How To Build A Million Download Mobile Game

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ith the proliferation of mobile gamers in the past few years, mobile gaming
industry (and game development) is booming rapidly. There comes the massive

emergence of small gaming studios, aiming to develop a million-download mobile game

to acquire a share of the lucrative gaming market.
We have seen here at Testdroid how certain Android and iOS games have been developed
from the scratch, tested, published, and how those games have quickly become highly
popular among gamers.
Given the experience of servicing mobile gaming developers for a long time, we would
like to share our insight and knowledge of the best practices when it comes to mobile
game testing. As this is typically very different compared to mobile app testing, here we
have compiled what we know into a thorough guide that discusses about how to win in
mobile game testing.
With this ebook in hand, you will become more familiar with the differences between
app testing and game testing and how to leverage test automation in your mobile game

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The Importance
and Difference
from Mobile App
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obile game testing differs from the regular mobile app testing. Effective mobile
game testing derives from a well-structured and systematic approach, use of

test automation framework and seamless integration with your agile process. Naturally,
the simplistic view of testing is to identify bugs and help developers remove them.
However, to aim for efficient, result-driven testing it is mandatory to have test automation
as a part of the overall development process.


Generally, there are two different forms of testing that can be categorized as BlackBox testing and White-Box testing. Their definitions are well known in software testing
world but, process-wise, arent different with game testing. Only their goals are slightly
different in game testing:

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Black-box testing focuses on the functional

and overall playability aspects of the
game. In this type of testing, for example,
Methods in Mobile Game Testing the
graphical user interface, user experience
or any visual appearance is in the key role.
Menus, graphical elements, special effects,
animations, and the actual gameplay are
those under test with Black-box approach.
White-box testing focuses on the
architectural, integration and systemic aspects of mobile game: how third-party
components, databases, social media/external entities, as well as graphics/game engines,
audio play and so on are integrated in to your game.
In the test automation context, black-box testing
focuses on controls, capabilities, features, gameplay,
and automation of the testing flow. For this, it is typically
recommended to build test scripts that know how
game is progressing, what kinds of faulty states could
there be, and also focus on image recognition. As many
graphics cannot be recognized as control mechanism
buttons, menus, sliders etc. image recognition will
help to identify those that are meant for controlling
(and not just as a graphical element).
Test automation with white-box approach focuses on testing the integration aspects of
the game e.g. how game utilizes social media and how integration works.

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The testing methodology and used forms of game testing arent too different from
application or other software testing. The most important ones when it comes to mobile
game testing are as follows:
Functional testing is probably the most common method in mobile game testing. Typically
functional testing is associated with manual testing and playing game through. However,
to be agile, all functional testing should be automated. Functional testing with help
of test automation frameworks - requires some basic understanding of programming
and setting up environment for testing. Automated functional testing can reveal issues
related to user interface (and graphics), stability, game flow/mechanism, and integration
of graphics assets.
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Compatibility testing is all about making that game compatible across different devices.
The typical misconception with compatibility testing is that it will be only done with the
final version of the game. If compatibility testing is done during
all development phases known also
as smoke testing it can help to reveal
incompatibility issues with any parts of
the game, its third-party components or
integrations with those actual devices that
end-users use. This is very important to get the
game working robust and well across all possible
device variants hardware and software.
Performance testing is important for game testing.
Sluggish and badly performing games can ensure
that game wont be successful, gets bad ratings and
wont make its creator name. Related to performance
testing it is important to understand how used device
ecosystem varies and what are actual requirements of the
game for its users. Many games are by default developed
(and tested) on high-end devices, without any chance to get
decent performance level on low-end devices.
Localization testing becomes highly important when your game is
targeted for the global markets. The word global means your game needs to be local for
everyone. When your game titles, texts and content needs to be translated and tested with
devices in multiple languages, these types of tests can be easily performed automatically
(with help of cloud-based device access and test automation) to change the language of
devices, and even do it again with the same test runs. The problems layouts can be easily
picked from screenshots.

