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Enjoy with

Grammar & Composition
A Complete Solution of Textbook
[PART - 5]

Enjoy with English Grammar and Composition - 5




The Sentence
Read the following groups of words. Write P for phrase and S for
1. A silk saree.
2. A small town in Uttarakhand.
3. I was happy to meet my old friend.
4. The puddles have dried up.
5. On the beach.
6. Anne Frank kept a diary.
7. In the night.
8. They shook hands.
Read the following. Put a tick (3) against those that are sentences
and a cross (7) against those that are not sentences.
1. In the park.
2. The children went out.
3. Ate our breakfast.
4. We play everyday.
5. I met my friends there.
6. Lotus is pink.
8. When is she ready?
Change the non-sentences above to sentences by adding the
missing words. Remember the missing parts may be the subject or
the verb.
1. Boys are playing in the park.
2. We ate our breakfast.
3. His car is standing at the cinema hall.
Underline the phrases in the following sentences.
1. Suddenly, someone jumped on him from behind.
2. Under the Mauryas, India was a rich country.
3. Uttarakhand, a state with many temples, is known as the land of gods.
4. He is a man of great strength.
5. The leaders assembled in the hall at midnight.


The Formation of a Sentence

A. Follow the 6 steps (a to f) given above to make sentences of your
own. Add words to the noun (subject) given.
Ans. 1. The man.
2. The smart man.

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The courageous, smart man.

The courageous, smart man spoke.
The courageous, smart man spoke softly.
The courageous, smart man spoke softly in the market.
The dog.
The fearsome dog.
The faithful, fearsome dog.
The faithful, fearsome dog barked.
The faithful, fearsome dog barked loudly.
The faithful, fearsome dog barked loudly at the stranger.


Kinds of Sentences


Subject and Predicate

A. Write the kind of sentence in the space.
Ans. 1. How are you travelling?
2. The girls are dancing in the hall.
3. Speak in a loud, clear voice.
4. What time does the show start?
5. What a lovely weather!
6. May I help you?
7. I am watching for birds.
8. That was a close match!
9. Finish the work just now.
10. She really likes kittens.
B. Rewrite these sentences. Begin each sentence with a capital letter.
Put a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end.
Ans. 1. please sit down
5. what a fool he is
Please sit down.
What a fool he is!
2. everyone sat down
6. speak up
Everyone sat down.
Speak up.
3. where is my mobile phone
7. tell me the truth
Where is my mobile phone?
Tell me the truth.
4. the telephone rang
8. where are the girls
The telephone rang.
Where are the girls?

A. Underline the subjects in the following sentences. If there is no
subject, write the subject which is understood in the brackets at
the end of the sentence.
Ans. 1. Coal and petroleum are fossil fuels.
2. Thank you, sir. (I)
3. Birds have two wings.

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4. Keep away from bad company. (You)

5. Go and pack up your things, Ritu. (You)
6. Up rose the storm. (You)
7. Good morning! (You)
8. She borrowed a pen from her friend.
9. Come in and sit down. (You)
10. Obey your teachers. (You)
B. Add a suitable subject to each blank.
Ans. 1. Our earth is also called the blue planet.
2. The plumber did not repair the leaky taps.
3. Father raised his hand to beat his son.
4. Thief was caught by the policeman.
5. Cat killed eight mice.
6. Up went the bullet from the gun.
7. The sun looks setting in the west everyday.
8. King wore a crown on his head.
9. Aeroplane take off and land at airports.
10. He ran to save her son.
2. Add a suitable predicate to each blank.
Ans. 1. The tired man laid down under the tree.
2. The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the earth's oceanic divisions.
3. Green plants give us oxygen.
4. Wheat and rice are important part of our meal.
5. King Dasharatha was the king of Ayodhya.
6. Her hair are black.
7. The homeless people are very poor.
8. The author has written many books.
9. Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader.
D. Join the subjects to the predicates to make sensible sentences.
1. The mountain peaks
(f) are covered with snow.
2. The sun
(i) shines brightly in summer.
3. The mango
(e) is called the king of fruit.
4. Carrots
(a) contain vitamin A.
(j) is a sports channel.
6. Camels
(c) are called the ships of the desert.
7. Milk
(h) is good for growing children.
8. Eagle
(d) is a bird of prey.
9. Teachers
(g) teach pupils in schools.
10. Books
(b) are printed on paper.

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Direct and Indirect Objects

The sentences below have only one object. Underline the object in
each sentence.
1. John plays the flute in the school band.
2. In school today, we wrote an essay about Mahatma Gandhi.
3. The watchman chased the thief.
4. My mother is knitting a sweater for winter.
5. Every week, Raj visits his grandparents.
6. I do not want to borrow this book.
7. Mrs Priya wants a new car for her birthday.
8. The spider is making a web in the garden.
Change the sentences so that they have two objects.
Example, I bought an apple for my brother.
I bought my brother an apple.
1. They sold a farm to him.
They sold him a farm.
2. Mayank read a story to his brother.
Mayank read his brother a story.
3. My sister cooked some soup for her friend.
My sister cooked her friend some soup.
4. Lisa wrote a letter to me.
Lisa wrote me a letter.
5. We always give money to the poor.
We always give the poor money.
Rewrite each sentences so that there is a direct object and an
indirect object. The first one is done for you.
1. My mother baked a cake for our guests.
My mother baked our guests a cake.
2. The volunteers built a road for the villagers.
The volunteers built the villagers a road.
3. The tailor sewed a beautiful dress for my little sister.
The tailor sewed my little sister a beautiful dress.
4. The principal gave a lecture to us on courtesy.
The principal gave us a lecture on courtesy.
5. Ayush sent an SMS to his penfriend in Canada.
Ayush sent his penfriend an SMS in Canada.
6. They waved goodbye to their cousin who was migrating to
They waved their cousin goodbye who was migrating to

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D. Underline the direct object in these sentences. Circle the other

object. Rewrite the sentence so that the indirect object is put before
the direct object.
Ans. 1. The waiter brought the menu to us.
The waiter brought us the menu.
2. The company gave a gold watch to John.
The company gave John a gold watch.
3. Mother showed the broken vase to Rajni and told her to be more
Mother showed Rajni the broken vase and told her to be more
4. Father buys medicines for grandma .
Father buys grandma medicines.
5. Sam is making a kite for his brother .
Sam is making his brother a kite.
E. Underline the direct objects in the following passage.
Ans. Benjamin Franklin, a famous American, invented many things. He
wrote books and worked as a diplomat. He is considered one of
America's most famous statesmen.
Born in 1706, Benjamin Franklin shared his childhood with many
brothers and sisters. In fact, he was the seventeenth child in his family.
Like most children in those days, he only attended school for two years.
He learnt his father's trade-soap and candle making for two years.
In 1747, Franklin began experimenting with electricity. He invented
the lightning conductor. He taught himself many languages and later
set up a college. He went on to become one of the greatest statesmen
America has ever known. Benjamin Franklin died in 1790.


The Noun Its Kinds

A. Underline the nouns in the sentences below.
Ans. 1. The rooster is crowing.
2. The king and the queen lived in a palace.
3. The teacher was very angry with her pupils.
4. Alibaba found treasure chests in the cave.
5. The man is mowing the lawn.
6. The woman is cooking food.
7. There was very little rain last month.
8. The workers are working in the factory.
9. The lioness is chasing her prey.
10. Let's go for a walk along the beach.

