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1.1 Introduction
A military style of eating, Boodle Fight is a symbol of brotherhood and equality among
Filipino military by sharing the same food without regard to rank. This way of eating
does not represent authentic Philippine culture where food is served and spread on top
of the banana leaves.
For some people they may find this very unhygienic but sometimes you cannot be too
choosy, especially when you want to survive in the middle of nowhere. In this fight you
have to eat fast to get your fill. Just enjoy and have fun.
Many plants then are not yet proven to reduce or to increase the blood sugar
level. It might even surpass the capacity of the other drugs in reducing or increasing the
blood glucose level. Thus, this leads to a study for the researchers to test the feasibility
of an abundant plant such as Beta vulgaris known as Sugar beet in affecting the
health conscious of dietary supplement.
One of the classical operations of non-sucrose compounds separation is their
sedimentation by calcium oxide and carbon dioxide, added to the sugar solution.
Nowadays many businesses came up with less healthy kind of product especially when
it comes to beverages. Filipinos being fond to drinking sweet drinks resulted to
businesses producing this kind of product.
Every business intends to be on the long run to form a main purpose of
generating profits. Therefore, businessmen tend to look for all possible ways to boost
earnings from period to period. But we take entails responsibilities.

A good business does not only consider the profitability of the venture while
disregarding the external factors surrounding them. Filipinos are very sensitive about
the positive effects of their food balance. In this, the business owners should be very
careful in providing good quality product.

1.2 Overview of the Business Concept

The proposed partnership is a limited partnership composed of 1 general and 2 limited
partner having an intended initial capital of P150, 000.

The partnership aims to provide high quality product that will surely suit the
nutritional needs and taste of every customers and offer it at a fair price.

The proposed product aims to target the group of people ranging 18 above the time
when people are most active and are more prone to chronic diseases.

To provide health Conscious and attaining better health outcomes, competitive

and responsive health care system, and equitable health financing.


To create strong relationship with its customers

To provide the general public high quality products

Beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans. By the 19th century it held great
commercial value when it was discovered that beets could be converted into sugar.
Belonging to the same family as chard and spinach, both the leaves and root can be
eaten. - the leaves have a bitter taste whereas the round root is sweet. Demographic
changes the increase in nutrition-related diseases, as well as changing lifestyles and
circumstances are some of the central social and scientific challenges of our times. The
development of consumer-oriented product and process innovations for healthy, highquality, affordable and safe beverages is supported by DOH. Beets contain an
antioxidant known as alpha-lipoid acid, which has been shown to lower glucose levels,
increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress-induced changes in patients
with diabetes.

Business Name and offering

Sweet Beets - Its main product should be called a concentrated beetroot juice that is
packed with nutrients and essential benefits.
Delicacies will produce high quality, healthy and use fresh ingredients in creating
every product. The secret is the combination of products, to innovate it. Beets are high
in dietary nitrate, which is believed to be the reason why many of the potential health
benefits of beetroot are being studied.Sweet beet will serve a balance sweet beverage
mixed with flavour of different varieties of fruits according to customers choice, and
honey bee. That serve a full nutrients to ensure the quality of ingredients chosen and
purchased from local plantation in the country; hence it has a nutritional value.

Beets are high in dietary nitrate, which is believed to be the reason why many of the
potential health benefits of beetroot are being studied.
Sweet beet will serve a balance sweet beverage mixed with flavour of different varieties
of fruits according to customers choice, and honey bee. That serve a full nutrients to
ensure the quality of ingredients chosen and purchased from local plantation in the
country; hence it has a nutritional value.

Product and Services

Sweet beet might possibly encounter some obstacle that will affect the operation of
the whole business, such problems like advertising, customer loyalty, control of
resources, economy of scale, inconsistent of demand, network effect, research and
development, supplier agreement and switching barriers.
Although Sweet beet is opening up a new in the industry, there is no doubt that we are
competing with a variety of similar businesses

We need to compete against the ideas that delicacies are something that only
follows a special; we want every day to be a reason to celebrate.

While price may be a factor when competing against other, these same
consumers who are willing to pay but already conscious of a better quality
product, we believe they will be equally as willing to spend a little extra for an
extraordinary in a warm and friendly setting.

The comfort factor also plays an important role in consumer decisions about
sweets. Both the atmosphere and staff of sweet beet excel at warm & friendly.
We will use the highest quality product and we will always present our delicacy in
an unintimidating manner.


Production Site/Outlet:
#30 Marcusin St. Gulod
Novaliches Quezon City

SweetBeet Co. is strategically located along wherein commercial establishments, school

premises and residence are located. DOH research in Philippines response that 37% of
the diabetic people diesis and 14% of the heart attack is in Quezon City.


2.1 Related Studies
A healthy diet presupposes a corresponding availability of beverages. In the area
of agricultural production, efforts are underway to optimise the quality of plant products.
The objective is to secure and further develop the health effects, quality and safety of
concentrated juice for all consumers.
Demographic changes the increase in nutrition-related diseases, as well as
changing lifestyles and circumstances are some of the central social and scientific
challenges of our times. The development of consumer-oriented product and process
innovations for healthy, high-quality, affordable and safe beverages is supported by
DOH. Beets contain an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoid acid, which has been shown
to lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress-induced
changes in patients with diabetes.
Studies on alpha-lipoid acid have also shown decreases in peripheral neuropathy
and/or autonomic neuropathy in diabetics.
According to recent studies, the 8th leading cause of mortality in the Philippines
within 5 years average is Diabetes Mellitus rated at about 22,345. It is the total diet or

overall eating pattern that is most important in disease prevention and achieving good
health. It is better to eat a diet with variety than to concentrate on individual foods as the
key to good health.
Statement of the problem
1 In what ways can we promote the healthy dietary consumption, as to;
1.1 Organic product
1.2 Food enhancer

What are the experiences of the consumers to the sweet beet as to:
2.1 Taste
2.2 Concentrated juice

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited to the health concerns of consumers of selected area of the
market. The food industry baked goods, beverage, cereal, confection and dairy uses
sugar to make their sugar-containing food products. Sugar beet pulp and molasses
products are used as animal feed ingredients, while sugar cane molasses is used for
human consumption. This study also assesses the practice of healthy living as to the
consuming of health friendly beverages. The experiences of consumers of the product
will be studied as well.

