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Soft! formance ret: Deadly Training Mistake No. 1 - Using Static Stretching to Warm-Up! 1 Mare Dagens, MK, CSCS, CHPE Softhall Peck Performance Coach sew sosibalipeformance com Altec more than fve year, watt 0 hal of you tat ate loyal readers of my column just com (ued anew ebook, and you can eceivea fe copy y folowing de iastctiogs ae ead ofthis rela a he cost few editions of Faspick Delivery, Lill present w you the deaist tasing mistakes that softball plays sake, sting with mastake No ota stectching “Thete ina belle that by doing static swt ‘ererises(astetch where you hoi poston witout {roving fora given amount) prior doing spt ‘rexetste helps prevent injures. Theratonale ts that | Uyrocreaing the range of motion around aint, eve isle chase of injury ‘We now know that tis mot Bees, Secous ties, tne clearly shown da pcforming static sucking ousn't preven! inj ‘Even wore, dome studies have slo shown that could be daiotanal 1 the pecformasce of speed | power athletes. Soiball players ae speed-power blots, becane ll of the actions four sport have toe dane quickly and explosively, The ean that In ecder wo geueite speed and power, our wervous ster needs tobe tamed on” The problem that | fade suething does exacly the opposite: tums ot | ‘he nervous syste Stes hate sown hari | peformiag static setching ate fxg power for wp {Gan our aflerwneds, This cealy bad news oc softallplaye! We aed al ofthe power we can gt to perorm onthe lat "Now, lam nat saying you shld not warp oF tat atic sueebing ota Wasp i east 20 prevent juries and to peepare the boy to peor, Vesta stetching san excelet means of creas ing Sexi. My pola that we havo consider tow we wact-ap sad when wi use ste steching, Swe steteing ino» you way wo wata-ep. Mace over, te ios that icreaad ange of motion Bl prevent inhi sll vad oe: However, we need {oincreate the range of motion without ting Of he seevous sje, The main gous of general warm-sp ao + warmup the wie body gil + increate the ange of moton aoe the mae jouas, and + tamon he nervous syste Mest spots conditioning experts now sere that ‘good warm-up sould molly be dyeamie tn aatce ‘THatineas al itshouldbe comprised of movenents hata so each alltee oa Typically a good general warp wil consist of some Sx of activity ‘at brings the Body tempers up (Le. fine), followed by exercises tha will challenge we nervous ‘sytem and also inteave the ange of ion around homo jiat,These excises aren describ “dyeanic Resi execs." abil exes” te ‘or moves preparation exercises” State swatch is Sul reac way © ingore Aexiiliy and promote recovery, The pace of 3 warn i at increase Baily bat poveat Injores bd pepate he body to peer opin, As 2 Cau, the Best tne to ue state stething i ght afer a game oe tining rersca dung & 00 dow, ‘evod. A tht time, antes ac aoce coma 1 Mexbuty unig (bey ae warwed), ad the body ede recovey So, don't wake the big misike of wing state tteichiag atthe coe of your gececa wars. Tis lla prevent ajces and will deceave you petor tmacce o the performance of you athletes. Be sat ndleara how to propel doa warp dat wil uly sri you pvomans whe ee ou aay | Heomiajanes! ‘Below ae 2 fw pot exarples of dynamic de iy exercises Pree ebook for NECA Membe's Grab a FREE copy of my now « book "Ths 128 Top Performance Se: (res of The Worlds Best Soba Players” (327 alae) by wing wo sfbaliperformance connor Mare Dagenais, MHK, CSCS; is «sitll peak performance coach: For more FREE Tips om how 12 Increase performance and develop talent plea iit softsellperformance comand sign up frm" Sfball Performance Sacre Journal yt

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