API 650 - Storage Tank Design Calculation

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TABLE OF CONTEN TANKTAGNO: —502.28.01 DESCRIPTION DESIGN DATA SHELL COURSE THICKNESS BOTTOM & ANNULAR PLATE, THICKNESS ROOF PLATE THICK ROOF TO SHELL JUNCTION CALCULATION SEISMIC FORCE CALCULATION ‘WEIGHT CALCULATION ROOF STRENGTHENING CALCULATION Pegs 502 2801 x Lo L 4 STORAGE TANK DESIGN CALCULATION - API 650. DESIGN CODE & SPECIFICATION ‘DESIGN CODE TANK Trem nue Roof { OpentCiose ) Tank support (Self-supported/Column-supparea) Type of roof ( Cone-coof ‘Dome-roof) GEOMETRIC DATA, Thside diameter ,DiCcomoded )(@ 4000 mm) ‘Nomina diameter, Dn (new ) based on tt shell course) [Nominal diameter, De-( corroded) hased on 1st shell course ) ‘Tank height (tan), Downe mot radias, Rd USDA = Re |.2De) Specific eravity of operating Hid 8. ‘Nominal capacity, V “Maximum esign liquid level, HL PRESSURE & TEMPERATURE, ‘Design pressure Upper Pa (9880 Lower, PL co Design temperature: Upper Tu Lower, TL MATERIAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES [Componear Wisieral Tene ‘Stress Sum’ [PLATE [Shell Pate (Marl Code#1)(bot) $0420.00 (Matt Code#2)(lop)—304—520.00 JArnular Plate - - Jpotom Plate sot 520,00 Roof Pie 5o4___$20.00, [STRUCTURE MEMBERS Roof stucrre(raftecbracingete ) : - [cotunm Support : [Top Curb Angle oC) sum water) sun water) ges 3 APT 630 1998 = $0228 01 Close = SelFsupposted plitanat 4000 mn 4008 xm, 44008 en 9990 am 4,000 aan Le 1206 oF 9380 mm 939.80 mbar 0.00 mbarg Vac 325, “10°C saab ‘SHELL THICKNESS CALCULATION BY ONE-TOOT METHOD HELL DESIGN GEOMETRICDATA Plate size used 1500 ram MATERIAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES, No” Material Specified Specified Vieldstrest ‘Max allow” Max, alow Corrosion ‘used min, tensile min. yield reduction fac design hydrastest—allawance sess stress (App.M) stress stress St Win) Sy (Nm?) ke Sdn) Sema) 6-2 (mm) 1 308 s20.00 295.00 1.000 13667 153.75 0.00 2 304 $2000 205.00 Lone 13667 © 183.75, 0.00 3 30t 520.00 20500 L000 136.67 15875 9.00 4 304 2000 205.00 100013667 18375, 0.00 5 30H $2000 20500 ono 1368715875 0.00 © 308 520.00 20500 © L000 136.87 15875 0.00 7 308 $2000 20500 = .000 136,67 15875 0.00 8 - - - - : . 9 . . - I be - - - : : - 2.3 _ SPECIFIED MINIMUM SHELL THICKNESS ‘Specification APT 650 1998 ‘Minimum thickness 560 mm 2.4 _ SHELL THICKNESS CALCULATION BY ONE-FOOT METHOD (CLAUSE 36.3) SIMETRICUNT:= Design shell thickness, im mm) 4.9De (TH#HI}-0.3).G js - ———— +a sa Hydrostatic test shell thickness, in am ) fo, Mat Material Width Height” “tdesign _uhyaro. cin Be Code nm) (2mm) (mm) (emmy (eum) (amy No. 11 3H Iso) 9580 a7 19 5.400 sa ok 2 1 toh 10 OHS 099 3.00 sa Ox 301 Shh Sm 580 40 5.00 Ban OK 401 3 tm) S080 879 961 3.40 S.0 OK 51 Mt su 3580339 oa 