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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 3 Issue 3, May -Jun 2016



A Review on Load Balancing and Resource Scheduling in Cloud

Mandeep Kaur


Manoj Agnihotri


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Amritsar Engineering College, Manawala
Punjab - India

Cloud research revolves around internet based obtains and release of resources from the information center. Being internet
based successful research; cloud research also might possibly experience overloading of requests. Load managing is a
significant co mponent which issues with circulation of sources in this way that quantity overloading does arise at any system
and resources are optimally utilized. The planned paper has committed to one particular issue of fill balancing. The results of
inefficient load controlling can lead to detritions of organizat ion efficiency on cloud environment. The task scheduling issu e
may be considered while the obtaining or exploring a maximu m mapping/assignment of group of subtasks of various
responsibilit ies on the accessible set of sources therefore that individuals can perform the specified objectives for tasks. In this
paper we are doing relative examine of the various methods due to their suitability and flexibility in the situation of clou d
circu mstance, follo wing that individuals attempt to propose the hybrid method that may be used to improve the existing
software further. Such that it may aid cloud-providers to offer higher quality of services.
Keywords :- Cloud Computing, Task Scheduling, Load Balancing;



Cloud computing is really a network-based environment

that focuses on sharing computation or resources. Cloud
computer is the delivery of service of the processing a service
rather than product, whereby shared resources, software and
informat ion are provided to co mputers. cloud co mputing
describes to both the applications delivered as services on the
internet and the equipment and software in the datacenters that
provide these solutions .cloud offers use virtualizat ion
techniques coupled with self-service. In cloud situations,
various kinds of electronic mach ines are handled on a single
physical host as infrastructure. The cloud is growing, and
along with that co mes more choices for organizations using
cloud technology. However, this diversification will force
specific providers to deliver an individual solution, perhaps
creating compatib ility issues. Cloud computing is really a
term applied to describe services provided around a network
by a collection of remote servers.

ISSN: 2393-9516

Fig 1. Cloud Components

Types of cloud computing:

The cloud computing technology can be viewed fro m
different perspectives:
A. Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS): The capability
offered to the user is to gain access to the provider's requests
operating on a cloud infrastructure. The programs can be
found from numerous client products through thin client
software such as for examp le a web browser (e.g., web-based
B. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS): Plat form as a service
provides a cloud-based environment with everything needed
to support the complete lifecycle of creating and delivering
web-based (cloud) applications.
C. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Infrastructure as
a service provides companies . With processing resources

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 3 Issue 3, May -Jun 2016
including severs, networking, storage and data center place on
a pay-per-use basis.

lazy or under-loaded. Developing a successful powerful load

balancing algorith m for cloud conditions can result in
sustaining the system's security and availability. Fu rthermore,
it can benefit decrease the energy consumption and carbon
emission which is just a great concern in "green computing"
solutions. Load balancing is the task of improving the
performance of the device by shifting of wo rkload among the
processors. Load balancing helps to prevent a server or
network p roduct fro m finding overrun with requests and helps
to deliver the work. Load balancing is an essential part which
concerns with distribution of resources in this manner that
number overloading happens at any device and resources are
optimally utilized.

Fig 2.Cloud computing services

Based on Accessibility Type

On the basis of accessibility also clouds are categorized.
A. Public Cloud: That cloud infrastructure is manufactured
offered to most people or perhaps a large Business group and
is owned by a company offering cloud services.
B. Private Cloud: The cloud infrastructure is operated only
for an individual organization. It could be maintained by any
firm or a next party.
C. Community Cloud: The cloud infrastructure is provided by
several organizations and helps a particular community that
has provided concerns.
D. Hybrid Cloud: That cloud in frastructure comprises two or
more clouds (private, public or Co mmun ity) that remain
unique entities but are destined together by standardized.

Fig3. Load Balancing in Cloud Computing


For cloud research, various load balancing strategy are
available many of these strategy as follows
a) Geographical load balancing
b) Static load balancing
c) Dynamics load balancing

Advantages of Cloud Computing Progress of Cloud

Computing is massive with respect to personal uses and
business uses. Among Numerous advantages few are
discussed below:
a) Scalability
b) Flexibility
c) Mobility
d) Low Infrastructure Costs
e) Increased Storage


Fig 4. Load balancing techniques

Load balancing can also be start study location in cloud

computing. A few new reports have been published. Load
managing is the strategy of redistributing the unit workload
among all functioning nodes in a spread system to own the
capability to increase equally reference application and
reaction time and to prevent a predicament, where some nodes
(physical servers) are overloaded wh ile different nodes are

ISSN: 2393-9516

Geographical load balancing: The performance of cloud

research depends on the geographical d istribution of the
nodes. This really is true in case there is real life on line
program like facebook twitter etc.Geographical load
managing is a series of decision about mig ration of electronic
equipment, assignment of load or task o f datacenter which can

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 3 Issue 3, May -Jun 2016
be found geographically to various places, and so the service
level agreement(SLAS) display match. Th is reduces the
detailed cost of the cloud. The GLB aid in managing fault
tolerance and sustaining the performance of the cloud
Static load balancing: In SLB delivery of the processer does
not rely on current state of two methods, but it's beginning of
the execution. The objectives of this strategy are to reduce the
delivery time o f a Synchronous task and to min imize the
conversation delays. This process allows greater performance
for ho mogenous and secure environment. So me statics LB
algorithm are round robin randomize and threshold algorithm.
Dynamic load bal ancing: In character LB, the decisions
about lb are obtained fro m the existing state of two systems.
The decision is not based to previous understanding of the
system. in character load managing , if any one load don't
perform , it will not influence the working of another records
in the device , except this node, another nodes will work
properly .Th is method is flexib le and support the modify as
compared to statics fill managing method.


