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——_- _———_—_—_ QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 1 Introduction We have already studied a linear equation in one variable. An equation of the form ax + 6 = 0, a #0, 4,6 € Ris called a linear equation. We have also solved some practical problems using a linear equation. However there are lots of problems which cannot be solved using a linear equation. Let us consider some such problems. Suppose the length of a rectangular hall is 4 meters more than its breadth. Ifthe area of the floor ‘of the hall is 60 square meters, what are the length and breadth of the hall ? If we consider the breadth of the rectangular hall as x, then its length is x + 4, Now the area of the rectangular floor = length x breadth = x(x + 4) + Our problem reduces to a mathematical form x(x + 4) = 60. ‘Simplifying this equation, we get x? + 4x ~ 60 = 0 which is not a linear equation in x. A linear =0 or ax +6=0,a#0. The equation variable x, like 3x ~ 1 ‘equation in x is a first degree equation x? + 4x — 60 = 0 involves a second degree term ‘A similar equation will occur when the area and the perimeter of rectangle are given. A polynomial equation in which the degree of the polynomial is 2 is called a quadratic equation. It is believed that ancient Babylonians were aware of such kind of problems. Euelid mentioned ‘a method to find the solution of such equations. In Hindu civilization Brahmagupta gave the method to solve equations of this form (600 to 65S A.D). Shridhar Acharya gave the general formula to solve quadratic equations. Al Kwarizami (800 A.D.) visited India and learnt Hindu mathematics. He took this knowledge to what is now known as Middle East. Let us now understand what we mean by a quadratic equation and leam different methods of solving such equations. 4.2 Quadratic Polynomial and Quadratic Equations In the second chapter we studied polynomials in one variable. p(x) = ax +b, a# 0, a, bE Ris ‘a polynomial of degree one, also known as a linear polynomial. We also defined quadratic polynomial PH) = a? + bx +c, a #0, a, b,c © R. We have defined zeros of a polynomial. (2) is a given polynomial. If for some k € R, p(k) = 0, then k is called a zero of the polynomial p(x). For example, variable x. ‘Quapraric Equations 7 So for x = 3 the value of the polynomial becomes zero. We say 3 is a zero of the polynomial. In general, p(x) may be any polynomial of any degree and & a real number. If p(R) = 0, then k is called a zero of the polynomial. We note that some polynomials may not have any real zero. For example, p(x) = x? + 9 ot (pla) = x2 + 2x +5 do not have any real zero, because (2) = 2 +9 29 for any real value of x, since x7 2 0 and p(x)=22 +2 4+5=22+ 2+ 1+4=(—4+1P +424 (+20 ‘Thus, in both the cases mentioned above, the value of polynor ‘A Quadratic Equation and its Solution : If p(x) = ax? + bx + ca #0, a, b,c E R, then the equation p(x) = 0. i.e, ax? + bx +c = 0 is called a quadratic equation or a second degree equation in variable x. Zeros of the polynomial p(x) = ax? + bx + c, a #0, a bc © Rif they exist, are called the solutions of the quadratic equation ax? + bx + =0,a#0,4,,c6R. The solutions of a quadratic equation are also called the roots of the equation. ax? + bx +0=0,a #0, 0, bc € Ris called the standard form of a quadratic equation. ‘A quadratic polynomial can have at the most two zeros. Therefore a quadratic equation can hhave at the most two solutions (or two roots). 