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Venezuelan Policies Regarding Teaching English as a Foreign


Tutor: Rosynella Cardozo R.

Caracas, November 2007.

Nahir Aparicio M.

Venezuelan Policies Regarding Teaching English as a foreign language

English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning has
been the main language learned for years in the Venezuelan
education system. The role given to EFL within the new Bolivarian
Educational System seems to be retained, and even improved since
its inclusion in primary school. Although the goal of language
learning in elementary and high school does not state clearly the
foreign language to be learned, English has been kept in the
curriculum content. In order to have efficient users of the
language, it is necessary to set explicit goals and parameters
regarding proficiency with the help of clear directions regarding
the new profile for teachers preparation.

For the Venezuelan educational system, the inclusion of English as a foreing

language (EFL) as a compulsory subject is still a matter of uncertainty since its
inclusion has not been clearly stated in the elementary and secondary school
general statement of the programs. Within the new educational approach adopted
by authorities, one of the goals in forming Venezuelan citizens expresses that
students must show ...conocimiento de un idioma extranjero... (MED,2004,p9)
without specifying which foreign language they refer to. The lack of clear
policies, goals and proficiency levels causes uncertainty to those who do not
inform well in this matter.
One of the proposed changes in the curriculum for the Sistema Educativo
Bolivariano (SEB) states learning a foreign language at an earlier age as one of
the goals for primary school (MPPE.2007.p13). Although the foreign language to
be studied is not mentioned in the general objectives for this level, the content
proposed for the foreign language to be studied refers to English when it
establishes ... Adjetivos posesivos. Verbo to be. Saludos. El reloj. El
abecedario...(MED, 2004, p 154) This is also evident in fifth grade when the
content reads ...Verbo to be pasado. Pronombres demostrativos. Pronombres

interrogativos... (MPPE, 2007.p168) As it can be seen, there is no certainty

between what is desired and the proposed content.
On the other hand, when it refers to secondary education, namely Liceo
Bolivariano and Escuelas Tcnicas Robinsoniana y Zamorana (ETRZ),
different subjects have been integrated into knowledge areas. Learning EFL is
included into an area called Lengua, cultura, comunicacin e idiomas along
with five subjects: Spanish, Literature, Aborigen Languages, Culture and
Communication..(MED.2004 p.57) A result of this policy is that English is not
studied on its own, but along the other subjects. How many hours a week are
devoted to this area? The parameters described for mastering the language
indicate concibe la lengua oral y escrita como expresin cultural que integra lo
cientfico y lo humanstico reconociendo la diversidad multitnica y pluricultural
a diferentes escalas, haciendo nfasis en la comprensin y produccin de la
comunicacin humana.(p.57) Still, there are not indicators of proficiency to be
Currently, the lack of a national policy for learning EFL, and standards in the
high school graduate profile (MED.2004.p 43) does not help clarifying the desired
level of proficiency. What are the needs of the country regarding foreign
language? Why do citizens need to learn English? To Speak or read? At which
level, basic or intermediate? According to Crdenas (2006) Colombia has set a
program called the Bilingual Colombia Programme(BCP) planned for the period
2004 to 2019 with the purpose of improving the quality of English language
teaching and learning at all educational levels.Two phases have been proposed for
the programme: by the end of the 2010, secondary school students should have a
basic domain of English and those of higher education, a higher one. These levels
follow the standards of the European Framework for Language Learning.
In Cuba, Martin (2007) reports on the national project for English language
teaching and learning starting at fourth grade in primary school, and suggests
...that ELT policy will continue to occupy a very prominent place as an
instrument of Cubas creative adaptability to changing circumstances in a volatile
international environment. (p.556) due to Cubas economic situation. This
country has restorted to tourism in order to obtain income, so the need for an

English speaking population has led Cuban authorities to focus on the learning of
foreign languages, being English the most demanded.. In addition, attitude from
authorities and citizens toward the language has helped develop and establish
Regarding teacher preparation, from the situation described above and based
on the Liceo Bolivariano(2004) guidelines, the teachers profile is holistic. A
teacher who can integrate knowledge areas and capable of leading projects.
Specialists will have to be retrained since an expert in the subject to teach will not
be necessary. As a consequence of their undergraduate studies, teachers of English
will be able to teach arts, literature and Spanish in Spanish; nevertheless some
questions arise: will an arts teacher be able to teach English? What about a teacher
of Spanish as first language? In view of the new



profile for teachers, the




discussions heading toward the Transformacion y Modernizacion del Currculo

de Pregrado which intends to preapre the kind of teacher the new system needs.
Canquiz and Inciarte (2006) state that the dominant tendency in the past was
abourt specialization and nowadays the goal is to develop competences for
longlife learning
To sum up, EFL in Venezuela still has its own place, although in general terms
it seems not to have the role it used to have, it will not dissapear. Explicit goals
and proficiency levels are required to know where to aim when teaching and
learning this language. In addition, teacher education should keep its especialized
component, but English, as a subject, should be included in the preparation of the
content area teachers where this language belongs in the Bolivarian Education


Crdenas, Melba L (2006) Bilingual Colombia: Are we ready for it? What is
needed? Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Paper presented at the 19th
Education Conference in Australia. Online document. Available:

[Accessed: 11/20!2007]

Martin, Ian (2007)Some Remarks on Post-1990 English Language Teaching

Policy in Cuba. TESOL QUARTERLY.Vol.41,No.3,September 2007
Ministerio de Educacin y Deportes (MED)(2004) Liceo Bolivariano. Caracas.
Ministerio del P.P.Educacin.(MPPE)(2007) Sistema Educativo Bolivariano..
Versin preliminar. Caracas.
Canquiz R,Liliana; Alicia Inciarte G. Desarrollo De Perfiles AcadmicoProfesionales Basados en Competencias. Comisin Central de Currculo de
la Universidad del Zulia. Septiembre 2006. Online document

accessed: 11/19/2007

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