Definition of Terms

The terms in this study are conceptually and operationally defined for better
understanding of the readers.
Alpha-lipoid acid - seems to help prevent certain kinds of cell damage in the body, and
also restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C.
Antioxidant - Is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a
chemical reaction that transfers electrons or hydrogen from a substance to an oxidizing
Concentrate juice - also known as fruit juice concentrate or concentrated juice,
contains far less water than normal, or not-from-concentrate forms of juice.
Diabetes mellitus - is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood
sugar levels over a prolonged period.
Diet - In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism.
Dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing
what foods to eat.
DOH (Kagawaran ng Kalusugan) is the executive department of the Philippine
government responsible for ensuring access to basic pusblic health services by all
Herbs - are any plants used for food, flavoring, medicine, or perfume. Culinary use
typically distinguishes herbs as referring to the leafy green parts of a plant.
Nutrition - is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other
substances in food.

Sucrose - commonly named table sugar or sugar, is cane and beet sugar. Saccharose
is an obsolete name for sugars in general, especially sucrose.
Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a
reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested
that increasing consumption of plant foods like beetroot decreases the risk of obesity
and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promote overall lower weight.
Herbs-Treat and Taste is about herbs and spices and their uses in medicine and
cookery. We give recipes and information which enable people to have a healthier diet
which can prevent certain illnesses there is information on different herbs, their history,
what other people think or thought about them and what we think.
Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a
reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested
that increasing consumption of plant foods like beetroot decreases the risk of obesity
and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promote overall lower weight.
The sugar beet as we know it today is derived from many years of breeding the
domesticated beet (Beta vulgaris ). It is said to get its name from the Greek, beta
means leaf for diseases However, the oldest known beet least 2000 B.C, and was
grown by both the Greeks and Romans. Was originally used medicinally herb much like
family of spinach or some of the Chinese leaf vegetables are used today.
A 2008 study published in Hypertension examined the effects of ingesting 500mls
of beetroot juice in healthy volunteers and found that blood pressure was significantly
lowered after ingestion. Researchers hypothesized this was likely due to the high nitrate

levels contained in beet juice and that the high nitrate vegetables could prove to be a
low cost and effective way to treat conditions and blood pressure.
First, sugar is sugar. Independent Scientifics analyses have shown there is no
difference between sugar from Roundup Ready sugar beets or conventionally improved
sugar crops. All thats changed is the growing process and how growers manage weeds
in the field.
Consumer attitudes regarding ingredients from biotechnology-enhanced plants
have remained consistent over the past several years. A 2007 study of consumer trends
conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) reported that awareness
and perception of plant biotechnology are stable, with few consumer concerns about
usage in food. According to consumer research, 73 percent of individuals surveyed
believe sugar from biotechnology-enhanced sugar beet plants used as a food ingredient
was acceptable (Reid, April 2002). In a previous survey, 69 percent of individuals
surveyed felt it was acceptable to use biotechnology to enhance sugar (Axiom, 1999)
Types of sugar
Sucrose - Dietary sucrose does not increase glycaemia more than is caloric amounts of
starch (Diabetes Care 25:148 198, 2002)
Fructose - produces a lower postprandial glucose response when it replaces sucrose or
starch but fructose may adversely affect plasma lipids (Diabetes Care 25:148 198,
2002) takes above 25% of total energy consumed will cause gastrointestinal symptoms
(Position of the American Dietetic Association: use of nutritive and non-nutritive
Sweeteners. J Am Diet Assoc 2004, 104:255-275.)

Key findings determined that:

73 percent of individuals surveyed believe sugar from biotechnologyenhanced sugar beet plants

500mls of beetroot juice in healthy volunteers and found that blood


Diabetes Mellitus is 8th of cause of morality

Business planning is usually conducted when starting a new organization or a
new major venture, for example, new product, service or program. Essentially, a









operational/management plan and a financial plan. Far more important than the plan
document is the planning process itself."
Scientific management and productive planning will be a big help to our
production of sugar beet. The effective procedures and policies for the management
itself and personal welfare will be set for the attainment of goals.
The efficient planning, directing and supervising by the management is another
success of this business industry.


Swot Analysis is a sample framework for generating strategic alternative for the
analysis of business situation. It can be applied to corporate level as well as the
level of individual business.

Good client relationship and high Limited business advisory

customer satisfaction result.
Start-up company; flexible
Challenge regarding the product;
organization structure.
taste and packaging
Uniqueness of the product;
organic and promote health
conscious product.



Opportunities for emerging

techniques and new service.
Newness of the product;
establish customer relationship,
create commitment
Positive developments of trends
toward healthy drinks in target


start-up reputation
Impression of insustry
High of demand in healthier
product competitor.

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