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Fe Ce ~~ oe 5 eins ddl gus “oO re Calas ale hal y v2 dag ( 9 4. 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Whe ree ipGat Mut utoih_& 2, Sr tirtyg Lurid NG Keio PLE Seve told aera} dS CAFS ONL ba ble rite id clue eral Lhe the Sprit (fee AIG SUD = eye ea ee? “ale 5} Ase Sahee, FL Wiguerde it 0} BLEU PAGAL ad Lett E Shab ASL tip SELL WA ing WI LE er brpl bled Penta Pha bietnines testi 2 FLEE Mr Mt P6N Wlonin dui as Laden a EL WEI i (Phares por reas Hi Ls eel 2p Sadr Nealir tine PrOvE Eby F pict oe Wy Rl NinerPe ee Le Ly bd Physi oil Gare le Ps bt ee Vt tO Ff Shae he wien Se tie ie Oem LON Leu Se bend See é te eee Lip GENG bps Pale V pol AL ns WIL thd thee EVE Ht edd Chesil - i bn dt fib e he Le BLeEF Ome REA 6p xe hte ue [a All ly pal ot ha Ullal a pt beg Sly pibesln itl AGT LL AiwibuL dle buitlucuneio peal FE be tire ID she sb tints KEL te CM Gel twit Lr abl wets birthed ty intl stag Me? ean ofthe Eons rae ie pb FS tS yt late Dolp MENS NUE AIL AG yc Ab Boil nt Bet ae S My be Coy iru nti pel WF PE SUE LLL “sealed la LT wb main I tore ye. bot tala’ Pita efe Sedva gi Pernt BG. Up veutet iterh hbo WEL ety Ce LAL ihe? Ugtesblez tole l TH ite? WL Sunt teste? OO} GAS ngihe Pate he 72 50S i Said ie PLL ein sike 2 on} pine rc iblyl Ad me She ihre} Ce Sere Si7) Sue WEEN ae Me. Sn sud veg svex (rh LIE LL fe turin Ce Srl ehi7) Bleep FoF Seis Stn SL odiis ke» Co) t EL nolistes Tr FL Were xs LS Satofelley abbr abe nsinea| fi fs 4 3 reef Eleaf PUS IS Ee Vie em (G47) PG Bush ilar“ pale LA Nle 2Se Spe 6AM Sabot Sen S Ghar Me AIF Geb ee P66 Ba Sota My sie JL Oefthe eid Ul Tate Aye 1d < f thi Bre Stes 22 feeSutg nf Ub Sat Ein Seite LL Pret obE Sie Mere Wal ee Wee 65 Pa lth ee Utidebie ur len Gite «22 bhi GH) _ Ln Aft bMS Ae 3 Leae.2 Swi Abey seven 5 Avid Bete AE ud Faber peri tiki A ting Soo MS nti eg SALMA LI MALE AI LUPE (rao farGeSai 7) Its uf Me PL piste srl ipo bite Pte Sud fight LL AUS i ——= erent ei L ee GL EA iin H he ug| Lite SPCLKLiR< Wi Subse L MOL aes aa Vog-elih fobs ctl ew Siete WU ten -ewbto Site ee ‘bh Lire vt Las BU tlt E sph a odtul- -DIBAE LAI JL Sloat bose K vole! S6S Sion te ibn Gen (HAS Mater Kel!) sda Gale) etl Gainey (gut ela ded Cl ys ii Aapraife BL bye SMuiboN Set jure. 2U%- 220 Fe dng Lil Mi rie 2 pb obi tes h Kyl & 1? je Fein Sx Afsee L BE iw HL Arlt Oe eae eee wu PARA RNS REL Nic hee borie nae SS epsl Bente reas i Ze es GU chloe ghecea Pccineoe ; be FSi rE eK VG uAt soe Lot i PERE saveocersenscocussoccnsssccteeseesictieisest josecece: eee paresereseresocssorece: eeteccsersreretereressreserosesereee: ir Bowe) Liduimal AGL te Led BacLlol ite the Ht ee KATE Men tdbvnl rd Kod LEIA IE LMC LIMES hak NGte ena he? a pep hte Poh (rig Pb Are BUI) ELbei tL ott} Upisecsel beer tors py ew Ur ee yite? i a yh wich pie era a Ure be (re SUC bles) < line Passel jex eid Stir tl rset Shay (nt [Sone inal bed Win Ale tere. 4 fo! br hb 2 Apple Lt Mel fuse 4 i Ree Preah SAS. tbe UR rN aeredoh I (ih Sta_areasi2) tf atiS le Sdletcutett el Wd Srl eintike > (A) prime cer babi tIib th bs ci tL § Ce Seber b ik bi?) athlete Pee Sir Sud says Be? 0) WAS oH Sur inSaz