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Exemplary (20-25 points)

Proficient (14-19)

Final products show great effort in

creating ads and a website that are
visually appealing. Uses images and
sound to express ideas. On-camera
appearances look mostly
professional (scripts well-rehearsed,
etc). Ads are easy to watch and, for
the most part, interesting and
engaging. Obvious that
constituencies and target words were
considered by the editors.

Final products show some creativity.

Visual appeal is lacking somewhat. Oncamera appearances are lacking in
some professionalism (reading some of
the script, etc)
Ads were mostly engaging but lacking
sound target words and/or overlooks

The content includes clear and

information is appropriately for the
product and the intended audience.
Products achieve campaign goals. A
rich variety of supporting information
in the ads contributes to the appeal
of the ad. Messages are presented
in a logical order.

Information somewhat more cursory but

is still presented clearly and accurately
so that information contributes to
understanding the campaign and the
candidates message. Details are
logical and persuasive information is
effectively used. The content includes a
clear point of view with a progression of

The content does not present

clearly stated information.
Depth of content is exceedingly
superficial. Information is
vague, and some of the
supporting information does not
seem to fit the campaign or is
inappropriate for the product.

And Editing

All ads and website were completed

and had all required elements. The
ads and website were well edited and
had ample content. Audio, images
(including campaign logo), and other
enhancements were well used.

All ads and website were completed

and contain all required items. Some
poor shots or audio remain in the ads.
Video is still somewhat choppy. Audio,
visuals other enhancements were
utilized, but not for maximum effect
(logo ineffective but present).

Ads and website were made,

but had very little if any editing.
Many poor shots or audio
remain in ads. Audio and visuals
not utilized (logo missing).


Met often as a group. Each member

appeared to contribute equally and to
follow through on all responsibilities.
Handled stressful situations and
disagreements well. Learned to play
to one anothers strengths. Met
deadlines well.

Met regularly as a group but spent most

of the project working independently.
One or 2 members failed to meet
individual responsibilities. Group
seemed to break down during times of
stress. Did not quite master the
challenge of playing to one anothers
strengths. Struggled with deadlines.

Group worked mostly as

individuals and did little
collaboratively. Several
members did not meet their
responsibilities. Group handled
stressful situations really poorly.
Group continually expected
individuals to meet expectations
they were incapable of meeting.
Deadlines a consistent

Appeal and


Partially Proficient (7-13)

There is little creativity present
in the final products. The ads
are dull and audio difficult to
hear. Little evidence that
aesthetic and constituency
appeal was taken into
consideration. Target words
impossible to discern.

Incomplete (0-6)


There is almost nothing appealing

about the final products.

Content lacks any depth and little

logical sequence. Much of the
supporting information is irrelevant to
the overall idea of the campaign. The
viewer is unsure what the message is
because there is little persuasive
information. Information is incorrect,
out of date, or incomplete or
thoroughly inappropriate for the

One or more of the products are

missing. All or few terribly done.

Group worked very little together,

failed to put together a collaborative
project.generally did not work
together as a team at all.

TOTAL __________

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