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Load testing tests the limits of a

system, such as the number of
players on a server, the graphic
content on the screen (e.g. frames
per second, FPS), or memory
consumption (allocation and deallocation of it). Load testing can be
built seamlessly in test automation
context and heavy loads of data, usage or
interactions can be simulated with test scripts
and real content form backend servers. In this category
you can count in multi-player testing as it can involve several
different scenarios to be tested.

Regression testing needs to happen when anything changes in your software.

Most of the mobile games today have a server-client interaction, requiring a
login, uploading of data (e.g. results) and downloading of data (e.g. data, images).
If youre developing these kinds of services around your game, users need to
ensure all their changes are done in code, to either server side or client side do
not break the functionality of the service. Automated testing is really the only
option in this case, while manual doesnt cut it.

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he User Interface and its overall functionality have a direct impact on how successful
your game will be. These two things, including visual appeal and the gameplay are

the most important things to get right and ensure device fragmentation doesnt break
any of these. In the UI various things needs to be tested:

UI layouts and elements: All games are typically targeted for

maximal set of different screen resolutions and different types of
screens. Regression testing should be done each and every time
when UI layout changes to ensure that game works.
Menu structure and functions: Testing menu structured, functionality
and correct behaviour can be automated with instrumentation and
help of different test automation frameworks.
Screen orientation: Surprisingly this gets so wrong with many
games out there. For example, if screen orientation changes during
the game what happens, and what actually supposed to happen?
Does the game work well in both landscape and portrait modes?
Screen resolution: There are lots of screen resolutions especially on Android and typically
auto scale can help game developers. However, it is highly recommended to test your
game across these different resolutions to ensure that the graphics do not get stretched.
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Performance of Game on Real Device Performance needs to be consistent across all different
device variants that your games users have. Because of this it is highly recommended
that you use as many real devices for testing as possible. In order to determine how
well your game responds to various levels of usage, you should consider creating tests,
which last for hours to observe how well the game as well as how much of battery is
used during long usage. To determine if you game will be able to run successfully for a
sustained duration under heavy load, Load/Stress tests can be used. The performance
tests will measure how responsive your game can be on a real device.
For example, take a look at GameBench. It can help game developers to understand those
potential bottlenecks in performance, reveal unused potential with CPU and GPU resources,
and help to push the boundaries of Android gaming and visuals, without forgetting the
most important thing a need to test the game on real devices.
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Testing usability, navigation flow, and eventually what

user experience your game delivers to gamers simply
cannot be done on a desktop with a mouse and keyboard.
So forget emulators and use only real devices for testing.
And to get the best possible understanding of how great
usability and entertainment your game is providing, here
are two important things you should consider when
testing user experience:
User Interactions and Excellent Responsiveness It is
important to test the game for its performance, as this
will make either the positive or negative user experience.
For example, performance lags are easy to expose using
actual devices.
Real occurring events on background
Interrupts, battery consumption, how charger
effects to overall performance and usage. These
all have significant impact on user experience
and good entertainment level.


Nowadays, multi-player/user feature is very

common in mobile games. A need to test multiplayer abilities is there and is naturally more
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challenging and requires the other end to perform as a real counterpart. For example, typical
case is that the game communicates with backend server. In these cases, connectivity
is essential and the synchronization between backend and devices that need to get
information about the gameplay. There are tons of different scenarios you should be
testing and many of those will Social Integration severely impact the games experience,
resulting in negative feedback and gets uninstalled by users.


Social network integration is also very

important part of your game. In many games,
it is essential to be able to share results
across your ecosystem, friends or just
for yourself. This should be thoroughly
tested in the context of real Android and
iOS devices, with different OS versions
and different device configurations,
to understand the functionality and


Nearly all of the game developers use some open source components as part of their game.
This is highly recommended and well-accepted development practice as it offloads the
task of developing code for non-core functions in your mobile game. However, identifying
third-party code, its vulnerabilities, and license restrictions are very often neglected by
game developers.

