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Why Would Trumps Wall Be


A Bad Idea?


Why Donald Trumps wall is a bad idea?

Comparison between building of Great Wall Of China

Tadas is ready

What is this about

Due to the fact that Trump loves China so much, (sarcasm; he doesnt like
foreigners) we have decided to compare the idea of his wall to the building of
the great wall of China, due to the fact that we believe that there are many
similarities between the two.

Why The Great Wall of China was built?

The Great Wall of China was built to defend China from northern invaders
especially The Mongols. Despite the wall being built, the Mongols still
managed to
capture the Chinese people after not much trouble. It was also a way of
the Chinese people within China1.

Why Trump wants to build this wall?

Donald Trump believes that the problem illegal immigrants needs to be

addressed, and his solution is to build a wall. Donald Trump believes that this
wall would stop them. Immigrants from Mexico and many other countries
illegally cross the border every year and the American government can not
possibly stop them all, well, they could not stop them all, for if Trump wins
the presidency of the United States this wall could be reality.

Why walls are built in general?

Walls are built to either keep people in or out of a specific place. They cut of
connections, and block places from another. A wall is a structure that defines
a certain area.

How Will Trump Build This Wall?

As the building of the wall would be a huge project,
Donald Trump will need a lot of money, and he cant
use his own money.. Can he? Donald will have to hire
many people to work on this structure which could be
a good job opener for people. However, every person
will have to be paid, and its not slavery so each
person will have to get at least minimum wage.

How Did China Build Their Wall?

The great wall of China was built by soldiers, common people, and criminals.
The emperors such as Qin Shi Huang who came up with the idea of the wall
did not help build the wall they so did veux. Instead they forced about 20%
of the population to build it. Many people died due to
heavy work, speed working, and difficult conditions.

This was not a safe, happy building environment.

Qin Shi Huang the emperor

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What Are Some Of The Similarities?

Well, both walls were, and will be, intended to keep people out of a certain
area (U.S.A, and China) Both were and would be expensive. The one problem in
comparing these two is that Donald Trumps wall has not yet been built, and
the great wall of China was built hundreds of years ago, when the world was a
very different place. Even if the great wall of China was built a very long time
ago, we can still use aspects of it to determine the outcome of Trumps wall.

The Cost?
Many estimates have been made about the cost of Trumps wall, and the popular
estimate stays around the price of around $20 billion dollars (Wooooah). In
contrast, it is believed that the great wall of china could have cost up to $360
billion to create. These estimates are not exact though, for the great wall of china
was built largely by slaves and criminals, who did not get paid. The estimate cost
of Donald Trumps wall is also an estimate and does not include the chance of
anything going wrong or the price of materials going up.

Money Money Money (always funny. In a rich mans woorldd)

It is unknown how much it costed to build the great wall of China but modern
calculations estimate that the 6694 km long wall would have costed about $360
The potential cost of Trumps wall is around
$25 billion, but it all depends on how fancy
he makes it.

The Cold Hard Facts (or Estimates haha)

Potential Cost of Donald Trumps
Wall: Roughly $25 billion

Potential Cost of Chinese wall: Around

$360 billion.

Possible Size of wall: 1609 km long,

10 metres tall,

Size of the Finished Wall: 6694 km long,

8 metres tall, 6 metres thick

The Great Wall Of China; Downsides

The great wall of China may have been a feat in the history of construction,
and is marvelled at today for its size and historical value, but this wall
brought misery and sadness to many people in order for its creation. It was
very expensive; the great wall of china took a lot of the country's resources
and was expensive to build and maintain. Time; The wall took many years to
complete, and sections were added on in later years. It did not achieve its
purpose; In many sections the wall was never finished, or was too low to stop
the armies of Genghis Khan from invading and taking the wall.

Problems (Simplified)

It was very expensive

It took a long time to complete
It did not stop the armies of Genghis Khan and other enemies from
invading China
Many people died in the creation of this wall

What Is Wrong With Trumps Wall

Trumps wall would have many problems. Just like the wall of China it would be
very expensive and would take lots of tax dollars to complete. Trumps wall
would also take a long time to complete, and people could still cross the
border before it was finished. And this wall would not stop illegal immigration
completely, for there would need to be gates in this wall for people to pass
through, and this wall could not cover the water as well. So it seems that this
wall would be inefficient and could not completely solve the problem.

Tadas Wants Your balls right Now


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How Does Mexico Feel About Donalds Wall?

Mexico nest pas content. Ils vont utilize beaucoup de violence. Alors, ils vont
aller vers la Gouvernement et donne un coup de poing a Donald Trump. Il va
tomber pas terre et il va pleurer comme un bebe.
Well, it all depends on each individual. Some might not like the idea of a wall
because they wont be able to cross the border undetected and the wall would be
disconnecting the world/communication. Others might be ok with the wall because
they are frightened of Donald Trump.

How Did People Feel About The Wall Of China?

A lot of the people that were working on the wall felt that it was a waste of
their time and awfully strenuous. (probably because of the amount of death it
caused) The mongols saw it as merely an obstacle. Those who had planned the
building of the wall felt it was necessary and would definitely help keep the
Mongols out of their area. Well, they were sure wrong.

In conclusion Donald Trump's wall would be a bad idea. The wall, just like the
great wall of china, would be expensive and would take many years to
complete. The wall would probably be ineffective and would not solve the
problem that it was intended to solve. The wall would not only be expensive to
build, but would also cost a large amount to maintain.



If Donald Trump does happen to gain presidency, and does build a wall What
material will he build it out of???

Wood. Hard wood.

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