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The Chaldean system of numbers better known as Mystic Numerology gives us an

even stronger clue to the age of this science. Astrology, Numerology, and other
occult studies were considered a religion, but not in the way we would know it
Many Chaldean priests were also famous astrologers. They held the belief that all
things were part of Divine Providence, and that the planets were simply heavenly
interpreters. In the time of Alexander the Great, around 356 B.C., the Chaldeans
believed that their knowledge of Numerology and Astrology went back at least
473,000 years. Perhaps it was no accident that, in time, Chaldea and the occult
became synonymous.
The Chaldean system of numbers is still in use today. There are other schools of
Numerology as well, all reflecting their individual places of origin as well as how
they're applied. For instance, there were the ancient Brahmins of India. Cheiro
(1866-1936), a leading palmist, numerologist, and psychic of his day, credited these
mystic men of the East for much of what he knew. In ancient Japan, there's a system
known as Ki, based upon certain numerical patterns found in the birth date.
This system is slowly coming back into public notice. Then there is the sacred
system of Hebrew Numerology, better known as the Kabalah, which is based upon
the meanings of letters and sounds. And there's still another system coming from
Africa that uses numbers for divination purposes. No matter what part of the world
we look at, there's a system of Numerology that had its beginnings in the dawn of
time. Though numerology is probably the least known or understood of the
metaphysical sciences it is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Today it is most
often used to discover secret meanings and to predict the future.
Chaldean Numerology Chaldean numerology originated in the ancient civilization of
Babylon. This is the oldest form of numerology and actually has more in common
with Kabbalah than Eastern teachings. It is know as mystic numerology, probably
because of its connection to astrology and Kabbalistic interpretation. The summary
of this numerology is that single digit numbers represent a persons outer
personality. Double digits are the persons inner personality. Instead of using your
birth name, you go by the name you are most commonly called. Your birth number,
that is, the day of the month in which you were born, is considered. The number 9 is
best avoided, as this is a holy number. This is a fairly complex system to learn.


Both the Chaldean and Kabbalah system follow more or less a common numerical
classification and interpretation. Now let us see the meaning of Kabbalah numbers
from 1 to 9Number 1- Individuality, egoistic, self reliance, affirmative (Influenced by Sun).
Number 2- Psychic attraction, emotional, sympathetic, skeptical (Influenced by
Number 3- Intellectual capacity, possibility to become rich and successful
(Influenced by Jupiter).
Number 4- Possessing property, materialistic, position in the society (Influenced by
Number 5- Reasonable, logical, of good ethics, fond of traveling, commercial
(Influenced by Mercury).
Number 6- Co-operation, good in sports, art, play or music (Influenced by Venus).
Number 7- Is good in negotiation in contracts, agreements, and bargains (Influenced
by Moon).
Number 8- Number of death, decay, loss or extinction (Influenced by Saturn).
Number 9- Energetic, adamant, short temper (Influenced by Mars).

Chaldean Numerology The Chaldean system of numerology is considered by many

to be more accurate than the Pythagorean system, however it is not nearly as
widely used. This most likely is due to the fact that the Chaldean chart for
translating letters into numbers is not as intuitive or easy to learn as the
Pythagorean chart.
The Chaldean Number Values The following chart shows the numbers assigned to
each letter in Chaldean numerology and is the basis for many numerology readings.
To read the chart, find the letter you are looking for and look at the corresponding
number at the top of the column containing the letter. For example, the letter A
would be 1, the letter B would be 2, the letter C would be 3, etc.

In looking at the chart you may have noticed that the numbers only go from 1-8.
This is because in Chaldean numerology the number 9 is considered sacred and is
not included with the rest. If, however, when doing your calculations you arrive at
an answer of 9 that is fine and it should stay.


Birth Date Calculations
Numerology is based both on name calculations and on date calculations.
Date calculations are much easier to do than name calculations since they are
already in number format and don't need to be translated from letters into numbers.
Enter your date of birth: Day : (for e.g. 21) Month : (for e.g.11) Year : (for e.g. 1992)
Calculate Clear
Your Psychic or Birth Number : Your Life Path or Destiny Number : Psychic Number
The psychic number is obtained by making a simple whole number of the date of
birth. For e.g. a person is born on 15 October, 1979. So, his psychic number is by
adding date 1+ 5 = 6, his Psychic Number is 6.
The psychic number plays an important role in ones choice of food, sex, friendship,
marriage, ambitions and desires. Numbers are related to the influence of planets on
behavior, ambitions, needs and desires in numerology. The planetary influence
effecting one psyche can be easily understood by knowing the psychic number.
Psychic number remains active throughout ones life and is very important &
powerful up to the age of 35 to 40. The psychic number can be influenced by
changing ones name. The psychic number indicates what one thinks about oneself.
Psychic Number 1 Psychic Number 1 people are ruled by Sun. They have
fixed ideas and opinions. They are impulsive and formulate their ideas quickly. They
are authoritative and dominate through out their lives. In numerology they are
known as lucky people in all walks of life. By nature these people are cheerful,
happy, and positive. They always remain young because of new ideas. Good
institution is a god gift to them. They love freedom with no boundaries. They have
strong builds, intellectual, hard working and honest people. They are disciplined,
precise, powerful, have good manners and good taste. They are fond of traveling
and enjoy every phase of their life. They are very conscious of their public image.
They are basically friendly, helpful and make friends easily. They are famous in their

society and admired for their hard works, poise, politeness, and kindness which
make them true leaders. They love commanding and like to express their emotions
for the fear of revealing a weakness. They never display their weakness. They are
pioneers in their field.
Psychic Number 2 Psychic number 2 people are ruled by Moon. People with
this number are friendly, helpful, imaginative, emotional, and moody. They are
peaceful and very romantic. They need guides to assure them about, promote and
execute their ideas. Their emotions go up and down in life which gives them mental
pain, as the result they feel depressed sometimes. They are delicate, and fond of
aromas, fragrances and good food. They are family oriented, and sincere with their
spouse. Because of their changeable nature and mood, they are fast thinkers. They
prefer working in partnerships. They believe in a philosophy of live and let live. They
are masters in the world of love and beauty. They never say no and have excellent
intuition specially people born on 11 of any month. They do everything twice; it is
very rare that they do things in one attempt.
Psychic Number 3 Psychic number 3 people are ruled by Jupiter. They are
very ambitious, hardworking, independent, daring and disciplined. In the starting of
their life they struggle but this struggle is good for them as it makes them shine and
gives inner growth and development. They are scientist of life. They are usually
lucky in life. Your intellect is of a very high quality. They are confident and take their
own decisions. They are versatile and believe that devotion to their duty is divine
and perform each work with excellence. They are full of stamina and strong built.
They become dictatorial at home. They are successful in finishing any task which
makes them successful in life. They have a good understanding of life which always
keeps a smile on their face. In public they are outspoken. They are good planners
but bad executors. They are impatient and frequently have more than one major
relation in their lives. They have an aptitude in their words which makes them an
excellent communicator.
Psychic Number 4 Psychic Number 4 people are ruled by Rahu. It makes its
natives always varying, never fixed. They are very systematic, helpful, reliable,
religious, and practical people. They have to go through struggle and many ups and
downs in life. They achieve success and recognition in their later part of their lives.
They are also benefited from inheritance of property. They are very helpful to the
society and do all there duties flawlessly. They are rebellious by nature and become
very easily irritable too. As their point of view always differ from others which makes
their secret enemies. They are leaders of there own and self made people. They
face opposition boldly and love conspiracy. They love to spend lavishly and have
good taste for food. They always want to create balance in life but easily
misunderstood by people. They are very good communicators and no one can win
with them in terms of words. They have an excellent drive of sex but unsuccessful in
love affairs. They are attached to their homes and family.

Psychic Number 5 Psychic Number 5 people are ruled by Mercury. They are
kind, delicate and eminent thinkers. There active brains are always engaged in
thought. They are spontaneous, quick in their plans and love change throughout out
their lives. They make friendship very easily but due to their unstable nature their
friendship don not last for too long. They are intuitive by nature and easily
understand the words or the perspective of others. They are easily adaptable and
attached to their families. They love traveling and spendthrift by nature. They are
independent, self made and lucky in love. They spend their old age in peace and
harmony. They are very cautious about their health, and usually have long lives.
They do not regret for their losses in life and enjoy their life. There philosophy of life
is whatever happens in life it happens for good cause. They are religious & believe
in traditional beliefs but do not like any kind of preaching. They execute their duties
very perfectly and enjoy every chapter of their lives.
Psychic Number 6 Psychic Number 6 people are ruled by Venus. They adore
nature and beauty. They are youthful. They are fond of glamour and luxury. They are
easily attracted towards opposite sex. They are always busy and love traveling.
They dislike negligence and untidiness. They are over conscious about their physical
appearance and love to dress well. They are very clever and tactful in their
dealings. They believe slow and steady wins the race. They spoil their work by their
own mistakes. They do not like the interference of anyone. They are secretive by
nature and universal friends. They are over protective for their families. They trust
there family and friends and become everybodys favorite. They cannot live alone
for too long. They need company of others, especially opposite sex. They love
freedom; and peacefulness. They love their life partner and get emotional very
easily. They are not commanding and demanding and keep their feelings inside and
hide them through their attractive and sweet smile.
Psychic Number 7 Psychic Number 7 people are ruled by Ketu. They are
uncertain, disruptive, restless, innovative and moody. They are considered
unfortunate as they have to meet many failures in their lives. The statement
Failure is the key to success is true on them, as they learn many lessons from
their failures and become successful in their lives. They are truly spiritual and
religious. Getting success through their failures they create an idle individuality of
their own. They are good speakers, friendly and gain popularity easily. They hate
discrimination and supportive to all rich and poor. Their personalities have many
faces. They are analytical and good planners. They love mystery and love to keep
mysterious environment around them. They are very much interested in occult
science and philosophical discussions. They are highly social but not commanding.
They love change and love to travel. They have brilliant ideas and become
successful and rich later in their lives, as they always underestimate their true
talents. They have a tendency to overlook their own shortcomings and ignore their
minor mistakes. They need encouragement in life