Throughput: This can be helpful for charg ing full amount of
job, whose performance has been finished successfully. A
higher throughput is essential for greater efficiency of the

Scalability: It ensures the capability of the unit to execute

load handling algorith m with a limited level of processors or
Efficiency: It presents the effectiveness of the device
following doing load balancing. If all the above mentioned
variables are satisfied optimally then it'll acutely boost the
efficiency of the device.


Task scheduling is just a multi-objective co mbinatorial
optimization issue in cloud co mputing, among wh ich job
spanning and inter-nodes balancing are critical factors. The
task scheduling issue is the problem of assigning the tasks in
the system in a manner that will improve the overall
performance of the application, wh ile assigning the
correctness. Task scheduling plays a vital position to enhance
flexib ility and stability of methods in cloud. The key reason
behind scheduling projects to the methods in respect with the
given time destined, which requires finding out a complete
and most useful series by which different projects may be
executed to provide the very best and sufficient outcome to
the user. To your superiors, it gives a means of holding down
expenses through greater usage of workers and equipment.
Different probable advantages of scheduling parts uses:

Related Overhead: The sum total quantity of expense that's

developed by the efficiency of the load handling algorith m.
Minimal is estimated for effective implementation of the


Improved throughput
Reduced turnaround time
Increased communications with users
Avoidance of overloading and underuse
Job delays more easily apparent
Better use of multiprogramming abilities

Problem resistant: It is the convenience of the algorithm to

execute efficiently and consistently also yet in problems of
frustration at any arbitrary node in the device.
Migration ti me: The full time taken in migration or move of
a task in a single product to different product in the device.
These times must certainly be small for rais ing the efficiency
of the device.
Response ti me: Its the small t ime that the distributed plan
needs to react for executing a particu lar load balancing
Resources Utilizati on: Its the add up to that the sourced
elements of the system are utilized. A great load handling
algorithm gives perfect source utilization.

Fig 5. T ypes of T ask scheduling



ISSN: 2393-9516

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) Volume 3 Issue 3, May -Jun 2016

Name of author
Aarti Singh

Geethu Gopinath P P

M uhammad H. Raze

Lixia Liu

C. Y. Liu

Kousik Dasgupta

Jianhua Gu

M onir Abdullah

Weiwei Lin

K. Zhu


Title of the paper

Autonomous Agent Based
Load Balancing Algorithm in
Cloud Computing
An in-depth analysis and
study of Load balancing
techniques in the cloud
computing environment
Towards a multi-QoS humancentric cloud computing load
balance resource allocation
A Task Scheduling Algorithm
Based on Genetic Algorithm
and Ant Colony Optimization
in Cloud Computing
A Genetic Algorithm (GA)
A New Resource Scheduling
Strategy Based on Genetic
Computing Environment
Cost-Based M ulti-QoS Job
Scheduling using Divisible
Load Theory in Cloud
task scheduling for cloud
Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for
Cloud Computing

Autonomous Agent Based
Load Balancing Algorithm
M in-M in
M ax-M in

Any device and sources are
optimally utilized.

(packet loss and delay)

Round Robin load balancing,

Improve the precisely from

the info of route setbacks and
packet loss
Obtain greater efficiency of
load balancing.

M ulti-agent genetic algorithm


Ant colony

First Come First Serve

(FCFS), Round Robin (RR)
and a local search algorithm
Stochastic Hill Climbing
VM resources scheduling
based on genetic algorithm.

Solve the suitable solution

quickly and increase the
efficiency advantage in largescale environments
M inimizing the make span

Best load balancing and

reduces or avoids dynamic

Divisible Load Theory (DLT)

To minimize the entire total


scheduling (BATS)

M inimum execution time and

Increase the duty throughput
of cloud processing and to
attain greater efficiency of fill


M ulti-agent genetic algorithm


It can help to know the broad task scheduling possibilities to

be able to pick one for a given environment.


The Load balancing can be start research place in cloud

computing. The considered features shave an effect on price
optimization that may be acquired by increased result time
and control time. W ith proper load balancing, resource usage
may be held to the very least that'll more reduce power
consumption. Thus, there's a require truly to build an energyefficient fill balancing process that will raise the performance
of cloud processing by balancing the workload throughout the
nodes in the cloud alongside maximu m resource use,
consequently lowering energy Consumption. Th is paper
considers types of scheduling performed in cloud co mputing.

ISSN: 2393-9516


utilization and make span



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