Genes and Inheritance

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CHAPTER # 16 Genes and Inheritance le i j Ss 4) The characteristic of the offspring which resemble to its parents are called as (a) Gene (b) Heredity (c) Generation (d) Chromosomes 2) ‘The differences in organisms feature externally and intemally are called (a) Chromosomes aberration (b) Genetic inheritance (c) Mutation (¢) Variation 3) The branch of biology which“dedls with the study of heredity and variation is called (@) Biotechnology —_(b) Genetics ...»-""-(@) Histology (d) Palaeontology 4) The process by which characters are transmitted from parents to offsprings is called (@) Mutation (b) Inheritance * (©) Genome (a) DNA replication 5) ‘The coded biological informations are'called as (a) Chromosomes _(b) Genes (©) DNAS (4) Nucleic acid 6) The place on the chromosomes where the genes reside is called the gene (a) Sequences (b) Locus (c) Copy (d) Recombinant 7) The phenomenon of inheritance is related with. (@) Protein (b) Chromosomes —_(c) DNA (qd) Nucleic acid 8) Chromosomes aré composed of DNA and protein called (a) Thymine (©) Histones (©) Cytosine (@) Lysine 9)" Human contains two set of chromosomes in each cell. (a) 21 (b) 24 (©) 23 (d) 22 40) The haploid set of chromosomes is maternalin humans which have come from the egg nucleus. @) (9-23) (6) (n-46) (6) (n-22) (2) (n-48) 11) DNA and histone together form’a structure in a chromosome called (@) Nucleosome (b) Lysome (0) Histone (d) Glycosome ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY — IX (Book - 2) a CHAPTER -16 12) is the arrangement of chromosome in pairs according to the size, shape and general appearance in the cell, (2) Genotype (b) Phenotype (0) Karyotype (@) Nucleotype 13) Genome is the full set of genes:in-an individual whether haploid or diploid organism in (a) Bacteria (b) Fungi (c) Virus (d) Nematodes 14) Exchange of segments between non-sister chromatids of a bivalent chromosome during meiosis is called (a) Mutation (b) Synapsis (©) Linkage (d) Crossing over 15) Any change at the level of genes is called . (a) Mutation (0) Aberration (©) Syndrome (d) None of them GENES ‘AND INHERITANCE This chapter comprises on the following questions: Ss) Q1. Define following terms: i Heredity ii...» ‘hheritance Genetics. iv. Variation v. Genes “Alleles © Histones vil, Locus ix. Karyotype ‘Genome i 2... Describe crossing over and its significance. Q3. © Describe the composition of nucleotide. 4, Define the following terms. i Allele ii’ Chromosome ii, DNA jv. Dominant character. v. . -Gemotype vi. Heterozygous vi, Homozygous vil, Phenotype ix. Recessive x Hybridization xi Hybrid xi, “Allelomorph 5. __ Describe Transgenic plants and animals. Q6. - Describe the Mendel's law of dominance! Q7._» What are sex chromosomes? .Q8. « What do you mean by sex linked inheritance, sex linked and sex linked genes? Q9. Explain colour blindness briefly. Q10. Explain heampphilia briefly. Q11. Describe Sickle cell anemia. ‘Q12. Describe briefly the hereditary disease. Diabetes Melitus in human beings, Q13. Define DNA replication. Q14. _ Describe genetic engineering, ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE ve Describe Watson and Crick model of DNA. Explain Mendel's law of segregation and experiment by the help of monohybrid cross. Explain Mendel's law of Independent assorment by the help of dihybrid cross. Short Questions Answers Define the following terms. Heredity: The genetic transmission of characteristics from parents to offsprings is called as herecity. 4 Inheritance: The process by which characters are transmitted from parents to offspring is called as inheritance. 4 Variation: The differences in organisms feature externally and internally are called variation. Genes: A small segment of DNA in a chromosome where hereditary (genetic) information is stored is called as gene: ss Alleles: A unit of genetic information that occupies a specific position on a chromosome and comes in multiple versions called alleles. istones: This is the protein present in chromosome around which DNA coils to form a chromatin. Without this protein material DNA could not organize into chromosomes and life as we know it would not exist. vill, - Locus: In the field of genetics, a locus is the specific location of a gene or DNA sequence on @ chromosome. A variant of the DNA sequence at 4 given locus is called as an allele. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called as genetic map. a ix, Karyotype: Karyotype is the’ entire chromosome complement of an individual organism, ‘ 5 € A standard arrangement of the chromosome complement done for chromosome analysis. For example, a normal human femaié karyotype would have 22 pairs of autosonies avenged in numerical order together with two X chromosomes. The, term *karyoyram" 1s a less Used synonyin for a karyo! ype: ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book - 2) 3 CHAPTER ~ 16 % —_ Genome: It is the total amount of genetic material in a total chromosome set of an individual Crossing over Crossing over is the mutual exchange of the corresponding parts of the adjacent paternal and maternal chromatids in the Pachytene of meiosis |. It produces new combinations of genes. The chromatids resulting from the interchange of segments are known as the cross ‘over recombinants and the chromatids that remain intact are called non-crossover parental chromatids. Significance of Crossing Over 1. It produces new individuals having new combinations of traits. 2. Crossing over has helped in establishing the concept of linear arrangement of genes, 3. The frequency of crossing over helps in the mapping of chromosomes. ie determining the location of the genes in the chromosomes, Selection of useful recombination by geneticists has brought about green revolution in our country. B 3: Describe the composi Composition of Nucleotide ; Portion of DNA molecule composed of one. ‘deoxyribose sugar, one phosphate unit in addition with purine or a pyrimidine nitrogenous base is called as a Nucleotide. Therefore, a nucleotide is consists of following three parts,- 1) Pentose sugar ‘A sugar molecule contains five carbon atoms. called pentose. These’ aré of two types Ribose (CsH:20s) and deoxyribose (CsHicOs) which serves as a basic skeleton in RNA and DNA respectively. 2) Phosphoric acid (H;PO,) Phosphoric acid is common in all nucleotides. It as attached with’ 5* carbon of pentose sugar in each nucleotide. 3) -Nitrogenous bases mont ‘The nitrogen containing organic compounds of DNA are calied nitrogenous bases There are two basic types of nitrogen bases: Purines and Pyrimidines 5 1. Purine includes Adenine and Guanine. } 2. Pyrimidine includes cytosine, thymine. In DNA molecule these bases are present in a pair form ie... ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE ‘Adenine always pair with Thymine by two hydrogen bonds and Cytosine always pair with ‘Guanine by three hydrogen bonds. Q4: Define the following terms. Allele: One alternative of a pair or group of genes that could occupy a specific position on a chromosome is called as Allele. Chromosome: A linear strand of DNA harboring many genes is called chromosome. iii, | DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid): The molecule in which genetic information is ‘encoded is called DNA. iy Dominant character: An allele producing the same phenotypic effect whether inherited heterozygously or homozygously is called as dominant character. This allele that "masks" a recessive 'allele is dominant character. % Genotype: The genetic constitution organism is called genotype. wi, Heterozygous: Having a genotype with two different and distinct alleles for the ‘same trait is called heterozygous. vil, Homozygous: Having a'gendtype with two ‘of the same alleles for a trait is called homozygous. 2 Phenotype: The physical or observable characteristics of an organismare called Phenotype. Recessive character: An allele producing no phenotypic effect: when inherited heterozygously and only affecting the phenotype when inherited homozygously is called as recessive character. This allele "masked" by a dominant allele. Hybridization: Mixing of characters by making’ cross fertilization is called as hybridization Hybrid: Hybrid is an organism that arises from mating between two genetically different parents. : xii, Allelomorph: A pair of contrasting characters lke tall and dwarf stem. Q5. Describe Transgenic plants and animals. ‘Ans: Transgenic plants and animals are being made by introducing desired foreign’genes into». thera. s ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book — 2) 75 CHAPTER ~ 16 For example: Herbicide resistant cotton and soyabeen potatoes and tomatoes with but in insecticide have been produced successfully. Transgenic animals are genetically designed to improve meat yield, Q6: Describe the Mendel’s law of dominance. idel's Law of Dominance Mendel conclusion conceived a law which can be stated as: When an allelic pair is made in a hybrid cross, then in F, generation only one of the characters shows its appearance while the other character fails and remains hidden, The appearing character is called Dominant Character while the hidden character is Called as Recessive Character. * The plants of F, generation were allow to self fertilize their flowers. * As a result the seed of F, or second filial generation were obtained + These when sown gave rise to a combination of Tall and dwarf plants in the ratio of 3:1 respectively...