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B. Underline the proper nouns in the following sentences, then

rewrite the sentences correctly.
Ans. 1. mr brown used to rear many fowls for their meat.
Mr Brown used to rear many fowls for their meat.
2. The actors stayed in the royal guest house in park street.
The actors stayed in the Royal Guest House in Park street.
3. The first indian woman to climb mt. everest was bachendri pal.
The first indian woman to climb Mt. Everest was Bachendri Pal.
4. j.k. rowling wrote the harry potter series.
J. K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series.
5. Lots of tourists like to visit the taj mahal in agra.
Lots of tourists like to visit the Taj Mahal in Agra.
6. mowgli is a famous character of the jungle book.
Mowgli is a famous character of the Jungle book.
7. babar was the first mughal emperor of india.
Babar was the first Mughal emperor of India.
8. Many people visit chandni chowk for shopping.
Many people visit Chandni Chowk for shopping.
9. The explorers reached the south pole in august.
The explorers reached the South pole in August.
10. The italians are very good football players.
The Italians are very good football players.
C. Complete the sentences by adding a collective noun from the box.
troops pack
schools herds clump swarm
Ans. 1. One fleet of ships was setting out to sea.
2. Two schools of dolphins were swimming merrily.
3. Three herd of whales were moving very fast.
4. One flock of seagulls was perching on a mast.
5. In a jungle, by a clump of trees, one pack of wolves was attacked by
a swarm of bees.
6. Two foolish troops of monkeys were jumping on trees.
7. Three pods of buffaloes ran in the field.
D. From what words are these abstract nouns formed?
Ans. 1. sadness
2. friendship
3. freedom
4. decision
5. rejection
6. ability
7. illness
8. action
E. Form abstract nouns with these words :
Ans. 1. great
2. direct
3. eager
4. noble
5. honest
6. poor
7. lazy
8. loud
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The Noun Number

Underline the correct word in the brackets in each sentence.
1. The (hero, heroes) of this film know martial art.
2 They are trying to reduce the (mosquito, mosquitoes) in this area.
3. A (fox, foxes) stole a hen from the farm.
4. He did not brush his (tooth, teeth) carefully.
5. The (man, men) queue up as far as the gate.
6. Her (hobby, hobbies) is making dolls.
7. Many (life, lives) were lost in the tsunami.
8. These (banana, bananas) are not ripe enough to eat.
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the brackets.
1. Most of her dresses (dress) are very expensive.
2. This insecticide is sprayed to kill the cockroaches (cockroach).
3. Tokyo and Delhi are crowded cities (city).
4. The shelves (shelf) have not been dusted for a long time.
5. There are wolves (wolf) in the jungle.
6. Their wives (wife) are teachers.
7. The cart is pulled by two oxen (ox).
8. All the sheep (sheep) are in the farm.
Circle the correct words in the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. My trousers (is/ are ) creased, so I will put on ( this /these) pair of
2. I say that my binoculars (is/ are ) useful on a nature walk.
3. I would like ( this /these) pair of jeans that do not have any pockets
in ( it /them).
4. A pair of these binoculars ( cost /costs) Rs 1000 but those two pairs
(is/ are ) better at this price.
5. A pair of pliers ( is /are) good for cutting wire but scissors (is/ are )
Write pair of or pairs of before the word in brackets and fill in the
blanks. The first one is done for your help.
1. This pair of trousers has a hole in it.
2. How many pairs of chopsticks do you need?
3. Here is a clean pair of pants for you.
4. Pack another pair of pyjamas.
5. She has at least eight pair of jeans.
Change the subjects and other necessary words from singular to
plural or from plural to singular. Make sure that your sentences
make sense. Carefully read the example given below and then do
the exercise.
1. The goose that laid the golden egg is lost.
The geese that laid the golden eggs are lost.

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2. Birds have feathers and can fly.

Bird has feathers and can fly.
3. The balloon floats up into the sky.
The balloons float up into the sky.
4. The armies of both sides fought to the end.
The army of both side fought to the end.
5. Those sheep in the farm will be exported.
The sheep in the farm will be exported.





The Noun Gender

Form feminine nouns by adding -ess, -ine or -trix.
1. adventurer
5. benefactor
2. executor
6. waiter
3. ambassador ambassadoress 7. hero
4. heir
8. murderer
Form masculine nouns of the following words.
1. maid-servant man-servant
5. milkmaid
2. jenny-ass
6. washerwoman washerman
3. stepdaughter stepson
7. landlady
4. she-goat
8. peahen
Write M for masculine, F for feminine, C for common gender or N
for neuter in the brackets.
1. My brother (M) is studying to be a dentist (C).
2. The servant (C) is cleaning the furniture (N).
3. The cat (C) and the rat (C) played together.
4. My cousin (C) has a pup (C) and four kittens (C).
5. The bull-fighter (C) ran in front of the charging bull (M).
Change the gender of the nouns printed in colour in the sentences.
Then, rewrite the sentences.
1. The monks are praying silently.
The nuns are praying silently.
2. The hunter shot a bird.
The huntress shot a bird.
3. The lord lived alone in the bungalow.
The lady lived alone in the bungalow.
4. His son went to the market to buy a cock.
His daughter went to the market to buy a hen.
5. The dog ran after a goose.
The bitch ran after a gander.

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Nouns Possessive Case

A. Change the words in colour print to the possessive form. Write
your answers in the blanks.
Ans. 1. The car of the man was stolen.
The man's car was stolen.
2. Do you like to read the novels of Charles Dickens?
Do you like to read Charles Dickens's novels.
3. The population of India is the second largest in the world.
The India's population is the second largest in the world.
4. The house of Mr Singh is very far.
Mr Singh's house is very far.
5. Tomorrow is the birthday of Prince Charles.
Tomorrow is Prince Charles' birthday.
B. Rewrite the following using possessive case.
Ans. 1. The office of the principal.
The principal's office.
2. The tails of the monkeys.
The monkeys' tails.
3. The cars of teachers.
The teachers' cars.
4. The tools of gardeners.
The gardeners' tools.
5. The bags of ladies.
The ladies' bags.
C. Underline the correct word in the bracket in each sentence.
Ans. 1. Those are the (teachers', teachers) cars.
2. The (ladies, ladies') room is there.
3. The (players', players) food is ready.
4. They are my (parents, parents') friends.
5. The teacher is checking the (boys', boys) nails.
6. They are the (childrens, children's ) desks.
7. The teacher is marking the (pupils', pupils) workbooks.
8. The (workers, workers') shoes are in that room.
9. The (animals', animals) food is already given.
10. The (soldiers, soldiers') boots are heavy.
D. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket.
Ans. 1. He was punished for tying the dog's (dog) tail to a tree.
2. The performer's (performer) voice could not be heard in the hall.
3. The zoo-keeper warned them not to stand too near the lioness'
(lioness) cage.
4. They should not disobey the captain's (captain) order.

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A fisherman's (fisherman) life can be quite dangerous at times.

The birds' (bird) cages have to be cleaned frequently.
A few of the students' (student) answer sheets were misplaced.
That row of houses belongs to Mr John's (Mr John) grandparents.
The visitors liked the worker's (worker) cheerful attitude.
The employees' (employee) uniforms are supplied by the company.

The Pronoun Its Kinds

Fill in each blank with a suitable pronoun from the box.
I you he
1. My father gave me a watch. It costs more than a thousand rupees.
2. Both the batsmen are ready to play. They are waiting for the bowler.
3. I told him the truth but he did not believe me.
4. We should keep our jewellery in the lockers.
5. This film is about wildlife. It is very interesting.
6. The teacher asked me why I was absent yesterday.
7. Your writing is untidy. You must learn to write neatly.
8. John is a good pupil but he talks too much.
9. A salesgirl came this morning. She was selling soap.
Fill in each blank with a suitable pronoun from the box.
he she
it I we
As Miss Renu was walking towards the bus stop, she saw Miss Priya
and Miss Priyanka, 'Hello, where are you going?' asked Miss Renu.
We are going to the Shopping Plaza. It is having its annual sale, 'replied
Miss Priyanka.
I am also going there too. Shall we go together?'
The three women walked towards the bus stop. They talked merrily as
they waited for the bus. 'Here comes the bus. It looks crowded', said
Miss Priya, 'Do you think the driver will stop?'
He might if we start waving our hands now', said Miss Renu.
Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the word or words in
colour print with a suitable pronoun from the box.
him her it
1. The principal advised them to work hard.
2. The owner roped it to the tree.
3. The conductor told us to sit down.
4. He asked her a question.
5. The policeman shot him in the leg.
6. The dentist asked him to open his mouth.
7. The salesman caught them shoplifting.
8. The hostess is welcoming them at the door.
9. I spoke to her on the cellphone.

