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K Prasannavenkatesan

Jaya Jaya Shree Sudharshana

The trip to Satyakalam was one to be remembered and cherished forever. I hadnt heard of the place
before October -2015, when my father was planning a trip to the place coinciding with the occasion
of Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy performing a Thirumanjanam for Desikan on the
banks of Cauvery. After he told me about the speciality of the place, I felt that someday sooner or
later I should visit the place and have a Darshan of the Lord Sri Vedanta Desika. I never expected it
would be so soon that Ill be travelling to THE place and that too with 50 other Bhagavthas. It was a
divine trip to say the least.
We started at about 6 in the morning and travelled to Sathyakala, non-stop. There was an
outpour of love for the children, during the travel from many elders who contributed snacks,
biscuits, juices, etc. The bus travel was filled with Bhajans and interesting stories about Lord Krishna.
We arrived at Sathyakalam and got freshened up. Then we went to the Holy river Cauvery and had
bath, which was followed by Nithya Anushtana Kramam. Then, we travelled to the special
Kshethram of Madhyarangam. We had a nice Darshan of the Lord Ranganaatha, and His consort
Ranganaayaki. As usual, Stotras and Bhajans were a part of the Darshan, which the children enjoyed
every bit. Finally, we came to Sathyakala, where we were received by the Archaka Swami
Bhagavan Bhattar, at the temple. We attended the Sattrumurai and were guided to each and every
Sannidhi by him.
Once the Sattrumurai was over, we were all served a delicious meal by the Archaka Swami
himself. I could clearly see the amount of efforts he had put in to make our trip a beautiful one. We
were served with coffee, boost, etc. at regular intervals. I thank him whole heartedly. We then
returned to the Andavan Ashramam by 7 in the evening.
The trip was an excellent one, all thanks to the organizers and importantly Sri K.R.
Krishnamurthy mama for making all the necessary arrangements for us, despite a busy schedule.
The trip to such a significant place that too along with 50 other Bhagavathas is something invaluable
and this will stay in our memories forever. Jaya Jaya Shree Sudharshana.
Dhandavath Pranams
K Prasannavenkatesan, B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

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