“ M Q7: What are sex chromosomes? A type of chromosome snthe:genome that-ia involved in thé determination of the’ sex as well as the development ‘of sexual characteristics in an organism is called’ as. sex chromosome. It occurs in pairs in somatic cells while singly in sex cells (gametes). 8: What do you mean by sexilinked inheritance, sex linked and sex linked genes? Sex linked inheritance ‘The patter of inheritance that may result from a mutant gene located on either the X.or'Y chromosome. Sex linked Pertaining to a gene located in the sex chromosome especially on X. chromosomes is called as sex linked. ‘Sex linked genes y Genes which are present on the sex chromosomes are called as sex linked genes. Q8: Explain colour blindness briefly. . Color Blindness Aue nn Colour blinds are those people who have difficulty in distinguishing or unable to seexred and green colour. LN WOR ‘This inheritance is related to X chromosomes while Y chromosome ig ihert for this trait A female with normal vision may be Homozygous X°X° or Heterozygous X°X", ¢* Man is the useful victim of colour blindness if he has X°Y pattern of Chromosomes: v vv ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE Genes & Inheritance 76 (Book — 2) BIOLOGY — IX Explain haemophilia briefly. a human hereditary disease in which blood fails to clot after an injury. > itis due to deficiency of one of the blood ciotting factors. Inheritance of this disease is sex linked Le. related to X chromosomes. Martis the usual sufferer while females are ‘commonly the carriers. e > Y chromosome is inert for this trait. Normal woman does not contain gene for Haemophilia. but in case of carrier woman has got one haemophilic X chromosome. ‘As itis a recessive trait therefore chromosomes of haemophilic gene (X) remains inactive in carries female. In male XY pattem always means that the person is a sufferer because Y chromosomes is inert for this trait. es v 11: Describe briefly the hereditary disease Sickle Cell Anemia in human beings. Sickle Gell Anemia ‘An inherited disease of red blood cells (Erythrocytes). “Mfects @ protein inside the red blood cells called hemoglobin. Sickle shaped red cells interrupt blood flow by blocking small blood vessels. ‘Tissue that has no blood flow is damaged:and causes pain. “These persons feel places where oxygen concentration is low. “The babies which suffer from this disease usually die within a few daty to few years time after their birth vyrvvvyY 12: Describe briefly the hereditary disease Diabetes Mellitus in human beings. iabetes mellitus é: = itis a hereditary disease caused by.a recessive allele d in homozygous condition. Diabetic patient are unable'to convert the glucose present their body into glycogen due to disturb secretion of hormone insulin. ‘Thus they pass glucose in their urine and excess urination cause matfunctioning of systems. > Normal individuals have dominant allele D. Their urine is without glucose. a v v Q13: Define DNA replication. Replication of DNA DNA is able to duplicate itself in the chromosome. DNA is replicated, by: means of complementary base pairing. During replication, each old: DNA strand. of: the ‘parent molecule serves as a template for a new strand in a daughter molecule... «s % 14, Describe genetic engineering. ‘ Genetic engineering ‘ i Genetic engineering is a concerned about the specific combinations of techniques, which aroused to manipulate the gens or DNA in the laboratory for human welfare. : ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE BIOLOGY ~ IX (Book ~ 2) 7 CHAPTER ~ 16 + Ithas brought a revolutionary change in the field of scientific research. * DNA has no longer become 2 mystery to us because of HPG (human project for genome), * We can modify the DNA from any specific site in a genome. * Malfunctioning genes can be cut and removed; healthy normal genes can be introduced criptiv stions Answ: Q1: Describe the Watson and Crick model of Human DNA. Introduction James Watson was an American, was on postdoctoral fellowship in Cambridge, England worked with Francis H.C Crick. They constructed a model of DNA for which they received.a noble prize in 1954, Watson and Crick Model of Human DNA * Watson and Crick suggested that a DNA is composed of two polynucléotide chairis! which are twisted around each other to form a double helix with sugar phosphate backbones on the outside and paired nitrogenous baseson the inside. * Nitrogenous base Adeniné always pairs! with’

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