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1. Several competing philosophies such as the Selling concept, Production concept
and Product concept exist. How are these different from one another? How are
these different from the marketing concept?
2. Discuss the concept of marketing. How is marketing orientation relevant to
3. Define the term marketing. Discuss the scope and appropriateness of marketing
function in satisfying human needs and wants. Give suitable examples.
4. Specify some of external macro environmental forces affecting the marketing
programs of Water Purifier in Pakistan.
5. An organization operates with in an external environment that it generally cannot
control. What are those external forces that have considerable influence on the
marketing system of an organization?
6. What is consumer behavior? Why is it important to study consumer behavior?
7. Explain the role of culture, social class and reference groups in influencing the
decision making process of a consumer?
8. Discuss various stages in the consumer decision making process?
9. What are the steps in consumer decision making process? Do all consumer
decisions involve these steps?
10. Explain business buying behavior. How is it different from the consumer
11. Define Marketing Mix. Discuss different components of marketing mix.
12. What is product mix? Explain with examples, product mix breadth, depth and
13. Discuss the significance of segmentation, targeting and positioning in a
companys marketing strategy?
14. Discuss the significance of segmentation, targeting and positioning in a
companys marketing strategy?
15. What variables would you use in segmenting the market for the following
products and why? Credit card, sports car

16. How would you apply knowledge segmentation, targeting and positioning for soft
17. What kinds of products are offered by organization to the consumer? Explain with
18. For marketing purposes products are classified as consumer goods and business
goods. Discuss the statement with suitable examples.
19. Define product. Describe classification of products.
20. What is meant by business goods? Explain different kinds of business goods.
21. Define product packaging. What are its functions and discuss the contemporary
packaging issues.
22. Explain labeling in details. What are the functions of labeling?
23. Define brand. Describe with examples various categories of brand also explain the
roles played by brand.
24. Define brand. What are the benefits of brand to the consumer, manufacturer and
25. What is price? Discuss its importance.
26. What is price? Discuss various pricing objectives.
27. What is price? Discuss various pricing strategies

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