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UI and
Image Recognition
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peaking of mobile game testing, it is a common misconception that manual testing

is the only way to go forward. In many cases it is the first thing to start with, but to

really get all issues spotted out and fixed before the game is published, test automation
built into the process, hammering each and every regression and advancement can yield
significant results when considering the customer-ready game.
Lets face the fact: manual testing has still too many disadvantages as its way too timeconsuming, tedious, error-prone and not being able to thoroughly, systematically do the
testing of whole software entity. Manual testing is somewhat like scratching the surface
and you cant really find out whats going on underneath the UI. Besides, you would need
an army of programming-capable guys to debug all bits and pieces something that test
automation can deliver you 24/7 without any manual efforts.


In a nutshell, Appium is a mobile UI testing framework

supporting cross-platform testing of native, hybrid
and mobile-web apps for iOS and Android. In
fact, Appium is a pretty good choice for mobile
games as in many cases those games tend
to be identical or at least very similar on
both platforms, Android and iOS and the
same test script can apply for both. But there
are also some other reasons why Appium
is a great choice for mobile game testing.
For example, you can write tests using your
favorite development tools/environment and
programming languages, such as Java, Objective-C,
JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, C# and so on.

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Appium enables you to execute your tests on mobile device irrespective of the device OS.
This is because the framework is basically a wrapper that translates Selenium Webdriver
commands into UIAutomation (iOS) or UIAutomator (Android, API level>=17) or Selendroid
(Android, API level <=16) commands depending on the device type. For example, in the
context of Android, this is how Appium compares to other test automation frameworks:


We took Supercells Clash of Clans as an example to give you a clear picture. A fantastic
game and I bet many of you have played it so you should be pretty familiar how the game
looks and so on. Were also going to use Appium as a selected test automation framework
to basic clicking-through of Clash of Clans tutorial.

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## Example script that tests Clash of Clans tutorial first steps
## Works on different resolutions, both iOS and Android
fromTestdroidAppiumTestimportTestdroidAppiumTest, log
# TestdroidAppiumTest takes settings (local or cloud) from environment variables
driver=self.get_driver()# Initialize Appium connection to device
sleep(10)# Wait that game loads
# Use this to get detected screen hierarchy
# print self.driver.page_source
# Dismiss the in-app purchases dialog if it shows
log(There was no in-app purchases dialog)
else:# iOS
self.driver.implicitly_wait(5)# wait only 5 seconds to find it
# No need to sleep here since for iOS we wait the Game Center to popup...
log(There was no in-app purchases dialog)
# Cancel iOS Game Center login
#print self.driver.page_source
log(Canceling iOS Game Center login...)
log(The Game Center login was not displayed)
# Check that there is a goldmine on screen
rect = self.find_image(queryimages/tutorial_goldmine.png, screenshot_
self.assertIsNotNone(rect,There should be a goldmine on screen in beginning
of tutorial)
log(Gold mine found at %s %s! Tapping tutorial forward...%(rect[0], rect[1]))
# Dismiss the bubbles

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sleep(2)# second blabla

sleep(2)# Goblin appears
# Go to shop
# NOTE: tap_image does also assert, fails test if target not recognized
# Buy cannon
# Place the cannon
self.tap_image(queryimages/place_the_cannon.png, width_modifier=0.75)
# Use gem to finish right away
# Bring it on!
self.tap_image(queryimages/bring_it_on.png, height_modifier=0.75)
# To be continued...

Lets look some stages in this script:

1. It first figures out if test is executed either on Android (self.isAndroid()) or iOS. As you can
see, it looks content different, on Android it is trying to find by element ID and on iOS by
accessibility ID with description (Okay). The same check happens for iOS Game Center login.

