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A Unit Project by Nakreetipe Tanoy Sudhisanronakorn (10:04) Submitted to Mr.

Abel Cadias/MARCH 14, 2016


These water pipes are linked to the
canal behind the school. To transfer
excrement and used water. She also
explain that the best way to deal with
this problem, are putting mothballs in
the bathroom and mopping the floor
when the water seep out. Even though
this is not the permanent way to
eliminate the smell, She added.

Some students start to complain about the

smell that coming from the bathroom on the
first floor at the end of the day The bad door is
coming from under the toilet bowl and water
pipe under the sink. Moreover, dirty water is
seeping around the toilet bowl.
According to one of the maid, Mrs. Ploy
Saidee, she said that water and smell are
coming from water pipes.

the penta won school

MUIDS set up the election
for the school government on
February 12, 2016. The result
showed that The Penta won
the election.
In this event 3 parties joined
the election which includ The
Pe n t a , S m a r t i e s a n d t h e
Endeavor. The Penta consist of
5 member which are Mr.
Sittipat Tangsin as a president,
Ms. Prim Janjarussakul as a
vice president
Mr. Nontapat Sahakitpinyo as a webmaster, Mr. Jirawat
Supapunpinyo as a treasurer, and Ms. Bhudharhita
Teinwan as a communication director. For the policy,
the highlight are DJ announcement in the morning,
Sport Day and Music concert.
As the president, Mr. Sittipat Tangsin said that he is
vary glad and excited that The Penta won this time. It
proves that a lot of students believe and trust in his
team to organize the school govornment. He also
promises to do the best for our school.


Incrisis Lost In Space concert will take place
at Engineering football field inside Mahidol
University campus on April 1, 2016.
A lot of artists will join this concert for
example, BoomBoom Cash, Big Ass, Stamp and
Retrospect. The online ticket is available from
February 27- March 10. However, ticket also
available at Engineering Faculty on March 14.
The ticket price is 250 for both men and

Lately, Munited team went to Korea on
Fe b r u a r y 2 1 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 6 f o r Ju n i o r
Achievement competition Asia-Pacific
This competition gathers first and
second winner teams from countries in
Asia-Pacific. Awards are divided into 7
categories. Munited won one award
which is Fedex Access award.
According to the chief of Munited team,
Ms. Kantaporn Kachonseree said that the
competition was very challenging. It
helped her to know and experience more
about managing, business, teamwork,
solving the problem and the worth thing
is having a lot of new friends from
different countries.


Sangsom presents Single Festival: the
biggest concert for single people will take
place at Biteh Bangna on May 21, 2016
from 16.00-23.45 pm.
The lineup artists are Mild, Cocktail, Big
Ass, Lomosonic, Potato and etc. This
concert also has a dress code. Single person
wears a black outfit and non-single wears a
white outfit. However, age is prohibited.
Only above 18 years old can join the event
and above 20 years old can buy alcohol. The
ticket price is 499 baht for men and 399
baht for women. All tickets are available
online in two way, though
www.eventpop.com and www.

muids basketball team

participate in muic tournament

MUIDS Boy basketball team plays

game against team MUIC in the school
gym on every Tuesday and Thursday
from 7.00 to 8.30 pm.
Mahidol University International
Collage organises a basket ball league
calls Mahidol Basketball league or
MBL The league is set up with 6
teams from MUIC and 1 team from
MUIDS. The last match of the league will
be held in March 2016.

According to one of the player from

team MUIDS, Mr. Porwiwat Thippailin,
he said that Although our team is not as
good as the others but we have a lot of
skills . Therefore, we only need more
experience from the competition. He
also added that the game is very
challenging and competitive which
helps him and the team to improve a
lot of skills.

A Unit Project by Nakreetipe Tanoy Sudhisanronakorn (10:04) Submitted to Mr. Abel Cadias/MARCH 14, 2016


do it by yourself


homemade mascara

This is how to made your own mascara. You will need:

3 capsules of activated charcoal (Black colour)
1 tsp coconut oil (Nourishing)
1 tsp vitamin E oil (Reparative)
1/2 tsp beeswax (Emollient)
3 tsp aloevera gel (Moisturising)
For the method you only need to Melt the oils and
wax together. Add the aloe gel, then activated
charcoal. Mix thoroughly, then transfer into desired
Just as easy as you think. Now you will get your own
mascara which is natural and chemical free.

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. Max

always believe in himself. His real name is Peeravit Punchanuwat. He
is a 16 years old boy from Sakaew province. He is a very nice, funny
and cheerful person that everyone loves him. He like to play game
and cooking when his has free time and his idol is Lady Gaga.
Last year, he really want to be an exchange student. To study
aboard for 1 one year. So, he decided whether he will go to France
or Italy. However, these two countries have their own language. And
he need to be fluency before he go to these countries. Therefore, he
changed his mind and aimed to go to USA. In order to be an USA
exchange student is not easy. Thousand of student apply for this
program each year even though there are a lot of organisation
provide a fund. So, Max applied to AFS first. Unfortunately, his scores
was not high enough to go to USA. However, he did not give up. He
believes and trusts in himself. He moved on and applied to EF, IES
I-study. And one day his dream came true. When he received an email
from I-study that he got accepted to be an exchange study in USA
for one year in 2016. He is very excited and proud of himself. He
said that I always believe I can do everything I want because I
never give up
In the future, he want to apply to Chulalongkorn University in
Thailand. For the faculty, he is not sure yet. But he sure that one year
in USA will help him to find out more about himself and thing to
study in the future.

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