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1 If I __________________ (have) my own computer, I __________________ (not have to)
use yours.
2 If I __________________ (be) you, I __________________ (not keep) all the money in one
3 There _________________ (not be) so many accidents if drivers ______________ (drive)
more slowly.
4 I __________________ (not give) up my job even if I _________________ (be) a very rich
5 We __________________ (have) a dog if we __________________ (live) in a bigger house.
6 If there __________________ (be) more workers, this job __________________ (be) easier.
7 What ____________________ (happen) if I __________________ (press) this button?
8 If you __________________ (look) in the mirror, you __________________ (see) how funny
you are.
9 I __________________ (go) out if it __________________ (stop) raining.
10 We________________ (spend) our holidays in the mountains if my wife _____________
(enjoy) it there.
11 I ___________________ (sharpen) the pencils if I ___________________ (have) a
12 They __________________ (laugh) if they __________________ (know) that.
13 If I _________________ (have) more money, my children __________________ (go) to a
private school.
14 This dog ___________________ (not bite) you if you __________________ (tease) him.
15 I __________________ (be) very thankful if you __________________ (explain) it to me
once again.
16 If I __________________ (be able to) play the piano, I ___________________ (help) you.
17 The new product ______________ (sell) much better if its price __________________ (not
be) so high.
18 I think your parents _________________ (allow) you to go with us if you
________________(ask) them.
19 I _________________ (not live) here if I _________________(have) the chance to work in
another city.
20 I think you __________________ (look) smarter if you __________________ (put) the
jacket on.
21 If I __________________ (win) the lottery, I ___________________ (buy) a house.
22 If you ________________ (do) your homework, the teacher ___________________ (not
punish) you.
23 I __________________ (meet) you if I __________________ (not have) a doctors
appointment today.
23 You _________________ (get) better grades if you __________________ (work) harder.
24 If I ___________________ (meet) a famous person, I ___________________ (feel) shy.
25 If the rain ___________________ (stop), he ____________________ (paint) the fence.
26 We ____________________ (win) the championship if John _________________ (play) in
our team.
27 If I __________________ (see) a thief, I ___________________ (call) the police.

What would you do

if you found a wallet with 1000 in it? ________________________________________________
if you won the lottery? ____________________________________________________________
if you lost your mobile phone? _______________________________________________________
if you were the headmaster of your school? _____________________________________________
if you found out that a friend has lied to you? ___________________________________________
if you saw a really big spider on your bed? ______________________________________________
Try to answer the following questions:
If the whole world was listening, what would you say? _____________________________________
If you had to spend 100 days on a deserted island, what 5 things would you take with you and why?
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? _______________________________________
If you had a time machine, where would you go? _________________________________________
If you discovered a new island, what name would you give it? ________________________________

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