2. Screenshots are taken in various steps and stored in files entered as a parameter in a function call.
3. We do a check if goldmine exists on screen by comparing two pngs using self.find_image
call. If these pictures match (=goldmine exists on screen), well go forward with tutorial.

4. We proceed with the tutorial with the following steps: 1) Go to shop, 2) Buy cannon, 3) Place the
cannon. The information about all these three items is stored in those pngs: shopbutton.png,
cannon.png, place_the_cannon.png.

5. Finally, we finish the tutorial and start the battle! After battle, application is brought down.

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Above is the programming and scripting. In the real practice, we used one iOS (iPhone
4S) and two Android phones (Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and HTC One X) for this script. If
you are interested, you can take a look at the video at Example of Test Automation using


This Appium + Clash of Clans example was the basic image recognition flow for enabling
mobile game to be tested on real devices, regardless of different OS (Android and iOS).
There are different ways to recognize content from images. For example, template matching
is a technique for finding small parts of an image, which match a template image. It
is actually very handy even for recognizing UI elements and graphics resized and/or
rotated in different form. This is one way how some Testdroid game developers use
image recognition today.

Lets say the template image has some strong features e.g. text easy to be abstracted
from the background content a feature-based approach can be used.
In this example, Button 1 text was resized and rotated (or if it is otherwise transformed)
this can be quickly and easily identified and further actions can be taken.

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Performance and
UX with
Test Automation
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ood performance is very closely

related to good user experience.

User wants to see constant progress with

the game, do the smooth game-playing,
graphics performance needs to be up to
snuff and work across all different mobile
devices (phones, tablets etc.) the very same.
Mobile games require performance testing
before published to app markets. What type
of performance testing is needed varies by the
nature of game, graphics, gameplay, multiplayer
functionalities and many other things. The most
typical performance tests done for mobile games
are general tests performance to determine how
the game performs in terms of responsiveness,
stability and refresh rate under certain workload or
user interaction pattern.
The resource usage is important metric with mobile
games as the power of CPU and GPU and the size of memory varies device by device.
High-end devices are more capable to run anything whereas low-end devices cant even
get the game up and running. This is not exceptional case that game is built for a highend device, published and then gets complained by thousands of users that it can even
get in the first loading state.
Remember! Use test automation and youll get your games performance tuned to its
best. Manually, you cant get any sort of understanding what happens underneath the
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Performance test this is the basic type of performance testing that provides information
how quickly something is executed, how much it can be scaled (in terms of more
graphics assets, or more connections/integrations) or how stabile the performance is
in general. Typical metrics from performance tests are CPU load, memory consumption
and frames per second (FPS). Based on this data game developers
should further improve the game to either scale down
Performance of Game certain functionalities, heavy
graphics assets or something else to ensure
game works on lower-end devices as well.
With performance tests it is easy to finetune, further plan improvements on
graphics, gameplay and connections,
and to optimize game accordingly. One
interesting benchmark for measuring
the user experience of your game
is Gamebench, the least cheatable
benchmark you can find out there now
for mobile games, hardware and so on.

Load testing is somewhat the simplest form

of performance testing. When certain load is
exposed to the game and infrastructure the developer
gets understanding of where possible bottlenecks are and what
parts of game/infrastructure need optimization. Load testing can vary from basic server
upload/download function to database connection and queries, and different types of
inputs given to the game/infrastructure. During load testing developers typically get better
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understanding of concurrency issues related to the game and how those could be optimized.
For example, if your game needs to pull something from back-end server and suddenly
300+ devices do that in the same WiFi network, you can get very invaluable information
about your games capability during this kind of scenario. Furthermore, load testing can be
you to understand how game needs to compromise when certain operations cannot be
handled. Also, it typically gives great insights to hardware capabilities and how much real
resources (CPU, Memory
etc.) are needed for your
game and what happens
when those resources are
Stress testing determines
if the system is able to
handle everything, how it
handles with data when
the game infrastructure
is overstressed, and how
far can stress testing
go before game stops
responding and how are

Stress testing in progress.

errors shown to users.