Psychic Number 8 Psychic Number 8 people are ruled by Saturn. It is a

number of confidence, determination and mystery at the same time. These people
are usually misunderstood by their friends and relatives. They are hard working and
introverted people. There lives are full of struggle and struggle. They have strong
will power, and true fighters. Their lives are unpredictable. They are disobedient and
attack their enemies from back. They are not satisfied easily and unlucky in love
and marriage. Because of their solitary nature, seriousness, lack of humor, they feel
very lonely at heart. They are extremists and go to extremes, both in friendship and
enmity. They are introverted, reserved, weighty, deep, serious, miserable, and
outwardly calm and well-balanced. They have a habit of being revengeful with their
dear ones. They spread rumors and get easily irritated.
Psychic Number 9 Psychic Number 9 people are ruled by Mars. People with
this number have enormous energy that is not easy to handle. They are constantly
engaged in several activities to achieve their desired goals. They are true fighters,
have courage and posses strong will power and determination. They react quickly to
situations and become alert at the first attempt of any wrong situation. They create
enemies by their over alertness. They are honest and straight forward. They have
an unpredictable nature, as they are easily provokes and explode more quickly than
dynamite. They do not like to live on charity or be at the mercy of others. They are
frank, fearless, and impulsive. They have a great sense of responsibility. They are
good organizers and hate criticism. They are like coconut hard from outside and full
of sweet pulp from inside. From outside they are hard, disciplined and immovable
but from inside they are soft and kindhearted. They are over possessive about their
families and take good care of their homes. They are unlucky with their life partners,
which often creates quarrels. They are prone to accidents and injuries. They are
thought to be fortunate by people other then their life partners and close friends.
They are prone to addiction and avoid such situations. When emotionally hurt they
become revengeful, violent and cruel.
Life Path Number Many of the calculations in both Pythagorean and Chaldean
numerology are based on your birth date. This is the month, day and year that you
were born. You must use the full year that you were born and not the common
abbreviation (i.e. 1968 and not just '68).
Life Path Number can be obtained by the addition of the date, month and the year
of birth. Life Path Number indicates what the world thinks of that person.
The Life Path Number is more important than either the psychic number or name
Life Path Number is more powerful after 35.
The psychic number is free to think, except and desire but Life Path Number brings
only what one really deserves. This is because Life Path Number is related to ones
past life karmas.

For example, Let's say John was born on August 12, 1968. His birth date then would
be 8/12/1968. To reduce his birth date to a single digit, we would do the following
calculations: 8/12/1968 - 8+1+2+1+9+6+8 = 35 Again, because we can't have a
double digit number, we reduce this number further by adding together the two
parts of the number 35: 35 = 3+5 = 8. The whole equation would look like:
8/12/1968 = 8+1+2+1+9+6+8 = 35 = 3+5 = 8
This means that John's life path number is an 8.
Life Path Number: Life number comes after adding the full date of birth of any
The compound number which comes after adding full date of birth is known as life
Life Path Number 1: The people with Life Path number 1 enjoy the fruits of work
done by others. These people are considered lucky by others. It makes its native
optimist, intellectual, kind, supportive, courteous and quick in making decisions.
They become pioneers, innovators and leaders. They have inquiring minds and
considerable leadership qualities. They have executive skills and can rise through
the ranks to the ultimate top positions in their field. Whatever their needs are they
make sure that they are met by hook or crook. They have ego problems and think of
themselves first.
They are intelligent, attractive but unfortunate in the matters of love and marriage.
They are born with a missionary spirit and have a purpose in life. They are outgoing
and create good environment around them.
Number 1 as a life number can do wonders. It is one of the best destiny numbers
The characteristics are as follows:
1. They enjoy the hardship of others. They are lucky enough to get their works done
by others easily.
2. They are considered very lucky in all matters except relationships. Especially
males, they do not have a smooth marriage life and often break up with their
partners a lot of times.
3. They get a lot of favors by government officials. And they themselves can have
an excellent political career
Life Path Number 2: The people with Life Path number 2 are able to make people
feel at ease. They are gracious, charming and make wonderful host. They are
sensitive to the needs of others and prefer to be in a permanent relation. They are

naturally intuitive and sensitive. They dont love to be a king but an excellent
Consequently they often find themselves in the number 2 position instead of
number 1 position. They are content to be the power behind the throne. They are
born with the great sense of self respect and love their homes and families. They
are egoless; they do not wait for appreciation after performing a service. They like
to live in groups and good company. At their later part of their lives they are
interested in religious and spiritual matters.
1.Number 2 is not as good as a life number. It creates struggle. Also they generally
do not get what they deserve in life.
2. Life Number 2 people lack mental stability. Its not that they choose to be like
that, their life takes them to that path.
3. Destiny 2 people are known to be very dedicated towards their work.
4. They always have the sense of insecurity
. 5. They used to be well mannered and have sense of self respect.
Life Path Number 3: The people with Life Path number 3 are creative, excellent
communicators, who enjoy all the joys of life. They have an active imaginative
brains and always full of innovative ideas. They are friendly, social and outgoing.
They are soft hearted and less attached to materialistic world. They are good
planners but bad executors.
They have strong built, and full of stamina, they can bear unbelievable pressures.
Their outspoken and critical nature creates problem for them in public. They are
blessed by a good family life. They believe in peace and happiness for all.
They get money whenever they need, and rise to great heights in there careers by
hard work, good fortunate, sense of responsibility, and conscious planning. They
impress others very easily. They find friend and helpers everywhere. They earn
through many sources and enjoy all comforts of life. They avoid entering into any
kind of disputes.
They enjoy deep sleep.
1. 3 as life number people are hard working and often take a lot of stress.
2. Generally seen, Number 3 people rise late in life.
3. They are very good with their PR, although not can be said the same for Number
1 psychic.
4. Number 3 people are lucky to get very supportive life partners.

5. They have good intuition power and are often religious as well.
6. They are expressive.
Life Path Number 4: The people with Life Path number 4 suffer from sudden
changes in their lives. Even if they have all the comforts and luxuries of life, they
always feel something is missing. They are burdened with heavy responsibilities and
They are always disturbed by unseen enemies. Their family life is not good, which
makes them restless and impatient. They have multiple sources of earning money.
They need to work hard to achieve their goals. They are good with details and enjoy
doing complicated tasks. They find it very hard to change there minds one it has
been made.
They have strong likes and dislikes and are not afraid to express their views. They
love freedom and dont like any kind of restriction. They cannot bear delays in their
work but always has delays but not denial.
1. Not very good as a life number: Although with day number 1 and 5 has been seen
to do wonders.
2. Lack of satisfaction even after being successful.
3. Always burdened with heavy responsibilities.
4. Always disturbed by secret and unseen enemies.
5. Overly cautious and suspicious.
6. Restless and impatient because of Rahus backward movement.
Life Path Number 5: The Life Path number 5 is one of the best destiny. The people
with destiny number 5 are strong, determined, independent, impressive and
versatile. They love freedom and if they didnt; get freedom they become rebellious
and impatient.
They enjoy traveling, excitement and anything that takes them out of their familiar
routines. They are very quick thinkers, easily attracted to opposite sex, always
curious, enthusiastic and forever young at heart. They are prone to love affairs and
love marriage.
Early in there lives at times they are incline to dabble in numerous activities, but
once they find the correct path they frequently achieve a great success. It brings
wealth, travel in foreign lands, and good luck. It makes it natives logical, rational
and systematic.
1. Number 5 is one of the best life numbers.

2. Number 5 life people are dependable and reliable.

3. They are lucky from their birth. But with certain psychic numbers they do not give
the best results.
4. They are Wise and impressive.
5. They are inventors.
6. They are versatile.
7. They often live in foreign.
Life Path Number 6: The people with Life Path number 6 get all the comforts and
luxuries of life. They are very independent and social. Money slips from their hands,
as they spend lavishly and generous too.
Destiny 6 creates sexual problems, for which the individual is not really responsible.
They are prone to venereal diseases. They are nurturing, caring, responsible, and
carry their duties well for their homes. They enjoy accepting other peoples burdens
and providing a shoulder for them to lean on.
They are capable of solving any problem at ease. They are creative, dependable
and very romantic. They do not accept bondage and are uncommitted. They also
make false promises according to their needs.
1. Not very good as a life number. 6s that find themselves enslaved to an addicted
or mentally ill partner might not be following their true path, as this is a sign that
they have become enablers, rather than healers of the diseases.
2. People having number 6 as life number are good story tellers.
3. More sentimental than logical.
4. Number 6 people always get all kinds of luxuries.
Life Path Number 7: The people with Life Path number 7 are excellent advisors.
They have good knowledge and wisdom both. They have their own special unique
approach to everything they do.
They are reserved, spiritual, and introspective, and prefer a few close friends
rather then large groups. They are unpredictable and ever changing. They have one
or more relationship outside of their married life.
After the age of 40, their intuitive power increase, and they are inclined to the
philosophical, spiritual, and occult science. They have solutions to all problems and
good at solving any kind of disputes. Their approach is rational, practical, friendly
and creative.

