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119 F.

3d 75
97-2 USTC P 50,533, Bankr. L. Rep. P 77,420,
Pens. Plan Guide (CCH) P 23937O

In re Harold DUBROFF, Debtor.

Harold DUBROFF, Appellant,
Gregory Harris, Trustee, Trustee-Appellee.
No. 863, Docket 96-5067.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Argued Jan. 10, 1997.
Decided June 18, 1997.

Harold Dubroff, Albany, NY, pro se.

Ruth E. Leistensnider, Nixon, Hargrave, Devans & Doyle, L.L.P., Albany,
NY, for Creditor-Appellee.
Karen B. Simons, Harris & Bixby, Albany, NY, for Trustee-Appellee.
Before: WALKER, McLAUGHLIN, and CUDAHY* , Circuit Judges.
WALKER, Circuit Judge:

Debtor-Appellant Harold Dubroff appeals from an order entered on May 5,

1996 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York
(Frederick J. Scullin, Jr., Judge) denying debtor's claim that his individual
retirement account ("IRA") is exempt from his bankruptcy estate under N.Y.
Debt. & Cred. Law 282(2)(e). The decision of the district court affirmed an
order entered on June 15, 1995 in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the
Northern District of New York (Robert E. Littlefield, Jr., Bankruptcy Judge).
The sole issue presented on appeal is whether, prior to September 1, 1994, N.Y.

Debt. & Cred. Law 282(2)(e) allows a debtor to exempt an IRA from the
property of the bankruptcy estate. We answer the question in the affirmative
and reverse the district court's decision.


The facts are undisputed and uncomplicated. On January 5, 1994, Harold

Dubroff, the debtor, filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition. On Schedule C of
his petition under chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C.
101-1330 ("Bankruptcy Code"), he claimed an exemption under N.Y. Debt.
& Cred. Law 282(2)(e) for the entire value of his IRA, which amounted to

Creditor-Appellee First National Bank of Glens Falls ("First National") and the
Trustee-Appellee, Gregory Harris, objected to the debtor's claim that his IRA
was exempt property. On June 15, 1995, the bankruptcy court denied the
debtor's claim.

Dubroff appealed to the district court, and on May 3, 1996, the district court
affirmed the bankruptcy court's decision.


In denying the debtor's claim that his IRA was exempt from his bankruptcy
estate, the bankruptcy court relied primarily on the decisions of several
bankruptcy courts construing 282 as denying an exemption for an IRA. See
In re Iacono, 120 B.R. 691 (Bankr.E.D.N.Y.1990); see also In re Orlebeke, 141
B.R. 569 (Bankr.S.D.N.Y.1992); In re Kramer, 128 B.R. 707

The court also relied on the amendment of N.Y. C.P.L.R. 5205(c)(2) allowing
a debtor to exempt an IRA from a bankruptcy estate. See 1994 N.Y. Laws c.
127, 1. The bankruptcy court reasoned that "if IRAs were already exempt
under the then existing statutes ... the legislature's recent amendment to include
IRAs as exempt property is surplusage." In re Dubroff, No. 94-10025, slip op.
at 4 (Bankr.N.D.N.Y. June 15, 1995). The court held that it "must presume that
the legislature amended [ 5205(c)(2) ] to include that which was previously
not included." Id. at 4-5. Both parties agreed that the amendment itself did not
govern this case because the law as of January 5, 1994, the date of the filing of
debtor's petition, governed the dispute, and the amendment did not become
effective until September 1, 1994.

The district court's order affirming the bankruptcy court is "subject to plenary
review." See Shugrue v. Air Line Pilots Ass'n, Int'l (In re Ionosphere Clubs,
Inc.), 922 F.2d 984, 988 (2d Cir.1990). "[W]e review conclusions of law de
novo, and findings of fact under a clearly erroneous standard." Id. Since both
courts concluded that IRAs were not exempt as a matter of law and no factual
dispute exists, we are confronted solely with an issue of statutory interpretation.

