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BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book - 1) 65 CHAPTER -7 Invertebrata Multiple Choice Questions 1) The external, protective covering which develops in many animals is called (@) Skin (b) Exoskeleton _(c) Shell (@) None of these 2) Malariais caused by (2) Plasmodium —“(b) Entamoeba —_(c) Tsetse fly (4) Mosquito 3) Animal fixed in one place are called as (@) Motile (b) Sessile () Colonial (@) Club mosses 4) is a parasite found in the liver of sheep {@) Hepaticae (b) Fasciola hepatica (6) Taenia solium (@) Entamoeba histolytica ne 4 5) House flies, mosquitoes, butterflies belong to phylum g (@) Annelida (©) Artopods“"() Molusca (@) Cnidaria 8) Mollusks move by means ofa fiéshy organ called (a) Mass (b) Foot “(© Shel (@) Mantle 7) Echinoderms have a) Smooth 5 (@ Soft 8) Dysentery is caused by” es (@) Plasmodium = (b) Entamoeba (c) Tsetse fly (@) Mosquito 9) Nematodes are worms, (@) Flat (6) Parasitic (c) Seginented —_(d) Round 10) Spider, prawn; scorpion belong to phylum {@) Annelida (b) Arthropoda. (¢) Mollusca (@) Cnidaria 11) Water vascular system is a feature of : (a) Annelida (b) Arthropoda (¢) Mollusca (@) Echiriodermata 12) Which is not a multicellular phylum? (a) Annelida (b) Porifera (6) Protozoa (@) Cnidaria ss 13) Which of the following are exclusively marine? 14) Spiders do not have 2 (a) Annelida (b) Arthropoda (©) Mollusca (@) Jointed legs (6) Wings (©) Exoskeleton (dy Head 18), Which of the following is free living? (@) Plasmodium. ...(b) Tape worm () Hydra (@) Liver uke!" ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE Invertebrata 66 (Book ~ 1) BIOLOGY ~ 1X INVERTEBRATA This chapter comprises on the following questions: uestil jwers Qi. _ Define Invertebrates. Q2. Discuss features of Insects. Q3. Define metaporphous. Explain its types. iptive i Answer: Q1. Write four characteristics of Phylum Protozoa. 2. Write a note on Paramecium. 3. Write four salient features of Phylum Porifera Q4. Write a note on Sycon. QS. Write any three characteristics of Phylum Coelenterata Q6. Write a note on Hydra. Q7. Write three characteristics of Phylum Platyhelminthes. Q8. Write a note on Liver Fluke. Q9. * Write a note on Tape Worm, Q10. Write four characteristics of Phylum Nematoda. Q11. Write any four characteristics of Phylum Mollusca. Qi2._ White three characteristics of Phylum Annelida Q13. Write four characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda. 14. Write four characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata, Sh ‘ions Q1: Define invertebrates. vo gpiieineetiiae r Animals which do not have back bone in their bodies aré known as “Invertebrates”. They, are greater in number but usually smaller in size and are divided in to nine groups or phyla Q2: Discuss features of Insects. > Insects are the most abundant animals on the Earth. > They are divided into two groups: flying insects and non-flying insects. > Wings are used for flying. > The body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen. > They have three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings and one pair of antenna, >. They have an exoskeleton made up of chitin. > The insects have different types of mouth parts which ate adapted according to the mode of feeding. > The study of insects is called as Entomology. : Common Examples: Mosquito, Honey bee, Flies, Dragon fly, Cockroach, Butterfly-etc. Q3: "Define metamorphosis. Explain its types. Metamorphosis a ‘A process in which series of gradual changes occur which help to transform larval forms.:\ into adult forms are collectively known,as Metamorphosis. These changes are’ influenced ‘by hormonal and physiological activities. ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book ~ 1) 67 CHAPTER -7 Metamorphosis is of two types: 1- Complete Metamorphosis In which larva hatches out of the egg and develops into adult by passing through the Stage of pupa and all these forms do not resembles with the adult. Example Butterfly, Mosquito. 2. Incomplete Metamorphosis. « In which larva hatches out of the egg’and develops into adult without passing through the stage of pupa and in all the forms young ones are closely resembled with the adult Example Cockroach, Termites, Grass hopper etc. Q1: Write four characteristics of Phylum Protozoa. Characteristics of Phylum Protozoa: 1 BODY STRUCTURE All protozoans are unicellular, eukaryotic microscopic living organisms and capable of performing all life activities. ji. EXTERNAL SHELL. ‘Some protozoa living'in sea water secrete a'calcium shell around themselves; for’ example: "Foraminifera", ii, NUTRITION ‘ Food intake takes place by means of simple diffusion while inside the cell “Lysosomes' perform the function of. "Intracellular Digestion.” iv. RESPIRATION & EXCRETION Exchange of respiratory gases and removal of waste substances ocours through the whole body, Sutfage by means of diffusion ‘ COMMON EXAMPLES hae ‘Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Plasmodium, Entamoeba histolytica, Q2. Write a note on Paramecium. PARAMECIUM Paramecium is a unicellular living organism belongs to phylum protozoa, HABITAT Paramecium is a fresh water habitat protozoan found in pools and ponds. SHAPE {thas slipper shaped body covered with very fine, hair like structures called "Cilia." Outside the cell membrane a flexible, non-living covering "Pellicle” provides it a definite shape, STRUCTURE RY ‘Two contractile vacuoles are present at each end of the body: for excretion purpose. Paramecium possesses two nuclei one large "Mega or Vegetative Nucleus" which controls all activities, other small "Micro or Reproductive Nucleus" which controls reproduction, : NUTRITION Paramecium feeds on algae, bacteria and other small protozoans through. an ofal groove provided with cilia. Cilia push food inside the protoplasm through a canal. called "Gillet" ‘making a food vacuole in the protoplasm. ‘ ™ ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE Invertebrata 68 (Book - 1) BIOLOGY - 1X Q3: LOCOMOTION Paramecium moves with the help of "Cilia" LIGHT SENSTIVITY Paramecium can detect high intensity of light and move towards the area having low intensity of light. PARASITIC PROTOZOANS, 4- PLASMODIUM: Human blood parasite and causes a disease "Malaria" in humans. 2 ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA: Human intestinal parasite and causes a disease "Dysentery" (Bloody Diarrhoea). Write four salient features of Phylum Porifera. Characteristics of Phylum Porifera (Sponges' 1- BODY STRUCTURE Sponges are multicellular and-have numerous small pores-on their bodies known sas *! "Ostia". All body cells are not alike but different from each other and do not organize as tissue or organs. 2-INTERNAL SKELETON > Sponges have an internal hard skeleton of Collin wpbnate or Sica, or Silica, It provides support ‘and shape to the multicellular body of sponge. 3+ MODE OF LIVING ee Sponges may ive singly or may for branched cones 4- LOCOMOTION Sponges are sessile that is they cannot move and remain attached with stones’and rocks. (COMMON EXAMPLES 1, Sycon: It is marine sponge. 2, Spongila: Itis fresh water sponge. 3. Venus flower basket 4, Bath sponge Write a note on Sycon. SYCON SIZE & SHAPE Sycon is a flask shaped one to three inches long and grey or light brown colour sponge. HABIT & HABITAT ‘Sycon is a colonial form which is found in shallow water in sea being attached by a sticky.: ‘secretion to some submerged solid object like rocks, shells of mollusks and.corals. BODY STRUCTURE z Body is made up of irregular flask shaped structure with many small pores "Ostia". The free end of each flask has single large opening the "Osculum”. ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book - 1) 69 CHAPTER -7 QS. Write any three characteristics of Phylum Coelenterata. Characteristics of Phylum Coelenterata: Animals belonging to this phylum have space in their body called "Coelenteron” and thus they are called coelenterates 4- HABIT & HABITAT All animals are marine but some live in fresh water. They occur as free living animals, either living singly (Hydra) or in the form of colony (Obelia). 2. BODY STRUCTURE They are diploblastic animals having two cellular body layers. Inner body’ tayer is *Endoderm* and outer body layer is “Ectoderm.” Between these layers a jelly ‘like substance "Mesoglea” is present. 3- LOCOMOTION Animals can move freely but some remain attached with stone or rock through out their life. COMMON EXAMPLES Hydra, Jelly fish, Sea anemone, Corals. wud Q6. Write a note on Hydra. Hydra belongs to Phylum Coelenterata. |) HABIT & HABITAT - Hydra is a fresh water animal..It is found attached to rocks or other aquatic plants but can also move, * : SIZE ae ® |tis 6 to 10 millimeter long in a squeezed condition, but can elongate its body from 20 to'30 om. i BODY STRUCTURE lis body is cylindrical with several threads like tentacles at its one end encircling an pening called “Mouth.” Tentacles are provided with many stinging cells which act as-organ of defense and offence. These tentacles capture prey by paralyzing it with "Stinging cells" and push food in to the mouth. Undigested food is also egested through mouth. The other end of body of hydra opposite to the mouth is normally kept attached to Some object in water, * Q7. _ Write three characteristics of Phylum Platyhelminthes. Characteristics of Phylum Platyhelminthe: ‘8 1- HABIT & HABITAT Flat worms occur mostly as parasites of animals as well as man. Some fe frée living such ‘as "Planaria’ which lives in fresh water streams. 2. SHAPE ‘They are known as."Flat Worms" because their body, is thi like. flattened anc: ribbon r tape ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE Invertebrata 70 (Book - 1) BIOLOGY ~ Ix ol 3- BODY STRUCTURE Flat worms are triploblastic animals because their body is composed of three layers, an ‘outer ectoderm, a middle mesoderm and an inner endoderm. 4- MODE OF LIVING Some are free living but most are parasites, Parasites live in liver, stomach and intestine of other animals. COMMON EXAMPLES Liver flukes, Tape worms, Planaria. Write a note on Liver Fluk. LIVER FLUKE itis an internal parasite and belongs to Phylum Platyhelminthes. HABITAT Itlives in lungs, liver, stomach and intestines of its host. UFE CYCLE Liver fluke has two hosts in its life cycle; one is man, sheep or goat and the other is snail BODY STRUCTURE Liver fluke is a flat leaf shaped animal about’3 em in‘length. It is a parasite in the liver of sheep, goat and cattle. tt attaches itself with its host with the help of two suckers, one around mouth at the anterior tip while the other slightly:behind the first on the ventral side of the body. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM F Liver fluke absorbs food from:its:host with thé, help’ of a bifurcated, highly branched digestive system in which anus is absent. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. Each liver fluke has both male and female reproductive organs. Write @ note on tape worm. TAPE WORM HABIT & HABITAT ‘Tape worm lives in the intestine of vertebrate hosts. BODY STRUCTURE The body is long, ribbon like and divided in to series of segments. The anterior end is somewhat rounded, head like and is-called "Scolex." It is provided with four suckers and stings of minute hooks which help tape worm to attaches with its host. The head does not hhave eyes and body cannot move. f NUTRITION Tape worm lacks digestive system, mouth and anus. It absorbs the digested food of, its: host through its bedy surface. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. Each segment of tape worm has a set of male and female reproductive organs. EXAMPLES: Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book - 1) 7 CHAPTER ~7 Q10. Write four characteristics of Phylum Nematoda. SALIENT FEATURES / Characteristics of Phylum Nematoda: These animals are also called "Round Worms.” 1- HABIT & HABITAT Nematodes are free living as well a¢ Parasites of animals, man or even plants. Free living nematodes are found in upper layer of soil, fresh water and sea water. 2. BODY STRUCTURE These worms have long, smooth, cylindrical body; which is pointed at both ends and unsegmented, 3- DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Nematodes have @ complete and one way digestive tube with mouth at the anterior tip while anus nears the posterior tip. 4- REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS ‘Sexes are separate in round worms and male is slightly smaller in length than female COMMON EXAMPLES Ascaris, Hook worm, Filarial worm, Trichinella. Q11. Write any four characteristics of Phylum Mollusca. Characteristics of Phylum Mollusc: ‘This is the second largest phylum of the animal kingdom. It has about 85,000 species. SOFT BODIED Mollusca is a Latin word which means ‘soft’. These animals are soft bodied animals. SHELL ; Their body is soft, so in most of the animals an external shell is present for support and Protection. Some animals have an internal shell’ahd some lack shell a MANTLE Body is.covered by a layer called Mantle. It secretes Shel BODY STRUCTURE Their body is quite complicated. They are mostly asymmetrical. They have a muscular foot for locomotion and gills for respiration, COMMON EXAMPLES Snails, Fresh water mussels, Cuttle fish, Octopus and Oysters are common examples of this phylum, Q12. Write three characteristics of Phylum Annelida. Ans: Characteristics of Phylum Annelida: i, Segmented Body: @ Annelida have elongated segmented body. Segmentation in annelids is both external as well as internal. Respiration: ea Respiration occurs through thir general boc'y cuiface, ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE Invertebrata 72 (Book - 1) BIOLOGY ~ IX ii, Organs: internally many organs are repeated in every segment of the body. They have well developed system in their organs. Examples: Earthworm, Leeches etc. Q13. Write four characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda. Characteristics of Phylum Arthropod: This is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom. It has over a million species around the world. i. BODY STRUCTURE ‘The bodies of these animals are also segmented but these segments are external Body is divided into three distinct regions; an anterior head, a middle thorax and @ posterior abdomen. fi, EXOSKELETON ‘Their bodies are covered with the hard covering composed of chitin. It forms the exoskeleton, iii,“ JOINTED LEGS They have jointed legs on their body and therefore they are called arthropoda (arthro means joints and poda means foot). iv. HABITAT oe i These animals are found in all habitats: in air, water and on land. COMMON EXAMPLES ‘Common examples are Prawns, Ctab, Spider, Scorpion, Centipede, Millipede and Insects. Q14. Write four characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata. Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata: i. _ SPINY SKINNED They are called echinoderms because their bodies are covered with spines or spicules, ji, PENTAMEROUS These animals are called as pentamerous because their arms are five or multiple of five in number, ili, TUBE FEET ‘The water vascular system operates the soft, tube shaped feet (tube feet) which enable the animal to glide over the rocks in water. Tube feet also help in. respiration, attachment and excretion. iv. WATER VASCULAR SYSTEM They have a unique water vascular system which pumps the external water. throughout their bodies. {COMMON EXAMPLES Sea star (known as star fish), Brittle star, Sea urchin and Sea cucumber are examples of thie phylum. XQQOOOQOOOKXX KISHI KAKKK, ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE

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