4.3 Solution of a Quadratic Equation by the Method of Factorization We know that the product of two real numbers is zero if and only if at least one of the numbers is zero. In mathematical form, for a, 6 € R, ab = 0 if and only if a= 0 or b= 0 (or both a and 6 are 0). ‘Now consider the quadratic equation, x? ~ 3x + 2=0 @ We know that x — 3x + 2=2? -2r—x +2 =x@—2)- 16-2) =@- 2-0, So, the equation (i) can be written as (© = 2) — 1) = 0 which is in the form a+b = 0 co x=250 or x-1=0 w@ cannot be zero. Nos i) we have two linear equations, x-2=0. So,x=2 or x- 150, Sx=1 ‘Thus x = 1, x = 2 are the solution of the equation (i). ‘The method in which the polynomial ax? + bx + c is factorised to obtain the solution of ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 is called the method of factorization. Let us solve some examples using this method. n ‘Mariearics 10 Example 1 : Examine whether the following equations are quadratic or not = (3+ 2x-7=0 (2) 23x — 5) + 1 = 3x(2e +5) 43 @xGxt+7)=G@+DE-1 He +2)=3x@—-1)—-5 Solution : (1) Let us compare 3x? + V2x— 7 = 0 with the standard form of the quadratic equation ax? + bx +0 = 0. Here, a=3, b= ¥2,c=-Ta bce Randa#0. @ ‘The degree of the polynomial 3x2 + V2x—7 = 0 is 2. “The equation is a quadratic equation. 2xGx— 5) +1 = 32x +5) +3 62 —10r+1= 62 + 15243 25x+2=0 ‘The polynomial 25x +2 is not a quadratic polynomis ‘The equation is not a quadratic equation, |. Infact it is linear. ® ‘The polynomial 2x2 + 7x +1 is a quadratic polynomial. (@=2,b-7,c= 1a bce Randat0) ‘The equation is a quadratic equation. PG +2) = 3x1) 5 P+ ma 32 3x BP 4E3rt5=0 ‘The polynomial x3 — x? + 3x? + 5 is a cubic polynomial. ‘The equation is not a quadratic equation. mae 2 : Solve the following equations by the method of factorization : (@2e-x-3=0 Qx2+srt6=0 @3e+4x-4=0 (@) 62 + 5x-6=0 (GP — Ie +6=0 (22 + Wx-6=0 Solution : (1) 22? — =0 23x +2e-3=0 xQx — 3) + 12r-3)=0 (x= 3) + 1I)=0 2 Oo x+1=0 xaZ or x==1 4 and —1 are the solutions of the quadratic equation. ‘Quapparic Bquarions —_ — = Note 3 and 1 are the roots of the equation or we ean say that {-1,3} is the solution set of the equation. @ ® 4 Sr +6=0 43x42 +6 @+3@+2=0 x+3=0 or x+2~0 x53 or x=-2 3 and —2 are the solutions of the quadratic equation, Be + 4r—4=0 3x? + 6x —2x-4=0 3x +2) 2 +2) =0 (+2Gx-2)=0 2 or x= 3 2 and are the solutions of the quadratic equation. Ge + Sx-6 Gx + 9x — 4x — 3xQx +3) - 20x +3) = 0 x +3)Gr-2)=0 redo ad =0 —# and 2 are the solutions of the quadratic equation. 62 — 13x +6=0 G2 —9x— 4x + 6=0 3x(2x = 3) = 22x = 3) =0 (Qr-3)Gx-2)=0 =2 3 or x=2 2 and 2 are the solutions of the quadratic equation. 