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Izin operasional : 420/68/SK-BPPT/2013
Jl.Cieunteung Blk No.80 Mebeul Sakura tlp (0265) 321194
Website :
Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris





Text 1
Spiders are predatory invertebrate
animal. They are not classified in the class of
insect. A spider has eight legs while an insect
never has more than six legs.
Spiders have a body with divisions, six
legs and two other pairs of abdominal
spinnerets for spinning threads of silk. This silk
can be used to climb, build egg sacs and catch
Spiders kill so many insects but they
never do the least harm to man's belonging.
Spiders are busy for at least half of the year
killing insects. It is impossible to find out how
many insects they killed since they are hungry
creature which cannot be satisfied with only
three meals a day.

2. The kind of text above is....

a. Descriptive text
d. Recount text
b. Narrative text
e. News Item text
c. Report text

1. What is the most suitable title for the text

a. Hungry Insect
d. Spiders
b. Scary Insect
e.Harmful Animal
c. How to kill Insect

5. Why can't spiders be classified in the class of

a. Because spiders have more than six legs
b. Because spiders' bodies have two main

3. How many legs are owned by a spider?

a. 2
d. 12
b. 8
e. 9
c. 6
4. What are the benefits of silk for spiders?
a. Climb, run, and catch prey
b. Climb and catch other spiders
c. Climb, catch prey and build their house
d. Climb, swim, and build egg sack
e. Climb, build egg sack, and catch prey

c. Because they have walking legs

d. Because spiders kill many insects
e. Because spiders are hungry creature
Text 2
Sembilang National Park
Sembilang national park is wetland that
has a wide range of forest ecosystems. In this
national park, there are at least four distinct
ecosystems include peat swamps, mangrove
forests, fresh water swamps and mud land.
Administratively, this is an area that became
part of the district Banyuasin and has been
named as a national park since 19 March 2003.
This area is called The Sembilang
Narional Park because there are so many
sembilang fish or plotosus canius. The area is
covered by Mangrove forest and it is the perfect
location for the worm like molluscs and
crustaceans. That is why there are many water
birds living in there.
Some birds species include kuntul cina
(egretta eulophotes), trinil lumpur asia
topeng (heliopais personata). There are 30
species of birds migrating from their original
habitat. Those birds live in the Banyuasin
peninsula in order to avoid the winter at their
original habitat in Siberia and Korean
6. The purpose of the text is....
a. To retell Sembilang National Park
b. To describe Sembilang National Park
c. To inform the readers about birds in
Sembilang National Park
d. To entertain the readers
e. To describe birds and other animals who
lives in Sembilang National Park
7. Since when the area was named Sembilang
National Park?
a. 17 August 2004
d. 19 March 2004
b. 20 March 2003
e. 19 March 2003
c. 18 March 2003
8. How many species of birds migrate from
their original habitat to Sembilang National

a. 4
b. 3
c. 30

d. 13
e. None

9. Why the area is called Sembilang National

a. Because it is located in Sembilang
b. Because there are so many birds there
c. Because there are so many swamps
d. Because there are so many sembilang fish
e. Because the governor named it
10. The following sentences are true based on
the text, EXCEPT....
a. The area of Sembilang National Park is
covered by tropical forest
b. Sembilang National Park is wetland what
has wide range of forest ecosystems
c. The area is called Sembilang National
Park is because there are so many
sembilang fish
d. The area is covered by mangrove forest
e. In Sembilang National Park there are at
least 4 distinct ecosystems
Text 3
Raden mas soewardi soerjaningrat was
born in Yogyakarta on May, 2nd 1889. He was
also known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara. He lived
in colonial era. Ki hadjar dewantara could get
better education because he came from royal
family. He was the first minister of national
education of Republic of Indonesia. He died in
Yogyakarta on April, 26th 1959. He was the
founder of Taman Siswa school.
Ki hadjar dewantara was famous with
proverb for education, it is Ing Ngarso Sung
Tulodo, Ing Mandya Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri
Handayani. It was meant to describe ideal
11. Who is Ki Hadjar Dewantara?
a. The minister of finance
b. The former president of Indonesia
c. The father of education
d. An actor
e. A father of Raden mas soewardi

12. Which paragraph is called identification?

a. Paragraph 4
d. Paragraph 1
b. Paragraph 3
e. All paragraph
c. Paragraph 2
13. Why Ki Hadjar Dewantara could get better
a. Because he was smart
b. Because he comes from royal family
c. Because his father is a teacher
d. Because he had a lot of money
e. Because his parents were kind
14. When Ki Hadjar Dewantara died?
a. April, 28th 2009
d. April, 27th 1959
b. January, 1st 2001
e. April, 26th 1959
c. April, 26 1969
15. What is the real name of Ki Hadjar
a. Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat
b. Raden Mas Soejardi Soerjaningrat
c. Datuk Mas Triyono
d. Bachrudin Jusuf Habibie
e. Moch. Latief Dewantara
Text 4
Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko or
known as Didi Petet died at age 58 at his
residence in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South
Tanggerang on Friday morning.
Didi's niece, Muthia Kautsar said that
Didi who starred at a number of comedy and
drama films in the 1880s and 1990s collapsed
and lost consciousness when attending an expo
in Milan, Italy recently.
He just arrived home on May 10 th after
attending the exhibition. In that city, he
collapsed and lost consciousness and returned
home in wheelchair she said. On Tuesday,
Didi was taken to Bandung for treatment.
Muthia said no diseases were detected but he
died on Friday.
Didi's body is laid out in his residence
on Jl. Banda Apus in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat,
South Tanggerang. It has yet to be decided
when and where he will be buried.