They have remarkable dreams and learn from them. There excellent and brilliant
ideas comes from their own dreams, as this the there favorite pastime for them.
1. Destiny 7 is one of the best life numbers.
2. They get recognition in art and literature.
3. They are witty, youthful and have positive vibrations.
4. They are spiritual people.
Life Path Number 8: The people with Life Path number 8 are ambitious,
determined, and invariable. They are good at dealing money. It is not good as a
destiny number as it brings delays, obstacles, failures and humiliation from an
unknown source and it makes life unpredictable.
They achieve fame, success, hold high positions, and become rich in later part of
their lives. They do not easily suffer from stress or strains as they are very flexible
and adjust to shocks quickly. They stay very busy and do hard work throughout their
They are not successful in the matters of love. They face problems in their domestic
lives and martial relations as they do not respect their life partners. They are good
planners and are fond of success on a grand scale. Enmity with these people is
They doubt other people, fear their opponents, and suffer from stagnation, isolation,
and the lack of friendly environment. They achieve large sums of money, but do so
at the cost of health, happiness and relationships. They can become intolerant,
revengeful and power-hungry. They live in real world and have not time for dreams.
They believe in big picture only and often take risks in life.
1. Number 8 is not good as a life number.
2. It creates obstacles, delays and humiliation.
3. They are unsuccessful in love many times in their life.
4. They have financial losses by theft or other reasons.
5. They always get opposition and enmity.
Life Path Number 9: The people with Life Path number 9 are self sacrificing,
sensitive and caring. They enjoy helping others and frequently give much more then
they receive in return. Consequently, they can easily be taken advantage of by

They are romantic at heart and true humanitarians. They are short-tempered,
impulsive and always busy. They have to face difficulties and conflicts with their
parents and siblings in childhood, later on they are loved by them.
They have to struggler a lot because of their doubting nature, their negative ways of
thinking and their imaginary problems.
To have destiny number 9 means to be at the end of the cycle of life and death.
They do this by working out their past karmas and by avoiding new bad karmas,
which are created by desires for sensual gratification. They become enlightened and
go ahead on the path of no return. Also they are very good in recognizing the truth,
as they have an excellent intuition power. They are interested in everything which
makes their lives enjoyable.
1. Good as a life number.
2. Make people spiritually inclined, soft and humble.
3. Interested in healing arts, disciplined.
4. Make people hard working.
5. Number 9 are adventurous people.
6. They protect humanity.

Single Numbers
No. 1 Positive Aspect Planet: Sun, Father, Male, Active and individual. Originality,
dynamisms, the beginning, egotism, self reliance, positivism, power, distinction,
potent energy urges, determination, tenaciousness of purpose, pride, ambition,
intention, quick grasping power, complete and quick recovery after even the most
serious of illnesses. Great authority and aspirations, research and vigour.
Negative Aspect Hard and unrelenting, unemotional and materialistic, blunt and
mean especially the number 1 women. Inflated ego with a bloated sense of self
worth, aloofness, domination, impertinence, rigidity, pride, pomp and showing off,
braggart, splurges money wastefully.
No. 2 Positive Aspects Planet: Moon, Mother, Female, Passive and Dual. Increase,
relationships, psychic attraction, Emotions, Mentality, sympathy, antipathy, doubts,
vacillation, medicine, house keeper, manager, sub-ordinate, moderation, restraint,
psychic powers, intuition, literary capabilities, artistic talents, resourcefulness,
power over the mind, capable of controlling the unbalanced, more than one
profession, mutability and purity. Fellowship, humanity, honesty, imagination,
simplicity and idealistic.
Negative Aspects Coldness, envy, jealousy, haste, shyness, double mindedness,
whimsical, vacillating, mean, petty, feminine traits in the man, hasty. Deceitful and
untrustworthy, instable, indolent, imitative rather than original, apes and copies
slavishly, enslaves self to environment.
No. 3 Positive Aspect Planet: Jupiter, expansive, Fair, Judge, Trinity and Teacher
of the God's. Increase, intelligence, capable, expansive, travel, trade, judgemental,
wealth, riches, power, luxuries and enriched mental faculties. Has mental
refinement, faultless judgement, originality, independent thought, master organizer,

always well dressed, especially the number 3 women, thoroughness, orthodoxy,

conventionality and conscientiousness. Ambition, dignity, philosophy and prestige.
Negative Aspects Too critical, meticulous, pettiness and nagging tendencies
especially in the women, self righteous, cruelty, dictatorship, hypocrisy, spendthrift,
egotist and vain, false pride and a boastful nature.
No. 4 Positive Aspects Planet: Uranus, the first solid material number, property,
real estate, possessions, materialism, realization, credibility, position, universally
motivated rather than personally, has luck, critical insight and adroitness and drives
a good bargain. Have good livers, are contended souls with well-formed strong
physiques and mentality. Home lovers, loyal to families, love of children and
responsible for their families. Are methodical, reliable, energetic, active and have
great endurance.
Negative Aspects Changeable, slow moving, slow approaching, causing delays,
dominating, stubborn, vindictive, highly jealous and possessive of their partners to
the extent of falsely doubting their loyalty. Sometimes like sloth bears, unkempt and
badly dressed, luxury loving without having the desire to work for it and earn it,
inertia, over passivity, doubtful and unbelieving, pig headed with little or no interest
in the spiritual side of life. Material to the core.
No. 5 Positive Aspects Planet: Mercury, Quick Silver, Movement and
Communication. Has reason, logic, speech, ethics, born traveller, commerce, trade,
utility, gambling and speculation is a great weakness and they will bet on the
number plate of passing cars as well. Money, Bankers, Financiers, Singers.
Changeable, blow hot blow cold, extremists, arrogant and unpredictable. Active,
restless, full of vim and grit, ambitious, wisdom, warm affections, strongest
attraction for the opposite sex than any other number, interest in casual affairs, zest
for life, desire to see it all and live life to the fullest. Have co-operation, practicality,
vigilance and shrewdness.
Negative Aspects Lack of perseverance and persistence, Sceptical, unreliable,
unpredictable, rash and impulsive, too many iron rods in the fire, lacks precision and
focussed planning, vacillates and is indecisive about all matters. Can be mean and
petty in money matters.
No. 6 Positive Aspects Planet: Venus, Love, Harmony, Peace, Marriage, Beauty
and Luxury. Have co-operation, relationship, matrimony, reciprocity, sympathy,
humanity, Sensuality and pleasure seeking. Make good wives as well as mothers
and sensual lovers, good home keepers and companions. Have deep thinking and
reasoning power, logic, investigation, intuitiveness, inquisitiveness, deduction,
appreciation for others, loves a quiet life and is not rigid but open to convincing.
Excellent memories. All Fine Arts such as Actors, Singers, Dancers, Writers and

Negative Aspects No foresight and future planning, living in the now, trusting
blindly, timid where action is called for, shy, moody, not methodical, infidel and
unreliable with a weakness for the opposite sex but more on the romantic plane
than the gross material. Comfort seekers and luxury lovers.
No. 7 Positive Aspects Planet: Neptune/Moon, Love, Sensitivity and Photostat
Memories. Have brains, equilibrium, agreements, deals, contracts, bargains,
treaties, art, culture, occult, philosophy mother oriented, harmony, sentimentality,
expansion and travel. Have austerity, deep reflection and fairness towards all
humanity, peace, serenity, tolerance and philanthropy. Have Self-sacrifice, intensity
of application, mutability; are founders of new religions and torchbearers to social
reforms. Are Leaders in world affairs and seekers of the truth. They love the
underdog and will fight 'to death' in the name of righteousness. Temperamental with
a lean towards Occult and spiritualism
Negative Aspects Whimsical, despondent, restless, prone to give in to unfounded
and unjustified fears, Not such strong bodies, more on the tall, fair and lean side,
Stubborn as mules, aggressive, impractical, weak in money matters, no proper
financial provisions for the future, over sensitive, emotional and more unhappy than
happy most of the time. Should stay away from alcohol and drugs totally.
No. 8 Positive Aspect Planet: Saturn, Destiny, Fate, Karma and Resurrection.
Systematic, organized, authority,, methodical, practical and steady. Progress,
change, advancement, justice, home loving, premonitions, intuitive, occultist,
psychic nature, education, learning, teaching, educationalist and philosophy. Loves
animals, children, family and home. Has unselfish and sacrificing love for all
humanity, hates monotony and makes a wonderful social worker. Succeeds in life
through journeys and changes. Has a reconstruction power, rise of the Phoenix,
happy old age, ever youthful, never aging and enlightened.
Negative Aspects Death, negation,, decay, delays, hardships, retardation, loss,
extinction, late rewards and lack of stability. Are dreamers and not doers. Have
cynicism, vindictiveness, nervousness and laziness. Have Karmic lessons to learn.
No. 9 Positive Aspects Planet: Mars. Hot, Fiery, Dynamic, Fast, Male. Has activity,
courage, enthusiasm energy, and sensuality and high drives. Is practical, inventive,
scientific, specialist, responsibility, tact, diplomacy, sound judgement and strong
intuition. Philosophical with artistic tendencies along with lucid expressions in
orating and writing, good mechanics, especially 9 women make good and efficient
kitchen mechanics. Has fire, anger, passion, penetration, power, enterprise and is
family minded. Engineering, Science, Mechanics, Brains.
Negative Aspects Strife, infidelity, deceitful, despondent, presumptuous,
destructive, erratic, fiery tempered, unreasonable, dominating, quarrelsome and
impatient. Is prone to accidents from natural as well as unnatural calamities. Will
have at least one surgery in a lifetime and should avoid alcohol and drugs.

Points To Remember 1 to 9 are single numbers and are called, 'Principal' or 'Root'
or 'Single' numbers. All numbers beyond these 9 become 'Double' or 'Compound'
numbers also known as 'Spiritual' numbers.
The Single or Root numbers denote what the human being they represent appears
to be in the eyes of his/her fellow beings.
The Double or Compound numbers reveal the hidden influences that play a silent
role behind the scenes. They foreshadow the future and foretell of the hidden
shadows of the destiny of man.
As The Great Master, Count Louis alias Cheiro has explained, when one passes the
Root or Single numbers, a greater symbolism of numbers commences and continues
till 5 times 9 is reached. This makes a compound of 45.
Here the mystic and spiritual number 7 is brought into operation and added to 45,
making it 52. This stands for the 52 weeks of the year. This compound of 52 is once
again multiplied by the mystic 7 and it produces 364, which were considered to be
the ordinary days of a year in ancient times.
Based on the movement of the Sun through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, which
takes slightly under 365 and a quarter days, one year came to be accepted as 365
All numbers 10 onwards are compound numbers, for example, number 11, has its
Root, Fadic or Single number 2.
Being a number 2 under the influence of the Moon, this number is composed of two
1's and hence the effect of the Sun, whose number is 1, has to be considered.

