Abstract On Energy Solutions From Dead Leaves

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Bangladesh is a developing country which depends heavily upon its reserves of natural gas which

although inexpensive is unsustainable. Along with the unsustainability of natural gas, there are
many uses of fuel which cannot use natural gas and requires liquid fuel. This problems ignited the
birth of this poster which illustrates an innovative approach of using unused biomass to produce
liquid fuel of high energy value.
Bangladesh is underestimated of its technology as universities have excelled its bioscience
program. We should use our technology and intellect to find solutions to our problems which we
are responsible to do so. This poster counts on the bioscience advancement of Bangladesh. To be
concise it aims to present the real possibility of using leaves and dead unused plant masses to
produce biofuel fit for using in transport, electricity, cooking etc. It is called cellulosic ethanol as
the process involves breakdown cellulosic materials and transform it into bioethanol.

Bangladesh is situated in or near the equator and is blessed with abundant plantations. These
plantations shred leaves regularly which are not always collected and go to waste. Crop residues
and sawmill residues also go to waste similarly. This huge source of energy is unrealized in
Bangladesh and we owe it to ourselves and generations to come to recognize this opportunity and
grab it.

The aim is not to use this technology only industrially but also rurally. To create processes that
would involve simple and cheap machinery to make available to rural areas, train people to collect
unused biomasses and produce their own bioethanol and use accordingly.

Bangladeshs biggest problem is poverty and solution starts with cheaper energy. I wholeheartedly
expect related bodies to explore the possibility of producing energy from such renewable sources.
Nobody is more responsible than us scholars to introduce ideas as such.

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