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Completing a

2- JUNIO -2016

Revising your Rsum

- Include personal accomplishments if they suggest special skills or qualities
that are relevant to the job youre seeking.
- Most of your application efforts will take place online, but starting with a
traditional paper rsum is still useful.
- Avoid the common errors that will get your rsum excluded from

Common Mistakes in Revising

-Too long or too wordy
-Too short or sketchy
-Difficult to read
-Poorly written
-Displaying weak understanding of the business world in general or of a particular
industry or Company
-Poor-quality printing or cheap paper
-Full of spelling and grammar errors
-Gimmicky design

Tips for Producing your Rsum

-If your emplyment is brief, keep your rsum to one page
-Effective rsum designs are simple, clean and profesional, not gaudy,
clever or cute.
-Be prepared to produce several versions of your rsum in multiple media.
-Do not include or enclose a photo in rsums that you send to employers or
post on websites.

Formats for producing your

-Printed traditional rsum
-Printed scannable rsum
-Electronic plain-text file
-Microsoft Word file
-Online rsum, also called a multimedia rsum or social media rsum
-PDF file

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