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D. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive or reciprocal pronoun in

Ans. 1. Ants are social insects, so they never harm each other (each
other/themselves) but always live in colonies.
2. T h e y w o r k t o g e t h e r a n d h e l p o n e a n o t h e r ( o n e
another/themselves) to survive.
3. They communicate with one another (one another/themselves) by
producing chemicals.
4. If an ant has been injured or has hurt itself (itself/each other), it
warns the other ants.
5. Ants are capable of teaching each other (each other/itself).
6. Experienced ants help a younger ant until it is ready to find the food
itself (itself/yourself).
7. Ants defend itself (itself/themselves) by bitting or stinging.
E. Choose the correct possessive pronoun or possessive adjective and
fill in the blanks.
Ans. 1. This is not our classroom. Ours is on the first floor. (ours, yours)
2. Is this your bike, John?
No, it is not. Mine is over there. (my, mine)
3. My sister invited several friends of hers to the cinema. (her, hers)
4. A friend of mine lives in Mumbai. (my, mine)
5. Are these your books on the table? (your, yours)
6. Our bus always seems to be the last one to come. (ours, our)
7. The teacher asked the class whose rubbish was on the floor. Amit
apologized and said it was his. (him, his)
8. It was a good idea of yours to catch the early train. (your, yours)
F. Add a suitable emphasising pronoun from the box to each of these
sentences. Some of the pronouns may not be used at all.
herself myself
yourselves themselves
himself yourself itself
Ans. 1. The passengers themselves complained to the station master.
2. The boys themselves heard the sound.
3. They themselves built this boat.
4. The speaker himself made the announcement.
5. We ourselves did not do the work.
6. The actress herself was present at the party.
7. Mr and Mrs John themselves built the dog's house.
8. I myself will tell him the good news.
G. Fill in the blanks with the correct interrogative pronoun from the box.
what who whom
whose which
Ans. 1. Who is shouting outside?
2. What can I do for you?
3. Whom did you meet yesterday?
4. Which is the right road to your home?
5. Whose are these shoes?
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Relative Pronouns

A. Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns from the box.
that which whom whose who
Ans. 1. The man who killed the tiger is caught.
2. The police stopped the man whom they suspect is a terrorist.
3. The man whose car was stolen reported the theft to the police.
4. The car which was stolen was later found in a ditch.
5. The bomb that exploded was put in the building by the terrorists.
B. Join the two sentences with the help of a relative pronoun.
Ans. 1. This is the digital camera. I bought it last week.
This is the digital camera which I bought last week.
2. The boy is the hero. He saved the child from drowning.
The boy is the hero who saved the child from drowning.
3. Mr Azim is the man. His son rescued the child.
Mr Azim is the man whose son rescued the child.
4. Mr Garg was the man. He drove his car on the railway track.
Mr Garg was the man who drove his car on the railway track.
5. Mr and Mrs Hasan are our neighbours. The children like and
respect them.
Mr and Mrs Hasan are our neighbours whom the children like
and respect.
C. Fill in each blank with the correct relative pronoun from the box.
Then circle the noun which the relative pronoun is referring to.
Ans. 1. Here is the man who watch birds.
2. A bearded man observed the house which belonged to a
3. A boy who came out of the house was kidnapped by him.
4. The man asked the rich man whose son he had kidnapped to pay
him Rs. fifty lakhs in ransom.
5. The rich man refused to pay because the boy
whom the man had kidnapped was not his son!
6. The bad man has made a mistake which he will never forget.
D. Complete each sentence using who, whose, whom, which or that.
Ans. 1. The teacher would like the boy who threw the chalk to stand up.
2. A kiwi is one of those birds which cannot fly.
3. A bank is a place from which (when) people borrow money.
4. Priya is the girl on whom you can always depend for help.
5. I have a friend whose father is a vet.
6. There are three shirts here. Which is yours?
7. From whom was your e-mail message?
8. The only person whom I recognise is Raj.
9. Where is the waiter who served us?
10. The flowers which you gave me are still looking fresh.

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E. Fill in the blanks with who, whom, which, whose or that.

Ans. 1. People who use their mobile phones while driving are penalised.
2. There was nobody to whom she could turn for help.
3. In the room was a man whose voice was very loud.
4. This was something for which I was not prepared.
5. The manager is the person whom they want to talk to.
6. People who smoke are damaging their health.
7. I do not know the girl with which you were dancing.
8. Those who still have not paid must pay today.
9. There are five men whom the police want to interview.
10. The electrician to whom the job was given is on holiday.




The Adjective Its Kinds

Write each example given below again so that you change the
position of the adjectives. First two are done for your help.
1. The kites are colourful.
6. The lady is rich.
The colourful kites are there.
There is a rich lady.
2. a dirty river.
7. a clever fox.
The river is dirty.
The fox is clever.
3. a blunt knife.
8. The book is interesting.
The knife is blunt.
An interesting book is there.
4. The roads are wide.
9. a thin magazine.
The wide roads are these.
The magazine is thin.
5. cold coffee
10. a lovely girl.
The coffee is cold.
The girl is lovely.
Each of these sentences has three adjectives given in brackets. Fill
in the blanks with the adjectives in the correct order.
1. I am wearing a pair of old blue denim jeans. (old, denim, blue)
2. Our neighbour has a powerful red Japanese car. (Japanese, red,
3. Our new sports teacher is a tall slim Indian man. (slim, Indian, tall)
4. My brother gave me an new exciting computer game. (computer,
new, exciting)
5. We all sat around our old wooden dining table. (wooden, dining, old)
6. I put on my new white cotton shirt. (cotton, white, new)
7. I love the smell of clean white linen sheets on my bed. (clean, linen,
8. This story is about an ugly old black witch. (ugly, old, black)
Underline the correct word in the bracket in each sentence.
1. The dog wags (its, my) tail happily.
2. The woman scolded (his, her) son.
3. (Your, My) ball has rolled into the drain. Can you pick it up for me,

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4. We must cut (my, our) fingernails regularly.

5. She is wearing a red frock. (Her, His) frock is made of silk.
6. The chairman is in (its, his) office.
7. The workers kept (their, its) tools in the room.
8. This is Mr Jain's new car. (His, Her) car is air-conditioned.
D. Choose the most suitable adjective from the box to fill in the blanks.

different awake impossible asleep

beautiful valuable similar

Ans. 1.

In some ways plants are similar to animals.

But they are different because plants can make their own food.
Most animals are asleep during a period of the day or night.
Plants never sleep, they are always awake.
Plants are very valuable to people as a source of food.
They also provide us with many useful materials, such as wood and
7. Parks and gardens are beautiful due to plants.
8. It is an impossible task to say how many plants there are.
E. Decide whether the adjective given in colour print should be in
position (1) or (2) in the sentence. Write its number in the brackets.
The first is done for you.
Ans. 1. afraid
My (1) dog is (2) afraid of cars. (2)
2. satisfied
My (1) sister seemed (2) satisfied with her exam results. (2)
3. alone
The (1) principal was (2) alone in his office. (2)
4. sick
One of the (1) sick boys felt dizzy. So (2) he went home early. (1)
5. sleepy
The (1) sleepy boy went (2) to bed after dinner. (1)


Adjectives Endings

A. Change the following nouns to adjectives.
Ans. 1. harm
2. home homeless
3. grace
4. dust dusty
5. child
6. fool foolish
7. danger
8. love lovely
9. comfort comfortable
B. Use the endings in the box to change the following nouns into
ish -ous
-y -able
ive -ic -ly -ed -en

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Ans. 1. expense expensive

2. friend
3. poison
4. scene
5. wood
6. storm
7. comfort comfortable 8. care
9. fool
C. Choose an ending from the box to form adjectives from the words






Ans. 1. effect
2. danger
3. mass
4. leisure
5. rust
6. home
7. music
8. peace
9. cheer
10. self
11. week
12. success successful
13. rain
14. artist
15. person
D. Choose endings from the box and form adjectives from the
following words.
-al -ful -less
Ans. 1. juice
2. study
3. sun
4. nerve
5. fame
6. globe
7. beauty
8. mud
9. ease
10. bride
11. play
12. fury
13. penny
penniless 14. nose


Comparison of Adjectives

A. The table below compares five children in age, height and weight.
Read the table and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
adjectives in brackets.
9 years
8 years
10 years 6 years
7 years
135 cm 128 cm 133 cm
126 cm
128 cm
30 kg
26 kg
33 kg
Ans. 1. Asif is the oldest (old) of the children.
2. Payal is the youngest (young) of the children.
3. Raj is the tallest (tall) of all.
4. Harjeet is not as old (old) as Priya.
5. Payal is shorter (short) than Harjeet and Priya.

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6. Asif is the heaviest (heavy) in the group.

7. Harjeet is taller (tall) than Payal.
8. Priya is lighter (light) than Harjeet.
9. Priya is older (old) than Payal, but younger (young) than Asif.
10. Harjeet is lighter (light) than Asif, but heavier (heavy) than Payal.
11. Raj is younger (young) than Asif, but older (old) than Harjeet.
12. Priya is as tall (tall) as Harjeet.
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the box.

happy blind pretty

strong heavy gentle

playful lazy
fierce cheeky

Ans. 1. as playful as a monkey.

