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DOCUMENTOF ARADHY A TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED UNIX AND SHELL -PROGRAMMING + Ine Unix Operating Syslom gne “Unix Archi tecture oo Usage Wy oe Ns sane File tytem = — CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/EEE/IT/ TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS. ‘ABC for Java and Testing ‘Arachya'sBrillance Centre for java and testing is @ sister concem of Aradhya tutorials. We provide quality industry oriented waning for final year students and freshers We also provide immense job ‘opportunites. We have already placed numerous ‘students into the software industry. To know more, Tke our Facebook page "ABC For Java and testing’ ‘Also visit our website "’ ‘This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 GAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAI DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® giciTs RESERVED page no: 2(20) The Unix Op ating System Unix us a gain operating syst. TE “pracically hea evuymming = od. opeaating sythm ain Should have ME suns wn evty howdwore und vs wW open oy Unig Operating fyshen Ae atided ink two pow =} SHULL. = : This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 °MS6Q144(MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 GAYANAGAR) SPTAASIIL(VUIAVANAGAR) 9901942144”NDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® giGHTs nESERVED page no: Bo) UNIAL dhe UNIX Ayunfecture SS see 0} Division 0, Aabous ———— i UNIy bs fs divided «= into Fuso pod Ualed uhe Ramee wmd she, Keynw us Une toe ue Ute OS. IE vin Qa Into the memury venee oo yslem va N boottd. Thue Ore eeveg SRT tm voll, ue Interact with — the Ror gb amamages tre memory, tuneolules tne processes, 7 UA Ine Wolkeway us prepare hordwase AChOUALLA. Vie shut ua Ene Pn tagace b)w ng wand th oRtnes, dle mee the ommancd — tle by Ube Ua, Bo) 6 FE Ue tA as MOM ; single Pnteaprelty, Unix opeanting system hos sing es This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 J} kumu but van hare shub. | °SAS642I44 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (AVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIIAVANAGAR) 9901942144(1NDIRANAGAR) page no: 4 (20) This Notes is valid * only for the duration * 4 Jan-2044 to Dec-2014 JE cust wo uolleeton =} Geleattd ulata om i i colt om hold _ vis tundty Ouny tring, mis tay thing trae caasountseh\ woith it OA piles. Majority vay giles pray) wae Hat giles. dile whm ws P 47 hepyne — P7OLRAS. PS wnd yilts Nowe poaunt, sao Provest wae said fo be born one ae store to thetule womd Me a ughan wgits —exeuttion, Iney re conse by Fook whith help Wey [em move fo background and. poreqround. 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) 1p RUCUMENT OR ARADHIYA TUTORIALS® RiGHTS ReseRven S@o) ey This Notes is valid System vals, * only for the duration * — Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 Une UNE? oetemly ewTIHh in Cs She commands nat dae preuené = fin UNIK uc sytem = toda Soy, tee Im. Fnovdly fo “UWYiKe Uo wo gile , te ee pee er MOU us Wed = irsteod Mh \ going the lutatts shown Nine writing Us [CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDI wane x FOR EC/EEE/IT/ TC BRANCH x «& SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS Explain the a ea Of UNIX 0: % Muulusge e Unix Suppor SEE Paragtra MuLHigss wen von vm multiple jobs Scena wm single 0S. The Compu} aca op a unib vy Hime inks Jevenot seamen und eth = js OL Segment. Thin us how UNIX — suppor ls omuliiuses, 9845642144 (MALI . (HALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 AYANAGAR)_ 9972851111 (VIIAVANAGAR) 99019421 4INDIRANAGAR This Notes is valid * only for the dur 2) Mule? Foskin Jan-2014 to Ds Running amore Chor Ne pooulrooi county ua cru Foaking, Here wLompuks| bao wp ow wm0il uj time fnlo seeral symenb wnd eath tur wW segment. the FOsk Ware x6 into gose ground amd ~— bark 4round. UD com ¢ only wre job bw ok ay time. es Ljob: = lool be ae a vp ning wr tne bockyround. SD 3y Tne es Block os “ee Various vomnemds UNIX wa9e com 6NS Us payorm = —-kompter foak . Ihe vee given os x)p op wy one =lammand ito «=6omdthe, = KLomamand bough pip weno pillar. Ca Pipes amo giltas mvmbu wd} uommandsa um he iembinul uo _PX4orm spectpie oak. 