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4TH QTR, SY 2015-2016



The Significant Role of Legislations in

Professional Practice and in the Building

AR181P / AR1
T 04:30PM-06:00PM, TH 04:30PM-07:30PM


JUNE 16, 201

"Ignorance of the law excuses no one from practicing it.", just as Addison Mizner, wellknown American resort architect, would quote. It is the law and no one is exempted from
practicing it.
It is know that the Legislation is important in the society, with its social and political
aspect of influence yet they are often misunderstood for its different policies and
procedure concerning govern of an organization. Legislations are rules or laws enforced
by a governing body. It is made by the members of legislation, from the House of
Representative and the Senate or by the executive, which is in the power of the
President, to pass or amend if causing certain damage or violation. After it is approved,
it will be implemented across the country accompanied by an announcement in the
television, radio and newspaper 15 days prior to its approval.
It is essential in the professional practice of architecture especially in the knowledge of
architecture students to learn and become aware of the legislations governing the
practice of architecture. Since Architecture is the art and science of planning, designing
and constructing of buildings, there will be laws and legislations governing it. An
architect does not only design buildings without considerations from its built
environment but also follows his/her design in accordance the Utilitas, Venustas and
Firmitas of Vitruvius' principle.
For a person to be able to design and plan structures, he or she must first be able to
undergo certain qualifications to pass as a professional registered and licensed
architect. He/ she must first finish the degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture with
two years diversified experience in the field of architecture to be considered as an
applicant for the Architecture licensure examination given by the Professional
Regulatory Board of Architecture which is now fully computerized as stated in the PRC
Modernization Act of 2000 or Republic Act No. 8961 (R.A. 8961). Upon passing of the
licensure examination, he or she is required for oath-taking and that is only when he/she
is issued the certificate of registration and Professional Identification Card. It is the only
time that he or she is able to be called as a professional Architect. In practicing
Architecture, only his/ her seal and signature is the one signed on their working
drawings. If they violate it, (by using seal and signature on other working drawing they
did not make, it will be grounds for suspension or revoke of their license and there will
also be a fine charges as stated in Republic Act No. 8996 or The Architecture Act of
On designing, planning and building structures, there are legislations that guides
architecture students and architects. It is the "National Building Code of the Philippines"
or Presidential Decree No. 1096 (P.D. 1096). The legislations are defined as the
standards and specifications designed to grant minimum safeguard to workers during
construction, to the health and comfort of the users and to provide enough safety to the
public in general. The regulation set out the minimum requirement to be observed and
taken into note in the design and construction of buildings. They are applied to new
building and also to extensions, and certain changes of use of existing buildings. This

legislations set out the limits in the structure of limits, for example the minimum and
maximum height requirement for certain building types.

Legislations play an important role in the building industry as it gives guidelines in

building structures for the safety and wellness of the users. For example, without the
existence of Presidential Decree No. 1185 or the Fire Code of the Philippines, many
structures would not be able to comply with the fire safety of the building which would
result into danger to the users and the environment surrounding it. Another example is
the Accessibility Law or the Batasang Pambansa No. 344 which ensures that the
persons-with-disabilities are given space specifically designed for them. Without it, there
will be buildings that will not be able to accommodate PWD's because of lack or no
available ramps or PWD parking space resulting for the PWD's to have a hard time to
go in and out of building area.
One of the main goals of architecture is to make the users happy and is achieved by
ensuring the safety and comfort of the users. Therefore if the users will not be able to
have the comfort and safety due to the lack of Architect's knowledge of legislation, not
only will he/she may be able to lose his/her client but also put his name to peril. Another
case is that without knowledge of legislations, since the building does not comply with
the legislations, the users and occupants may be also put into jeopardy when the
building experience calamities and/or accidents. Legislations gives the guidelines to
how the building will be made.
Just like how the foundations in the building will determine the strength of the building,
an architects' level knowledge in legislations will also become his/her foundation in the
practice of architecture and building industry as he/she practices architecture that will
later determine his/her strength or the level of quality he/she has achieved. It is one of
the reasons as to why architecture study four subjects of Professional Practice of
Architecture which will equip them during their professional practice and work.
The legislations that exists today ensures the better environment for the users and
provides safe and efficient building design for the occupants as design is not only about
the aesthetic quality of the building but also provides to how things work inside and
throughout the building.
Although, these legislations exists today, it is equally saddening and horrifying to know
that here in our country, the Philippines, that even now, there are still buildings that
violates the same legislations we have. Many construction works are operating without
building permit or expired building permit. Some buildings are constructed with which of
course different building use. Some buildings are still operating and are being used and
occupied by users even if it does not comply with the fire code of the Philippines. Some
buildings are above the maximum height of the land use.

It is stated in the legislation that those who violate the law will be filed with fine charges
and in some cases, imprisonment, but people still get away with the law due to some
corrupt building officials. Unless eradicated, there will still be buildings that will not
comply with the legislations. Nonetheless, it is not only the responsibility of the
government to prevent these crimes but also of the architect that will design and plan
buildings. It is his/her responsibility to ensure that the design comply with the
legislations in order to lessen structures which will become hazardous in the future.

As an Architect, you must design for the present with the awareness of the past for a
future which is essentially unknown, as Norman Foster would quote. It is important for
architects especially us architecture students that we consider legislations and also
become fully aware of what it is so as in designing structures, we will not make the
mistakes of the past but, bring comfort and ensure better lives and built environment for
the future generations through the building we design.

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