Loans to Directors and Executive Board

Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) Booster Club

A Support Club for Amateur Athletes

No loan shall be made by the Organization to its Executive Board of Directors.

These by-laws were approved by a majority vote on 02/09/16
These by-laws were amended by a majority vote of the membership on 02/28/16
Jean Bugbee, President of Elite Youth Cheer (EYC), and Jennifer Strayer, Secretary of
Elite Youth Cheer (EYC) certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the
bylaws of the above-named organization, duly adopted by the initial Board of
Directors on.

I certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the bylaws of the abovenamed organization, duly adopted by the initial Board of Directors on.
Jean Bugbee, President

Jennifer Strayer, Secretary


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