Lucky Gems and Stones Numerology believes that Jewels and Stones can vastly
affect the way you feel and can change your moods. When using the right jewels
and stones you may not only feel relaxed and calmed, but it can also bring you
good luck and strong numerology vibrations.
Some stones might feel you weak and nervous because they dont have the right
vibrations for you. So you should always wear your licks jewels and gems especially
on important dates like marriage, exams, job interviews etc. Also place your jewels
and stone in your home, car, office.
A soothing effect is usually desired in the bedroom that can be achieved with the
right stones and jewels. When these jewels and stones are worn next to the skin,

they can have a magical numerology effect. They affect your mind, health and your
Here is the list of jewels and stones for each numerology person. Appropriate gems
can be selected through Numerology.
Here's how: Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month?
You are a number 1 person You are ruled by the Sun
Favourable Colours: Red and orange
Gemstone: Ruby Benefit:
It brings power, wealth, attraction and dynamism to the wearer
Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month?
You are a number 2 person You are ruled by the Moon
Favourable Colours: white, cream, green
Gemstone: Pearl or Moonstone
Benefit: These, especially the pearl, calm the nerves and bestow long life and good
luck upon the wearer.
Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month?
You are a number 3 person You are ruled by the Jupiter
Favourable Colours: yellow, mauve, violet and purple
Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire Benefit:
This gem is noted for conferring wealth, success, beauty, knowledge and good
fortune to its wearer.

Born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month?

You are a number 4 person You are ruled by the Uranus
Favourable Colours: blue, electric blue and grey
Gemstone: Gomedh , Hessonite or Lapis Lazuli

Benefit: The Gomedh strengthens the circulatory system and the heart, brings good
fortune, wealth and charm to its wearer.
Born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month?
You are a number 5 person You are ruled by the Mercury
Favourable Colours: green
Gemstone: Emerald
Benefit: The Emerald is known to bring prosperity to ones children, wealth,
expansion, fortune and self-confidence to its wearer.
Born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month?
You are a number 6 person You are ruled by the Venus
Favourable Colours: blue and pink
Gemstone: Blue Diamond
Benefit: Wearing a diamond assures love, wealth, luxuries, comforts and good
Born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month?
You are a number 7 person You are ruled by the Neptune
Favourable Colours: light blue and green, white, cream and yellow
Gemstone: Cat's Eye
Benefit: This gem bestows name, fame, wealth, popularity, longevity and
magnetism upon its wearer.
Born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month?
You are a number 8 person You are ruled by the Saturn
Favourable Colours: Dark Blue
Gemstone: Blue Sapphire
Benefit: This gemstone is perhaps the most powerful one of the entire range of
gems, its effects are generally felt within 48 hours and it can either make one a king
or a pauper instantly. If it suits you, it will confer long life, protection from accidents
and black magic and unimaginable wealth.
Born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month?

You are a number 9 person You are ruled by the Mars

Favourable Colours: Red Coral
Gemstone: Blue Sapphire
Benefit: This gem protects one from ones enemies, ensures a happy married life,
blesses one with healthy children and brings good fortune

Name number is very important for a person to be accepted socially, which makes
name numerology popular.

A bad name number makes a person defamed in some way or the other. Also it is
very important for one to have a good name number to get permanent success. I
have seen that even though the day and the life number is good, the success does
not remain permanent without a good name number and everything earned is lost
in some way or another.
What is really in a name? It contains the essence of a persons being and all the
characteristics of that person. The name given to you at birth represents your basic
character and potential. Your name shows you your Character, your Inner Self, What
Motivates You.
Strengths and Weakness and lots more! Any name changes in life can be significant.
When a woman gets married she changes her surname. It is not only the your
name/s that you can analysis, your street name and business names can be used as
Important Note: Name number depends upon day number and life number and
there must be good relation among them. If all the three numbers dont have
compatibility with each other than a person may face problems in life.
Name number differs on the basis of day number and life number of each
individual. There are many name numbers in every series as written below but it
differs on the basis of best name number whatever suits for an individual because
for example: if name number 46 is best for a person then it may be worst for
another person. So we design best name numbers for every individual with best
numerology compatibility and also ensure its compatibility with a persons
astrological horoscope.
Name number 1:
1. Name number 1 people are remembered for a long time.
2. They get great success, popularity and fame.
3. They turn to be very helpful for others.
4. They make great actors and leaders.
5. They are beneficial in the social field. There are such numbers which are in
number 1 series as 10,19,28,37 etc.

Name number 2: Number 2 as a name number is not great. They have to struggle
a lot in life. Few characteristics are:

1. They are very political.

2. They lack consistency
3. This number is good for export and import business.
4. Also good for herbal business and pharmaceuticals.
5. If in good harmony with day and life number, it can help in brining name and
fame. Numbers like 11,20,29,38 etc. are 2 series number.
Name number 3:
1. Number 3 as a name number is good but not the best.
2. Number 3 gives stability but it makes people struggle a lot to rise in their career.
3. They are often known as Jack of all and master of none.
4. If in harmony with day and life number, it gives them the quality of leadership
Number 3 is for Jupiter, the planet for prosperity, knowledge and stability. An
excellent name number, but gives slow success. But the success would last longer.
12,21,30,39 etc. are the numbers belongs to name number 3.
Name number 4:
1. Number 4 is not good as a name number.
2. For females, there may be trouble in relationships.
3. For males, can be involved in scams.
4. There may be lack of trustworthy friends.
5. Person having this number should avoid stock market. Numbers like 13,22,31,40
etc. comes in this series.
Name number 5:
1. One of the best name numbers. In fact number 41 is seen to cure a lot of
diseases as well.
2. People with name number 5 become popular in their own group or
3. 3. This name number makes people positive.
4. 4. Best name number for business.
5. 5. Generally people are successful. Number 5 is for Mercury. It is one of the
best name numbers possible in Numerology be it, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 or 59.
This number is perfect for a business man as it gives the speed of thinking
and aggression to be a leader.

Name number 6:
1. Number 6 is one of the best name numbers.
2. It is best suited for entertainment industry, luxury goods.
3. It gives magical powers for occult sciences.
4. Lucky name number but if not compatible with date, can defame the person.
5. Suited for all kinds of artists, designers and people in the entertainment industry.
15,24,33,42 etc. are the numbers of this series.
Name number 7:
1. Number 7 as a name number suits few people.
2. This number needs to be used carefully as a name number as the result can be
negative as well.
3. Suitable in the field of art and literature: This number is one of the best number
for someone in the field of art and literature.
4. This number brings originality. But a person with Number 7 as a day or life
number should avoid this number. 16,25,34,43 etc. comes in this series.
Name number 8:
1. Its not good as a name number.
2. It makes people lonely and unlike by friends and relatives.
3. They have good chances of going through law suits.
4. They are good planners.
5. They get involved in scandals.
6. They have to face a lot of delays and obstacles in life.
Name Number 8 is the only number other than Number 4 which should be avoided
as a Name Number. People with day, life or name number 8 have to suffer in life.
There are some successful people with Number 8 as their name number but there is
something common seen among most of them that they have a very strong Saturn
placed in their horoscopes. But mostly people having this number in their life are
suggested to change at least their name number because it is impossible to change
the day or life number of a person. 17,26,35,44 etc. are not good name numbers in
this series which are suggested to be change.

Name number 9:
Number 9 is for Mars and Mars is a fiery planet. Number 9 is the best number for
people in sports as it gives a lot of energy to the native. People with day or life
number as 9 should avoid 9 as a name number as it makes any person accident
prone. Number 9 is good as a name number, 27 and 36 being the best. But still it is
not as good 1,5 and 6.
1. Person having this name number is usually frank.
2. They are mostly expressive in life.
3. They are creative.
4. They want to be independent.
They have strong will and determination.
6.This name number helps to bear the hardship, obstacles and opposition of life.
18,27,36,45,54 are the numbers of this series.
Numerology is a science of numbers. Every number has a meaning. Your Name/s
and Date of Birth are analysed to answer that age old question, "Who am I" and
"Where am I going". Your Date of Birth is one number that cannot be altered. Your
date of birth reveals your Life Path, lessons to be learned, path to take and goals in
life. Your date of birth also shows the cycles and challenges to overcome at different
stages of your life.

Lucky Career and Business

Are you feeling fulfilled in you profession? What jobs interest you? Usually people
dont follow their dream occupation. They are scared, they are afraid they will fail.
Numerology shows you what are the careers that are in harmony with your
numerology numbers. That means that if you chose that career you will be more
efficient, more productive and overall happier. Numerology can be a useful tool, a
guide for helping you determine your career path, which is a very important life
decision. We are all unique.
Some of us are born leaders in Fortune 100 companies, and others prefer to have
less demanding and stressful jobs. Some prefer to use their brains, others use their
muscles. The name of the business should be in the lucky numbers. The lucky
number is considered according to the date of birth of a person.
The lucky number for the establishment should be the proprietors lucky number or
a favorable number. If so, the business will run smoothly. There are so many shops
in big cities. So many varieties of cloth manufactured by different mills are sold in
each shop. But a crowd is seen only in a few shops. What is the reason? It is
because the name-number of that shop has the power to attract people. Similarly,
soaps, detergents, toothpastes, powders etc. are sold under different trademarks.
But many people like to purchase only some particular soap or powder with a
particular trademark. It does not mean that the soaps and powders with other
trademarks are poor in quality.
The only reason for this success is the name-number of the trademark. With
trademark No. 8, if a man sells a thing related to No. 6, he will face only loss in
business. So each number has its own items, and each person should select a
business suitable to his own number. The name of the business or trademarks
should be in a suitable number. Each planet is responsible for certain works and
certain commodities. We should select our business according to, or compatible
with, our own planet, and keep the name of the business and the trademark as per
our lucky numbers
Commodities and Business Suited to Each Person
No. 1 Jewellery, Electronic and Electrical Goods, Construction Materials, Business
relating to Foreign Commodities, Advertising, Sponsoring of TV Programmes,
Cinema Industry, Designing and Planning, InfoTech Business, Pawn Broking and
Departmental Stores, Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry.