2? + Vox-6=0 20 + 26x - V6x-6 =0 2x + V6) — V6 + V6) =0 (+ ¥6y2x- V6) =0 M6 or x= 8 z —V¥6 and & are the solutions of the quadratic equ " ‘Mariearics 10 Example 3 : Find the roots of the following equations. Write the solution set of each equation: (P3004 221-0 @ Vix? + Gi - 2-6 =0 (12? — 25+ 12 Solution + (2)? ~ 30 +221 2 2 — 17x 13x +221 =0 a(x — 17) = 13-17) = 0 (Me 13)=0 fx 17=0 or x= 1: (128 41-12 x= 17 or x= 13 + 13 and 17 are the roots of the quadratic equation. ‘The solution set of the equation is (13, 17}. (2) 22+ V3 - 202-6 =0 2 ABP + VBx 22 Bx - 203-B o x¥2x + V3) — 32x + V3) = 0 (2x + V3 Ke - 23) = 0 3 B Eee 2 {B28 swe som sto eee, (3) 122-28 + 12=0 122 ~ 16x — 9x + 12=0 f. 4x(3x — 4) — 33x ~ 4) o Gx 44x —3)=0 eoredior xed 24 and 4 are the roots of the quadratic equation, (4) 122 + 7x-12=0 It + 16 ~ 9x ~12=0 oe Gxt 44x —3)=0 2} i he solution st of the equation . xed - noreod on eed +. —4 and 2 are the roots of the quadratic equation. <. {-$.3} is the solution set of the equation. ‘Quapparic Bquarions 1, Examine whether the following equations are quadratic equations or not : @xtt=2240 @@-2Et+N=0 2 -V5x+2=0 @yh-F @sen © Ox + Nx 1) = 4x + @—5) ott - 4 -2644n (Dx +3P-Gr+2P=13 2. Verify whether the given value of x it a solution of the quadratic equation or not: (Q) P-3x+2=0,2=2 Q) P+x-2=0,x @ wa-aiti-orciped, @ Gr- He +5) = 02-4 3. (1) Ifx=1 isa root of a? + be +e=0,a#0, a,b, ¢ € R, prove that at b+e (2) hx =-1 is a root of x? — px + = 0, p,q € R, prove that p+ g+1=0. (8) Find &, if one of the roots of x2 — kx + 6 = 0 is 3 (@) Find k, if one of the roots of x2 + 3(k + 2)x — 9 0. is 3 Sove the following equations using the method of factorization : () 272 - 48 =0 @)@-7P-16=0 @ 6? + 13x+6=0 1 (@) 132 -16r+1=0 6) VSR - 4x V5 1. @x+t 4.4 The Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Completing a Square ‘When the two linear factors of polynomial ax? + bx + ¢ have rational coefficients the ‘method of factorization is easily applicable. But if the factors of polynomial ax? + bx + c have real coefficients which are not rational, then the factorization of ax? + bx + ¢ becomes slightly tricky and difficult. In such a case the method of ‘completing the square” is very much useful "The polynomial ax? + bx + ¢ can be written as (px +g? +r because (pr +g? + r= px? + 2pge + +r Rewrite the equation ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 with a > 0. ak t bet c= (prt gh tr = px? + 2pgr + @? +r implies a= p?, b = 2pq and ¢ = (q? +1) Given a, b, c we can find p, q, r from equations p? = a, 2pq = b and g? + r= c respectively. Thus a quadratic equation ax? + bx + c= 0 can be writen as (px + q) +r =0. In this case if r < 0 we have two factors of the polynomial on the left hand side of the equation. If r > 0 we have no real solution of the equation and if r = 0 we have two identical solutions of the equation. Let us understand the method by solving some of the quadratic equations using ‘method of completing the square’. How to make a perfect square We know that (ax + B)? = ale? + 2abe + B We have also learnt how to find the missing term of a perfect square when two terms of the square are given. If we take first term = @%x?, second term = 2abx and third term = 6? then following rules, particularly the second will be useful in solving the following examples i = £2/Finttem x Tid tem: pp cee nea (1) Middle term = +2 Firsttenn x Thid tem (3) First term = 75 Tp ern @) Third term = (middle term)? / (4 x First term) We will abbreviate Middle Term = M-T. and First Term = m1 16 ‘Marewarics 10 Example 4 : Solve the following equations using the method of ‘completing a square’ ()2- ke +1S=0 H+ 6r-35=0 BAH +T=0 @P-x-1=0 OP +2%+5=0 Solution : (1) x2 - 8 + 15 =0 Note that the quadratic polynomial on the left hand side of the equat 2-8 $ 15 = Sy — 3) Let us now, solve the example by completing the square, Yar + 15=0 a ae t16-1=0 @-4P-1=0 @-44N@-4-1=0 = (—3Xe-5)=0 foxe3 or xe 4+ Band 5 are the solutions of the equation. 