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General outline of your Geography coursework:

Aim: To investigate the impacts of tourism on Koh samet

Introduction: information about tourism in Thailand and Koh Samet , benefits and drawbacks of
tourism,, why this topic is worth investigating, relation to the syllabus.
Location of koh samet and the area of study: This includes a hand drawn map of Koh samet,
a map of Thailand and a map of SE Asia. All maps need annotations.
Hypothesis: you need 4 hypotheses. state them and justify them.
Methodology: in this part you explain the reader how and why you conducted your
research/data collection.
Presentation and analysis of data for hypothesis 1
Presentation and analysis of data for hypothesis 2
Presentation and analysis of data for hypothesis 3
Presentation and analysis of data for hypothesis 4
Conclusion: In this part you write an overall conclusion summarizing everything you found out.
Evaluation: In this part you look back at the whole process of data collection and writing your
coursework. You critically evaluate your methods and outcomes. You include possible
suggestions for further research and write how you could make your coursework even stronger.
References: Here you include all references you have used in your coursework asch as books,
websites, magazines, youtube links etc.,
* all Photographic materials need to be numbered and labelled
* all diagrams/graphs/maps need to be numbered, captured and annotated
* you need to include a front page with a picture/title/name/candidate number, and index page
and page numbers.

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