ety TALE [anid ediae Neate tert ir. dnwi [ste CALIL Bagutgie. furnace ol i i PAYER fe UY Pg yd senate Lertint Ue APY E 22st Saget un MK Eemntic iff [Pindeace tar aurora nail re Rie 1L Wit uoie ele Rabe oA jet Bali \Pumizovbsle Sole ote od (si?) ~L vet je Whe RACE UU ict j ee PLoibeambite are : ut ur bl ee Kspuills/1 lee Fb Put iabspt Fi la wstis PLS AS OL PHF Gh. LJ poatateet 2 te i Bustyroc% Stee EA i yeaah MARL Upeuttb Se WL} SMILE Mb E Sree pbbL eae i. Sheng Lote | at all (9 Skee 9 lad Gynt af aan a nas.t¥} foun Sob ia Ltd She Vil tw bale tr 2 ae Bae, [tutepeankete aastermut? Sede ah ier Cre). biverZ. Li Sop tenubinilen Lt ee eoveces. ae aeeterere, wonmrerenconvererecare a eetesese. 10 Aoi 15 ain Vashi Ler L b5 Wi Ge bie Pee uml AI E ELEY GAUIEKbI_UG ILL GL LIAL AAS oenLt IPL BL ALL lL BEM SAF tee an be £ Abele PL (Hof) ec HU Lei S LUPE ar Ba SU ilg ian tle Ny:eabel ys Abvittd Leab CGN Gp fe MWe e/B2VE wih te rita utente } sie itre Pl boi Surinboinsifre >| OP DE bit pe yPL iGEM F Bt Si hi 2a jt ah ah dca | aes Wh Ped enh ci Pte Lita) pe PL GM ri tenZ file” BLN Peat inset Pog! i eee Petcracetbsiascdcscasunesegnceat to eet cornea: 19 Boi ee tng toll tol BL nd Sly babe al ere iA Li iS FN oN fre? Ute LURS AGL SU ehh Eth UE GAOL wd par Sl FUSES Us. 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Boot Ft Gov FL Lav WeEbeye ul it Wb 6nd) he iudirtea bh Uietud bAut Ut Umer ruta fy AF ost L Usd iy Fee Bie PAINT Bh Loa ch eile the (Uitte ori} Lisson ee FEW Fore FUG ile PE Dobe lofi ie ax 42uLe (PLO SNF woh ae Ne EMseh vg A a Wt Jos pee sah SLM Ls 2 KLUL Sener Aah Bn Pease BUF babtz Ie ile ty Ce Yeea eS MeL ic Ht?) -UseGu Et PAS sccthal 9S MiP Bb Srl cr iSite Se tects (0) io det Gud Pye He i Abe Sul eUloubuite It Hiss ariel fUWetntaAs Pe hd te AY 1 Biges=s Re otie Fup wih Utes tile fUUsl6eL J Lo tee tole Sei Gi Pond otbSe pn >reretiSuin teil ie Suu, i Pee it Yernd Alot [iE ib at anal B uy nso tL Sei Tac ferd bela tacit he Arvest pul lige} uA ial hee Lurite Puoigye ud osudicut diet Lalo Lk iE thie eC ills ESAS Ne nL Meno Jeohe beset poetics ares ll eeretecerece: rr Boalt IA Uae jpe Wille G1 26s 59) A Lie ictarkc ued epacorerek [ie danele ott erebn a tS eall Une Fic Ue? Woe Kel >ofh WL ASE ce sen HIF At uta sie 1 Puidse Suntheca tt hak bre od Feber} itd tie GilntubcbeyherBee teh | Laude a Atastsaf Sarl saisus SPER! BAL Soest GE Glsiyl iL. AL owdaSer ta Kou Paces Ul VL side PS UsiS Ut yl Inc ibs. wend xy | = Sle Path) 985 tbe 85 a 5 a ey flit ; ; sresvesscorsooees i WL UW Fei Sue lite UL Soy! ia ight Mec i SL FL Silo ane iste PIL 4 [itis PELL winter ibe? iL etnies PEP Lys Ayo tLI LA tlensetre the bLe echaS amis i Hector senaset ceedeecee ae scccec te eet rw Joi sos sererecovereccesessaal ieee ) RL Nt AslLascse nh Se2égscs80O8 fed Wi ithe Pe Se een SH Pe 7 SSN LIS nls Z Stel Bp et eize side ot sorece: Aorernreterere: PMNS Me Pid Len JL ip SEL AS SUF Fat WIL WAR SE 2S bee uses CaF SEW Asse SMe Shale ese Wel wa aN pase 2.8 SI SIREN PBL bat 2 woveses. A eoesreversveseess sorererece: MalesE Sle swt Syne SUNN e7 Leb Li eurtfoirL WE a Appi tial de lees li apps F bat Ain bfhs Lz Preeti bt HQC sri LM LIGNIN Falretl!) 