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Leonard Andrew E.

Master in Business Education

May 28, 2016

Mrs. Rovelina Jacolbia

Assignment in Methods and Strategies in Teaching Business Courses

Define one methodology or strategy used in the following subjects. For each subject
describe a classroom scenario using the said methodology/strategy. Specify the subject
to be discussed
a. Keyboarding
The demonstration lecture is a teaching situation which can be imagined as
arising in the course of the duties belonging to the post applied for. It is a lecturetype presentation. Effective demonstration lecture requires that the teacher
should first identify the core concept that student will learn, in case of teaching
keyboarding using the software typing master, every before the start of each
lesson there is a part where the teacher should identify the keys needed to be
mastered by his learners. The teacher then demonstrate what finger should be
used in that particular keys. Then the students will now apply it with their own
keyboard using the correct finger. There are exercises every lessons in typing
master. It has key drills, paragraph drills, games, etc. The role of the teacher is to
suggest activities for students, arrange typing tests, follow learners progress,
and to view result at the end of the lesson.
b. Marketing
For the topic Product Planning and Development the discussion method for me is

Discussions can be an excellent strategy for enhancing student

motivation, fostering intellectual agility, and encouraging democratic habits. They

create opportunities for students to practice and sharpen a number of skills,
including the ability to articulate and defend positions, consider different points of
view, and enlist and evaluate evidence. During your discussion you can also use
brainstorming to make sure that your learners have an idea about your topic.
c. Home economics
Demonstrations are often accompanied by explanations. As with all explanations,
asking your students questions, at the start and as you progress, can help you to

assess their prior knowledge and evolving understanding, enabling you to

reinforce and clarify points as necessary. Demonstrations often occur when
students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when
students are unable to understand application of theories. This method is really
important when teaching TLE subject because we are teaching them skills we
need to show and demonstrate the learners how to do a task. Applying this
strategy in teaching home economics particularly in bread and pastry production.
After the teacher discussed the use and functions of all the ingredients and tools
used in baking, the learners are now ready to perform a baking task, but before
they proceed to that the learner needs to know the instruction or recipe of the
baking product they will do, after that the teacher will demonstrate how to bake
that product so that the queries of the learners will be answered. After that it is
expected that the learners now know the procedures in baking that product.
d. ICT
You can also use the demonstration method in teaching ICT particularly in
Computer Hardware Servicing. Demonstration involves showing by reason
or proof, explaining or making clear by use of examples or experiments. Put
more simply, demonstration means 'to clearly show'. Demonstrations often occur
when students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when
students are unable to understand application of theories. The instructor usually
gives the functions of each part of computer system before proceeding to
troubleshooting a computer. The instructor demonstrate first how to assemble a
computer unit before the student perform it.

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