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Mary Magdalene is "The 13th APOSTLE"

By Robert Riser and John Carter

2016 AD a scroll is discovered that was written by Mary discloses intimate secrets Vatican and Islam do
not want revealed.
The 13th APOSTLE is a modern day trilogy. It centers on a scroll written by Mary
Magdalene, and a mysterious vial containing the Holy blood of Jesus. Adventure,
Science, Religion and Mystical Secrets are revealed in this fast paced full-throttle triple
threat thriller trilogy.


"To all who seek - The order of the Holy Temple is revealed."

The best of Science and Religion join forces

What did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene that the others could not
You are about to find out, that the truth is not exactly what youve been told. The Mother
Church, Islam, and our trusted Governments have been infiltrated by a deception so
dark it staggers the imagination. The President and Secretary of State are suspected of
being under the influence of this evil brotherhood and rouge NSA agents may represent
the other side. Only time will tell the tale.
There is a war being fought over universal consciousness and the battlefield is your
mind. The only thing common to both sides, is their conviction that they alone are right.
Our journey begins with the newly discovered tomb holding a vial of the blood of Christ
and the letters of Mary Magdalene. She is the 13th APOSTLE! So buckle up as we are
going to take your mind for a ride into the past, present and future where you will come
face to face with God and yourself. Along the way you will meet Mimi the world's first
self-evolving Artificial Intelligence and have a close encounter of the 5th kind.
Mary Magdalene's story packs a quite a punch in fast paced action. It draws you into a
maze of the unexpected against a backdrop of the familiar. Her information is
dangerously exciting, powerfully provocative, and truly transformational. Its up to you
to decide for yourself what is true and make it so by living your life. We have embedded
enough clues from both sides so you can figure out what side you are on.
This compelling and passionate science fiction thriller goes light years beyond the Da
Vinci Code. It is in a category all by itself TRUE SCIENCE and RELIGIOUS FICTION
where everything is possible if it can be imagined.

Part One:
A NSA agent is mortally wounded in a helicopter crash. He is rushed to the hospital and
kept a under secure armed guard. He must tell his story to the nurse before he dies. She
is his only hope in that what he alone knows may be preserved. Otherwise the
knowledge will be lost forever and the evil ones will prevail. National security is at stake
and more importantly the very history and future of mankind is at stake.
Megyan Kelly breaks a story on the Kelly File and the rush is on by all sides to control
the events that will decide the destiny of mankind. A scroll is discovered in India which
appears to have been written by Mary Magdalene during the life of Jesus. The Scroll
reveals secrets that are not mentioned in the New Testament or that have been deleted.
Seconds after the discovery, ISIS terrorists attempt to destroy the scroll, leaving eight
people dead and dozens wounded." Also found but not mentioned in the official press
releases is a mysterious amulet of unknown origins.
Fox News sends Emma Carter to investigate. The ratings go up, and so does the body
Vatican City sends Cardinal William McKinley with orders to find an unknown vial. For
this strange vial which they believe contains the alleged blood of Jesus mentioned in the

scroll must be claimed by the Mother Church before any others get their hands on it.
Emma and the Cardinal follow the clues left by Mary Magdalene and a mysterious girl to
unveil the ultimate mysteries of Christ. They discover a secret shrine built by Saint
Thomas concealing a vial of the Holy Blood of Jesus which is surrounded by
supernatural events. The Archbishop being under the influence of the evil ones launches
"Operation Sangrail. He will do anything he must to destroy the Magdalene scroll and
get possession the lost blood of Jesus including murder, deception, cover ups and
unholy alliances with ISIS terrorists.
The clash of these powerful forces is riveting. Heresy, blasphemy and Gnostic beliefs
form an integral part of the plot conflicts that make the Mary Magdalene's story intense.
The MM trilogy is like no other. You had better hold onto your hat.
Dark forces are at work.

Part Two:
ISIS Islamic crazies and Vatican's Royal Swiss Guard Assassins hunt down the Cardinal.
He has found the vial of Holy blood and escaped their deadly trap by fleeing to Istanbul.

The DNA combination in the Holy blood could unlock all human potential but
advancing the human genome is the last thing the dark forces want. They are all about
control. The truth is, they plan to erase the DNA of Jesus off the face of the Earth and
erase the MM scroll and the Cardinal and Emma Carter with it. US Special Forces,
Interpol and Anonymous Hackers help the Cardinal and Emma Carter stay one step
ahead of the eminent danger at every crossroad. The World wants them dead.

