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Education 2500 Micro-teach

Emma Arndt
Education 2500

Two-Part Song Lesson Plan Assignment

Goal: To have students successfully sing a 2 part song together
tunefully. The students will be able to sing both songs and the 2 songs
put together. This will ensure that students are able to sing one
melodic line in combination with a different melody working on
independence and ear training.
Evidence: I will watch and listen to the students sing the songs
individually before we put them together. I will also listen to when the
songs are together to ensure that students are not getting mixed up
with the other part and that they are holding their own.
Name of Songs: Hot Cross Buns and Bow wow wow
Grade Level: Grade 4; these songs could possibly be familiar songs for
the students and would be a good introduction to part-singing as they
will be comfortable with the songs.
Program of Studies Outcomes:
Melody Concept #9 melodic intervals give shape and contour to a
Harmony Concept #5 - Two or more melodies can occur
simultaneously; e.g., rounds, partner songs, descants
Harmony Concept #10 - Melodies having the same harmonic structure
may be combined; e.g., partner songs.
Singing Concept #21 - Sing two- and three-part rounds, and descants
What I will do:
1. Introduce the songs and
explain that they will
eventually be put together
as a 2 part song.
2. Model the first song (Hot
Cross Buns)
3. Rote say phrases with the
students repeating until
they have a firm grasp of
the words and rhythm.
4. Call and response sing
phrases with children until
they have an understanding
of the melody. These

What the Students will do:

1. Listen to the teacher
2. Listen to the teacher
3. Echo phrases until they are
4. Sing back phrases with
teacher until comfortable
with the melody, rhythms
and words

Emma Arndt
Education 2500
phrases will be taught in an
A, A, B, A method, as there
is a lot of repetition of
5. Sing whole song with
6. Model second song for
students (Bow wow wow)
7. Rote say phrases with the
students repeating until
they have a firm grasp of
the words and rhythm
8. Call and response sing
phrases with children until
they have an understanding
of the melody. These
phrases will be taught in an
1,2,3,4 manor as there are
no true repeated sections.
9. Sing whole song with
Review first song with
students and then separate
them into groups.
Have group 1 sing
there song then group 2 sing
their song.
Work on any problem
Put songs together.

5. Sing whole song with the

6. Listen
7. Echo phrases until they are
8. Sing back phrases with
teacher until comfortable
with the melody, rhythms
and words

9. Sing Second song with the

Sing the first song we
learned with the teacher.
Sing the song that was
assigned to my group.
Polish song
Sing my song that was
assigned to my group
Polish song as a group

Work on any problem
areas and polish song.
Assessment: I will listen to the two separate songs before putting them
together to make sure that the students have a solid grasp on each
song before putting them together. After each song has been grasped
I will have the students sing the song in part song.
Accommodations/Modifications: To modify the songs to make them
more challenging we can have the students sing the part songs in
rounds so each song would be sung in two parts creating a four part

Emma Arndt
Education 2500


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