No. 2 Traders in Liquids, Milk, Ice-cream Parlor, Pathological laboratory, Lab

Technician, Medicine and Chemicals, Agriculture, Timber, Coal, Mines, Acting, Art,
Import and Export Trade, Music, Creative Art, Printing and Publishing, Caretaker of
any Organization, General Shop, Lawyer, Doctor, Vegetables, Perfumes and
Consultancy service.
No. 3 Consultancy, Advisory Service, Finance Company, Chartered Accountancy,
Banking, Advertising, Music, Art, Share, Chit, Coaching Centre, Cloth Business, Star
Hotel, Bookshop and Running a School, Government Service.
No. 4 All Sports of Machineries, Photo Studios, Hotel, Tailoring, Photocopy Business,
Electric Shop, Transport Service, Automobile, Agriculture, Real Estate, Construction,
Building Contracts, InfoTech Business, Stock Exchange Broking, Leather Goods, Gas
Agency, Astrology, Engineering, Designing and TV Business.
No. 5 Commercial Art, Agencies, Transport and Travel Agency, Law Practice,
Banking, Games and Sports Organizing, STD, Courier Service, Sponsoring TV
Programmes, Advertising, Nursery, Horticulture, Tobacco, Aluminium, Oil and
No. 6 Brokers Business, Estate Brokers, Commission Agency, All Entertainments,
Fast Food, Hotel, Catering, Agriculture, Jewellery, Piece Goods Business, Dairy Firm,
Fancy Bangles, perfumes, Acting and Media, Toys, Dry Fruits, Bakery, Marketing of
Beauty and Luxury Items, Beauty Parlor, Crche, Paints, Music School, Library, Salts,
Interior Decoration, Flowers and Poultry Firm.
No. 7 Detective Service, Art and Music, Fish, Film, Dairy Farm, Liquid, Rubber,
Chemicals Like Soaps, Medicines, Mining, Photo Studio, Cinema and Theatre,
No. 8 Chemicals, Iron, Brass, Bricks, Pots, Cement, Sanitary ware, Hardware,
Timber, Coal, Photocopy, Printing Press, DTP, Agriculture, Transport, Travel Agency,
Shoe Mart, Typewriting Institute, Oil, Screen Printing, Pesticides, Fertilizer, Sweater
Business, Shawls, Stainless Steel and Poultry.
No. 9 Printing and Publishing, Detective Service, Medicines, Sports, Electronic
Goods, Metals, Food, Luxury Items, Media and Entertainment Business, School and
Educational Institutions, Plywood, Hardware, Contract Work, Chemical Items, Gas
Agency, Vessel Shop, Iron and Steel, Politics, etc.

NUMBER ONE Number 1 Number One

The Originator Famous Number One Personalities: Captain Cook, Alexander
The Great, Hulk Hogan, Annie Besant, Tom Hanks Number One Good Traits:
Honest, Good Leaders Number One Bad Traits: Arrogant, Stubborn
Number One Lucky Color: Sea Green
Your lucky number is 1.
The planet governing you is the Sun, the emperor of all planets.
You are a very good planner and have your own independent views. You have
the inborn qualities of administration and leadership. You are of serious
nature with firm thinking. You shall be respected all over in your social circle.
You will be more influenced by Sun specially if you are born between 21 July
to 21 August.
You will have an attractive personality and will always be progressing in your
life. You are very brilliant and cannot accept your defeat, even if you are
defeated and prefer to lay your life instead of bowing before anybody.
You can be a very good businessman if you enter in the field of Jewellery,
Gold, medical, medicines, army, scientific equipment, fire extinguishers,
paper, cloth and grains.. It will be difficult for you to remain under someone
in administrative services. You can only be chief executive officer or head of
Although the people under the influence of sun succeed in any field they
enter but you should not do the business of IRON.
For your business, house and employment, the directions of west, north-east
and north-west are favourable.
The direction of south-west is not favourable to you.

For MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 1, 3, 5, or 9 of any month will be

suitable to you and they can be your FRIENDS also.
But the people born on 2, 4, 6, and 8 of any month are not suitable to you as
a marriage partners and will be your enemies.
Every year during the months of October, November and December you
should take special care of your health and should not take the unnecessary
risk and keep control on the expenditures.
The period from 21 March to 28th April and 10th July to 20th August is
progressive for you.
The dates 1, 4, 9, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31 are good for you.
And Sundays and Thursdays are good for you. So you should do all your
important works on the above dates and between above periods to gain
The colours favourable to you are Yellow, White, Golden and Copper colour.
To avoid accidents you should prefer the Car and two wheelers of these
You should prefer the clothes of these colours and keep handkerchief, pens in
your pocket of same colours.
The 19, 28, 37, 46, 55 and 64th year of your life will be lucky for you.
And be careful during the 16, 25, 34, 43, 52 and 61st year of your life wont
be good for you.
During your old age you will suffer from diabetes and heart diseases. You will
also face problems relating to skin , eyes and head.
For improvement in your luck and health , you must keep a fast on Sundays
without salt .
For gaining a lot of wealth and success in business, you must keep Surya
Yantra with you and at the place of worship in your house .
For your luck and good health wear Ruby (Manik) in gold or copper ring.
Signature Number 1 people should have slant upwards signature. Uniformity
shall be maintained from beginning till the end. Length of signature should
be between 4 and 5:05 cm.

Name characteristics of number one Persons who belong to number 1 can

have name number 1. If the sum number which is the total of the date,
month and year of birth is stronger, the name number can be sum number or
a number favourable to sum number.
Name characteristics of number one Now here I am describing the
characteristics of people whose name number sums up to 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,
and 46 respectively.
Name number 1 It is not good to have name in this number 1. This number
will give luck when it joins with other numbers. It is good to have this number
in vehicles and as a number of houses. Name number 10 A number of rise
and fall, will afford success and failures alternatively. 10 are capable of
arousing the extreme responses of love and hate. Persons with name number
10 will be alternatively lucky and unlucky.
Name number 19 19 is the most fortunate and favourable number that
assures success in all activities. This number assures victory over all
disappointments. People whose name number sums up to 19 will experience
gradual growth. As they grow old they will become more and more
respectable. They will certainly enjoy the benefits of money, position,
popularity and success. Even their married life and life partners are good.
They will enjoy great popularity and fame in life.
Name number 28 This number indicates struggles in native's life. It indicates
loss through misplaced trust in others, , powerful opposition from enemies
and competitors in business. Also they may face serious law suits and
problems in career. Wealth will accumulate only to be lost. They will progress
in the beginning but will face loss of wealth and sadness later.
Name number 37 This number indicates great emphasis on love, romance,
happiness and success. People having this name number will have mass
attraction. They will advance in business and profession. This number will
give unexpected success. Happiness and success are more easily attained
when in partnerships with another than when operating alone as a single
Name number 46 These people having named number 46 can be referred as
kings of success. These people will certainly reach to heights in their career.
Money, fame and power will keep on adding themselves to them. With noble
intentions they will be renowned throughout the world. They can acquire
great position in politics and arts.

Name number 55 They are intellectuals having quite extensive knowledge.

But sometimes their own intellect will confuse them. Again this number of
rise and fall according to personal desire. For partnerships in business this
number is not suitable but good to over power enemies. Still this number
brings great fame if persons influenced by this use their abilities properly.
Similarly people having name numbers at 73, 82, and 91 have their different

NUMBER TWO Number 2 Number Two

The Peacemaker Famous Number Two Personalities: Edison, Napoleon III, Bill Clinton,
Orlando Bloom, Thomas Hardy, David Beckham Number Two Good Traits: Friendly,
Diplomatic Number Two Bad Traits: Haughty, Overconfident Number Two Lucky
Color: Turquoise Your lucky number is 2. The planet governing you is the MOON, the
planet of imagination. You are very sensitive, imaginative, lover of art, peace loving
and of social nature. You may not be strong physically but you are very strong
mentally. You will be more influenced by Moon specially if you are born between 20
June to 25th July. You will have a very active mind and keep your views changing..
This will result in failures in many jobs you undertake Women trust you very easily
as you are soft spoken and compassionate. You cannot say no to anyone, and due to
that reason, sometimes you have to tolerate the harsh words of your elders. You can
do business in the field of drinks, silver, milk, ghee, curd, sugar, pearls, diamonds,
land, agriculture, dentistry etc. Ladies can go in the field of teaching and nursing.
They can also succeed in the field of acting, music and dance. You will have the
opportunity to travel by sea many times in your life For your business, house and
employment, the directions of north, north-east and north-west will be favourable to
you. The directions of south and south-west are not favourable to you. For
MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 2, 4, 6, or 9 of any month will be suitable
to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the persons born on 3, 5 and 8, of
any month are not suitable to you as a marriage partners and will be your enemies.
Every year during the months of January, February and December, take special care

of your health and keep control on your expenditures. The period from 20 June to
25th July brings progress and happiness in your life. The dates 2, 11, 20, 29. Also on
1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 and 28 your pending jobs will be completed. Sundays,
Mondays and Fridays are good to start any work. Your business can flourish in cities
situated on the bank of rivers or seas. The colours favourable to you are Green,
Light yellow, White, and light blue. To avoid accidents you should prefer the Car and
two wheelers of these colours. You should prefer the clothes of these colours and
keep handkerchief, pens in your pocket of same colours. Avoid using black, red &
dark blue colours The 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65 and 74th year of your life will be lucky
for you. But be careful during 14, 23, 32, 41,50, 51, and 68st year of your life. You
may suffer from problems of lungs, heart, eyes, sleep, asthma etc. if you are not
careful. For improvement in your luck and health , you must keep a fast on
Mondays. . For gaining a lot of wealth and success in business, you must keep a
suitable Yantra with you and at the place of worship in your house . For your luck
and good health wear Pearl (Moti) in silver ring.
Signature The signature should slant upwards and length of signature should be
from 4 cm to 6 cm. The signature should begin at a point, turn clockwise and slant
upwards. Name characteristics of number two Number 2 persons should not have
name in number 2. Number 2 is influenced by moon and as moon waxes for fifteen
days and wanes for 15 days, so there will be ups and downs in the natives life.
Number 2 persons should have their names on lucky numbers 1, 5, 3 and 6. But
they should avoid their name on 2, 4, 8 and 9. If the birth number is not lucky then
name should be devised on the sum number. And suppose you choose 1 as your
name number then status of planets associated with it should be taken into
account. For example you choose 46 then status of Rahu and Venus should be taken
into account. And if you choose 37 as your lucky number then the status of Ketu and
Jupiter should be taken into account. Here are the characteristics of number 2
people whose name number sums up to 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, and 56 and so on.
Name number 2 It represents imagination, parenthood, conception, childhood and
dreams. It applies both to both people and entities. They are extremely imaginative
and inventive but not as forceful as could be in carrying out their plans and ideas.
But development in their life will not be constant. Mostly they are secretive and
never let anyone know what the next move might be. At times they may lack self
confidence. Name number 11 It represents two numbers of the same or the
opposite situations. Two forces or two desires stand apart and must ultimately unite
for happiness. They will do many business and will succeed. But disappointments
and sudden accidents are part of their lives. They have to be very careful in money
matters. Name number 20 It is not a material number so it is doubtful regarding
financial success. People having name number 20 may have occasional delays and
obstacles in their plans but these obstacles may be removed through their
developing patience. They will serve society with a sense of dedication. Name
number 29 Life of these people is filled with uncertainty, treachery, deception from
others, unreliable friends and unexpected dangers. These people should certainly

