Chapter 1 Waves

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ƒ = O/t i υ = wave speed a = distance between

=r source

υ = ƒλ λ = ax/D ƒ = frequency x = node or antinode

Fo = Po + Os O = complete oscillation D = distance between

source and node

 Waves – disturbance that travel throught space or medium

 Tranverse wave waves direction

 Longitudinal wave waves direction

 Wavefront – imaginary line on a wave same phase

 Resonance – driven at it own natural frequency

 Damped oscillation – amplitude (a) decrease slowly

friction Air Property of the


 Reflection of wave – same with light

 Refraction of wave – λdeep > λshallow , υdeep > υshallow , ƒ = same

 Monochromatic light – one colour or one wavelength

 Bigger amplitude – louder

 High frequency – higher pitch

 Other information – Book Learning throught diagram by SAP

• Pg132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 139 until 152

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