6. as pretty as a picture.
2. as happy as a lark.
7. as gentle as a lamb.
3. as cheeky as a kitten.
8. as heavy as a bull.
4. as fierce as a tiger.
9. as lazy as a lizard.
5. as blind as a bat.
10. as strong as lead.
C. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.
1. ugly
2. crazy
3. shallow
4. generous
more generous
most generous
5. handsome
more handsome
most handsome
6. hardworking more hardworking most hardworking
7. obedient
more obedient
most dient
8. proud
more proud
most proud
9. graceful
more graceful
most graceful
more delicious
most delicious
D. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the brackets.
Ans. Host: Welcome to Dehradun, Mr Dev. How do you find the city now?
Dev: Well! Dehradun is more clean (clean) and more beautiful
(beautiful) than it used to be earlier.
Host: What other things have you noticed?
Dev: Some of the old (old) buildings are gone. There are a lot of new
(new) buildings and luxury hotels. The staff at hotels is more
courteous (courteous) than it was before. Local transport is also
much better (good) now than before.
Host: Do you have any difficulty in communicating with people?
Dev: Not exactly; more (many) people can speak English now than
they did twenty years ago. A day before, an auto driver told me
in English one of the most interesting (interesting) stories I
have ever heard.
E. Write the superlative forms of adjectives in brackets to fill in the
Ans. The Great Wall of China is the longest (long) wall in the world. The
workers building the wall had one of the most dangerous (dangerous)
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jobs. Today it is one of the most popular (popular) tourist attractions in

China. The best (good) preserved areas are near tourist centres. Some
parts of the wall have fallen into ruins.
For years, the wall served as one of the most useful (useful) sources of
building material for nearby villagers. One of the most difficult
(difficult) questions about the wall is whether it can be seen from outer
space. Perhaps it should be called the greatest (great) wall.
F. Fill in each blank with the suitable form of the adjective given in
the brackets.
Ans. 1. It is more comfortable to sit here than to sit there. (comfortable)
2. Priya is more hardworking than Payal. (hardworking)
3. This is the most beautiful fish in my aquarium. (beautiful)
4. John has more balloons than Raj. (many)
5. This is the biggest present she has ever received. (big)
6. Hassan is good at English but Razia is better. (good)
7. This chicken curry is delicious. (delicious)
8. North, east or west, home is the best. (good)





Fill in the blanks with correct articles.
1. Priya has an uncle who lives in Jaipur.
2. I got a new watch for my birthday.
3. I am going to the post office.
4. I like the shirt you are wearing.
5. Where are the shoes I bought yesterday.
6. Is there a university in your town?
7. Do you like the songs on this CD?
8. Tomorrow we are visiting the museum of natural history.
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
The chicken is an interesting creature. It is a bird but it cannot fly. The
adult female is called a hen and the adult male is a rooster or cock.
There are lots of different types of chickens. Chickens eat a lot of
different things such as insects, fruits, seeds and worms. Everyone
wants to know : which came first a chicken or an egg?
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
1. Raj lives in a very beautiful area.
2. It is a small village but it is an attractive place to live.
3. There is a river running through the middle of it.
4. Raj likes rivers especially the one that runs through the village.
5. Raj goes to a local school, and when he is in a classroom he can see
the village from the window.
Fill in the blanks with correct articles.
1. Who is the fastest runner in the class?

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2. There is a hole in your sock.

3. Dad put on an orange shirt and a grey suit to go to work.
4. He put a rose in his buttonhole.
5. She needs a silk dress to wear for the wedding.
6. Have you a blue pair of jeans?
7. That is the best book I have ever seen.
8. Jogging is an easy exercise.
9. Please form an orderly queue.
10. Our cat had a narrow escape when she ran across the busy road.
E. One sentence in each pair needs the article 'the', the other does not.
Fill in the in the correct sentence, put a (7) in the other.
Ans. 1. (a) 7 water is essential for life.
(b) The water in that jug needs changing.
2. (a) That restaurant serves delicious 7 food.
(b) Everyone enjoys the good food.
3. (a) I cannot understand all 7 words in this song.
(b) People say that the words have power to influence others.
4. (a) My sister is afraid of 7 dogs.
(b) The dogs in my neighbourhood always bark.
5. (a) R.D. Burman composed 7 wonderful music.
(b) The music I like best is pop.
6. (a) Did you get the postcards I sent?
(b) People often send 7 postcards during holidays.
7. (a) Children start 7 school at the age of 5.
(b) The school that my sister goes to is opposite our house.
8. (a) A lot of furniture is made of 7 wood.
(b) We walked through the wood yesterday.
9. (a) 7 seats are available at the back of the hall.
(b) The seats we had for the theatre last night were excellent.
10. (a) 7 History can teach us many things about our past.
(b) We watched a film during the history lesson today.


The Verb Its Kinds

A. Complete each sentence in your own words.
Ans. 1. You must lend me your hand.
2. They are giving him a hard job.
3. Hassan is showing his friends a book.
4. The man offered her the chair to sit.
5. He awarded the winner with trophy.
6. Priya paid the man ten rupees.
7. The boy built their model perfectly.
8. The artist painted her in two days.
9. We are buying him fruits.
10. My mother baked me a delicious cake.

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B. Read the following colour verbs of sentences. Write T or I for

transitive or intransitive in blank space. The first is done for you.
Ans. 1. (a) Suman reads a few pages of her book everyday.
(b) We have to read aloud in class everyday.
2. (a) Please stand still while I comb your hair.
(b) I can't stand people who boast.
3. (a) Suddenly the door opened.
(b) Could you open the door for me, Raj?
4. (a) Did you win the match? No, we lost
(b) She is aways losing her books.
5. (a) I sang while Ritu played the guitar.
(b) The baby was playing happily with her toys.
6. (a) Renu changes the date on her calendar as soon as she gets up. T
(b) We change as we get older.
7. (a) Nisha draws very well.
(b) Rajan has drawn a portrait of Tagore.
8. (a) We watched a programme about wildlife.
(b) Watch carefully as I perform.
C. Fill up each blank with a transitive verb.
Ans. 1. The peon rings the bell.
2. The judge declair them all guilty.
3. The boy opens the window pane.
4. The cook is boiling an egg for me.
5. The doctor checked the pulse of the patient.
6. Gandhiji never told a lie.
D. Here are some pairs of sentences. The same verb has been used as
an intransitive and as a transitive verb. Write transitive or
intransitive in the blanks.
Ans. 1. (a) He runs his own company.
(b) He runs very fast.
2. (a) He is driving his new car.
(b) He is driving carefully.
3. (a) She studied medicine.
(b) The students studied hard.
4. (a) The pilot is flying a jet.
(b) The eagle is flying freely in the sky.
5. (a) We are playing chess.
(b) We are playing in the garden.
6. (a) The coachman drives carefully.
(b) The coachman drives a carriage.
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Subject Verb Agreement

A. Underline the correct verb in the brackets in each sentence.
Ans. 1. My alarm clock (ring, rings) at six o'clock every morning.
2. The river (flow, flows) north to the sea.
3. The farmers (harvest, harvests) rice early in the morning.
4. Everyone (has, have) two eggs, one apple, a burger and a cup of tea.
5. The officers (is, are) helpful and courteous.
6. Nobody (know, knows) the answer to this question.
7. Somebody (is, are) at the door.
8. Raj and Sophia (play, plays) the sitar well.
9. My parents (like, likes) meat as well as vegetables.
10. Mr and Mrs Hussain (speak, speaks) fluent Urdu.
B. Fill in each blank with the verb given in brackets to match the
Ans. 1. Shruti watches (watch) television everyday.
2. I read (read) two new books every month.
3. Those hawkers always shout (shout) loudly.
4. Each pupil takes (take) turn to clean the school.
5. We play (play) in the park once a week.
6. Everybody likes (like) the funny clown.
7. Mr Jain and Mrs Sen work (work) in the same office.
8. Old Mr John receives (receive) money from his son every month.
9. The workers produce (produce) ten cars a day.
10. The senior citizens meet (meet) at the park everyday.
C. Fill in the blanks with correct verbs given in brackets.
Ans. 1. Some old cars have (have) only two doors.
2. Our teacher likes (like) hard-working pupils.
3. An air hostess has (have) good eye-sight.
4. Some watches are (be) very expensive.
5. Most of the books on the shelf look (look) old.
6. She exercises (exercise) in the park every morning.
7. The workers look (look) after the machines well.
8. The road in the neighbourhood is (be) narrow and rough.
9. His jokes are (be) not funny at all.
10. She wants (want) to join the club immediately.
D. Fill in each blank with the simple present tense of the verb in the
Ans. Professor Krishna is (be) a scientist. He has (have) a laboratory of his
own. He is carrying out some research on mice. He wants (want) to find
out about the size of a mouse's brain. He believes (believe) that the
bigger the mouse's brain, the more intelligent the mouse will be. He
starts (start) work at six o'clock in the morning. He prefers (prefer) to
work early in the morning.
Sometimes, he is (be) so busy that he forgets (forget) to eat.