Interpretation begins with the text of the statute. If the text is unambiguous, our
task is at an end unless the text produces a manifestly absurd result, an
exceptionally rare occurrence. See Dunn v. Commodity Futures Trading
Comm'n, --- U.S. ----, ----, ----, 117 S.Ct. 913, 916, 921, 137 L.Ed.2d 93 (1997).
Our task ends here with the text.


Section 282 of New York Debtor and Creditor Law specifies the permissible
exemptions a debtor may claim under the Bankruptcy Code. This statute
applies because New York has exercised the option available to states to
replace the federal exemption statute with a state exemption statute. See 11
U.S.C. 522(b)(1); N.Y. Debt. & Cred. Law 284 (New York debtors "are not
authorized to exempt from the estate property that is specified under [ 522(d)
of the Bankruptcy Code]"); Storer v. French (In re Storer ), 58 F.3d 1125, 1127
(6th Cir.1995).


As noted, both parties agree that the law as of January 5, 1994, the filing date
of debtor's petition, governs this case. See 11 U.S.C. 522(b)(2)(A) (exempt
property is "property that is exempt under ... State or local law that is applicable
on the date of the filing of the petition"); Walden v. McGinnes (In re Walden ),
12 F.3d 445, 449 n. 7 (5th Cir.1994); In re Fill, 84 B.R. 332, 337-38
(Bankr.S.D.N.Y.1988). The version of 282 in effect on January 5, 1994
provided in pertinent part:

[section 522 of the Bankruptcy Code], an individual debtor ... may exempt
from the property of the estate, to the extent permitted by subsection (b) thereof,
only (i) personal and real property exempt from application to the satisfaction of
money judgments under [N.Y. C.P.L.R. 5205], ... and (iii) the following property:
13Bankruptcy exemption for right to receive benefits. The debtor's right to receive
or the debtor's interest in: ... (e) all payments under a stock bonus, pension, profit
sharing, or similar plan or contract on account of ... age, ... unless (i) such plan or
contract, except those qualified under [ 401 of the Internal Revenue Code ("I.R.C.")
] was established by the debtor or under the auspices of an insider that employed the
debtor at the time the debtor's rights under such plan or contract arose, (ii) such plan
is on account of age or length of service, and (iii) such plan or contract does not

qualify under [ 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 409 or 457 of the I.R.C.].

N.Y. Debt. & Cred. Law 282 (McKinney 1990) (footnotes omitted) (emphasis


It is plain to us that subsection 2(e) of the foregoing provision generally

exempts stock bonus, pension, profit sharing, and similar plans making
payments on account of age. However, subprovisions (i)-(iii) within subsection
2(e) restrict the exemption by excluding plans with certain features: if (i) the
plan was established by the debtor or an "insider," (ii) the plan makes payments
"on account of age," and (iii) the plan does not qualify under 408 of the I.R.C.
Thus, as we read 282, if the plan qualifies under 408 of the I.R.C. and
makes payments on account of age, the plan is not excluded under
subprovisions (i)-(iii) and the plan is exempt.


Section 408 of the I.R.C., entitled "Individual retirement accounts," sets forth
the requirements for a plan to qualify as an IRA.1 In general, IRAs allow
persons to deduct limited contributions to their IRA, see 26 U.S.C. 219, 408,
and defer recognition of gains accruing to the IRA until its distribution. 26
U.S.C. 408(d), 408(e). Distributions from an IRA before age 59 1/2 are
generally subject to a ten percent tax penalty, 26 U.S.C. 72(t); however, the
ten percent penalty does not apply to all early distributions. See, e.g., 26 U.S.C.
72(t)(2)(B) (payment of medical expenses); 26 U.S.C. 72(t)(2)(A)(iv)
(certain annuity-like payments).