2) 9 + 6 -35=0 FGI AS 2 Grt1P-@=0 Gxt 1-OGx+1+6)=0 Gx=9)Gx+=0 4 3e-$=0 or x +7=0 cry? _ 64x? 1g GRRE” axa | Third term | Third term = 0 zed orxet 3 or 3 +} and —J are the solutions of the quadratic equation, Remark : Note that in both the examples No (i) and (ii) the result in the third steps are (e— 4? — 12 = 0 in example 0 and Gx + 1)? ~ 62 = 0 in example @ both of these are in the form A? — B? = 0 Here B? is a perfect square (like 12 oF 62), but this does not mean that B? is always a perfect square of a rational number. It is only necessary that B? must be a positive real number. Observe this in next two examples @) 24+ 647-0 PHO @+3P-2=0 (Note here that 2 is not a perfect square) @+3P (2 =0 (+3 = 2% +3 + V2)=0 ‘Quapparic Bquarions 7 —— OT x+3-—V2=0 of x+34+ 02 f x5 V2 -3 or x=-y2 -3 ¥2 —3 and —/2 —3 are the solutions of the given quadratic equation. @) 2-2-1 Let us multiply the equation by 4, 42 ax 4 vat - ae $1 -S=0 # Gx 1P-5P=0 Qr—1 + V5y2x-1- V5) =0 so Qe 1405 =0 or 2-1-5 =0 . = oo HB ore op xo th EB ang 48 and 1+ are the solutions of the given quadratic equation. ©) P4245=0 Pam HTE o @ FIP +4=0 Now (« + 1)? is the square of real number and hence it is @ non-negative number. 4 is also a ive number. So (x + 12 +4 #0 for any real number x pos In another way (x + 1)? = —4 which is also not possible as the square of a real number cannot be negative. The equation has no real solution. 4.5 The Solution of ax + bx +c=0,a#0,4,,cER ‘The General Formula : ‘The method of completing the square leads us to find the formula for the solution of quadratic ‘equation in general form. a? + be += 0, a4 0,4, b,c € R is the general form of the quadratic equation, Let us multiply the equation by 4a (a # 0) dala? + be +0) = 0 “Third term = EE c Ads? + dabe + dac = 0 ttt _ ve dab? + dabx + b? — B+ dac = 0 4xda? Cae + BP = B= dae © Left hand side of the equation (i) is the square of real number. Hence the right hand side — dae should be a non-negative real number. 7% ‘Mariewarics 10 ——-_, =—_—_——_—_—_———— o 1fB? = dac 2 0, then fp? denoted by symbol D. D = 5% — 4ac is called the discriminant of the quadratic equ (#? ~ dac is also denoted by greck capital letter A (Delta). jac exists as a real number. The expression b? — 4ac is ‘Thus, equation (i) can be written as (Qax + bP =D = (WD) M20 2 Jax +b = VD (Co If? = a then x = ta) * Jax =-b + WD a ee EB + AB guy —b- vO 2a and 2a cation a? + br $e=0,0F0,q% CER where D = 5% — 4ac, are the solutions of the general quadratic 4.6 Nature of the Roots of Quadratic Equation ax? + bx + c= 0,a#0,4,5.cER ‘The general formula obtained in 4.5 also gives us some information regarding the nature of the roots in real number system, ‘The roots of the general quadratic equation : a2 + be $e= 0,040, 6 8, 6€ Rare LEAD ang PP. We call them cand B. ey ~- 5 a ta ‘The square of any real number, positive or negative or zero, is always a non-negative real number. The square root of a negative number does not exist in R. So if the roots of ax? + bx + c = 0 are real