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E. Circle the correct verb form in the brackets.

Ans. 1. A new serial (are/ is ) just starting on TV.
2. How many cars (does/ do ) those people own?
3. I heard a knock at the door, but when I opened it no one (were/ was )
4. Great Britain (consist/ consists ) of three countries England,
Scotland and Wales.
5. Everything ( is /are) on the table. Just help yourself.
6. A wide range of computer games (is/ are ) available in this store.
7. A twenty-kilometre bike journey (take/ takes ) about an hour.
8. Everyone in my class ( is /are) going on the school trip.
9. Both the new musicians ( play /plays) the guitar.
10. Your jeans ( is /are) torn. Go and change.


Strong and Weak Verbs


A. Complete the table.

Past participle
1 forget
2. freeze
3. shrink
4. leave
5. beat
6. lie
7. bleed
8. spread
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct past tense form of the verbs given
in the brackets.
Ans. 1. I threw a ball and it broke a window (breaked, broke)
2. I lost my ring in the park. (lost, losed)
3. She wrote a letter to her grandma. (writed, wrote)
4. I met my friend in the park. (meeted, met)
5. The dog caught the ball in its mouth. (caught, catched)
6. The school bell rang at 8 a.m. (ringed, rang)
7. We sold (selled/sold) our old car and bought (bought/buyed) a new one.
8. I got this book from the library. (getted, got)
9. Asif showed me the cut on his arm. (showed, shew)
10. We had a garage where we kept our car. (keeped, kept)
C. Fill in each blank with the past tense of the verb in the brackets.
Ans. 1. The sweeper burnt (burn) the garbage on the road.
2. The hostess shoke (shake) hands with her guests.
3. The boy stole (steal) money from his father's pocket.
4. Pupils borrowed (borrow) the books from the library.
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My friend kept (keep) many cats as pets.

The hunter raised (raise) his gun.
The customer ordered (order) ten cakes.
A dog drew (drawn) in that pool last week.
She promise (promise) to help me.
The hen scratched (scratch) the ground with its claws.
I posted (post) the parcel two days ago.
The old man forgave (forgive) his son.



A. Fill in each blank with the present continuous tense of the verb in
the brackets.
Ans. 1. The people are celebrating the Inde- pendence Day. (celebrate)
2. The hero is fighting with the villain. (fight)
3. The snake is creeping towards the mice's hole. (creep)
4. The people are donating blood at the camp. (donate)
5. You are wasting your time. (waste)
6. I am comparing my results with those of hers. (compare)
7. I am using my pencil at the moment. (use)
8. She is selecting a dress for the party. (select)
9. Priya is taking Raj to the cinema. (take)
10. We are attending an important meeting. (attend)
B. Change the sentences from simple present tense to simple past
tense or from simple past tense to simple present tense. (Do it in
your notebook)
Ans. 1. We visited the beach when we had the time.
We visit the beach when we have the time.
2. Our gardener cut the grass and swept it into a heap.
Our gardener cut the grass and sweep it into a heap.
3. The performer cracks a joke and the audience laughs.
The performer cracked a joke and the audience laughed.
4. Priya and Raj walked home together.
Priya and Raj walk home together.
5. I like watching cartoons.
I liked watching cartoons.
6. I saw a film about wildlife.
I see a film about wildlife.
7. Street hawkers called out their wares.
Street hawkers call out their wares.
8. The woman overpowered the attacker.
The woman overpowers the attacker.
9. The guitarist plays at street corners and people gather to listen.
The guitarist played at street corners and people gathered to listen.

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C. Change the sentences from simple to continuous tense or from

continuous to simple tense. (Do it in your notebook)
Ans. 1. The chief guest cuts the ribbon at the inauguration.
The chief guest is cutting the ribbon at the inauguration.
2. The lady searched for her watch in her handbag.
The lady was searching for her watch in her handbag.
3. Priya called Raj on her mobile phone.
Priya was calling Raj on her mobile phone.
4. The cat is jumping over the wall to get into the house.
The cat jumps over the wall to get into the house.
5. The tourists are assembling outside the Red Fort.
The tourists assemble outside the Red Fort.
6. The guests were eating their favourite food.
The guests ate their favourite food.
7. He fell when he was climbing the tree.
He was falling when he climbed the tree.
8. The cat chased the rat.
The cat was chasing the rat.
D. Change the simple present tense in the following sentences to the
present perfect tense. (Do it in your notebook)
Ans. 1. She goes to the park for her morning exercise.
She has gone to the park for her morning exercise.
2. They drink water from the polluted river.
They have drunk water from the polluted river.
3. Asif gives Rita a bouquet of roses.
Asif has given Rita a bouquet of roses.
4. A luxury car arrives at the gate of the building.
A luxury car has arriven at the gate of the building.
5. People gather to watch the cricket match.
People have gathered to watch the cricket match.
6. The people hear the news about the cyclone.
The people have heard the news about the cyclone.
7. The palmist tells her fortune.
The palmist has told her fortune.
8. Mr Rao takes a train to work.
Mr Rao has taken a train to work.
E. Fill in the blanks with past continuous form of the verbs in the
Ans. 1. People were dancing (dance) to the folk music.
2. Someone was making (make) a very loud noise.
3. I was sitting (sit) in my bedroom reading a book.
4. My heart was beating (beat) really fast.
5. When I saw John, he was looking (look) for his dog.
6. Raj was finishing (finish) his homework.
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7. Shalu was doing (do) maths when I called her.

8. The servant was cutting (cut) vegetables.
F. Fill in the future continuous form of the verb in the following
Ans. 1. Grandma will be arriving this evening. (arrive)
2. I shall be seeing you at the station tonight. (see)
3. We shall be starting new term tomorrow. (start)
4. She will be getting her exam results very soon. (get)
5. The train will be starting at 5:15 p.m. (start)
6. The shop will be closing in five minutes. (close)
7. We shall be having dinner at nine o'clock. (have)
8. Sachin will be playing in tomorrow's match. (play)


Negative Forms of Tenses

A. Rewrite the following sentences in their negative form.
Ans. 1. John and Asif have caught five cats.
John and Asif have not caught five cats.
2. We have hidden the marbles in a ditch.
We have not hidden the marbles in a ditch.
3. She has donated hundred rupees.
She has not donated hundred rupees.
4. The boy has spent all his money.
The boy has not spent all his money.
5. She has bought two new CDs.
She has not bought two new CDs.
6. They have reserved seats for us.
They have not reserved seats for us.
7. That author has written more than two hundred books.
That author has not written more than two hundred books.
8. The woodcutters have cut down trees along the road.
The woodcutters have not cut down trees along the road.
9. The cat has given birth to three kittens.
The cat has not given birth to three kittens.
10. The tribals have gone to the forest to look for food.
The tribals have not gone to the forest to look for food.
B. Change the following sentences into their negative forms.
Ans. 1. Dogs love playing in water.
Dogs do not love playing in water.
2. She jogs in the park everyday.
She does not jog in the park everyday.
3. They are bringing a television in the room.
They are not bringing a television in the room.

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4. She was reading a book.

She was not reading a book.
5. Priya and Raj are listening to music.
Priya and Raj are not listening to music.
6. We walked to school yesterday.
We did not walk to school yesterday.
7. She smiled when she saw me.
She did not smile when she saw me.
8. Some boys were eating burger.
Some boys were not eating burger.
9. They have lived in this house for ten years.
They have not lived in this house for ten years.
10. I have kept the letter you sent me.
I have not kept the letter you sent me.