1 burt Acre Peo pile LEW ius Bite AL invite PL le grit S biPte tire Poi Wid arti ke ore LeiipL gle ntim E22 Lu 2eLe 7 wet Seb 2biGonzne i & weterersrererereserece: Perereretorererererererersrenese: $a alll ly ui eth alll ati ct puta ££} Leiter sae (fae? 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Jui (ror ru) Wieser Plea MASE £4 Geb : | pa fUtue [We nb B LT Fosiout ; ae Cia gt MnbiAbnsi bare trite diiuhe tur ihvikrs SB FAS Si Ye vintwithe PL xdiSowitte ark Lili ile PA be he 20182, tithe Wis prSece UO CNIZ LM A UNIS 2 ie, Gi Ub A2 Life Prfer Se dvd vL ates, isibzer4 (rt tie ttre) fe det bel L ASL ai the 21) ; silane Bad | urtnex CEMA IS Wwe BAL Seite ; denconescrasenesanesetoreroresssesereceseresaneseeerevensseresenel erererecece, fears reen 12 dani Lot YEU oh ete WL tL te, if Uo Lifo FE bse he AY iL ttn 1 edi Sobol LEU 21k dlguge bile iV sin Sova rth KILL vi Sete ft iss BSR Ut SEZ NSD FOAMS NDE NAS 12 Se tout Pine Date Fg ued jot Flr Ge Gine bee BE WIE at jor ir Tag Ponte Pre Web GIL Shore ut (Gibb SC bla) etl abe Mi Me Seed ri tive” (Oh ve vet PL Uti SI peter S( on Lei sieuetitole othe re BB ABS Dae ie Mind LUA Oe Ded iierre tuctisolet Mr aie Wend } Girde esate aX) -L£u¢ $ | | + Gada Goll (etl 96 guts Jud eaten) Gil ad yur £ A IN Po Bri shaer tb Pe Kiet Letras (Bato BOS brecrytl CRW ee Gene TA ae aburee tel ; bi Gol AE SRA LGPL Nt [oriraueertunh Werle 21a e By, Ree bk Uh G Ss UJ! i not Sitfiiwl sxe Ad Unh tient} etre SitL the tel buses walt [en LuLnslijunrhtesMtraslesa i i i Serererere: TF eeeee Rassbadiae teavere eve vonsuetiieessbneseeLKocerebermeneenletanine reeererete: eererorecerese: Sarererorerorore: HAS, Spite 234 Use Lag i a SH SIA IT A Se PS TL ei Gub fe Pa ~~ Zolre be pose Sei Lowe A uk Use KE wl ene iL vil Sinie? She belive slp rlo fe” Vk aah Verte PAIS ow ASEVEC wie UP Ube FebiGe 7 Sse Sa EF f AR 1aN3 Borda Gn 0 ee ec E Les Kyi iseal wbt Ase (Loa Ar ef bed L vf sets) a IASI P ate Wee Sin Steal [Pare via Ue SE te J GUA if CAT)_Z 1 Albee SLICES rio dae AE ee Leryn tebe verbiage 2 if Ab Ntige Hip fd Liu ses oe. aaabaiea eric be Serie be SAL Like side ope DL ad IEG el CADENA AY es IS i + Breseosto PI PES Ets rt rr Boo 1 eS f. Sut Zt bk pipe ri | Apia Ei ort i CAAA ere WaT tt $e het bel Meche Clelis Pra i ; GB scae Shree Tue Cordes leu} CB ae Seehof ays atest Shee PES MEL ACL EM i PP pid Sbutubeel aed ; PRS Mets ce eel ' Je AeigUW if i tS FB tcybuwrk i PP ears wird ; Bi flebecg NAA rt ook ttiure Seu L of sehY ihe PI} EGIL ie} i Fi Pees iM : “Queers Lee 19 i WHA Eg hee gel rd i PEI rhit lire 1 cade i ; SA Ssbrdn Fe ent i APTA EAE ri $ dette Lobe Stunt. puiguered ‘ Ut bxlac rt bo I Lphi tl soins M2 AL iL site Leper biol At igeatH Ll por SPS IVEY lle Ut CEE NE Use bo BRIE LiFe OPM ol LUE NLR -Lyberertulolg tuiketetistL ier! ed Sob tibet EWI Lewl Lp usar suet iL Abies! Ley Poe Lieb Di A Surin! Saad PrintersCe:0300-2230155 (hed K A rls hea) eon bleeag Gib yfies OASIS CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL The School of Islamic and Scientific Studies Campus :4-D/73 S..T.E Town Karachi. Phone # 6693586 Cell # 0300-8220199

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