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Although the rainfall measuring stations in Nepal are established nearly during sixties the rainfall
data is not continuously available. Since short period of the data will not provide the better result
for the frequency analysis, which requires minimum 30 years data. Hence, to solve the problem
the synthetic rainfall data of as much as provided years is used to prepared as shown in table 31.
Maximum design discharge is the peak river discharge that corresponds to a certain return
period, which is usually taken as 100 years for the design of the bridge. It (Qmax) is used to
determine the high flood level, on average once every (T) year, where T is the selected return
period of the discharge. The Qmax determines level of the water at high flood condition and the
corresponding area that is submerged in order to mitigate the bridge from the possible
Since the River has not been gauged at the proposed bridge site peak discharge is to be
estimated from rainfall and runoff relationships. The annual maximum daily rainfall values of the
relevant station are to be collected and 24 hours maximum rainfall for 100 years returns periods
are to be calculated by frequency analysis. The observed 24 hr maximum rainfall of relevant
stations is shown in table above. Discharge is to be estimated by using various approaches
such as, WECS, Modified Dickens, B.D. Richards, Snyders method and flood frequency
method as described below. The summary of hydrological calculation and catchment
parameters is also tabulated below.
There are several methods in use to estimate the peak discharge of the rivers. Considering the
availability of the data and the site condition (hilly catchments) the following methodologies are
used for the further investigation.

DHM/WECS method
Regional flood frequency analysis
Slope area method
Rational formula
Emperical formulas
a) Dicken's formula
b) Ryve's formula
c) Dredge of Burge formula
d) BD Rechardson method

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