Interrogative Forms of Tenses

A. Change the following sentences into interrogative form.
Ans. 1. We go to cinema on Sundays.
Do we go to cinema on Sunday?
2. The bus leaves in half an hour.
Does the bus leave in half an hour?
3. The children are asleep.
Are the children asleep?
4. There is a big tree near the park.
Is there a big tree near the park?
5. I eat eggs everyday.
Do I eat egg everyday?
6. The stranger grabbed my arm.
Did the stranger grab my arm?
7. Rajan was ill yesterday.
Was Rajan ill yesterday?
8. Amit was polishing his shoes.
Was Amit polishing his shoes?
9. Shreya has a pretty face.
Has Shreya a pretty face?
10. I had so much homework.
Had I so much homework?
11. She will be pleased to meet me.
Will she be pleased to meet me?
12. She has dirtied her new clothes.
Has she dirtied her new clothes?
13. Monkeys have long tails.
Have monkeys long tails?

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14. They were on holiday last week.

Were they on holiday last week.
15. I carried a big shopping bag.
Did I carry a big shopping bag?


The Perfect Continuous Tense


Direct and Indirect Speech

A. Fill in the blanks with the present perfect continuous form of the
verbs given in the brackets.
Ans. 1. He has been running for two hours. (run)
2. We have been learning English for five years. (learn)
3. The workers have been working since morning. (work)
4. I have been cleaning my car. (clean)
5. I have been living in Delhi since 2000. (live)



Rewrite the sentences, putting in punc-tuation marks to show
direct speech. Remember the commas and capital letters also.
1. The doctor said you must not eat too many chocolates.
The doctor said, "You must not eat too many chocolates."
2. The gardener said to me please give me the lawn-mower.
The gardener said to me, "Please, give me the lawn-mower".
3. Priyanka waved and called out goodbye.
Priyanka waved and called out," Good-bye"
4. The woman cried there are so many rats here!
The woman cried, "There are so many rats here".
5. The opposite of north is south said the teacher.
"The opposite of north is south" said the teacher.
6. The headmaster announced tomorrow is holiday.
The headmaster announced, "Tomorrow is holiday".
7. You must use punctuation marks Priya tells her younger brother.
"You must use punctuation marks" Priya tells her younger
8. Line up outside the class said the principal.
"Line up outside the class", said the principal.
Write the conversation in indirect speech. Do it in your own notebook.
Ashok exclaimed with joy that was the most exciting match he had ever
seen. Asif agreed with Ashok said that four hundred runs in fifty overs
was great. Asif asked him if he saw how Dhoni had completed his
century. Ashok replied in amaze that he didn't think they would ever see
a match like that.

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C. Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech.

Ans. 1. Ayush said. 'I am excited and happy.'
Ayush said that he was excited and happy.
2. 'My pen is not writing, ' said Ayesha.
Ayesha said that her pen was not writing.
3. 'You can borrow my pen,' suggested Priya.
Priya suggested that he could borrow her pen.
4. 'My mother is ill,' said the little boy.
The little boy said that his mother is ill.
5. 'I feel giddy,' said Raj.
Raj said that he felt giddy.
6. The teacher said to Priya, 'Why is Raj absent?'
The teacher asked Priya why Raj was absent.
7. Mohit said, 'I will not play the match.'
Mohit said that he will not play the match.
D. Choose the correct tense for the verb to fill the blanks.
Ans. 1. I said, 'We are going in the wrong direction.'
I said that we were going in the wrong direction.
2. 'The treatment is painless,' said the dentist.
The dentist said that the treatment was painless.
3. 'I don't like coffee,' I said.
I said that I did not like coffee.
4. 'The train leaves in five minutes,' I told them.
I told them that the train left in five minutes.
5. We said, 'We have been waiting for you.'
We said that we had been waiting for him.
6. 'The rabbit has eaten all the carrots,' complained the farmer.
The farmer complained that the rabbit had eaten all the carrots.
7. Mrs Singh said, 'I am going to Mumbai'
Mrs Singh said that she was going to Mumbai.
8. 'Sheila is feeling fine,' said her mother.
Sheila's mother said that Sheila was feeling fine.


The Adverb Its Kinds

A. Form adverbs from the adjectives below. Make necessary changes
in the spelling, too.
Ans. 1. abundant
2. graceful
3. free
4. greedy
5. sudden
6. quick
7. careful
8. warm
9. busy
10. happy
B. Draw a circle round the verb and underline the adverb of manner.
The first one is done for you.

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Ans. 1. The door opened suddenly.

2. The clothes dried quickly in the sun.
3. The horse ran fast in the race.
4. The baby is crying loudly.
5. The rain poured heavily.
6. The crowd welcomed their leader cheerfully.
7. The young man walked home quickly.
8. The moon shone dimly.
C. Choose the adverbs from the box. In each sentence the meaning of
adverb is explained in brackets. Fill the adverb that matches the
always never often occasionally seldom
Ans. 1. We often eat out. (frequently; many times)
2. I seldom tell lies. (not even; once)
3. We never watch television. (not often; usually do not watch)
4. My Grandma occasionally visits us. (sometimes; now and then)
5. He is always late for school. (at all times)
D. Fill in each blank with a suitable adverb from the brackets.
Ans. 1. The school bus often breaks down because it is very old. (seldom,
often, never)
2. Being a cricket fan, I frequently go to the stadium to watch cricket
matches. (never, seldom, frequently)
3. They often quarrel because both are hot-tempered. (seldom, never,
4. Snails never move fast. (often, never, some-times)
5. Although she is careful, she does make mistakes occasionally.
(frequently, never, occasionally)
6. I like swimming but because of exams I seldom go swimming
nowadays. (often, frequently, seldom)
7. He does not know how to play the guitar. He has never played one
before. (never, occasionally, seldom)
8. If you want to become a good guitarist, you must play the guitar
frequently (occas-ionally, frequently, hourly)
E. The words in the colour print are adverbs. Underline the verb to
which the adverb is connected. Then write the adverb in the correct
Ans. 1. The children played quietly. (In what way?)
2. I always jog in the morning. (How often?)
3. I visit my uncle weekly. (How often?)
4. She sang beautifully. (In what way?)
5. Local trains are often crowded in the morning. (How often?)
6. The plane landed safely. (In what way?)
7. I will not be away long. (How long?)
8. Children usually play in the morning. (How often?)
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Fill in the blanks with in, on or at
1. He was born in the night at 10 p.m., while she was born at 3 a.m. the
next day.
2. The final term starts in December.
3. Christmas falls on 25th December.
4. Children who are in the afternoon session, set off for school at noon.
5. Last year I was in fourth standard.
Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of time from the box.
1. On the time I reach home, I am badly tired.
2. The train journey is from 6 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
3. I have dinner before a quarter past nine.
4. I wake up early in the morning.
5. I take my breakfast between 8 a.m. and 8.30 a.m.
6. I do most of my work by the next day.
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the brackets.
1. He lives in (on, in, by) a big bungalow.
2. Many people live with (in, on, with) fear all the time.
3. Vegetarians live on (at, in, on) vegetables and milk.
4. He lives with (with, by, off) his family in an apartment.
5. We live at (at, for, by) the rules of the country.
6. He lives on (on, out, off) his relations because he is unemployed.
Use suitable prepositions from the box and fill in the blanks.
with of
1. In desert, people travel on foot and on camel backs.
2. It is the second day of October. It is a national day.
3. Good children always share their things with others.
4. Would you like to come with me to the park?
5. Do you travel by train?
6. The teacher drew an elephant on the class board by a chalk.
7. Give this box of sweets to Ms Singh.
8. The Taj was built by Shah Jahan specially for Mumtaz.
Use prepositions from the box and fill in the box.
against through
1. Plants cannot live without air and water.
2. The meeting between the heads of the two countries took place in Agra.
3. The batsman hit the ball into the stands.
4. The bank is further along the road.
5. Indian team will play against South Africa on 3 April 2008.

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6. The meeting will start at half past nine sharp.

7. We decorated the house all by ourselves.
8. While going from Kalka to Shimla, the train passes through many
9. The passengers are fed up with the delay in flights.
10. Mother Teresa showed great love for the poor and sick.
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the box. You may
use a preposition more than once. Also, some of the prepositions are
given as extras.
1. I am good in English but quite bad in Maths.
2. My elder brother is brilliant in Maths and he is nice to me.
3. I am very interested in computer games.
4. When I get tired of playing games, I surf the Internet.
5. Internet is full of wonderful things and information.
6. I am also keen for sports.
7. I am a bit scared of water so I'm not a good swimmer.
8. My eldest brother is married to a lady doctor.
9. My father deals in real estate.
10. I am happy to have such a nice family.
Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions from your memory.
1. Children, listen to me carefully.
2. Rosy, you must write to your uncle and thank him for the present.
3. Raj, Ms Julie wants to speak to you.
4. Last night I dreamt of being lost in a jungle.
5. John, does this bag belong to you?
6. My father works in a multinational company.
7. Wait for me, Dad!
8. Did you walk in school this morning?