change the spellings of their name as this number is not satisfactory in many
respects. Name number 38 With the passage of time this number can give fame and
position. They can rise to heights in their career. Though number of positive
indications is there in life but still they may have to face unexpected incidents in
life. Also they may have dangers from hidden enemies. Name number 47 They will
have great development in terms of money. But again unexpected incidents and
unreliable people may surround them. They should follow the path of the spiritually
to have peaceful and successful life. Name number 56 These people lives
extravagantly luxurious life. But some of these persons earn through foul manners.
They will be successful in competitions, games etc. They will not stick to one job or
they try to do many things in their life. Similarly there are characteristics of persons
having name numbers like 65, 74, 83, 92 and 101. A combination of good letters
can bring success to those having negative effects on them in their life

NUMBER THREE Number 3 Number Three

The Party Animal Famous Number Three Personalities: Abraham Lincoln, Mark
Twain, Jodi Foster, Alan Ada, Rudyard Kipling, Winston Churchill Number Three Good
Traits: Creative, Romantic Number Three Bad Traits: Impatient, Unpunctual Number
Three Lucky Color: Crimson Red Your lucky number is 3. The planet governing you is
the Jupiter, the master of all planets. You are very hardworking, courageous and
religious. You like to have strict discipline. You dont like the interference of anybody
in your work and also dont like to interfere in anybodys work. You will be more
influenced by Jupiter if you are born between 19th January to 21th March. In that
case you can be a good businessman and a respected person in the society. For
business you can succeed in the field of clothes, food items, hotel business, acting,

broker, banker, priest of temple, advertisement and publicity etc. For luck and
success in your business, and job, the directions of south-east and south-west will
be favourable to you. The directions of North-west are not be favourable to you. For
MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of any month will be
suitable to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the people born on 2, 4, and
6 of any month are not suitable to you as a marriage partners. You are advised not
to keep friendship with them. Every year during the end of December, take special
care of your health and keep control on your expenditures. The period from 19th
February to 21st March and 21st November to 21st December brings progress,
money and happiness in your life. The dates 3, 12, 21, 30. including 6, 9, 15, 18, 24,
27, will be favourable to you and specially if they fall on Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday.. You should do all your important jobs on these days. The colours favourable
to you are Yellow, Pink, White, Green, Dark brown and light blue. To avoid accidents
you should prefer the Car and two wheelers of these colours. You should prefer the
clothes of these colours and keep handkerchief, pens in your pocket of same
colours. Avoid using black & dark blue colours Your lucky year of your life will be the
35th year, during which you are likey to have car, house and land etc with lot of
respect and possibility of an award also.. The 18, 21, 24,30, 33, 36, 39, 42 45, 48,
51, 54,57, 60 and 66th year of your life will be important You are likely to suffer
from problems of lungs, liver, diabetes, skin problems, asthma, speech related
problems like stammering etc For improvement in your luck and health , you must
keep a fast on Thursdays . For gaining a lot of wealth and success in business, you
must keep a suitable Yantra with you and at the place of worship in your house. For
your luck and good health wear Topaz (Pukhraj) in gold ring.
Signature Number 3 persons should start their signature clockwise and it should
slant upwards. Signature should be longer than 3 cm. Name characteristics of
number three Only after careful study of birth number, sum number, planetary
motion of sun and mercury name number is advised. Number 3 persons can remove
unnecessary hurdles in their life by making their name on favourable number. Name
number 3 This is a spiritual number, persons whose name number sums up to 3 will
be spiritually inclined and intelligent persons. They will achieve good qualifications.
Name number 12 Having named number 12, a person will have the capability to
sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. He will always work for the
welfare of others. But sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental
anguish creates amnesia. Rather than being emotional, these persons should pay
more attention to education and intellect as it will pave way to success. Name
number 21 Person whose name sums up to 21 will have general success and
guarantees advancement, honors, awards and general elevation in the life and
career. It gives success after long struggle. The beginning of life will be full of
struggles. The later part of life is full of luck. Name number 30 Persons whose name
sums up to 30 will be full of imagination. They will have thoughtful deduction and
mental superiority over others. This number is neither fortunate nor unfortunate.
They wont be interested to earn money and wealth. Even if there is no profit, they

will undertake some difficult jobs for the sake of mental satisfaction. Name number
39 These persons will work for the welfare of others. They may face health problems
specially skin problems. They will struggle in their youth days and will have success
after lots of hardships in later part of their life. But they are good natured and that
they can go up to any extent to do good for their friends and relatives. Name
number 48 They will succeed in the face of any number of trials and tribulations.
They will take up assignments beyond their abilities. They will work for the welfare
of others. Fate will always play an adverse role in their lives. Success will be very
late in their life. Similarly name numbers 57, 66, 75, 84, 93, 102 have different

NUMBER FOUR Number 4 Number Four

The Conservative Famous Number Four Personalities: George Washington, Lord

Byron, Neil Diamond, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Hogan Number Four Good Traits:
Traditional, Organized Number Four Bad Traits: Stubborn, Persistent Number Four
Lucky Color: Turquoise Your lucky number is 4 The planet governing you is the Pluto.
Your life is full of unexpected happenings. For example, you may suddenly become
millionaire and due to certain reasons you may even become penniless. You may
suddenly acquire some disease and suddenly it may disappear also. You are very
expert in the art of making friends. But your friendship will not last long. Only one or
two of your friends will support you, all other will only be taking undue advantage of
your good nature, tolerance and good position.. You may run into losses if you act
on the advice of others. You will be more influenced by Pluto if you are born
between 21st June to 31st August. In that case you can bring revolution in the field
of politics, Society or religion. You can succeed in the Business of Electrical
equipment, Tobacco, Wine, Spirit, Narcotics and Mining. For success and progress in
your business and job the directions of south-east and south-west will be favourable
to you. The directions of Northwest are not be favourable to you. For MARRIAGE
purpose, the persons born on 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of any month will be suitable to you
and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the people born on 1, 3, and 7 of any
month are not suitable to you as a marriage partners. You are advised not to keep
friendship with them. Every year during the months of October, November &
December, take special care of your health and unnecessary expenditures. The
period from 21st March to 28th April and from 10th July to 20st August brings
prosperity and good luck to you. The dates favourable to you are 4, 13, 22, 31 and
specially if they fall on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. You are advised do all your
important work on these days. The colours favourable to you are Blue, Grey. To
avoid accidents you should prefer the Car and two wheelers of these colours. You
should prefer the clothes of these colours and keep handkerchief, pens in your
pocket of same colours. Caution - Dont use black colour, otherwise you can have an
accident. Your lucky year of your life will be the 13, 20, 22, 28, 29, 31, 37, 38, 40,
46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 58, 64, 65, 67 and 74th. You may suffer from problems of lungs,
liver, diabetes, urinary troubles, diseases of the feet, and other problems which will
be difficult to diagnose. For improvement in your luck and health , you must keep a
fast on Tuesday . For gaining a lot of wealth and success in business, you must keep
a suitable Yantra with you and at the place of worship in your house . For your luck
and good health wear Sapphire (Neelam) in iron ring made out of the horse shoe of
the black horse.
Signature Your signature should slant upwards and should not be less than 4 cm.
Also after half the signature there should be an underline. Name characteristics of
number four Now here are some of the characteristics of persons who are ruled by
rahu and number 4. Those whose name sums up to number 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49
and so on. Name number 4 Person having name number 4 will have hard luck as
there will be no returns of whatever hard work done and labor spent. As a result
abilities of the person will not yield. He may face mental afflictions. Patience and

tolerance are very necessary for these persons whose name sums up to number 4.
Name number 13 Actually some persons having name number 13 will enjoy
prosperous life but still they may be surrounded by confusion and uninterrupted
sorrows. Actually 13 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. It
is associated with power which if used for selfish purpose will bring destruction upon
itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected. Name number 22
Persons having name number 22 will attract the evil much quicker than the good. It
will steer the powers of mind into evil paths like gambling, speculative activities,
horse race, betting, alcoholism etc. They will lose all their wealth due to bad friends
or immoral women. They may be involved in judicial cases. Name on this number
should be avoided. Name number 31 Having name on this number can make a
person self contained, self sufficient, lonely, and isolated from others. These
persons are experts in arts. They are greatly interested in spirituality. They will not
be carried away by the happiness at their own success. They will establish the
principles of justice. Name number 40 These persons will have sharp intelligence.
They will enjoy unexpected income of money. This number indicates success. Person
having this number will enjoy success and fame in his life. He will have good wealth
and property. They are daring and self confident. They can excel in agricultural or
farm related professions. Similarly persons whose name number sums up to 49, 58,
67, 76, 85, 94, 103 and 112 have different characteristics after having their names
on these numbers.

