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Fallen Heart

Chapter 1- Discovery
A pair of burly hands clamped around the small girth of his waist as he was lifted into the
air. Instinctively, he lifted his paws to scratch, but the next second he was flying through
the air, limbs splayed. He tried to land gracefully as he'd seen other cats do, but instead
ended with a paw twisted, piercing it on a nail in the doorframe. Sure, he was no stranger
to being thrown out of buildings, but every time he always managed to land slightly off.
There was a loud shout of "Stay out and don't come back!" and the cast iron door
slammed shut. The alleyway was dark, cold and had a terrible scent. There was a
pungent odour comprised of rotten seafood, meats and the decaying corpses of rats. His
paw twitched, pain blooming from the injured part, blood staining his black fur. He licked
the wound, trying to clean it. His violet eyes scanned the area, searching for a place
where he could rest for the night. Not too far away was a torn cardboard box, an original
container for sardine cans. Silently, he padded towards it and curled up inside, ignoring
the hunger gnawing at his stomach. It had been a few days since he had last eaten
anything solid and the lack of food was beginning to wear him down. Sleep was his only
reprieve from the world that didn't want him- a world that didn't know of his existence.
When he was unconscious he could imagine a place where he was loved, a place where
he was cared for like any other house cat, a place where his life actually mattered.
There was a sharp tug on his tail and he awoke to find himself being raised up in the air.
The joints in his poor tail felt like they were being ripped apart. He found himself staring
into the chubby face of a 4 year old who was poking his nose repeatedly between
exclamations of, "Kitty!". Yowling, he tried to claw at the hand holding his tail, but found
himself unable to do so. He had no energy left to hold himself up. Right when he thought
he was going to die then and there, a loud slapping sound made his ears flick. Instantly,
he was dropped and right before he was going to hit the ground, he was scooped up into
someone else's arms. He had his face muffled by a cloth and was dumped into a bag. He
would have pouted if he could, but instead settled for crossing his arms across his chest.
'This is cat-napping!'
He was slightly miffed at being awoken so rudely, and now, being stuffed into a bag of
some sort. At least there was a gap up the top which let in some light so he knew which
way to claw his way towards in case he needed to get out. He wondered if he was being
taken to the local animal shelter. All this time he had tried to avoid getting put in there,
but maybe now, it wouldn't be so bad. They provided you with a nice, comfortable place
to sleep and made sure you had food everyday. Living on the streets was hard, especially
since he wasn't a fullblood cat and he had senses weaker than theirs, and everyone
treated him even worse than the stray cat that he was.

A sudden flash of light blinded him as the bag was opened. Expecting to feel the rough,
unkempt flooring material of the animal shelter, he was pleasantly surprised when he felt
smooth tiles under his paws. He peered around, unsure of his surroundings. He was in a
relatively nice kitchen, with sleek cabinets and a marble table top. A hand reached
forward and brushed his head lightly. He had to admit it felt nice, especially after such a
long absence of kind gestures.
"Alright then, kitty, I know what you are. So, if you just go ahead and make things a bit
simpler by transforming, that would be great."

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