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Jamica Romaine B.


Dr. Jing Reyes

August 27, 2014

At the time when a human person is born he/she is now belongs to the society and as
he/she finds himself/herself to the society he/she finds or seeks a sense of belongingness and a
sense of valuing oneself as a human person. As a human person who belongs to the society,
he/she needs to be social. According to Martin Buber, there are two areas of human relationships
these are social and interhuman. Social refers to an individual enclosed in a group existence
meaning inside a group there is a social relationship happening in each members of the group
that individuals are socially related because they belong to the group of humanity. On the other
hand another area is interhuman, it happens between two persons where one person becomes
aware of the other as a unique individual. Buber points here the realm of subjectivity whereas I
becomes aware of the other as a subject, not as a mere object that Other is thou rather than it
because if both partners uses I it it can cause hatred, anger, violence and pain. Interhuman is
considered dialogical because one person is confronted by the other. On the other hand,
According to Buber there are two types of human existence in human relationships these are
being and seeming. Being happens when a person acts or thinks who he/she really is; there is a
spontaneous communications with no pretentions meaning, all what the person says is normal
and nothing but the truth; he/she is not also influenced by the desire to make himself understood
by the other. Buber points out that this is difficult to maintain because we are easily tempted to
act as to what we want other to see from us and when this happens, seeming now enters and in
this type of human existence there is no spontaneous communications where the person takes
cautious to what impression might he/she get from other people meaning this happens when a
person thinks or acts who he/she wishes to be. Buber also points out that in order to have a
genuine relationship or dialogue it requires being rather than seeming. I can compare this two
type of existence in reality and fantasy. Reality is to be being while fantasy is to be seeming. On
the other hand, at present we use the term conversation into speechifying in order to have a
relationship with other people. In order to have a better genuine dialogue we must treat each
other as a unique individuals. That we must be aware of our differences from the other, to accept
the fact that he has different beliefs than you, and that we live the same event with him from his
standpoint. On the other hand, according to Buber there are two things which impede the growth
of life between men: the invasion of seeming and the inadequacy of perception. Also, there are
two basic ways of affecting men in their views and attitude to life: Imposition and unfolding. In
imposition, a clear example of this is the propagandist who imposes himself to gain supporters
and disregards the uniqueness of other people. While in unfolding, you unfold your real self
instead of imposing it. A clear example of this is an educator who help others assisting their
growth as an individual it regards the uniqueness of other people. From what Ive learned in this
article, I learned that this article questions other people what am I to you? It aims to help
people to express themselves, have freedom, and be independent regardless what others might
say to you. To summarize it aims to have a genuine dialogue in our society because it is
grounded in truth, acceptance of your other as your partner in dialogue and to say what we
believe in. I think this is the reason why the world is somehow not in peace having corruptions,
criminals, broken relationships, war, and injustices because each of us have no genuine dialogue
in socializing in other people.

Jamica Romaine B. Ambion


Dr. Jing Reyes

August 27, 2014

Separateness, loneliness, and love. These are the basic nature that is inclined into
man. At the time when man was born into the world, Sartre says that he/she is like thrown into
this world, that it is the saddest part of reality that is inevitable. And when he was thrown, he
feels loneliness and separateness in the society even in reality he/she is part of it. He/she needs to
feel the value of being a human. Separateness and loneliness is the foundation of that causes
anxiety and in order to prevent the spread of this kind of internal disease people at the old times
found a solution and this solution is orgiastic states that becomes a ritual. They say that it is
blended with sexual experience and after they experience this ritual, man can go on for a time
without suffering much from his separateness. On the other hand, at modern society alcoholism
and drug addiction are the forms which the individual chooses in a non-orgiastic culture. I can
consider these solutions as a form of fantasy, that people doing this kind of things are living in an
illusion living escaping the reality which we experience pains and sufferings. Self awareness is
a gift to man. It is a difference that animals dont have in terms of their attachment. People are
not aware that if they continue to do these kind of traditions the more their pain and sufferings
will increase. Union by conformity is not intense and violent but it is calm. We can see that man
is like placed in a box by the society and is controlled by it. He is finding a way to be in in the
society and there emerges equality in which in a contemporary capitalistic society, equality
means sameness, rather than oneness. Another way of attaining union is the creative activity
in which the persons work or art is in union with the product of it. We can see that there are
many ways in which separation will be not anymore be felt by humans. A partial solution to this
problem is what we called love. There are two kinds of union when we speak of love, first is the
symbiotic union where it is also called an immature kind of love because of its two forms, the
passive form or masochism, in which the person makes himself a part of another person who is
like a master so that isolation will be absured in him. The masochistic person is commanded,
exploited, hurt, and humiliated. While the other form which is active, is also called a sadistic
because the sadistic person commands, exploits, hurts, and humiliates. It means he makes the
other person part of him. On the other hand, mature love is union under the condition of
preserving ones integrity, ones individuality. It simply means to be ourselves. That love is an
activity which he/she is free and the master of his affect and not he is driven and an object. An
activity where the person is giving the real himself of what he/she have and not waiting for
return of what he/she gives. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation,
but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Also, there are elements of
love in other to attain this, these are care, responsibility and knowledge. If you dont have these
elements then the result would be destruction in oneself. An example for this is Freuds theory
where he emphasizes an extreme patriarchalism. I considered his theory a failure to the solution
of separateness because his theory is an immature love where it is a sadistic one because there is
no concern, a sense of responsibility, and a full knowledge of the concept of sexuality. In
conclusion, Humans must live out of the box and he/she must expressed and accept his/her own
identity by having total union with and within himself and the society by loving and giving. And
to love, it must in active form. There should be an active concern for the life and the growth that

which we love, a voluntary act to serve in which we do not use other person as an object or
ourselves, and a knowledge to other people by respecting his/her uniqueness.

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