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Name: ________________________________

Social Issues Project Based Inquiry

What we already know about research:

What we already know about social issues:

Questions we have about this project:

Social Issues Brainstorm

My Top 3 Topics

My Topic:
What I already know about this topic:

Personal connections or opinions I have for

this topic:

Possible Research Questions:

What is a definition of your social issue?
Ex. Drug addiction means

What are the statistics about your social issue?

Ex. How many people are affected in Wendell, in North Carolina,
in the United States, and/or worldwide?
Who is affected by your social issue?
Ex. Girls, boys, teens, adults, children, everyone
What are the effects of your social issue?
Ex. What problems does it cause, short-term and long-term?
What is being done about your social issue?
Ex. Prevention measures that can be taken/are being taken
(stopping it before it happens) and/or fixing the problem (how
could it/is it being solved?)

What I want to know about this topic:

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