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Good afternoon teacher and classmate. I am going to talk about the cab ride.

All started in the morning when i am going to the university. I was late and I took
a taxi from Pocollay to the university. I had an important exam, and I needed to
arrive in time. I took a taxi and I told him " Good morning sir I need to arrived in
time at the university"

Then te taxi driver went to the principal avenue where had a big festival and the
car went to a traffic jam for 15 minutes!. I was furious because the professor
was going to arrive soon.Then the taxi came at the university and . He told me
that . I had to pay him 6 soles for the cab ride.

And I told him that He drove very slow and I shouldn't pay for the cab ride, he
told me: "excuse me the traffic was terrible It was my error", and I ran very fast
until my classroom. For luck I arrived on time.

That's all.

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