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 997273111] JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(1NDIRANAGAR) This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 | 47 the UNIX _bool_bib ©. UNIX vonsis uf Jnic opplicabon vonsisk vb gentual = purpose tool, lent = movnipwlo =wWKL Hw, umpiltts ond inirprutu. dnee aopplicaten ee the Raina 4 tne Renee. Py ue Telore o4 tne UNIX nw. WN tools — woulol be wolded ue Odi ne geabaey| 6h te nen O87 x 5 s+ Pattyn mma: td xX Metachoaocdws ase uueol gov RY. Potten cmp unm be Weal Re math wt Me yilniumes whith pottan Ore abimost —simmilan, Regulay —exprusions “dn be ompix pati, [CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/EEE/IT/TC BRANCH ‘SUBJECTS @ ARADHYATUTORIALS ll 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® _RiGHTS RESERVED age no 820) by Progs sora Foucility i Shut vs mob only wo uommomel Meprucu, but van wo he uued be Progrom. Jt hoa all J totuse not we PxOgravrnmminy longuroge — anouleh red aE hos = Wornhol ~— Lorna uct, Uo pt c{\ Sewanee Pooqrouma Uxuttten a Mow Oe Mollud = Shull sta’. > hy Dourm motions: Av | CS ee whith us PP ian Us vio ene genta syntax wes any “ommand and alto tne SP options oninlinkie witn tt. the uommand “mam” ub wat ue vitu Hoe This Notes. is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 Momo « J SUMSERIM (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972651111 (VUAVANAGAR) 99019(21440NDIRANAGAR) - DOCUMENT OF_ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED 2 page no: 9(20) Lo cating Comamonds the “type” “command via wad Ua Locate any command. tok wh piteent This Notes is valid in Ene UNIX 4810. |I« oniy for the duration * Jan-2014 to Deo-2014 |. Gemual syninxs $ type — command_mome & 4 type wa ls us Jbinib s dhe type = tomimand scotch tne dinectorie pens in’ Pre PTH VOR Ole. x : mon: pzaatls The Momual pogu on-line 5 ots, vommand sb Wad? om -Une help polly. smim = Lormemomnd. along with une uomanamd MOM Unok hea uo in tm olLowing GLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/EEE/IT/TC BRANCH SUBJECT: °S4SG02144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (AYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) Nidwed cam mierut Mannes DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® Rigi RESERVED —_ pase no: 10(20) $ Mom — Lomond nome. This Notes is valid only for the duration * Yan-2014 to Dec-2014 mom uwomanomod would vail une wOnhmk vy) gint poge wnt wok oY ene Was input. Yo Jun Phe poge gorwoud = amd = otk word Ene wear Die re vhs sen ibe Aisa. even Systm — gil = Lom be Heh) io Viewed using — mom omg ane lp a See wa diviolect ne Sevuol — pay, but vindy tne inst oe pout wool be olLaployed on Soin Tne NAME, SYNOPSIS vol an NAME vOonsish oy wne Une intyocution voy the pnmomd. . SYNOPSIS shows tne general 8yntex. Deserip70n prowioley wr detoulet ttploinotion = the Lomomomt - OSISGIDLA(MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (AYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VUAVANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) p_Pocumenro} DHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED 7 ike! eee sr on vs wkd O usmmond , tne mon — Kommamdl «= am alin be th Viuo tne syntax — omit wor Ring ej "mom" d This Notes is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 mon womeanond pt “— \ jan ous wommond ¢moan oman et options. Ihe ~-k me be WAU to yee wo single SS tine cliseripHon 9 ene = KOmamamd. 4am <4 outa aw ok) - pottun ae come a procasiny — lomyuage. on ower mouwkl) - patton Stoor lata wr protesting lomyunge. CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/ EEE /IT/ TC BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 AVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAVANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED page no: 120) e . Opsopos" — common evn be uc. Ue VD uommonds md spild ato ott = with Ub Ruyword . fopropos FIP 4 Bu gil’ amd sera to Reywordl FTP” Oe ones * onsen, ebiansonel eH be ,Usut up is ind vnc . oO womomnnt. 