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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 20, 2016

Why should we persist in practicing Living with God in our daily life?
Bhagawan lovingly underscores its importance to us today.
Many clamour to experience spiritual bliss but few earn it, because
they are too weak to reject the clamour of the senses! A little enquiry
will reveal that senses are bad masters; the joy they bring is
transitory and fraught with grief. Mere knowledge of this fact will not
endow you with joy; only the contemplation of the might and majesty
of God, can be a never-failing source of joy. No two individuals
agree on any matter, be they brothers or sisters, life-mates or father
and son. It is only as pilgrims on the Godward path that people
heartily agree and lovingly co-operate. Be a pilgrim on the spiritual
path even while attending to your daily duties. Feel that each
moment is a step unto Him. Do everything, dedicating unto Him as
He directs, as work for His adoration or to serve His children. Test
your actions, words, thoughts on this touchstone: "Will this be
approved by God? Will this rebound to His renown?"
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1968.

True Spiritual life begins, when you reject the clamour of your senses! Baba

20 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,Awpxy rojwnw jIvn iv`c,Bgvwn nwl rihx dy A`iBAws leI,ikauoN
izd(p`kw ierwdw) krnI cwhIdI hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry jwgrUp krdy
au`qr: keI lok,A`iDAwqimk AwnMd lYx dI kwmnw krdy hn pr ieh,QoVy
lokW nUM hI pRwpq huMdw hY ikauN jo auh ie`ny kmzor huMdy hn ik auh,AwpxIAW
ieMdRIAW dI ie`CwvW dI pUrqI nUM, nhIN C`f skdy[QoVI ijhI jwxkwrI qoN pqw

l`g jwvy gw ik ieMdRIAW,mnu`K leI mwVIAW hwkm(mwlk) hn Aqy ijhVw

AwnMd,ieh mnu`K nUM idMdIAw hn auh swry AwnMd,AsQweI hn Aqy du`KW
nUM,bulwvw idMdy hn[ieh ieMdRIAW bwry,ieh scweI jwxx dw koeI lwB nhIN ik
ieh quhwnUM AwnMd nhIN idMdIAW pr ieh jwx ky hI quhwnUM AwnMd pRwpq hovy gw
ik Bgvwn hI iek mhwn SkqI hn, ijnHW dI ArwDnw quhwnUM,sQweI AwnMd dy
skdI hY[kdy vI do mnu`K,BwvyN auh Brw hox jW BYxW hox,pqI-pqnI hox jW
bwp-bytw hox,iksy vI iek g`l(mu`dy qy) qy sihmq nhIN huMdy[kyvl aus vyly
lok,Awps iv`c idloN sihmq huMdy hn jd auh, iek`Ty ho ky qIrQ XwqRw nUM jwNdy
hn Aqy iek dUjy nUM sihXog idMdy hn[quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik qusIN AwpxI,roz dI
ifaUtI,iek qIrQ XwqRI dI qrHW kro[ieh mihsUs kro ik myrw hr
kdm,Bgvwn v`l v`D irhw hY[jo ku`J vI kro, Bgvwn nUM Aripq kro,aunHW dI
pUjw kro Aqy aunHW dy bxwey hr b`cy dI syvw kro[Awpxy hr kIqy krm,boly hoey
Sbd Aqy ivcwrW dI smIkSw kro ik kI ieh swrw ku`J,Drm dy muqwibk hY ik
nhIN Aqy kI ieh swrw ku`J,Bgvwn nUM mMzUr hY? kI ieh,Bgvwn nUM KuS kry gw
Aqy aunHW qI squqI dy muqwibk hY?(23 nvMbr,1968 nUM id`qy idvX pRvcnW
ijauN hI qusIN,AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW dI ie`CwvW nUM C`f idMdy ho,s`cw A`iDAwqimk
jIvn, SurU ho jWdw hY[(bwbw)[

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