It might appear at first blush that our initial task in interpreting 282 is to
determine whether an IRA is a "similar plan or contract" to a stock bonus,
pension, or profit sharing plan, and thus eligible for exemption, by inquiring
into whether an IRA has characteristics similar to those plans. However, if we
were to do so and reach the conclusion that an IRA was not a "similar plan or
contract," 282(2)(e)(iii) would become surplusage. The text of 282(2)(e)(iii)
can only be reconciled with the provision as a whole if an IRA that qualifies
under 408 of the I.R.C. is "a similar plan or contract." Put another way, if the
statute excludes IRAs from exemption because they are not "similar plans or
contracts," there would be no need for the reference to 408 of the I.R.C., the
statute governing IRAs, in 282(2)(e)(iii) and that reference would be
surplusage. Thus, we reject the interpretation presented by First National and
the Trustee that all IRAs, whether or not qualified under 408, are not exempt
under the opening clause of 282(2)(e) because they are not "similar plans or


First National additionally argues that the reference to 408 of the I.R.C. in


First National additionally argues that the reference to 408 of the I.R.C. in
282(2)(e)(iii) is a reference to "a special form of IRA" allowed under 408(c),
which allows an employer to create IRAs for its employees.2 Brief of CreditorAppellee First National at 13.


First National's additional argument is flawed as well. If the state legislature

wanted to favor with an IRA exemption only those debtors who worked for
employers who established trusts for their employees under 408(c), and
exclude all other debtors, the legislature would have cited the specific
subsection of 408 to accomplish this end, just as it did elsewhere in 282(2)
(e)(iii). See N.Y. Debt. & Cred. Law 282(2)(e)(iii) (excluding from
exemption plans not qualifying under 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 409 or
457 of the I.R.C.). We are not inclined to hold that when the legislature says "
408" it actually means " 408(c)." See United States v. Ron Pair Enters., Inc.,
489 U.S. 235, 241, 109 S.Ct. 1026, 1030, 103 L.Ed.2d 290 (1989) (if "the
statute's language is plain, the sole function of the courts is to enforce it
according to its terms") (quotations omitted).


An examination of 522(d)(10)(E) of the Bankruptcy Code, the federal

provision that applies in those states that have not opted out of the federal
exemption scheme, confirms our holding because the federal provision is
similar in all respects material to our inquiry to New York's 282(2)(e).3 In
Carmichael v. Osherow (In re Carmichael ), 100 F.3d 375 (5th Cir.1996), the
Fifth Circuit concluded, consistent with our reading of New York's 282(2)(e),

21 express Code-section reference to IRAs in the exception makes inescapable

the conclusion that at least some--if not all--IRAs were intended to be included in the
phrase "similar plan or contract." Were that not so, there would be no exempt 408
plans or contracts from which non-s 408 plans or contracts could be exceptions.

... [I]nasmuch as the phrase "similar plan or contract" in subsection (iii)'s

specific exception to the exemption includes IRAs that do qualify, that exact
phrase--"similar plan or contract"--must likewise include qualifying IRAs in the
general exemption of paragraph (d)(10)(E).


Id. at 378; see In re Hall, 151 B.R. 412, 426 (Bankr.W.D.Mich.1993); 4

Lawrence P. King et al., Collier on Bankruptcy p 522.09[a] (15th ed.1996). But
see Clark v. O'Neill (In re Clark ), 711 F.2d 21, 23 (3d Cir.1983); In re
Evenson, 165 B.R. 27, 30 (Bankr.E.D.Mich.1994). See generally Andrew M.
Campbell, Annotation, Individual Retirement Accounts as Exempt Property in
Bankruptcy, 133 A.L.R. Fed. 1 (1996).