Stress testing is important in case of games especially if you game requires connections
to servers or needs to be connected to some other device. Typically not so many mobile
games communicate everything instantly online but rather in parts. This limits the recurring
use of networks, draining less battery and limits error scenarios, as your game doesnt
need to be send/receive something all the time. The stress testing helps you to understand
what kinds of failures are the most valuable to plan for and what are the most common
hardware failures or issues that you need to anticipate.

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One of the subcategories for stress testing is soak testing. Its also known as endurance
testing and is used to understand if the game and infrastructure can sustain certain
continuous load set on it. When soak testing is done, typically CPU, Memory as well as
FPS and other important metrics are monitored to detect any potential leaks and issues.
The goal of soak testing is to discover how the system behaves under sustained use.
Some industry benchmarks can be seen as a soak tests, however, users should be aware
of cheatable nature of those.
The other type of stress test is called spike testing which is done
by suddenly increasing the load generated by a very large
number of users, data, inputs, or any other type of
stimuli. This is not continuous but periodical
and the thing is to find out if dramatic
change in load will cause any
errors or issues for the game
and its infrastructure. The goal
with spike testing is to determine
if performance will suffer, the
infrastructure will fail or how can
those error states be handled in case
of dramatic changes of inputs.

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Simple Steps to Start Doing

Performance Testing
1. Write and conduct performance tests in whatever types of tests make the best use
for your game. Make sure you stress the game itself but all infrastructure related to it
as well. This means back-end servers, integrations with social media, and any other
third party or external entity. All these things have an impact on performance of your
game and through the performance to its user experience. You can even use RecordPlayback approach to generate your simplistic performance tests!
2. Input everything to logs! This is very important and will help you to further investigate
what happens in your game even you would be monitoring it in real-time during
the testing. Logs will maintain all that information and you can easily compare those
later even build-by-build to see how things have regressed while building a new
version of game.
3. Use only real mobile devices and as many as possible. Youll get quickly understanding of
how your game performs when you start doing basic smoke testing on hundreds of different
devices. While running your game on those real devices, check at least these things:
The games graphics and UI does the game display/screen show properly (and
similarly) on all these devices?
Do the UI and layout and other graphical elements (toolbars, buttons, icons etc.)
display correctly (and the same way) on all devices?

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Is usability of controls (buttons, menus, boxes, what) identical in all devices? Some
OS versions have different GUI looknfeel and controls so this important to check
across all possible devices out there.
Is navigational / game progress flowing smoothly enough? How much delays are
there between game stages? Again, try with a high-end and low-end device to
understand the difference/gap between top and not performing device.
Animations are those flowing well? This is about to change with Android L for
native apps but doesnt have an impact on mobile games. Remember! Animations
require some performance
capability from the device. It
is important to test this in the
context of low-end devices.
Fonts do the device where your
game will be executed have those
fonts you meant there to be or
Screen Resolution one old
root cause for fragmentation. Try
to support all possible screen
resolutions and have those tested
on real devices. Resolutions are
not identical when OS version
is different as for example
Kitkat handles overlapping UI
notifications differently than Jelly
Bean, Icecream Sandwich or
Screen Orientation what
happens if anything when user
rotates the screen? Is your game
screen resolution problem.
meant to be rotatable?