NUMBER FIVE Number 5 Number Five

The Nonconformist Famous Number Five Personalities: Shakespeare, Albert
Einstein, Neil Armstrong, Karl Marx, Vincent Van Gogh, Charlotte Bronte Number
Five Good Traits: Curious, Enthusiastic Number Five Bad Traits: Restless, Too Daring
Number Five Lucky Color: White Your lucky number is 5 The planet governing you is
the Mercury. By birth you are very lucky, intelligent, a deep thinker and with a sharp
mind. You have an ability to to influence others ver easily. You like to travel a lot. You
are a businessman by nature and have an ability to make gold out of even sand. You
will be greatly influenced by Mercury, specially if you are born between 21st May to
23rd June or from 21st August to 23rd September. In that case you will be very lucky
and earn a lot of wealth unexpectedly, even through lottery. You can succeed in the
Business of Jewellery, clocks and watches, readymade clothes, publishing and
stationery etc. For success and progress in your business and job, the directions of
north-east and north-west will be favourable to you. The directions of South and
south-west will not be favourable to you. For MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born
on 1,3, 4, 5, 7, or 8 of any month will be suitable to you and they can be your
FRIENDS also. But the people born on 2, 6, and 9 of any month are not suitable to
you as a marriage partners and will be your enemies. Caution- Every year during
the months of October, November & December, take special care of your health and
unnecessary expenditures. The period from 21st May to 20th June and from 21th
August to 20st September brings prosperity and good luck to you. The dates
favourable to you are 1,3,5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23 and 25. and specially if
they fall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You are advised to do all your important
works on these days. The colours favourable to you are White, light brown, Green or
any light colour. To avoid accidents you should prefer the Car and two wheelers of
above colours. You should prefer the clothes of these colours and keep
handkerchief, pens in your pocket of same colours. Caution - Dont use Red colour,.
Your lucky year of your life will be the 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, and 77th. HealthYou may be suffering from nose bleeding since your childhood. You are likely to
suffer from the problems of throat, tongue, breath related diseases and
unconsciousness etc. For improvement in your luck and health , You should restrict
your salt intake and go to sleep early in the night so that you dont suffer from the
skin diseases, blood pressure and migraine. You should keep fast every wednesday
For gaining a lot of wealth and success in business, you must keep a suitable Yantra

with you and at the place of worship in your house . For your luck and good health
wear Emerald (Panna) in gold ring You can also wear Turquoise (Firoza) in silver ring.
Signature Number 5 persons should start their signature clockwise. There should be
no space between the initials and the name. The signature should slant upwards.
Length of the signature should be 5 cm. Name characteristics of number five When
lucky name is devised then many factors are taken into consideration, planetary
movement of planets like mercury and sun. Again it is seen whether sum number is
powerful or birth number only then name number is devised to those born on 5, 14
and 23 dates of any month. Still 1 and 5 are lucky for number 5 persons. Name
number 5 Any person having his name that sums up to number 5 will have fame
and popularity. He will be full of confidence and determination. He will have great
wealth. He will be innovative. Name number 14 These people have magnetic
communication through writing, publishing and media related matters. They will
excel in fields of business and manufacturing industry. They will always be traveling.
They will struggle while young and will become successful later on in life. Name
number 23 This number promises success in personal and career endeavours. It
guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It is a
fortunate number and greatly blesses with abundant grace. These persons can work
out revolutions in politics. They will succeed in the field of arts. Name number 32
Persons having name on this number enjoy mass support. They are wonderful
creators. They have magnetic speech. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it
represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions. They will become successful if
they listen to their own conscience. They will meet failure if they listen to the words
of others. Name number 41 They have sharp intelligence. They have the ability to
exert authority over people. They will achieve great fame and success in
competitions. Great offices will seek them and they will live a prosperous life with an
un diminishing fame. They will excel in sciences and arts. They can easily adept in
meditation, yoga and hypnotism. Similarly other name numbers like 59, 68, 77; 86,
95 and 104 have their respective characteristics.

NUMBER SIX Number 6 Number Six

The Romantic Famous Number Six Personalities: Queen Victoria, Max Muller,
Napoleon I, Warren Hastings, Salma Hayek, Christopher Columbus Number Six Good
Traits: Idealistic, Friendly Number Six Bad Traits: Possessive, Impatient Number Six
Lucky Color: Burgundy Your lucky number is 6 Your ruling planet is Venus. You are
lucky, social, of jolly nature, good looking and of attractive personality. You cannot
live alone. You keep yourself calm & busy, even when faced with the
disappointments. You will be greatly influenced by the planet venus , specially if you
are born between 20st April to 24rd May or from 21st September to 24rd October. In
that case you will be very lucky with the influence of some woman in your life. You
may have to suffer losses sometimes due to your jealous nature.. You can succeed
in the Business of Hotels & restaurants, confectionery, cosmetics, Jewellery, clothes,
silk, dance & music, publishing and stationery etc. For success and progress in your
business and job the directions of west, north-east and north-west will be favourable
to you. The directions of South and south-east will not be favourable to you. For
MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 2, 4, 6, or 9 of any month will be suitable
to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the people born on 1, 3, 5, 7 or 8 of
any month will not be suitable to you as a marriage partners and will be your
enemies. Caution- Every year during the months of April, October & November take
special care of your health and unnecessary expenditures. The period from 20th
April to 21st May and from 23th September to 20th October brings prosperity and
good luck to you. The dates favourable to you are 3,6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and
30. and specially if they fall on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. You are advised to do
all your important works on these days. The colours favourable to you are light blue,
sky colour, white and pink. Wearing white clothes improves your personality
manifold. To avoid accidents and mishappenings you should prefer the Car and two

wheelers of the same colours. You should prefer the clothes of same colours and
keep handkerchief, pens in your pocket of same colours.. Your lucky year of your life
will be the 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57 and 60th. Your luck can
change immediately and you can rise to great heights and have a lot of wealth if
you have a yantra suitable to you. If you can keep fast for the whole of your life on
Fridays and enchant the Mantra suggested to you, you will really see the wonders of
your luck. For good luck and the best of health you must wear Diamond (Heera) in
silver or gold ring
Signature The signature should slant upwards and its length of signature should be
between 4.05 cm to 6 cm. Again there should be no line drawn beneath the
signature. Name characteristics of number six When number 6 persons change their
name to a lucky one, they will enjoy all the pleasures in the world. Here are the
characteristics of persons whose name totals to 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69 and so
on. Name number 6 Those whose name sums up to number 6 will have all pleasures
of life. They will have gradual rise in their life. Money often comes to them without
effort, sometimes through their own talents and abilities, sometimes through
inheritance or through friends or relatives. Name number 15 Those whose name
sums up to 15 will make lot of money through arts. They will have any thing done
with the help of their eloquence and attractiveness. They will be in diverse business
and profession and make a lot of money. Name number 24 It promises the
assistance of those with power and it indicates close association with the people of
high rank and position. It greatly increases financial success, and the ability to
achieve happiness in love. They will begin a business at a small scale and within no
time will expand it into huge one. Name number 33 They are pious persons having
abundant wealth. They will excel in medicine and spiritual wisdom. This number
promises financial success. But they are warned not to abuse the astounding luck
which will descend on them at sometime causing laziness, overconfidence and a
feeling of superiority. Name number 42 Those persons whose name sums up to
number 42 will struggle in youth but will become successful later in life. They will be
full of courage, will power and self confidence. They will have any type of illness
cured very fast. This name number is a prosperous number. Great positions will
reach them. Similarly all those names that sums up to number 51, 60, 69, 78, 87,
96, 105, 114 have different characteristics.

NUMBER SEVEN Number 7 Number Seven

The Intellectual Famous Number Seven Personalities: Oscar Wilde, Charles
Dickens, Shahrukh Khan, William Wordsworth, Billy Graham, Sir Isaac Newton
Number Seven Good Traits: Inquisitive, Intelligent Number Seven Bad Traits:
Pessimistic, Restless Number Seven Lucky Color: Light Green Your lucky number is 7
The planet governing you is the Naptune (Varun). You are simple, have patience, like
change, have imagination, fond of art, you are religious and a lover of literature and
music. You are also a great philosopher and thinker. You will be respected in the
society due your nature of being compassionate. You have have the power of
independent thinking, originality and an attractive personality. Although you are
religious, but you will have your own way of worship. You lag behind in your own
progress as the most of your time is spent in advising the others. You will be greatly
influenced by Naptune, specially if you are born between 21st June to 25th July. In
that case you will gain more from the business instead of doing service. You can
succeed in the Business of Iron, electrical goods, motor parts, rubber, liquor, plastic,
liquid items, medicines etc. For success and progress in your business and job, the
directions of south-east and north-east will be favourable to you. The directions of
northwest will not be suitable to you. For MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 1,

2, 5, 7, or 9 of any month will be suitable to you and they can be your FRIENDS also.
But the people born on 4, 8, and 6 of any month are not suitable to you as a
marriage partners and will be your enemies. The dates favourable to you are 1,2,5,
7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28 and 29. and specially if they fall on
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Specially if these days and dates fall
during the month of June.. The colours favourable to you are White, light yellow,
pink or green. To avoid accidents and other mis-happenings you should prefer the
Car and two wheelers of above colours. You should prefer the clothes of these
colours and keep handkerchief, pens in your pocket of same colours. Caution - Dont
use dark red colour it is very harmful to you. Your lucky year of your life will be the
16, 19, 25, 28, 29, 34, 37, 43, 46, 47, 52, 55, 56, 61, 64, 70, 73 and 74th. 79th year
may be the last year of your life. Health- You are likely to suffer from the problems
of stomach, eyes, lungs, incurable diseases, and injury on the head. To solve your
health problems, you must keep salt-free fast on every Tuesday For your good luck
and improvement in your health, you must wear Cats eye (Lahsunia) in silver ring.
You can also wear Coral (Moonga) in silver ring. Your luck can change immediately
and you can acquire a great wealth , if you have a purified and energized Yantra
with you.
Lucky signature Signature should be put moving clockwise and slanting upwards in
an angle between 6 degrees to 15 degrees. There should be no line or dot below the
signature. The signature should end at the higher angle than at the beginning.
Length of the signature should be from 4cm to 6 cm. Name characteristics of
number seven Lucky name is devised after the study of birth number, sum number
and planetary positions at the time of birth. Still these persons should have their
names that sums up to 1 and 6. Here I am describing the characteristics of persons
whose names sums up to 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52 etc Name number 7 Persons whose
name sums up to 7 will have fixed goal in life. they will enjoy public support. But
their family life will not be good and they will have no pleasure in family life. they
will have frequent changes in life. Name number 16 Persons whose name sums up
to 16 will have fast development in life and also they will have quick fall. Thoughts
different from the ordinary will be occurring in the mind. They will have evil
thoughts and evil imaginations. They are the persons who have thoughts that will
ultimately harm the society. Name number 25 Persons whose name sums up to 25
will have worldly success by learning through experience. Its strength comes from
overcoming disappointments in early life and possessing the rare quality of learning
from past mistakes. This number gives success in business or profession or family
after considerable struggle. Name number 34 Persons having name number 34 will
have extra marital affairs and they will have desire to spend money for sexual
indulgence and other pleasures. They will have money through various sources but
they will spend extravagantly. They will have confused family life. Name number 43
This is an unfortunate name number. Persons having names on this number should
make amendments in their spellings to make their name fortunate. Actually these
persons are of infirm mind. They will keep changing their business and profession.