Fill in the blanks with if or unless.
1. If you do not behave, you will get into trouble.
2. Unless you apologise, you will not be forgiven.
3. Obey the orders, if you do not want to get into trouble.
4. We cannot win unless we keep on trying.
Fill in each pair of blanks with either ----- or or neither ----- nor.
1. You can go to Agra either by bus or by train.
2. Neither Mr Garg nor Mrs Garg heard anything. They were sleeping.
3. Neither my brother nor I know you. Who are you?
4. I drink neither tea nor coffee. I drink only water.
5. Either Priya or John will answer the telephone call.
(It depends on who is nearer the phone when it rings.)

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6. Please, let me have either that chair or the stool. I am tired.

7. We can do only one thing at a time. We can either watch television
or go to bed.
8. I can buy either the shoes or the shirt. I cannot afford to buy both.
9. She visited neither her uncle nor her aunt. She did not like them.
10. We always shop at either Super Bazar or Big Bazar.
C. Change these if sentences into or-sentences. The first is done for you.
Ans. 1. If you do not hurry up you will miss your bus.
Hurry up or you will miss your bus.
2. If you do not work hard you will fail.
Work hard or you will fail.
3. If you do not hold on to the rail you will fall.
Hold on to the rail or you will fall.
4. If you do not have your coffee now it will get cold.
Have your coffee now or it will get cold.
5. If you do not act now you will miss your chance.
Act now or you will miss your chance.
D. Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences.
Ans. 1. The cat cleaned itself after having drunk milk.
2. I worked very hard before the exams started.
3. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
4. Seema was eager to help but she was not informed.
5. They moved into a new flat after their house collapsed.
E. Fill in each blank with a conjunction from the box. You may use the
words more than once.


so or






Ans. She always put on a pair of socks when she goes to bed. This is but in
the middle of night her feet always feel cold. It is strange but it is true. If
she does not wear her socks to bed, she will always wake up in the
middle of the night feeling cold. The idea of wearing socks was given
by her mother and she told her about her cold feet. She tried the idea
and found that it worked, so from that she has been wearing socks to
bed. She has to wear them before suffer a sleepless night or of cold feet.


Punctuation and the Use of Capitals

A. Rewrite the following sentences by putting commas and strophes
in the correct places.
Ans. 1. You cant speak English very well.
You can't speak English very well.
2. Good morning teacher said the pupils.
Good Morning teacher, said the pupils.

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3. This boy is strong isnt he?

This boy is strong isn't he?
4. Priyas mum bought rice eggs floor and fruits.
Priya's mum bought rice, eggs, floor and fruits.
Circle the correct words in the brackets.
I have a rabbit. (It's/ Its ) name is Creamy. ( It's / Its) almost white in
colour. It twitches (It's/ Its ) nose when it smells carrots. (It's/
Its)favourite activity is run to (It's/ Its ) hutch. ( It's / Its ) such a lovely
Read the advertisement below. There is no punctuation. Rewrite it
adding capital letters, questions marks, exclamation marks,
commas, apostrophes or full stops where necessary (Do it in your
own notebook).
Do you always feel tired?
Do you feel sleepy when you read?
Read this ad, it could change your life's energy tab!
It is not just a tablet, it is a wonder in a little pack!
You need just one tablet everyday!
It is cheap.
See the change in a week look at a new you.
Do not think. Just go and buy.
Write these groups of words. Some of the words should begin with
capital letters. Put capital letters where they are needed.
1. mrs savita saxena, teacher, st john school, delhi.
Mrs Savita Saxena, teacher, St. John School, Delhi.
2. queen elizabeth, buckingham place, london.
Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace, London.
3. australia, melbourne, kangaroos, sydney opera house.
Australia, Melbourne, Kangaroos, Sydney Opera House.
4. monday, january, month, the bible, the ramayana
Monday, January, Month, the Bible, the Ramayana.
5. delhi, jama masjid, metro rail, old yamuna bridge, lotus temple
Delhi, Jama Masjid, Metro Rail, Old Yamuna Bridge, Lotus
Rewrite each group of sentences below, putting capital letters,
commas, full stops or question marks in the correct places. (Do it in
your own notebook)
1. My classmates and I went to Priya's birthday party on
Wednesday. All of us enjoyed there. Priya had ten candles on
the cake. Everyone wished her a happy birthday.
2. Aesop was a slave in Ancient Greece. He was freed by his master.
He became a great storyteller. His stories have a moral. His
characters are usually animals who talk and do everything like

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Now answer the following questions.
What does the cow need to eat to make good quality milk?
The cow needs to eat lots of food such as grass, clover, grains and hay to
make good quality milk.
Why do you think big dairy-farm owners use a machine to milk
their cows instead of doing it by hand?
Big dairy-farm owners use a machine to milk their cow instead of doing
it by hand because they have a large number of cow to be milked in a
short time.
Why do you think milk needs to be kept cool before it is taken to the
milk processing plant?
Milk needs to be kept cool before it is taken to the milk processing plant
to keep the milk fresh and healthy because cooling prevents germs to grow.
Why does milk need to be pasteurised?
Milk needs to be pasteurised to kill any becteria in the milk.
List as many milk products as you know.
Milk can be used to make so many products such as - butter, cream, icecream, cheese, curd, sweet.
Tick (3) the correct answers.
What is the young of a cow called?
(b) calf
The farmer needs to _________ before he milks the cow.
(d) wash the cow's teats.
During pasteurisation, milk is heated to 72 C for _________.
(c) 15 seconds
Milk is _________ to break up any fatty solids in the milk.
(b) homogenised
Which of the following is not made using milk?
(a) jam.


Now answer the following questions.
What does the sentence 'His eyes opened wide in amazement' mean?
This sentence means that seeing winged fairies dancing around a
blazing fire, his eyes opened wide in amazement.
What did the fairies drink when they were thirsty?
The fairies drank the sweet evening dew that lay heavy on the grass
when they were thirsty.

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What did the fairies eat during the celebrations?

The fairies ate grass seed biscuits during the celebrations.
What did the fairies sleep on?
The fairies slept on their soft, sweet scented flower beds.
Tick (3) the correct answers.
The friends were watching the clouds in the :
(c) early evening.
_________ landed on Tom's nose.
(d) Morning Glory
What were the fairies celebrating?
(a)Midsummer's eve
Alice thought that one of the clouds looked like a camel with a
large _________.
Ans. (a) bottom
C. Match the words with their meanings.
1. Squeal
twisting and turning movements
2. Slither
touching or stroking lightly
3. Tickling
high-pitched cry or sound
4. Blazing
laugh lightly
5. Crouch
burning brightly
6. Wriggle
slide or slip unsteadily
7. Giggle
lowering body by bending knees


Now answer the following questions.
Where was Enid Blyton born?
Enid Blyton was born in London, England in 1897.
Why were Enid Blyton's books translated into other languages?
Enid Blyton had his book translated into seventy languages because
they were liked by the children and by translation every child can read
them anywhere in the world.
Why did Enid Blyton eventually give up teaching?
Enid Blyton eventually gave up teaching to devote more time to writing
children's literature.
Why do you think Enid Blyton wrote stories for children?
Enid Blyton wrote stories for children so that children would enjoy
Tick (3) the correct answers.
Enid Blyton was trained as a _________.
(c) teacher
Enid Blyton's first book appeared when she was about _________
years old.
(d) 25

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3. How many books did Enid Blyton write in her lifetime?

Ans. (c) over 600


Tick (3) the correct answers.
Long ago, the ___ of a bird would not have helped you to identify it.
(b) colour.
Why was the dove flying around before he was injured?
(c) He was looking for food.
What did the crow do to help the dove?
(d) He did nothing.
The parrot pricked the dove's swollen foot so that _________.
(b) It would not be swollen.
What lesson does the passage teach us?
(a) Those who help others will be rewarded.
Read each statement carefully. Write 'T' in the boxes if it is true
and 'F' if it is false.
1. Many years ago it was difficult to tell one bird from another. (True)
2. Doves are helpless birds.
3. Parrots have straight, sharp beaks.
4. Today, lorikeets are very colourful birds.
5. In the passage, the crow stayed black because of his selfishness.


