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Photography in Churches

Archdiocese of Washington, DC
It is important in permitting photography to balance the desire for documentation of special
events with reverence for the liturgy.
1. Photographers should not block parishioners views nor interfere with the liturgy.
2. They should not enter nor shoot from the center aisle or main sanctuary since these
spaces are used for liturgical purposes.
3. They should stay to the sides and rear of the church, to the extent possible.
4. When a certain event in a liturgy calls for a close-up shot, photographers should stay low
when in the front, and not block the view of parishioners or distract them from the liturgy.
5. Tripods should not be placed in pews, or in front of other pews where they will block the
view of parishioners, and they may not block aisles during the distribution of the
Eucharist, processional or recessional.
6. The low lighting in many of our churches means flash may need to be used, but it should
be used judiciously.

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