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How to improve circulation with homeopathy?

Having a poor circulation means that the blood does not arrive or does not flow
normally through all parts of the body.
There are several reasons that cause poor circulation and there are several symp
toms that this disorder entails.
For all of them we can not overemphasize that a balanced diet and some exercise
are basic for healing with homeopathy to be fully effective.
It is best to go to a homeopath may prescribe ourselves ell for proper treatmen
t, individually .
We will focus here on two of the most common symptoms of poor circulation: the t
ired legs and varicose veins, where there is a dilation of the veins, including
varicose ulcers .
We set forth below some of the proper remedies for these two disorders. Click on
each to see a detailed description of the drug and to choose one that has more
similarity with the patient:
- Feeling of swelling of the feet , especially the thumb of his feet. Sharp, bur
ning, stabbing pains like bee sting. Pain that improves with cold applications .

- Inflammation of the veins in the extremities . Veins protruding, hard and pain
ful . Legs bluish, as with bruises that turn yellow or livid spots. Dolores into
lerable that worsen the affected limb hanging down , with sensation of rupture o
r disintegration that compels to have legs elevated , does not tolerate contact
or pressure. C wires in the legs. Vipera
According to Dr. Vincenzo Fabrocini, in the great book of homeopathy for the Fam
ily, indicates that Apis 9 ch, 4 pellets twice a day, alternating with Vipera 9
ch with the same dose, form the treatment for tired legs.
- Swollen veins , as if they would burst. Varices bluish or purple , almost garn
ets, which causes leg ulcers . Patients also affected by hemorrhoids . Aesculus
- Varicose veins like fire burning and improve heat in fearful and agitated peop
le. Arsenicum Album
- Varicose veins, varicose ulcers . Also in the lining of the throat. Painful se
nsitiveness marked in the affected areas. Broken capillaries and bleeding . Vari
cose veins during pregnancy . Hemorrhoids. Hamamelis
- Veins that expand with heat and during rest . Movement is needed husbandry , e
specially outdoors. Ulcers Varicose deep , with fistulas, with red border. Puls
- Varicose veins and dilated veins . Varicose ulcers. Hemorrhoids. Helps restore
the elasticity of the vessels blood. Calcarea Fluorica
- Inflammation of the veins in the extremities . Varicose veins, veins protrudin
g, hard and painful . Legs bluish, as with bruises that turn yellow or livid spo
ts. Dolores intolerable that worsen the affected limb hanging down , with sensat
ion of rupture or disintegration that compels to have legs elevated , does not t
olerate contact or pressure. C wires in the legs. Vipera
- Varicose veins throbbing with inflammation and pain or pounding. Broken capill
aries and bleeding . Ferrum Metallicum
- Varicose, bleeding and ulcerations scorching pain . Varicose veins during preg
nancy. Carbo Vegetabilis
- Varicose ulcerations . Ulcerations blue with black edges hardened. Lachesis
- Varicose Ulcers with raised edges and hard with sharp, piercing pain . Lycopod
- Varicose long term, especially in the legs. Varicose ulcers , better by cold.
Varicose veins predominate in the lower limbs, arepainful, worse from heat . Flu
oricum acidum
- Varicose veins in the external genitalia, varicose veins in the legs, worse du
ring pregnancy. Bleeding of dark blood does not clot. Varices pricked and burned
. Zinc
- Other remedies for varicose veins indicated if the patient matches the rest of
the remedy are: Sarsaparilla , Natrium Muriaticum , Sepia , Sulphur
Moreover the Drs. Banerji , renowned homeopaths of India indicated in its websit

e, as part of its Banerji Protocols , the following remedies to treat varicose v

Hamamelis 200 ch + Arnica 3 ch , together, twice daily for three months. This co
mbination revascularized varicose ulcers.
Read How is taken to know what format, dilution, frequency and quantity is appro
priate for each situation. In case of doubt , ask your homeopath or your pharmac
ist .
If you want to know more about poor circulation and homeopathy searches Homeop
athy by a tube, the HOMOEOPATHIC FINDER ABC Homeopathy.

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