numbers, it is essential that D > 0. (so that YD is a real number.) Now if D is the perfect square of a rational number like 4, -2 ete. then +B ong a Without loss of generality, we will take 0 = and B= YD is rational. In that case if a, 6, ¢ are also rational, then the roots are rational. Again if D = 0, then the roots are nb+0 ag —b-0 and It means both the roots are equal and real, infact G2. More over in this case also if a € Q, then $2 € Q. Hence if a, b are rational, the roots will be equal and rational ‘We can summarise the above discussion by the way of a tree diagram. ‘Quanaric Equations 9 —___ Roots of ax? + bx += 0 D0 D-=o roots are real and distinct L L roots are real and equal D> 0, D perfect square of L rational number anda, 4,c€Q D-=Oanda bce Q t 4 roots are rational numbers roots are rational and distinct. and equal. So, to find out the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation, (G1) We find the value of the discriminant D. If D <0, we immediately say that equation has no solution in R (2) If D> 6, then we examine whether it is a perfect square of a rational number or not. (ID >0 and D is not a perfect square, then roots are real and distinet. Gi) If D > 0 and it is a perfect square of a rational number and a, 6, ¢ € Q, then the roots are real and rational. Roots are also distinct. (3) If D=0 then the roots are real and equal. Ifa, b, © € Q the roots are equal rational numbers. ‘Now, let us solve some examples using the formula for the roots of quadratic equation. Example 5 : Find the roots of the following quadratic equations using the general formula for the roots, if they exist (Mw+x-4=0 Q4r+aVFxt5=0 (9 -6r +1 yet + 340 347 Nattx—4=0 Let us compare the equation with ax? + bx += 0 D = — dae = 1? — 4-4) = 33 Note that D > 0 and D is not a perfect square, Hence, the roots are real and distinct, nbeWB HE B-1 Te 7 Now, = 7a -b-/D a and B 80 Mariewarics 10 ——— OO @) 42 +4¥5x+5=0 Here, a= 4,6 = 4V3,c=5 D = B = dac = (493)? — 4(4(5) = 48 - 80=-32 <0 1 “Ds b ~ dae = (6? — 4(9X1) = 36 — 36 = 0 + Both the roots are equal 0 Bot = (a5 Both the roots are equal to 4. 1 4 @) wat + yea HT Let us multiply the equation by (x + IG + 20° + 4). Gr na+n@+4 GsdesDE+O _ sotNa+DE+y aT —p2 2 xe OH DE +A) + + DG + 4) = AG + NG +2) co PHOEBE ATE SHA At 1248 oe W4+x-4=0 b= Ica 2 D= B= dae = 1? — 42) = 33. The roots are YB, AV eter (0) ‘Example 6 : Solve the following equations using the general formula, if the equation has a solution inR: (®) WB? — sx + 2¥3 = 0 @2+2x+2=0 @xrtseti=0 HO + 4x + 5) = He + De + 2) + 12 jon : (1) ¥3x2 - 5x + 2V3 =0 Let us compare the equation with ax? + bx + ¢=0 a= ¥3,b=-5,c=2V3 D= B ~ 4ac = (5? — 4(¥3)V3@) = 25 —24=1 > 0 D>o + The equation has real distinct roots. +4 St 6 8g 2a avs” 23 3 -b- i poate SP age ah + The solutions of the equation are ¥3 and 22. ‘Quapraric Equations — OT (2) #+2r42=0 Here a= 1, 6=2,0=2 D= B= dace = 4 - 412) = -4 <0 D 0 + The equation has two real distinct roots. —b+JD _ -s+v2i _ VRi-s fe Gg = vai fits B= TT Sits ai~s + The solutions of the equation are > 7 (+ 4M +5) = 3G + Ie +2) + 128 Let us simplify the equation. fF AR +5) = 3G + De +2) + 12 f+ Oe +20 = 362 + 3x +2) + 12x 2 + Ox + 20 = 3x? + Qe + 6 oe Wt Ie 14 + 6r—7=0 Ta ? the general form ax? + bx +c = 0, Now, comparing