Now answer the following questions.
1. What can happen to people who do not exercise?
People who do not exercise can become fat, weak or ill.
Give two examples of the kinds of exercise that you can do with
your family and friends.
We can go for a walk in a park or along the lake. We can run, jog, ride
our bicycle. We can swim and play ball games or skip with our friends.
How can exercise help you to become better at sports?
Exercise helps us to become better at sports. We can bend, jump and
stretch easily if we are fit.
What does the passage say that we have to do to be really healthy?
We have to do be really healthy. We must also exercise our mind by
reading, doing puzzles or solving mathematical problems.
How can you find time for exercise? What type of exercise you
would like to do in that time?
I find time in morning before bath for exercise. I get up early. I skip the
rope, jog and go for a walk in near park. I do mental exercise by sudoku.

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B. 1. Write two kinds of exercise you would like to do to keep your

body fit.
Ans. We should exercise
(i) mentally exercise (ii) physical exercise
2. Write two ways to exercise your mind.
Ans. (i) By reading, doing puzzles or solving mathematics problems.
(ii) We can learn how to play a musical instrument.


Now answer the following questions.
Which elements of the weather is the poem about?
The poem is about the wind, the sun, the rain and the thunder.
What does the wind do?
The wind puff and blow, so that leaves fly.
Why do leaves shrivel and turn brown?
Leaves shrivel and turn brown because of hot sun.
What does rain make people do?
Rain makes people put coats and run for shelter.
What do the rain and thunder do that people can also do?
People can also weep like rain and make sound like thunder.
Which of the elements described in the poem you like most, and why?
I like rain because I enjoy rain with my friends. We play with boats
made of paper in rain merrily.


Tick (3) the correct answers.
1. How are wild animals and tame animals different in the way
they live?
(c) Wild animals find or build their own homes, but not tame animals.
Where are most spiders likely to make their webs?
(b) In places where insects will fly or crawl into them.
What is the special name for tunnels that lead to a rabbit's nest?
(d) Warrens
Why do rabbits build several doorways from their nests?
(d) They need to escape easily in times of danger.
Which of these creatures do not live in a tree?
(b) Earthworms
Read each statement carefully. Write 'T' in the brackets if it is true
and 'F' if it is false.
1. Some spiders live in holes in the ground.
2. Beetles can live underground.
3. Horses are kept in paddocks.

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4. Wild honey may be found in hollow trees.

5. Cows and sheep usually live in barns.
C. Find out the names of the following animal homes.
tree holes
A reptile
Ant mound



Now answer the following questions.
According to the passage what should the friends do during stormy
II During stormy weather the friends should share their umbrella.
How can you be generous with your friend during recess?
During recess we can be generous with our friend with laughing,
joking, tickling and giggling.
Why are the two friends always well behaved in the class?
The two friends always well behaved in the class so that the teacher will
not make them sit apart.
Do you think the parents of the two friends like their friendship?
Give a reason for your answer.
The parents of the two friends like their friendship because their sons
are such good friends.
Do you have a best friend? Write five sentences about your
Yes, I have a best friend. His name is Abhishek. We play together and
walk to school together. We help each other. We use to ride our bikes
and have race fun. We laugh, joke, giggle and have all things together.



Writing Letters

A. Write the following letters
1. You are Rajan. You are staying in your school's hostel. Write a letter to
your father informing him about the conditions in your hostel.
Ans. My Dear father,
I am quiet well here. I got the room on first floor in the hostel. The hostel
building is very beautiful. Every facility is available here. There is a
beautiful garden in front of it. We use to play there. We are provided
healthy and tasty food. The hostel warden is loving by nature. A market
is situated near my hostel. In morning we have yoga classes for our
good health. Everything is good here.
But I am missing you my dad and mom too.
Your loving Son

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2. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the Annual Sports Day in
your school.
Ans. 21, Kunj Vihar
Mall Road
26 May, 20__
Dear Ankit,
Thanks for your loving letter which I have received just now. I am so
happy to inform you that Annual Sports Day is going to be held on 30
May, 2010 in my school. I am going to participate in that. Students of all
over India will come in my school to participate.
Please pray for me and my school to win.
Your friend
3. You have joined a summer holiday camp for one month. One week has
already passed in the camp. Write a letter to your parents informing
them about your routine, food and excitement at the camp.
Ans. 24, Vivek Vihar
G. T. Road
10 June, 20__
My Dear Mom and Dad,
I am quiet fine here in this summer holiday camp. In this one week we
have least a lot and enjoyed as well. Our Miss is teaching us dance,
gymnastic, swimming, skating, etc. I get up early in the morning and go
for jogging. Then we all get ready and have a group Puja and Arti. Then
we start dancing like Kathak, Western and Classic. We are given tasty
food. We learn swimming in evening. Then go for horse riding. We
have so much fun here.
Ever I think that if you would be here then we do take a great enjoy of
Your loving son
4. There is no street light in your locality. As the sun sets, it becomes dark.
It is impossible to go out in the night. Draw the attention of concerned
authorities by writing them a letter.
Ans. To,
The District Magistrate
I want to attract your kind attentions towards my locality. I live in
'Purana Bazar' in Muzaffarnagar. There is no street light in my locality.
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As the sun sets, it becomes dark. It is impossible for anyone to go out at

night. Due to darkness many people have fallen on road and got injured.
Many times people have urgent work at night, but darkness become
hindrance. It is very difficult to pass the street in the night.
I therefore, request you to look into the matter and instruct the
authorities to give relief to the people.
Yours obediently
5. Write a letter about something that you think could be improved in your
school. Here are some examples to get you started but you can use your
own ideas.
Ans. To,
The principal
S.P. C.T School
Respected Sir,
I would like to draw your attention for the improvement in our school.
May I point out some problems we are having. The canteen food is not
good enough. It is not fresh and healthy. Please ractify this wrong thing.
The library in school must be computerised and updated with new
useful books. The school garden must be having some playing tools for
recreation. The greenry must be increased.
With all these facilities we will be having a holistic growth.
Hope you will not disappoint us.
Yours obediently
Students of Standard V
B. Use the plan below to help you write your letter
1. To whom will you write your letter?
2. What is the reason for your writing the letter?
3. Write three or four sentences to support your topic.
4. What polite words or expressions can you use in your letter?
Ans. Do it yourself.


Writing Stories

Prepare a story plan.

Title : "Safe and Happy"
Setting : A narrow bridge over the stream
Characters : Two goats
Beginning : Two goats are there. One day they both were crossing a
narrow bridge from the opposite side. One of them said the other goat,
"Let me pass". The other replied in proud, "Never, get out of my way".

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Main events : They both in their ego charged at each other. They lost
balance on that narrow bridge and fell into stream.
End : After some days the same scene repeats. Now both of the goats
are wise and made way for each other. Now they crossed safely.
Moral : We should not have so much ego that can harm us and others.
We should respect others same as we do ourselves.


Writing Paragraphs

Write one paragraph on each of the following topics.

Ans. 1. A sport I like
The sport I like most is cricket. I play cricket everyday with my friends.
We play with all the tools required for cricket. We use to watch Sachin's
style of playing cricket, so that we can learn better movements. Playing
cricket make us healthy, strong and fit for work. I want to be a cricketer
in future like Sachin Tendulkar.
2. What I like best about my school
My school is the best school in the city. The main feature which make it
best of mine are its good facilities and good supporting faculties. Our
teachers teach us our syllabus as well as other soft skills also. They
provide us moral teachings. Meritorious students are rewarded so that
they get encouraged for keep going. Regarding physical facilities, it has
a big play ground with all sports facilities and a canteen with healthy
food. My school is the best school.
3. Animals around us
Animals around us includes dog, rat, cat, birds, cow, rabbit, squirrel,
horses, goats and insects. Dog is a very faithful animal. It saves our
house from thief. Cow gives us milk. Milk is used for multi tasks. Cat is
also there. Rat are to be found in each house. They run so fast, that they
cannot be caught. The birds sing in morning sweetly. Horses are used
for riding and lifting. These all animals are also kept as pet animals.
4. What polite words or expressions can you use in your letter?
We should be very polite in our approach as well as in letter. The polite
words in a letter can be like - "My dear" in salutation. Using greeting
remark like - "Very good morning" or "have a nice day" And while
writing. "May I;" You will get pleasure; I would like to; please; kindly;
so nice; thank you; we hope, etc. We can add much more words or
expressions to make our letter polite.

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