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1. Although physical activities in the primitive society were practical in nature, primitive men still
had to participate in recreational activities. Which of the following provided children in the
primitive society preparation for adult responsibilities?
a. Dancing
b. Mimetic games
c. Physical exercise
d. Chanting
2. A strong Persian army meant a healthy and physically fit army. Persian physical education was
a. The modality to lift weights, shoots the bow, and handles the sword.
b. Personified by iron discipline, obedient to authority, indifference to pain and suffering, and
obsession to victory in battle.
c. The modality for brutal method of training the body for war which was a prestige profession.
d. The modality used to develop military skills, high moral standards, and patriotism.
3. Dancing was popular that a mans prestige depended on his prowess in it. This could be traced
back from __________.
a. ancient China
b. ancient India
c. ancient Egypt
d. ancient Greece
4. Greek sport manifested itself in the concept of the amateur athlete, whose primary goal is to
compete in a circuit of four major national games that were designated as the ______.
a. Capitoline Games
b. Heraean Games
c. Funeral Games
d. Pan-Hellenic Games

5. When was the first recorded Olympic Game that was held at the foot of Mt Olympus and had a
single event, the stade, a 192-yrd foot race?
a. 476 A.D.
b. 394 A.D.
c. 776 B.C.
d. 724 B.C.


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6. A Greek medical man who used physical education as an aid to medicine as early as the 5th
a. Herodotus
b. Hippocrates
c. Galen
d. Xenophon

7. Aside from the warriors, Rome grew into a nation of spectators. Spectacular and bloody
gladiatorial combats became popular and were a favorite of the Romans. These bloody spectacles
were held in the __________.
a. Circus Maximus
b. Campus Martinus
c. Colosseum
d. Thermae

8. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, as a kind of education that was physical, social, and
military in nature emerged. This was referred to as a. Asceticism
b. Scholasticism
c. Feudalism
d. Chivalry
9. During the middle Ages, the Christian church that gradually and deliberately became powerful
spiritually and politically generally tolerated fun and games because it could not stop them. This
game was similar to bowling.
a. Soule
b. Kegels
c. Le Jeu De Paume
d. Melee

10. One of the outstanding leaders in the Renaissance who believed that physical activities which
include horsemanship, martial arts, hunting, ball playing, running, and swimming help the students
reach his goal of being a well-rounded individual.
a. John Locke
b. Roger Ascham
c. Martin Luther
d. Francois Rabelais
11. He was considered the father of physical education.
a. Richard Mulcaster
b. Johann Gutsmuths
c. Friedrich Jahn
d. Franz Nachtegall


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12. He emphasized childrens play activities during the 20th century in America.
a. Thomas Dennison Wood
b. Jacob Riis
c. Jessie Bancroft
d. Clark Hetherington

13. In 1893, this was recorded to be a required subject for all candidates for the Elementary
Teachers Certificate at the Superior Normal School for Men Teachers in the Philippines.
a. Folk dance
b. Gymnastics
c. Cockfighting
d. Swimming
14. He was considered as the greatest Filipino boxer of all time.
a. Gabriel Flash Elorde
b. Manny Pacquiao
c. Pancho Villa
d. Mansueto Velasco

15. The all-time greatest international bowler with six world championships to his credit; some
considered him as the greatest Filipino athlete of all time for making it to the Guinness Book of
World Records.
a. Carlos Loyzaga
b. Eugene Torre
c. Ramon Fernandez
d. Paeng Nepomuceno
16. Asias fastest woman in the 1980s.
a. Elma Muros
b. Bong Coo
c. Lydia de Vega
d. Jennifer Rosales

17. The Philippines joined the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris for the first time. It was a two-man
delegation sent by the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation. Dr. Regino R. Ylanan was the
representative official and coach. The athlete who was a Philippine scout and competed in the 100
m. and 200 m. dash, but was eliminated in the trial heats was _____.
a. Teofilo Yldefonso
b. David Nepomuceno
c. Lydia de Vega
d. Jose Villanueva


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18. The Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) is a response to continue pupil
development started by the Program for Decentralized Educational Development in 1982., The New
Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC) of SEDP is cognitive-affective-manipulative-based and is
student-centered and community-oriented. One of the 8 subject areas in the NSEC is Physical
Education, Health and Music (PEHM). This is based on a. DECS Order No. 11, s. 1989
b. Department Order No. 20 s. 1973
c. MEC Order No. 6 s. 1982
d. DECS Order No. 53 s. 1994

19. The Olympic Flag was designed by Coubertin himself in 1914.. Five colored rings from left to
right in blue, yellow, black, green and red symbolizing unity of 5 continents of the world were set
against a white background which is symbolic of peace. It was also in this year that the Olympic
oath was introduced. It was first used in ____.
a. 1928
b. 1951
c. 1920
d. 1959

20. When we gain an understanding of how we view sport and physical in contemporary culture by
studying the culture that have significantly affected the development of Western civilization, we use
a. Axiology
b. Ontology
c. Epistemology
d. Logic

21. When we assess dance performance in terms of graceful and expressive movements, we use ____.
a. Metaphysics
b. Linguistics
c. Aesthetics
d. Ethics
22. What is the concern of the physical educator in teaching for skill learning?
a. The physical educator is concerned with attitudes, appreciations, and values toward physical
b. The physical educators is concerned in increasing the individuals knowledge, improving
problem-solving abilities, clarifying, understanding, and developing and identifying concepts.
c. The physical educator is concerned with motor learning and motor control.
d. The physical educator is concerned with the development of motor skills.


