Compassionate Samurai

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Being Extraordinary in an

Ordinary World
ROLL NO.- FT-11-1016

BY: Klemmer Brian

Brian Klemmer, a graduate of the United States
Military Academy, is a best-selling author and highly
respected speaker and seminar leader.
His company, Klemmer & Associates Leadership
Seminars, Inc., has worked with hundreds of
thousands of people throughout the world, helping
them produce measurable and long-lasting changes
in their lives.
He's the author of the best-selling books If How-To's
Were Enough, We Would All Be Skinny, Rich, &
Happy; When Good Intentions Run Smack into
Reality; and Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time.

Compassionate Samurai means

someone with strong values
who can absolutely make
anything happen and yet
whose whole life is about

In life there are two types of people.

The first are those who are nice, good-hearted, and

compassionate but can't make much happen.
The other kind can make everything happen--they're
the creators, the go-getters, and the aggressive
producers in society--however, they're often selfcentred, greedy, and unethical.
So, Wouldn't it be great if one could make things
happen in a really big way but not lose your integrity?

The Compassionate Samurai will show the way to

produce extraordinary results in a dog-eat-dog world
and still maintain the highest levels of ethics.


How to always be satisfied and motivated regardless of
your circumstances
Why all people have freedom but very few have liberty
What competing commitments are and how they
prevent you from having what you want in life
The secret to operating optimally in an untrustworthy

How to make the shift from scarcity to abundance even

if you're knee deep in debt .

Compassionate Samurai say what they mean and do

what they say. They make bold promises and keep
them. Average people do what they say as long as its
Making excuses and being reasonable wont get you to
the extraordinary level you desire.
Make BIG commitments, keep them, and never offer
reasons when you dont make things happen.

Everything you have, dont have, and ever will have in life is
because of the choices you make.

The Benefits of taking on a Victim Mentality:

Exempts you from taking action.
People feel sorry for you and have pity parties for you makes
you feel good, accepted and loved.
Never have to make tough decisions.
Dont feel obligated to do anything great in life; the thing that
happened is responsible for the way you are.
For the rest of your life, you can comfortably believe that your
failures are directly connected to what someone else did to you,
and you can blame them.

Compassionate samurai give without thought of

personal gain. Average people give when theres
something in it for them, and it doesnt cost too much.
We often give others what we think they need without
asking what they really want.

Focus leverages power, just as a magnifying glass

focuses the power of the sun.
Life is full of distractions. No matter how many
distractions come your way, or how much financial or
temporal stress you experience, if you have
concentrated focus and stay relaxed, youll hit the
bulls eye every time.
Live your life with a sense of purpose and urgency
Average people ask, Can I? Compassionate Samurai
ask, How can I?

Compassionate samurai say what they mean and

mean what they say. Average people are honest when
its convenient.
People engage in this form of lying to make themselves
look good, to be accepted, to avoid negative
consequences or to get people off their back.
Honesty isnt about giving people what they want to
hear or even what sounds acceptable. Rather, its
about giving people the truth, the whole truth and
nothing by the truth.
Trying is lying

Compassionate samurai hold principles above

personal benefit. Average people do whatever is best
for themselves
There really is no such thing as independence.
Everyone is connected whether we want to
acknowledge that truth or not. Its when we realize
how powerful our connectedness is that we realize and
actualize our collective worth.

When you trust people, you empower them. They play

at a higher level, trying to live up to the trust youve
placed in them
True samurai know very well that theyll need the
interdependent support of a team to accomplish their
lifes purpose and mission.
One reason people fail to reach their goals of weight
loss is because they lack ACCOUNTABILITY.
Accountability means that youre tracking results.
Average people leave those areas to chance, falsely
believing that theyll work out in time.

How do you change belief systems? By repetition, and

emotional involvement. The more emotion is involved,
the fewer repetitions are needed. The less emotion is
involved, the more repetition are required.
There are an infinite number of ways even when
theyre not visible.

Compassionate samurai ask, What will happen if I dont

take this risk? Average people ask, What will happen if I
Average people dont take risks, and they know it. They
choose comfort and security over opportunity.
If theres a fear thats preventing you from moving on
with what really matters to you in life, practice
confronting it.
Become numb or neutral to failure. Courage is a
maximum-gain strategy.

When youre scared and you want to back down, that is

exactly the time you should go faster, move forward, and
do more.

Shall I tell you a secret of a true scholar? It is this:

every man I meet is my master in some point and in
that I learn from him Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Compassionate samurai pursue excellence, always
seeking to surpass their current level.

The serious student is willing to put as much time in as

necessary to achieve that end.
Get in the habit of making commitments that may even
be somewhat uncomfortable, and keep them.

Not only is life a collection of experiences but it is also

a compilation of all the choices youve made both
good and bad. In order to break the conventional mode
of blaming others for why you havent reached your
goals, you have to become personally responsible.

When you focus on the benefits in life, you always get

more benefits. When you focus on the problems, youll
inevitably get more problems.
You are where you are due to the choices youve made.

Life gives to those who are bold enough to demand

their rightful inheritance.

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