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Health and Behavior

3.1 Healthy Lifestyle
How to stay Healthy?
1)Healthy eating and balanced diet
2) Regular exercise and Physical
3) Stop Smoking
4) Stop substances intake
5) Stress Management

Healthy Eating And

Balanced Diet
In order to stay healthy and reduce
the risk of many diseases, you should
have a healthy and balanced diet.
Ministry Of Health Malaysia provide a
new Malaysia Dietry Guideline.
Refer page 37 (Key Messages)
Refer page 39 ( Food Pyramid)

Regular Exercise And Physical

National Mental Health survey (NMHS) found that
only about 11% of Malaysia adults practice
regular exercise and physical activities.
So, as a health psychologist, should promote
regular exercise and physical activities because it
will :
Maintain appropriate weight
Reduce risk of many diseases
Strengthen your bones and muscles
Manage stress for good mental health
Improve your ability to perform daily activities
Refer table 3.3 (page 39)

Stop Smoking
More people in developing countries
(70% of smokers) smoke cigarettes
than in other parts of the world.
Effect of smoking
Refer figure 3.4 (page 40)
Refer figure 3.5 (page 41)

Stop Substances Intake

According to Global Alcohol Policy Alliance,
the consumption of alcohol in Malaysia is
among the tenth highest in world.
A significant number of adults in Malaysia
consume illegel drugs as Marijuana (ganja),
amphetamines and related substances (pil
kuda, ectasy, syabu ) etc
All these drugs cause not only numerous
physical disease and mental disorder but
also various social problems.

Stress Management
Taking a deep breath or add oxygen
to your system that can help you to

3.2 Prevention of Disease

1. Primary Prevention
Clients are the people without the
illness or at risk

The purpose:
i) Increasing knowledge and awareness
ii) Reduce risk factors of diseases
iii) Improving health promotion

2. Secondary Prevention
Client are the people with the illness
but not yet developed complications.
The Purpose:
i) prevent the complications of illness by
screening early detection
ii)Reducing patient or profesional delay
for early treatment
iii) Providing the best interventions

Tertiary Prevention
- Clients are the people who have
develop complictions of illness and
require rehabilition to minimise
- The Purpose :
i) provide rehabilitative and
intervention . E.g
:medical aids.

3.3 Medical Communication

A few major dimensions:
a) Content (what type of things
b) Source, emisor, sender or
encoder (by whom)
c)Form (in which form)
d)Channel (through which medium)
e)Purpose or pragmatic aspect

3.3.1 Barriers in Communication

a) Environment :
- Noise , privacy, distance between therapist and
b) Client : Age : elderly with hearing problems, child
with tantrum, teenager with rebellious behavior.
c) Message: Irrevelent, redundant, unclear
d) Medium : Languange problem, medical jargon,
e) Therapist : Lack of experience, lack of knowledge,
using obstractive technique. (Refer page 47, Table

3.3.2 Enhancing
Refer Page 48, Table 3.3

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