Some persons deeds will yield ultimate success but others life will be full of
sufferings. Name number 52 Persons having name on this number will have
comfortable life in their youth but they will face more difficulties as they grow old.
They will observe spiritual practices fastidiously. They will plan their activities and
succeed. They are revolutionary and will achieve world renown. But their domestic
life will be full of confusion. Similarly those persons whose name sums up to 61, 70.
79, 88, 97, 106, 115 have different characteristics.

NUMBER EIGHT Number 8 Number Eight

The Big Shot Famous Number Eight Personalities: Elizabeth Taylor, George
Bernardshaw, Pablo Picasso, Jane Fonda, Edgar Cayce Number Eight Good Traits:
Professional, Judgmental Number Eight Bad Traits: Blunt, Bossy Number Eight Lucky
Color: Red Your lucky number is 8 Your ruling planet is Saturn. You are hardworking,
daring, courageous and work painstakingly, You are of introvert nature and your life
will be full of struggles, miseries and accidents. You will also have to fight with your
enemies but emerge always as a winner. You will always have the feeling of

revenge. You are very intelligent and serious. You look at things very minutely and
have foresight. The amount of struggle you have seen in your life cannot be seen by
an ordinary person in his life. And no one can have the amount of patience and
tolerance, that you have. You will be greatly influenced by the planet Saturn ,
especially if you are born between 20th January to 20th February or from 20th
September to 25th October. In that case you will be very successful in business
instead of service. You can succeed in the Business of oils, coal, petrol, iron,
machinery, motor parts, contractor of forests, poultry, type and shorthand,
computers and printing press etc For success and progress in your business and job
the directions of south, south-west, south-east will be favourable to you. The
directions of north, north-west and north-east will not be favourable to you. For
MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 3, 4, 5, 7 or 8 of any month will be suitable
to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the people born on 1, 2, 6, or 9 of
any month will not be suitable to you as a marriage partners and will be your
enemies. Caution- Every year during the months of January, March and April, take
special care of your health and unnecessary expenditures. The period from 20th
January to 20th February and from 20th September to 25th October brings
prosperity and good luck to you. The dates favourable to you are 8, 17, 26 and
specially if they fall on Saturday, including Wednesday and Thursday You are
advised to do all your important works on these days. You have the chance of
getting an unexpected money around the age of 35years. And you have the
chances of your progress by leaps and bounds between the age of 35 to 70 years.
The colours favourable to you are black, dark blue and dark grey. To avoid accidents
and bad luck you should prefer the Car and two wheelers of the same colours. You
should prefer the clothes of same colours and keep handkerchief, pens in your
pocket of same colours. The Red and White colours are not suitable to you. Your
lucky year of your life will be the 26, 35, 44, 53,and 62th. You are likely to suffer
from the constipation, arthirities, gout, weekness of bladder, teeth trouble, diseases
related to ear and nose. You may suffer from paralyses during your last days. You
should keep fast on Saturdays to avoid the health problems. Your luck can change
immediately, solving all of your problems if you have a Yantra suitable to you. For
good luck and the best of health you must wear Sapphire (Neelum) in iron ring
made out of the horse shoe of black horse. You can also wear amethist in silver ring
Signature Number 8 persons should start their signature from zero degrees to
nineteen degrees and it should slant upwards. It should have no dots or lines below
the signature. Name characteristics of number eight Lucky name is devised after
careful study of sum number, birth number and planetary details at the time of
birth. Still number 8 persons should have their name that sums up top 1, 5 and 6.
Here are characteristics of name numbers of persons whose name sums up to 8, 17,
26, 35, 44, 53 ---- Name number 8 Persons whose name sums up to 8 have no
family or domestic life. most of these persons are sanyasis. They will meet
accidents and dangers. They will have success after great struggle. Name number
17 Person having name number 17 will rise superior in spirit to trials and difficulties

of earlier life. they will lose many times and have success less times. They will be
strong enough to withstand all the troubles in life. they will get great offices and
appreciation. The later part of their life will bring fame to them. Name number 26 26
number is full of contradictions. It warns of dangers disappointments, failure and
unhappy partnerships. Persons whose name sums up to number 26 are debtors.
Their business will be crippled because of indirect enemies. They will not have
lasting friends. They will have lasting confusion in their life. Name number 35 Their
expenses are more than their income. they will climb and fall down in their life. they
will find it very difficult to save their face when they lose. They will have to face
litigations in their respective lives. They will have bad health. Name number 44
They will have fertile thoughts and will earn through arts. But some number 44
persons may bring shame to themselves due to bad deeds. They may be punished
by government for bad deeds. They will have stomach, nervous and physical
problems. they are benefited in steel, oil, chemicals and vehicles. But business may
be crippled due to natural reasons. Name number 53 They will meet many failures
before they could achieve success in their life. they will often be troubled by
sadness in their life. business and domestic partnerships are not good for those
whose name sums up to number 53. there will be no personal development in life.
the number gives success after great troubles. Anything related to public service
will prove good for them. Similarly there are characteristics of persons whose name
sums up to 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107 and 116.

NUMBER NINE Number 9 Number Nine

The Performer Famous Number Nine Personalities: Theodore Roosevelt, Richard
Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Rowan Atkinson, Harrison Ford Number Nine Good Traits:
Generous, Entertainers Number Nine Bad Traits: Unpredictable, Impatient Number
Nine Lucky Color: Pale Yellow Your lucky number is 9 Your ruling planet is Mars. You
are very self-confident, courageous, hardworking, brave and always struggling to
solve the problems. You are angry by nature and have tendency to fight with others.
You cannot tolerate your criticism. You are also very impatient. You will always be
trying to improve yourself and try to learn more and more. You will be greatly
influenced by the planet Mars , specially if you are born between 21st March to 27th
april or from 21st October to 27th November. In that case you will have the quality
of leadership and administration by birth. You will have the inborn love for your
country. You can succeed in the Business of Iron and Steel, Medicines, fireworks,
agriculture, land and property or meat. Never do a business of Elecrical goods or
any job related to electricity because there is great danger for you in it For success
and progress in your business and job the directions of north-east and south-west
will be favourable to you. The directions of northwest and north-east will not be
favourable to you. For MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 or 9
of any month will be suitable to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. But the
people born on 5, or 8 of any month will not be suitable to you as a marriage
partners and will be your enemies. Caution- Every year during the months of March,
May, June, October & from 15 November to 27th Decembr, take special care of your
health and unnecessary expenditures. The period from 15th March to 15th April and
from 31st October to 14th November brings prosperity and good luck to you. The
dates favourable to you are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 31. and specially
if they fall on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. You are advised to do all your important
works on these days. Avoid doing any important jobs on 1, 5, 8, 14, 17, 19, 23, 26
and 28. They are harmful to you. The colours favourable to you are Pink, Red, yellow
and white. To avoid accidents and bad luck you should prefer the Car and two
wheelers of the same colours. You should prefer the clothes of same colours and
keep handkerchief, pens in your pocket of same colours.. The Black, Green and Blue
colour is not suitable to you. Your lucky year of your life will be the 18, 24, 27, 30,
36, 39, 42, 45, 54, 57 and 63th. You are likely to suffer from the urinary problems,
blood pressure, inflammation, piles, and skin related problems. During old age you
may have heart related problems. You should avoid all types of spices to prevent all
these diseases. To avoid all type of health problems keep salt free fast on every
Tuesday Your luck can change within a period of 90 days and bring you a lot of
money and success in your life if you keep a yantra suitable to you in your house at
the place of worshipFor good luck and the best of health you must wear Coral
(Moonga) in gold or copper ring

Signature The signature should slant upward and the last letter in the signature
should be at an elevated plane from all the other letters preceding it. The length of
the signature should be anywhere between 3cm to 6cm. Name characteristics of
number nine Lucky name depends upon the proper study of sum number, birth
number and planetary positions at the time of birth. Number 9 persons should
properly consult before keeping or making amendments in name. Here are the
characteristics of persons whose name sums up to 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 and so on.
Name number 9 Those persons whose name sums up to 9 have successful and
comfortable life. they will live in affluence. They will take up frequent travel to
abroad and far off places. They will have great practical experience. Name number
18 This is unlucky number. Person having name on this number will have life full of
struggle and difficulties. He will earn enmity of people wherever he goes. They will
love wine and women. They will indulge in gambling and will live controversial life.
They should have their name on lucky number. Name number 27 Persons having
name on this number will have fortunate life. they will have good and understanding
life partners. They will grow day by day. They will achieve great success due to their
tenacity and hard work. They will make huge profits in business. They will live a life
of affluence. Name number 36 They will grow only if they leave their native places
and settle in abroad or far off places. They will achieve success through hard work
and will have good positions in life. their domestic life will be full of confusion. They
will not commensurate with their fame. Name number 45 Persons having their
names on this number will have tremendous success in their lives. Great offices and
positions will seek them. They will have multi business. They will achieve great
success and development in business. They will have great physical and mental
powers. They will live life happily. Name number 54 Success and failures are
alternate in their lives. They will struggle in their youth and will have success in
later part of their life. others will enjoy their money and wealth. Persons having
name on this number will be subordinate to others. So there are characteristics of
other persons having their names on the numbers 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108 and 117.

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