the equation we have a = 1, b= 6,¢==7 D = B — 4ac = 36 — 4(1{—T) = 36 + 28 = 64 >0 oa PED eH _ wots wD 0 Hence the roots are real and distinct, HD _ NAN _ Wi Ber 2a avs ws 5 MERWE _Wi-wi fi- fi "Ws “ws @) Vx +2x- ¥3=0 ‘The equation is of the form ax? + bx + = 0, where a= V3 40,b=2,c=-V3 D = 6? ~ ac = 4 ~ 4(¥3y(-v3) = 4 + 12= 16 >0 D>0 ‘The roots are real and distinct. b+ VD _ -24 Vig _ 2a i ie a 0 ne JF and ~V5 are the roots of the equation. Quapparic Bquarions cy Example 8 : Find the value of &, if the following equati () &+ IP? — 2k + Ae + k=O KER @ = 1 = 12k + 2-1 KER Solution : (1) (& + 1)x? — 2k + 4)x + 2k = 0 is of the form ax? + bx + ¢ =0, where a= k-+ 1, b= -2(k + 4), ¢= 2k ‘The equation has equal real roots = D=0 B —4ac = 0 f F2k+ AP = ae + NAH = 0 AR + 8k + 16) — 428 + 2% =0 B+ Bk + 16-28 — 2k = 0 B-6k-16=0 f= K+ 2=0 ka8 k= ‘. Zand 8 are the values of & for which the equation has equal roots. (@)&— Ie? 12+ 2k-1=OKER Comparing with a? + br +6 =0 we get, a=k=1,b=-12,¢= 2-1 ‘The equation has equal real roots. D=0 2 B= 4ac=0 o 144 = 40 = DQk- = 0 (k= D@k= 1) = 36-0 2B = 3k-35=0 & 2 = 10k + 7k = 35 =0 C+ MWk= 5) = 0 kas ork=5 *. = and 5 are the values of & for which the equation has equal roots. Mariewarics 10 1. Find the discriminant of the following quadratic equations and discuss the nature of the roots : (62-135 +6-0 2) Vex2- 54+ JE -0 22-17% 43-0 @2tx+4=0 xe txt1=0 (@ 2 - 33x -30=0 2. Ifa, b,c € R,a>0,c <0, then prove that the roots of ax? + bx + ¢=0 are real and distinct. 3. (A) Find &, if the roots of x? — (3k — 2)x + 2k =0 are equal and real. (2) If the roots of the quadratic equation (k + Ix? — 2(k— Ix + 1 =0 are real and equal, find the value of k. 4, If the roots of ax? + 2bx + ¢ =0, a # 0, a 6, ¢ © R are real and equal, then prove that a:b=bre 5. Solve the following equations using the general formula : (2+ 1e+6=0 2 45x-1=0 @) 2 -3r-2=0 = @2-Next+ 2-0 Ow tslirt2=-0 @AT=4 * 4.7 Solutions of Problems Using Quadratic Equations ‘To solve practical problems we will follow the following procedure : (Read the problems carefully, identify the variable and translate the problem in mathematical language. This is to make a mathematical model of the problem. (2) Solve the equation occurring into mathematical model. (3) Verify the solutions ; We should not verify our answer by substituting the solution into ‘mathematical equations but we should verify the answer using original problem. Let us solve some problems. Example 9 : Product of digits of a two-digit number is 21. If we add 36 to the number, the new number obtained is a number formed by interchange of the digits. Find the number. jon : Let the tens digit be x. Then the digit at unit place is 24, s+ The number is 10x + 22, If we add 36 to the number, then its digits are interchanged. ‘ 21436 = 10(2) s. 10r+ 2 +36 = 10(21) + x co 102 + 21 + 36x = 210 + 2 (multiplying the equation by x) 9x? + 36x — 188 cf Pdr 210 S&H DE—3)=0 f x=-T of x3 A digit of a number can not be negative (is 0, 1, 2,4 9) ‘Quapnaric Equations 8s Verification ; 37 + 36 = 73. In 37 and 73 the digits are interchanged. Example 10 : Area of a rectangle is 21 m2. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 20 m, find the length and breadth of the rectangle, (Length is greater than the breadth.) Solution : Let the length of the rectangle be x. A 4 D ‘The area of the rectangle = length breadth, 21 Breadth of the rectangle = jenghr = 2 | We will assume that length of the rectangle is Bl c greater than its breadth. Taal ‘Now the perimeter of the rectangle = 2(length + breadth) xe Multiplying equation (i) by x, we get 20x = 2x? + 42 ve 2x? = 20x + 42-= 0 ie. x? = 10r +21 = 0 * @ = DE=3)=0 foxe7 or x3 Since the length x is greater than the breadth, we take, x = 7 s+ Breadth = 2b = 2 = 3 Length of the rectangle = 7 m Breadth of the rectangle = 3 m Example 11 : The sum of a non-zero number and its reciprocal is $1. Find the number. Solution ; Let the non-zero number be x. Its reciprocal is +. It is given that x + 1 = $1. Multiplying the equation by 20x, we get, 20x? +20 = 4x 20x? = 41x + 20=0 w+ 20x? — 25x — 16x + 20 Sx(4x ~ 5) ~ 4(4x ~ 5) = 0 Sx 55x — 4) = 0 nore$orxed ined number is $ or 4 So the required number is 4 or 4. Verification $43- Bg cai) 86 ‘Maruesarics 10 Example 12 : In a right angled triangle one of the sides forming the right angle is 4 cm more than twice the length of the other side. If the area of the triangle is 120(em)?, find the perimeter of the triangle. Solution : In AABC, let mZB = 90. If BC = x then AB = 2x + 4 ‘ea of AABC = dbase X altinde = 4BC- AB, 120 = dxQe +4) t + 240 = 2x? + de x2 + 2x— 120=0 (= 1 + 12)=0 oes x= 10 oF x==12 ‘The length of a side of a triangle cannot be negative. b c 2 x= 10 * s. BC = 10 em, AB = 2e-+4 = 24 om i ad By Pythagoras theorem, AC = JAB? + BC? = J576+100 s AC = 676 = 26 cm s+ Perimeter of AABC = AB + BC + AC = 24 + 10 + 26 = 60 om Example 13 : The sum of the ages of father and son at present is 110. Ten years ago the product of their ages was 1856, What is the age of the father and the son ? Solution : Let the present age of the son be x. hours ‘Total time taken is 5 hours, « pitas s+ 60(25 = x) + 60(25 + x) = 5(25 +2925 - x) { 12Q5— +25 +2) = (5 + 925-9) °. 600 = 625 — x? we PR =2s x=5 (as x # 5) ‘The speed of the current of the river is $ fom/hr. Verification ; Time taken while going downstream = py = $2 = 2 hours ¥ Time taken while coming upstream = 32> = @ = 3 hours BC. BC = 1; CIBCXY is a square, if AB = 3X, find AB A B Y Figure 44 (3) If we subtract 1 from positive number, then we get the reciprocal of the number. Find the (A-P-B) voxel a) 0 (2) DABCD is rectangle and IBCXY is a square. BC =XY=AD=1 @c = 1) Let AB = x. BC = BY = I. So, AY =x—1 so BB =X (given) @ «i Behold, in all the three examples the quadratic quation is the same namely x2 — x ~ 1 = 0. Do you remember we have solved this equation in example 4(4). Let us solve it again. Comparing x2 — x — 1 = 0 with ax? + br + 6 = 0, we have Lb=-le=-1 2 — dac = 1 = A(I-1) = 5 The roots are, BEY 2 HF 5 9 agg BEV ‘Quapparic Equations 89 ——__ OO pur 8 0 (@D-=0 (@ Dis non-zero perfect square (5) The quadratic equation .... has 3 a8 one of its roots. Oo (@2-x-6=0 (2 tr-6=0 (@#-x+6=0 @Ptrt6=0 (©) If 4 is a root of quadratic equation x? + ax ~ 8 = 0, then d= ww» oO @2 wa oz @-4 (1 Hf one of the roots of kx? — Tx + 3 = 0 is 3, then k oO @2 3 o3 @2 (8) The discriminant of x2 — 3x — k= 0 is 1. A value of x is... oO @-4 2 2 @4 ‘Quapparic Bquarions om

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