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Group 3 Script: Beowulf vs.

Grendels Mother
After Beowulfs victory against Grendel the Danes held great feast held at Heorot to honor
Beowulfs bravery
Warrior 1___________: At last that bald slightly hairy monstrous beast was defeated.
Warrior 2___________: Thanks to Beowulf!!!!!!
Beowulf: Just a piece of cake
Warrior 3___________: Beowulf! Beowulf! Beowulf!
All: Beowulf! Beowulf! Beowulf!
Servant: (Whisper something)
Beowulf: Gotta go fellas
After few minutes!!!!!!!.. Jemaica enters!!Warriors stares Jemaica lustfully
Warrior 1__________: Good evening lady what are you doing at this hour
Warrior 2__________: You should be at your home. Or
Warrior 3__________: you wanna play with us?
Jemaica: Very well then!!!
N: The warriors in the heorot did not know that the girl standing in front of them was Grendels
mother waiting for a chance to attack and revenge his son.
Jemaica approach to a warrior!! Circle him Then choke him to death. Warriors
Screammmmmm like hell, and Jemaica attack the remaining warriors Beowulf approach late
Beowulf: Crap!!!Damn it (Follows Jemaicas tracks of blood)
The tracks of blood led Beowulf into an inland sea and dove into the dull, murky waters.
Beowulf: There you are. Screw you for killing Hrothgars men.. Im gonna kill you
Jemaica: if you can???
(Fight scene) N: Grendels mother rushed at Beowulf, pinning him down, but his thick, strong
armor saved him from death. On a wall of the cave Beowulf caught sight of the magic sword. He
swung it at the monster and killed her. He saw her dead before him as he cut off the monsters
head, the magic sword melted in his hands.

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