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Excuse me

What would you do if youre wrong greeting person?

In Saturday morning, I went toPonorogo town square. I and my friends
planned to see Islamic book fair in Masjid Agung Ponorogo that were so many
stands. Beside book stands there were so many stands of variants Islamic
product, like veil, clothes, etc, and also the Islamic book fair held kind of
event like competitions, seminars,etc.
We decided to go around Masjid Agung Ponorogo and searched
something that we needed. I thought I need some books because I really like
novel. My close friend bought many things; she did not waste the time and
money because when I saw her, she brought four plastic bags in her hands.
Not only her, in there people bough many things. Suddenly, I saw woman,
man and child stood in front of book stand, so I walked closer to their.
I saw them intents and carefully, I felt like I had known them. So, I said
to myself to be brave and greeted them. I left my close friend behind me and
I ran closer them. They were looking so happy like family, obviously they are
family. When I stood beside them, I said assalaamualaikum, mom. Is this
your husband and your daughter? and I took her hand and shake hand with
her then with her husband. Actually, I already aware if I had wrong recognize
people and my checks already blushed.
I still acted like I had known them and hided my ashamed. I could see
their confused face, when shake hand with them. Then, I said ok, mom. I
think I have to go now because my friends are waiting for me. Bye. Be
honestly I was very ashamed, so I ran quickly to my close friend. And you
know what? She laughed loudly and I showed my resentful face. Oh it was
very terrible; it was my bad day!
Ever since then Ive always act dispassionate in public place even I see
people that I has known.

Three Birds on a Tree Branch

During a math lesson, a teacher taught her students to count. There
are 3 birds which are perched on a tree branch. Then a hunter comes. He
takes and aims his gun to one of the bird. The hunter shots one bird and hit
it. So how many birds which are left on the tree? The teacher asked to the
All of the students were silent. They were busy counting the remaining
birds. However, there was a student named Andi looked calm. The teacher
was confused with what he had done. Then she asked him, Andi, answer my
question! He confidently replied, There are three birds and then one of
them being shot. So the bird which is left on a tree branch is nothing
The teacher was surprised to hear his answer. The teacher then asked
again, Andy, try to answer my question seriously. How many birds are left?
Theres nothing left mom! said him. She was increasingly annoyed even
she told Andy to use his hands as a tool to count. Point out your three
fingers, then removes one of them the teacher explained. There is no birds
left mom! he didnt change his answer.
The teacher gave up and asked, Tell us, why you said no birds left?
When the hunter shot one of them, two other birds was flying away because
they heard gunfire. So there is nothing left mom! Andy explained. Hearing
the answer, the teacher was silent while his entire friend laughed out loud.

My First
On first January 2012 I prepared my bag, my mind, and my heart to
face my journey. At five I already to go, and waited my neighbor in her
terrace. I spend much time to greet my family and my neighbors family,
before me and Tita, my neighbor got in mini bus that would go to Train
Station in Madiun. Honestly, I felt nervous and afraid because its my first
farthest trip, fortunately Tita said if she ready to helped me.
At six I and Tita arrived in Train station, after that we had praying
maghrib in the masjid. Before we went to railway coach, Tita bought some
snack and medicine. In the coach we sat in seat and had some snack while
waited the train set out. About twenty minute later the train set out, its six
pas a half.
Because I seat near window, I could see scenery around the railway
track. Suddenly, when I had a talking with Tita, I felt sick in my stomach. Tita
lubricated oil carefully on my stomach, and gave me a medicine. She said,
you have to drink it after that get sleep. We have been trough east Java.
And I replied, ok thanks, please bring my ticket. She said of course she
would keep it.
I woke up at four pas a half and my stomach felt better. I couldnt
imagine if I could sleep tight in train, and you know tita laughed because she
heard if I was snoring when I slept. She said if we had been trough center
java. I felt excited and looked at the window, its dark outside. Tita gave me
some snack, bread, and medicine; she told me to drink the medicine after
ate the bread. The sun rose and the sky came bright slowly, we had still two

stations until in Bandung, yes our destination was Bandung. At six we arrived
in Bandung train station, my aunty had waited me and Tita.
Tita said if she had to go, because she had promise with her friend.
please, wait a minute. I have to find my aunty first, ok? and she said ok.
She asked have you called her?. I said yes, and told her if my aunty in
south gate. Tita showed the way to the south gate, she accompanied me
until we met Aunt Ana. Before she left me with aunt Ana, she greeted aun
Ana and I said thank you to her.
That was my first farthest journey, I was very excited. I would live in
Bandung for several mount and help my aunt. I was grateful because I went
with tita who always helped and carried me.

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