4 Who is cpa Sh dnb Wiicomeisane a wed — ule Copy \ eto This Notes is valid wm ghte Device | * only for the duration pameDCUICeER TILE 2014 to Dec-2014 ine devite, Moat oxe connecttd bo UNITY OS is alo br coltd ou pilts- Thee devices ore «nol CLA eobtay OUUstol by UNIX Of to Feo] wri, Evay mee he Quovaled with oO gile wautng D device 3 Ile. Wu olew'te Bile = would he ta in Joey ditecrou. Any opeantrn perzormed =m oevite Wool be ussing tne corvupondiny Oevice pile. File Nome ofitd By UNIX eS UNIX — posses Noe juo yesbric tions on FR LIK While — manmirg gil, A gilenome — in umax vam extend plo o. amatimum 0 255 uhoroues. 9st cam veontoin Lonny WhOrodRs except "7" ond “wou *SSGQIG(MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (AYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAVANAGAR) 9901942144INDIRANAGAR) MEN UE ARAVA LULUKIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED. page the Jollowing rule wom be © otloureol Io atBl2H Make the gilenome meoming jut erie, uo ston O gilunayme saith This Notes je valid * only forthe duratin'® om Opthabuit — eh aKalEA.|! Jani-2014 te Dee-2014 Was doe 2> We ame divider bb wr piamome. “y S 3) Though UNIX alors me Wesson € x/¢nslon) un 6. OR laf exlonsions such ob Os .tyE gor QNor gile , lok or ante ple ys itn Ine pepinrn should mor ym wi gd «(olok) tharos, AU pllenoma bugimira, with look) «= Ove COs dIeed Os (CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC EEC /1T/TC BRANCH j TUTORIALS n)oldem: g/lea. SUBJECTS @ ARADHYATUTO 9845612144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VITAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENTOF ARADEYA TUTORIALS® _nicTs RESERVED 0:1 7(20) This Notes Is valid * only for the duration * Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 Posunt — thila Relationship pam ho LOCC UNIX — bueok every tring Mot Us prtaenb Ond vwonnerd ws gilts. These gilts are Orgomiseh in oO bre étructore, Jhe UNIX pile Systm =SBumbles bree. root (/) at aie Ye 2 WN tr nc eras Ne LoS. foqladt —login.sq) progs safe | Fig. 4.1 The UNDX File System Tree |CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED FOR EC/EEE/IT/1C BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYATUTORIALS ARCOM OARLTESEWARAM), $972731111-2AYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 99019421441NDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF ARADHYA. TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED page no: \Q| 20) dhe gile — sysium = begins With o inectory dled the —-Yook Cis cetory TE is tepredenkd' by grontstath 67). © Brornching yrom tne F00E axe Nevo otha isectorig «= SUUH A bin, Ub, dev et. Thue did wloyi \S Ohe lola tub -dlinetorits Oma. Ore the parent = 6s = r00t. Edn op) Wtnectowia LO hove sevtaol «= 8Ub- ug or pile. For ace g/L Sirs “yook® would atnu be PoXent 0% gromd port, mn diagram ie below Ein fre UNIX gile 1g with the Posmt ship. % d Nee, ry Root hixentory Che Fr. ian ne in Ine Ni rorehy. JE seveas Os Veg Cente poink yor OU Une Bilt. TE tow = mF Howe POsunt but hos mony sub-directories, OSSGALI4S (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 JAVANAGAR) 9972851111 (VIJAYANAGAR) 9901942144 INDIRANAGAR) DOCUMENT OF _ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED sare no: 1 990) UNIX D> Ibin: kontoins ene executable zile wh Ene Se UL Col UNIX = kLOmmomds. > Ih: xoninim von the Ubraay jumeHons Provided by ONIX — yor proyraymming , D low: lontair giles, nok cong @o ven a1P ood ojp levies. EVRY age hove oO device ile wnde a directory, fontoina forged qiles ARO etre UNF¥ OS. These giles would be by wiser 07 6 14g vont This Notes is valid iy Os. * only for the duration * |! ONE Jan-2014 to Dec-2014 Abtolule Patnnome REFER CLASS NOTES Relative Pamnome [CLASSES ARE ALSO CONDUCTED rmaliy, omkovy FOR EC/EEE/IT/1C BRANCH SUBJECTS @ ARADHYA TUTORIALS |} 65 tomanmn a 9845642144 (MALLESHWARAM) 9972731111 (JAYANAGAR) 9972851111 (VJAYANAGAR) 9901942144(INDIRANAGAR) LOCUMENT OF ARADHYA TUTORIALS® RIGHTS RESERVED page no: 20(20) Wath a mok on “pwa” oma “ed" commond pwd? 9s uvourd wr — prink woos king Oiaachor, } the uns ft fnbruko in ‘knowley hls preene working LCI) then he kom Wat Une pollowiry wommand. This Notes is valid 4 pwol 4! ||* only forthe duration * “\ Ji 14 to Dec-2014 The — ofp 0 MMe obovQ}cbrnmmand depenals on Me wu praca rn reco, pwd Uaploys tne noo DD patnonorne pared: swe ny ne dibectory “ ston uneasetss the “edb” ua mamamd..

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