Our conclusion finds further support in Patterson v. Shumate, 504 U.S. 753,
112 S.Ct. 2242, 119 L.Ed.2d 519 (1992). In Patterson, the Supreme Court
decided that "an anti-alienation provision in an [Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA") ] qualified pension plan constitute[d] a
restriction on transfer enforceable under 'applicable nonbankruptcy law,' " id. at
757, 112 S.Ct. at 2246, thereby allowing a debtor to exclude the plan under
541(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code. Patterson, 504 U.S. at 760, 112 S.Ct. at
2247-48. The trustee in Patterson argued that this construction of 541(c)(2),
which permits the enforcement in a bankruptcy case of restrictions on transfers
enforceable under "applicable nonbankruptcy law," rendered 522(d)(10)(E) of
the Bankruptcy Code "superfluous." Patterson, 504 U.S. at 762, 112 S.Ct. at
2248-49. The Court responded that:

25 trustee']s surplusage argument fails, however, for the reason that 522(d)(10)
(E) exempts from the bankruptcy estate a much broader category of interests than
541(c)(2) excludes.... [P]ension plans that qualify for preferential tax treatment
under 26 U.S.C. 408 (individual retirement accounts) are specifically excepted
from ERISA's antialienation requirement.

Id. at 762-63, 112 S.Ct. at 2249 (dicta).


First National and the Trustee present a similar argument to that of the trustee in
Patterson. They argue that a 1994 amendment to C.P.L.R. 5205(c)(2)
unmistakably exempting IRAs from the grasp of judgment creditors (and hence
from a debtor's estate by operation of 282) is persuasive evidence that IRAs
were not exempt prior to the amendment. The bankruptcy court accepted this
argument and stated that if IRAs were already exempt under 282, "the
legislature's recent amendment to include IRAs as exempt property is
surplusage." In re Dubroff, No. 94-10025, slip op. at 4 (Bankr.N.D.N.Y. June
15, 1995). We disagree.


The New York legislature amended 5205(c)(2), effective September 1, 1994,

to exempt IRAs from the satisfaction of money judgments. 1994 N.Y. Laws c.
127, 1. After the 1994 amendment, 5205(c)(2) read in pertinent part:

29 ... [A]ll property while held in trust for a judgment debtor, where the trust has
been created by, or the fund so held in trust has proceeded from, a person other than
the judgment debtor, is exempt from application to the satisfaction of a money
30 [A]ll trusts ... and all payments from, ... the corpus of any trust qualifying as an
individual retirement account under [ 408 of the I.R.C.] ... shall be considered a

trust which has been created by or which has proceeded from a person other than the
judgment debtor, even though such judgment debtor is (i) a self-employed

C.P.L.R. 5205(c)(2) (McKinney 1995). In bankruptcy proceedings, 282

exempts property that is exempt pursuant to 5205 from being applied to
satisfy money judgments.


The surplusage argument fails because the amendment exempts IRAs from a
broader category of actions than the bankruptcy actions covered by 282. The
amendment to 5205 broadly exempts IRAs from the reach of judgment
creditors whether or not a person has filed for bankruptcy and therefore our
interpretation of 282(2)(e) to exempt IRAs from the bankruptcy estate does
not render the 1994 amendment surplusage.


First National and the Trustee also support their position by pointing to prior
bankruptcy court decisions holding that IRAs are not exempt under 282. In re
Iacono is the leading case interpreting 282. See In re Kramer, 128 B.R. at 710
(adopting reasoning of Iacono ); Smith v. Affinity Group, Inc. (In re Morgan ),
145 B.R. 760, 763 (Bankr.N.D.N.Y.1992) (same); In re Orlebeke, 141 B.R. at
571 (same).