16. The type of text is....

a. Narrative text
b. Descriptive text
c. Report text

d. News Item
e. Recount text

17. Most of the sentences in the text is used....

a. Past continuous tense
b. Simple Past tense
c. Simple Present tense
d.Present continuous tense
e.Past Perfect tense
18. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe how Didi Petet died
b. To retell how Didi Petet died
c. To inform readers about something
d. To entertain the readers
e. All of the answers are correct
19. When did Didi Petet died?
a. On Friday night morning
b. On Saturday morning
c. On Wednesday
d. On Friday
e. On the weekend
20. Which paragraph is called newsworthy
a. First sentence
d. Paragraph 2
b. All of the paragraph e. Paragraph 1
c. Paragraph 1 and 2
21. Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko or known
as Didi Petet died at age 58 at his
residence... The closest meaning to
residence is....
a. Palace
d. Hotel
b. Office
e. Country
c. House
22. The closest meaning to died is...
a. Life
d. Live
b. Passed away
e. Fainted
c. Alive
23. The following sentences are false about
Didi Petet, EXCEPT....
a. Didi Petet is a politician in Indonesia
b. Didi Petet was died on Friday morning

c. Didi Petet died at age 59

d. Didi Petet just arrived after attending an
exhibition in India
e. Didi Petet's real name is Didi Widiatmaja
24. Who is the source of the news on the text?
a. Didi Petet's daughter d. His niece
b. His manager
e. His wife
c. His nephew
25. Michael Jordan is the .. basketball
a. more better
d. most best
b. most best
e. best of the best
c. best
26. Ani: Have you tried Cipaganti soup in Jl.
Budi: Yes, I have.
Ani: It is so delicious. What do you think?
Budi: I think the soup made by my mother
is than Cipaganti soup.
a. more delicious
b. deliciouser
c. most deliciouser
d. more deliciouser
e. are delicious
27. An elephant is than an ant.
a. more strong
d. more stronger
b. most strong
e. stronger
c. strongest
28. Dinda: Have you read the novel?
Ari: Yes, I have.
Dinda: What do you think?
Ari: It is the . book I ever read.
a. worse
d. worst
b. most bad
e. most worst
c. baddest
29. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire..
by J.K Rowling.
a. written
d. has written
b. wrote
e. is writing
c. was written
30. I don't mind giving presentation but I don't
like being afterwards.

a. told
b. asked
c. given

d. seen
e. invited

Change from active sentence into passive!

(for no. 21-35)
31. Last year someone killed a bear.
a. Last year a bear was killed by someone
b. A bear is killed by someone last year
c. Someone was killed a bear last year
d. Last year a bear was killed to someone
e. Last year a bear have been killed by
32. They are building a new zoo in Ciamis.
a. A new zoo is being built by them
b. A new zoo is being built by they
c. A new zoo is built by them in Ciamis
d. A new zoo is being build by them
e. A new zoo was being built by them


33. People will respect nature.

a. Nature will be respecting
b. Nature would be respected
c. Nature will be respected
d. Nature will respected
e. Nature be respected
34. They had finished the work by the end of
a. The work has been finished by the end of
b. The work have been finished by the end
of 1997
c. The work had been finish by the end of
d. The work had been finished by the end
of 1997
35. The police have just arrest him.
a. He is just arrested
b. He had just been arrested
c. He have been just arrested
d. He has just been arrested
e. He has been just arrested

36. A . is the title of news. It is usually

printed in large letters.
a. title
d. topic
b. headline
e. theme
c. newsworthy event
37. He hit her on the head with remote control.
The underline word is called....
a. Action verb
d. Saying verb
b. Stative verb e.Simple past tense
c. Adjective
38. Arrange into good sentence!
Has Aulia long hair black
a. Aulia has black long hair
b. Aulia hair has long black
c. Aulia has hair long black
d. Aulia has long hair black
e. Aulia has long black hair
39. A health department spokeman said an
encephalitis outbreak and claimed 325 lives

in the last month. The underline word is

a. Action verb
d. Ordinary verb
b. Stative verb
e. Adverb
c. Saying verb
40. What is the active form of:
The injured were taken to the hospital
by Mr. Joko?
a. Mr. Joko took the injured to the hospital
b. Mr. Joko taken the injured to the hospital
c. Mr. Joko takes the injured to the hospital
d. The injured took Mr. Joko to the hospital
e. The injured was took Mr. Joko to the

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