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for Connectivity

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onnectivity is one of the key aspects when you build mobile games. Typically, mobile
games communicate over the internet with various different entities; app markets

(e.g. Google Play), directly with other players and their devices, or your own back-end

servers. When it comes to mobile game development, both indies and major game studios
are struggling to make an ideal environment for testing massive multiplayer setup. This is
one of the areas where test automation can provide you significant benefits.
Test automation can help when
it comes to multiplayer testing,
cross-platform testing and general
connectivity testing - not only
spotting out those bugs and issues,
but also significantly reduces the
cost of failure, saves time through
its repeatability and earlier
verification, and leverages resource
productivity. Using test automation
for mobile game testing already in
the earliest phase of development
is a good way to gain those benefits
and effectively use resources.
But you also need a good
infrastructure for doing efficient
testing for connectivity of your game. Naturally, there are plenty of options where and how
testing will be conducted, but lets take two the most common ones as an example inhouse environment and cloud-based setups. For setting up an in-house test environment,

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you will need servers, USB hubs, plenty of real mobile devices (phones, tablets etc.
whatever you plan to support with your game), appropriate speed WiFi, and so on. Here
is a good tip and checklist what you need if you built this internally.
Using a cloud-based setup is easy and effortless, and
you can use various different techniques to test
the connectivity aspects of your game. For
example, different types of performance
tests can be used. However, the most
important thing in cloud-based
testing is that you have plenty of
devices in use as versatile set
of different OS versions, chipsets,
display sizes, memory and other form
factors. This enables the simultaneous
smoke and compatibility testing when you do connectivity
and performance testing for your game.
Whether deciding to go with either of these options, WiFi
infrastructure is another very important infrastructure area
that is often overlooked when creating large-scale mobile test automation environments.
You can get to about 10 maybe even 15 devices with any WiFi infrastructure without
any problems but as the number of devices in your WiFi network adds up, so do the
challenges. Those issues will start appearing when data is transferred. This gives the game
developer an excellent way to optimize the data passing, infrastructure software and
decide what data should be passed between servers and clients. Not everything needs
to be communicated/sent back and forth. In general, it is a good rule of thumb that if
WiFi cannot handle 15 devices sending all data between server and client (your game),
you should seriously consider optimizing the data passing.

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Quick Checklist for

Testing Connectivity
1. Optimize the data communication between servers and clients. You can set your
mobile game to fetch or pull a large amount of data from your back-end server.
Especially if you plan to build a MMO (massive multiplayer online) game you need to
optimize every piece of your data communication. Despite unlimited data plans are
pretty common nowadays, you should still for sake of
user experience try to optimize all possible data passing.
2. Test simultaneously on several devices. This is only
possible by using real devices to see if the game states
are properly synchronized on all devices and all device
resources (players/users in real life) have equal access
to all game resources and that there is no lags in game
response, inputs or outputs, for all players. Test automation
can be a huge help with this, as test scripts can be made
intelligent and play against each other. For example, with
image recognition feature you can put game playing against
another instance, on another devices. Take a look at here.
3. How does game behave when online and offline.
When internet is available game might work fine. If
your game is designed to work online all thev time,
you should plan how to fall back when device goes

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offline. This can be easily simulated on real environment with real devices for
example cutting down the WiFi or stop communicating with back-end server.
Typically todays mobile games can be played offline and later on game status
with all details are synchronized with the game centers, servers and so on.
4. Check for interruptions. In addition to online/offline gameplay, there are many other
interruptions for games that can happen while game is played. For example, incoming calls,
device or server running out of memory, the bugs/failures in game itself causing a state
where gameplay doesnt advance. Actually all these are related to connectivity testing as
for example network connection can switch (WiFi<->Cellular) and cause an interruption.
5. Test for cross-platform compatibility and possible differences. If your mobile game is
a cross-platform one (e.g. you have identical game for Android and iOS) naturally the
use of cross-platform test automation
frameworks is great news for you.
Regardless, if there are small differences,
you can still use these frameworks.
6. Test for location-based details. If your
game is using location-based services
(e.g. just pulling out the info in which
country you are in), you should test for
this feature. With test automation you
can quickly set up a device with a specific
language/country settings to match
localized device / environment / user.
7. Combine different forms of testing. While you are doing connectivity testing, you
can also do the instant smoke testing how your game works across different devices.
Again, with test automation this is easy, effortless and provides you quickly results on
how the game performs.
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any things make a difference when mobile gamers select which game they download
from app market. Naturally, the reputation of any game developer is important, but

by far more important factor for the maximal exposure for hundreds of millions of users
are those user ratings and comments given in Google Play or App Store. Those either put
the game in front of those downloaders or not.
If your game crashes, is otherwise buggy, doesnt load quickly, or user experience isnt up
to snuff, users will leave your game. And in most of the cases they go away angry, writing
negative (=justified) feedback about the game in reviews.


