Tribute To My Dad

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Daddy, Always When I Think of You

Daddy, always when I think of you
A smile will light my face
However far from me you are
Close in my heart you will stay
I hear your prayers for me daily
Silently they find their way
And with the wind I feel your presence
Together in spirit every day
You asked when young
If I knew how much you loved me?
I would giggle and say
Yes, daddy I know
It is me now asking this same question
Only hoping as with you it did show
How deep the love I feel for you
How profoundly youve affected my being
For the wondrous life Ive been blessed
A life through your eyes I am seeing
Always I looked up to you
Your words on which I was so intent
At all times gleaning remnants
A lifetime of experience
Through our precious moments spent

Without realization
I was observing all you say and do
And with each passing moment
Becoming that much more a part of you
Your teachings have been the basis
On which I continue to grow
All you have brought to my life
Will be the tomorrows I come to know
You have taught me the colors of a sunset
To seek the sun as it will arise
I too now watch in wonder
Seeing the beauty of this world
Through your eyes
You have taught me to appreciate
The possibilities that with it
Each new day will bring
I experience heartfelt gratitude
For the simplicity
In the most earthly of things
You have taught me the importance
Of creativity, compassion and cause
Of a life meant to be lived higher
With the simple reward
Personal applause

Of the quest
To give ourselves unconditionally
With expectations of nothing in return
To honor our lives through enrichment
Listening closely to all we are here
To learn
You have taught me of adventure,
Exploration and in lifes pursuit, zest
Through an entre of all life has to offer
You have encouraged my personal best
You have taught me the importance
Of independence, inner strength
And voice
To stand tall, walking proud with intention
To know always...I have a choice
With each day that I grow older
I will hold you in the highest of regard
Not only for your participation in my life
But for all of who you are
I will appreciate all you have sacrificed,
Forsaken and to your beliefs held true
As I navigate this terrain of life
I will look to the lessons of you

Dad, it may be a long time

Before I can tell you
But as best I can I will now
Know that my life will be lived
To its fullest
And it has been through watching
You live yours that I will know how
I will conclude now with the final words
That followed your every speech
As you travel along lifes journey
God Bless you, Dad
And I wish you God speed.

Written by Lisa Isabella Benson in

Tribute to Albert Louis Benson Jr.
Read at his memorial on
March 29, 2009

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