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23. Which of the following statement reflects a pragmatic teacher of physical education?
a. Provides activities that give students the opportunity to develop the qualities of honesty, courage,
creativity, and sportsmanship.
b. When the physical educator uses the problem-solving method in teaching an activity to effect
c. Provides individualized learning through self-activity that leads to the attainment of individual
d. Uses drills extensively after instructions.
24. He emphasized the benefits of play for the development of both the private (sense of self) and
social aspects ( social self) of the individual.
a. G. Stanley Hall
b. Herbert Spencer
c. Karl Groos
d. Luther Halsey Gulick

25. A theory developed by Guts Muths that emphasizes the recreative values of play, and play as a
means of revitalization.
a. Spencer theory
b. Instinct theory
c. Social-expression theory
d. Recreation theory
1. Article XIV, section 19 of the 1987 constitution says, The state shall promote physical education
and sports and encourage sports programs and league competitions. What is the implication of this
constitutional mandate?
a. Physical Education is an important subject in the curriculum and its promotion is a function of
the government.
b. Physical Education is not an optional subject.
c. Physical Education should be separated from sports programs and league competitions.
d. Physical Education is a dynamic tool for professional competition.
2. Who was the philosopher that emphasized the importance of Physical Education in attaining
a. Plato
b. Socrates
c. Aristotle
d. Johann Guths Muths


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3. The year when Physical Education made a required subject in the curriculum of all public schools.
a. 1920
b. 1928
c. 1914
d. 1910
4. The Olympic games was revived by the Frenchman Baron Pierre de Ferdy de Coubertin in
a. 1896
b. 1897
c. 1898
d. 1900

5. When Physical Education teachers want to examine the how and want to know everything about
Physical Education, they use
a. metaphysics
b. epistemology
c. ontology
d. axiology
6. When we reason or argue in relation to Physical Education, we use
a. logic
b. linguistics
c. aesthetics
d. aesthetics

7. When the general principles of idealism are applied to the area of physical education and sport
they result in which of the following concepts?
a. Physical Education and Sport involves more than the physical.
b. The curriculum of Physical Education should be varied to provide the diversity of experiences for
c. Physical activity is important for the development of the total person.
d. Physical Education activities provide opportunities for students to develop self-awareness and

8. When the physical education teacher serves as a counselor, promotes reflective thinking while
allowing students to make choices and deal responsibly with the consequences of those choices, the
PE teacher follows what philosophy?
a. Realism
b. Naturalism
c. Idealism
d. Existentialism


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9. When Physical Education teacher seeks to determine the nature of values in Physical Education,
he uses
a. ontology
b. axiology
c. metaphysics

10. The physical world is the central focus of the philosophy of realism. Which of the following does
not support the idea of realism in relation to physical education?
1 Education is for life
2 Physical Education should focus to the development of the total person
3 Physical Education is valuable because of its contribution to health
4 Physical Education involves more than the physical
a. 3 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 4
d. 1 only

11. What applies force to the bone to create movement?

a. Muscles
b. tendons
c. ligaments
d. levers

12. Which organ system has, as its main function, transportation of materials to all cells of the
a. Circulatory (cardiovascular) system
b. Muscular system
c. Excretory system
d. Endocrine system
13. Which of the following statements is/are true?
1. The metatarsals are examples of long bones.
2. Flat bones have a middle layer of spongy bone between two layers of compact bone
3. Irregular bones consist of compact bone only.
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 only
c. 2 only
d. 3 only


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14. It controls and modulates all the activities in the body?

a. Bones
b. Heart
c. Brain
d. Muscles

15. The lymphatic system has the important function (s) of

a. returning fluid and proteins to the blood circulation system
b. controlling body temperature by evaporation of sweat
c. manufacturing all of the white blood cells.
d. transporting fluids out to, and back from, the body tissues.

16. In addition to unique contributions in the area of fitness and skill development, physical
education is also concerned with
a. cognitive learning
b. affective learning
c. self-concept
d. all of the above
17. In order to develop positive attitudes in Physical Education, students should encourage
observing the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behavior. The
outcomes of these objectives are
a. personal and social development
b. personal and physical development
c. personal and emotional development
d. personal and mental development


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1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. D

Answer Key
Majorship MAPEH Physical Education
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. D
25. D
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A

5. B
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. B
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. C


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