In the conclusion section, we would like to share a list of insights and new aspects that
can help you build a more robust Android game for your customers.
1. Use Record & Playback approach to test your game
Game engines such as Unity3D are awesome and
enable you as a developer quickly to take the weight
off from developing graphic algorithms and routines to
focus on game and gameplay itself. Many of those game
engines and complementary tools provide primitive tools
to test your game before releasing it. However, not any
single of those game engines provide a test automation
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approach to the problem, capability to record user interactions and then playback those
on real devices the very same devices that those feature-savvy gamers use.
Testdroid Recorder has been very popular and useful among Android app developers,
and now supports record-playback approach with Unity3D games.
2. Test localization and make your game work every corner of the world
Diversity is a great thing, but even better in mobile app testing. For many mobile developers
it is not possible not at least without travelling to specific country and acquiring devices
to access those devices that are used in these different countries. For example Japan,
the most lucrative market for mobile games. Not the paid-apps, but the largest amount of
revenue is generated from freemium apps in Japan. This yields about serious game-playing
going on. And your game gets one shot are
you ready to confront those gamers without
testing on their devices?
Well, the great news is that you can access all of
those popular Android devices at Testdroid Cloud,
instantly and any time of the day. Test localization
using real devices from these regions, and your
game will be surely more robust!
3. Test performance: app & activity launch
times and response times
Consistent performance across all different software/hardware combinations that
those end-users use is naturally one of your top targets. As many things make an ideal
Android device for gamers such as processor, GPU, display resolution, OS version,
OEM customizations, and dependencies to other SW/HW not all those devices are

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capable to run all games without problems. Typically, input, controls, graphics performance
among many other things either make your game usable across those devices, or not.
Make sure you conduct performance testing in earlier phase of the development to avoid
bottlenecks in your game!
With the help of Testdroid Cloud, you can instantly run your Android game on all relevant
devices and ensure 90-95% coverage of global Android users. Most likely, by using
Testdroid Cloud device roster, you are close to 100% when it comes to real gamers
arsenal of devices.
4. Testing payments, Google Play transactions
In-app purchases are in steep growth and every
game developer is looking this way to enable
payments through their app. Naturally, there are
easy ways to implement in-app purchases using
Google APIs and also some external providers can
help you to get up and running with this.
Weve now opened a way to test payments at
Testdroid Cloud.
5. Make sure all works well: Layouts, rendering,
installations, and UX
Developing games for mobile is totally different ball game than developing for web or
even for consoles. Game engines and complementary tools provide an excellent way to
create your game on desktop and quickly test it on actual device. But again, performance
capability of device and many things associated with it can make your game run very
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differently on those devices. That is not something that can be tested on emulated or
simulated environment.
All Testdroid products can help you to make your game super robust and it has worked
for so many game developers building the most popular games for Android.
6. Test for security, liability and 3rd part component safety
Remember Heartbleed? Just
one example of why everything
about third party or open
source components included
in your game must be tested for
security. Security is important
but equally important are
liabilities and safety aspect of
your game.
With the help of Testdroid Cloud
and Appcheck you can quickly
check what sort of components
are involved and do you need
to act before publishing your
app at Google Play.

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This great tool will provide you a way to generate Robotium based scripts for your
Android apps and games. And, were supporting Android L, Unity3D and many other


things with it! What a great tool for Android game, app and service developers!

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