A retired NSA operative and known Astrophysics theorist called only "Doc" and Michael
Braxton investigate the strange supernatural events surrounding the Magdalene scroll
and the Holy blood. What Doc discovers is beyond this world and he has a close
encounter of the Fifth Kind with the mysterious girl called Hidi. She tells him everything
about Angels from Heaven, time bubbles, inter-dimensional portals held within
gravitational waves and the other intelligent beings throughout the universe who await
our awakening. She has been waiting 25,000 years for Mankind's coming of age and
now her mission is about to begin.

Part Three:
The Pope holds the keys to play the ultimate trump card but will he dare he play it. The
truth about Mary Magdalene and Jesus does not exist as far as the public is concerned,
but its about to.
Hidi calls upon a Secret Society of Women to save the world from the enemies of
Wisdom. This society believes that Hidi is the female equivalent of Jesus and she is here
for the Second Coming. There is compelling DNA evidence to support this belief and
Angels do her bidding. She explains that it is consciousness that creates matter and not
vice versa.
Good triumphs over evil, or does it? With both sides persevering to persevere find out
what happens, you must read the MM Trilogy for yourself. There is war in Heaven and
on Earth. Angels of Light and of Darkness are fighting over Mankind, but in the end it
really all depends on you.

Through the amazing minds of Robert Riser and John Carter, you will explore our past
and future in the Universe. You will come to contemplate the true nature of God, man
and woman. Every concept is allowed, but not necessarily recommended. No matter
what state of the human condition we might personally suffer the truth is that we are all
unique manifestations of the will of God in the physical Universe. The MM story has got
it all, religious mysteries, good vs evil, superior scientific explanations, extraterrestrials,
angels, artificial intelligence and more! Your gonna love it...
Thank You

Robert Riser and John Carter

As a partner in Dragon Slayer Entertainment Michael Braxton has the sole exclusive
right to promote this project.

Mary Magdalene
A small sample of the scroll
written by Mary Magdalene...
Magdalene scroll Catalog #
131322-1A156 NATIONAL
"Jesus and I slipped away from
the others to our special place
under the trees on the Mount
of Olives. This is where we first met almost three years ago and for me the Heavens
opened up our minds to the higher mysteries of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Then and
there I realized that he is the living proof of our Fathers love and anointment for all of
his children. From that day forth I became a follower of the way. I am a disciple and a
constant companion of Jesus. We have come to know each other intimately and traveled
together for three years. I am a woman and the men do not like it when I say these
things, but to me and the many others like me, this is our truth. I am Mary from
Magdala, and this is my testimony of what happened our last time alone together under
the olive trees. Jesus told me things he could not tell the others because their time for
understanding had not yet arrived. We hadnt much time left to be together so I wrote
down his last will and testament exactly as he told it to me. As his Disciple, I must do
exactly as he tells me. This time is most difficult because my love for him is too great.

The MM trilogy is designed to be a blockbuster three novel series that can be three
motion pictures. The charters in the book come alive through pictures of celebrities and
artist cast as book actors who add an image for the imagination to enjoy.

Hello, we would like to invite you to do something that has never been attempted before.
Robert Riser and John Carter have almost completed a project of Biblical proportions.
In it pictures and graphics of movies stars, celebrities and exotic places will bring your
imagination to life and entertain you with a uniquely new form of artistic expression in
entertainment industry. Actors, celebrities and well known personalities will be in print
along with the story representing the characters in the book. That along with pictures of
the scenes described in the book of beautiful and exotic places as well as technological
and astrological marvels in our books The 13th Apostle a modern day thriller in which
the journey for intelligence of a higher order human takes its first step. Mankind just
may be starting to grow up. MM the 13th APOSTLE will be the world debut of book
actors. Dragon Slayer Entertainment is very excited to be a small part of this new
expression of art and media. Please support our efforts.

The BOOK ACTORS GUILD OF AMERICA will be formed to create a new vertical market in

Dragon Slayer Entertainment

This is a landmark marketing concept unifying Books and Multi-media entertainment fields into
a cohesive approach to facilitate higher reliable incomes for both.
The book actors agree to the use of their image and voice in print, eBook and audio books and to cross
promote the books into a coordinated strategy which enhances the value of both.

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