In In re Iacono, the debtors claimed an exemption for an IRA. The court found
that IRAs were not exempt because several characteristics distinguish an IRA
from a pension plan qualified under the provisions of ERISA, 29 U.S.C.
1001 et seq. In re Iacono, 120 B.R. at 694. First, the court noted that an IRA is
not a qualified plan under ERISA, and asserted that "it is a savings account." Id.
Second, the court argued that a debtor has complete control over the funds in an
IRA, although he or she must pay a tax penalty for early withdrawal. Id. The
debtors' "ability to exercise complete control over the funds deposited in an
IRA" is the "most compelling distinction" between "traditional" pension plans
and IRAs. Id. The court concluded that "[d]espite the apparent broad language"
of 282(2)(e), "there is no explicit reference to an IRA in either statute" and
interpreting 282 "to include an IRA would clearly be judicial legislation." Id.
at 695.


We find In re Iacono's reasoning to be flawed, depending on distinctions

derived from pre-Bankruptcy Code tests inapplicable when the statute's text is
clear. See American Honda Fin. Corp. v. Cilek (In re Cilek ), 115 B.R. 974,
982-88 (Bankr.W.D.Wis.1990). It is not our task to compare and contrast the
characteristics of various plans when the statute explicitly endorses the tax

provisions governing IRAs.


The Trustee argues that, despite the text of the statute, we should endorse the
prior bankruptcy court decisions denying exemptions for IRAs because a
different decision will create various problems in cases filed prior to September
1, 1994. The Trustee contends that reversing the district court "will open up a
window of opportunity for debtors with open, pending asset cases, who had
turned over IRA funds to Trustees, to amend their claimed exemptions and
require the funds be [returned] to them." Brief for Trustee-Appellee at 24. The
Trustee argues that allowing the IRA exemption would raise difficult problems
of who would pay the penalties assessed for the early withdrawal of funds in
IRAs. Therefore, he argues that we should avoid these problems by affirming
the district court. The Trustee presents no information on how many Chapter 7
cases filed prior to September 1, 1994 remain open or in how many cases this
issue would arise. Of course, this information is of no moment however; it
would not change our duty to enforce the terms of the statute, and refrain from
speculative decisionmaking based on hypothetical policy issues.


We note that our decision does not imply that trustees administering cases prior
to this decision did not act in good faith in requiring the turnover of IRAs. Most
lower courts in New York interpreted 282 to disallow exemptions for IRAs
and trustees were entitled to rely on this precedent in carrying out their duties.


We hold that the debtor is entitled to claim an exemption from the bankruptcy
estate for his IRA pursuant to N.Y. Debt. & Cred. Law 282(2)(e). The
decision of the district court is reversed.

The Honorable Richard D. Cudahy of the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit, sitting by designation

A brief excerpt from 408(a) of the I.R.C. illustrates the scope of 408:
408. Individual retirement accounts
(a) Individual retirement account.--[T]he term "individual retirement account"
means a trust created ... for the exclusive benefit of an individual[,] ... but only
if the written governing instrument creating the trust meets the following

(1) Except [for rollover contributions,] no contribution will be accepted ... for
the taxable year in excess of $2,000....
(2) The trustee is a bank ... or ... other person [demonstrating that they] will
administer the trust ... consistent with the requirements of this section.

Section 408(c) provides in pertinent part:

(c) Accounts established by employers or certain associations of employees.--A
trust created ... by an employer for the exclusive benefit of his employees[,] ...
shall be treated as an individual retirement account (described in subsection
(a)), but only if the ... trust meets the following requirements:
(1) The trust satisfies the requirements of paragraphs (1) through (6) of
subsection (a).
(2) There is a separate accounting for the interest of each employee....

Section 522(d)(10)(E) of the Bankruptcy Code provides in pertinent part:

(d) The following property may be exempted ...:
(10) The debtor's right to receive-(E) a payment under a stock bonus, pension, profitsharing, annuity, or similar
plan or contract on account of ... age ... to the extent reasonably necessary for
the support of the debtor ..., unless-(i) such plan or contract was established by or under the auspices of an insider
that employed the debtor at the time the debtor's rights under such plan or
contract arose;
(ii) such payment is on account of age or length of service; and
(iii) such plan or contract does not qualify under [ 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), or
408 of the I.R.C.].

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