00 800. OK 6 1 308 ts) 3000328 034 5.40 so ox ne ee ee) ous 300 kao ox ao - - - - 94 . : : : - oot - : : : : Nae Taaiae feohepht ant aihashell same, sana BOTTOM & ANNULAR PLATE DESIGN 3.0 BOTIOMPLATE ANNULAR LATE DESIGN “Annular pate used? (yevno) BOTTOM PLATE (0 Wntmum thickness asper API 630 198 Clase 3.6.1 ‘Minimum thickness required (@ 110 mmea) ‘Therefore, use thickness of 10.50 mam (is i) Min, sello-borona fille weld size ( Min, width of overlapping (@.3.12.5) (iv) Min. dstagce between 3-plate laps in tank botoms (cl. (9) Mia. wide of plate (1 3-41) (i) Min. wide projeste curse of! (el 34.29 54) ssnistoctry 22601 ROOF PLATE DESIGN page: 6 4.0 ROOFPLATE DESIGN "Minimum thiekness as per Cleats spexiestion - 680 mam ‘Minimum thickness required (@ 0.00 mm) - 6.00 mm “Therefore, we thickness of 6.00 mmis——_salislnceny. 4.2 ROOF LOADING "Root pate lapping evr, a = 1.00 Roof pate weight, @ Roof th 6. mmave(phss lapping) 0.000462 Nim ‘Vacuum pressure. Va = 1000000 nnn? Ansulrion wet, wi = thiex tho) @ — 6.00 emma) 0.00 = 0.000000 Nima? Snow weigh, ws = 0000000 Nima Unifocm live loadel (@ 122.00 kgm’) 9.001187 Naum? ‘Additional Live lead (@ 00 kg) = 0.900000 Nn? Tooal live load + dead Joads.wld (@ 9.001659. Némm? 160 kPa . 2.20 kPa “The compeessionarca shal be increased by the folowing ratio, 108 (Zor SelP Supporting Root design } CLOSE ROOF TANK 5.0 __ DESIGN OF ROOFTO.SHELL JUNCTION IN ACCORDANCE TO APPENDIX E TiO. 10x 8 Unit wae (22 pin Arca 1350 mm? Leng 100 ma. 1,550 mm? P= Dome Root nas B= Dome eof slope 5 At therofine itis Dena [ema een Daten 4008 mm 19580.060 mm of water 6.00 mm 8.000 erm .0n0 ° sav aos tava, Ls snasorale 69 ran 2 SRISMIC FORCE CALCULATION “SEISMIC TOADS DESIGN GEOMETRIC DATA ‘Seismic ane faeton, Z Importance factor, I max. 1.25) ‘Nominal diameter of tank, De “Total height of tank shell, Ht Hit Fom bot shel ta COG of tank,Xs ‘Maxim desig Liquid level, ‘Total weight of tank shell, Ws ‘Total weight of tank ref, We “Total weight of ank contents, We 770 ke) 664 kg) 220,667 kg) S88 OVERTURNING MOMENT EFFECTIVE MASS OF TANK CONTENTS Ralf of Del From figure B-2, wuwe wr We ‘WL ofthe ef, mass of tank contents that move i unison with the tank shel wi = Wex WLW) WE ofthe eff, mass of tank contents that rave inthe frst slashing mode, wa = Wex WWE) From figure B-3, xWH sort Ht from shell bottom o centroid of atral seismic force applied to WE, x =H XU) “He from shell bottom to cent of lateral seismic farce applied vo W2, x2 =HxewH) LATERAL FORCE COEFFICLENTS Tatcral free eoethivient, CL ‘Natural peti ofthe frst slashing mode, where (De304.8)" = factor obtained from Figure Et [Wien 48, [stra foree coefficient, 33758 2 - Pr = Site coeficient (Table E-3) ote ous 1.00 4008.00 mm 9580.00 mm 4790.00 mi 9580.00 mm 15.24N SUN 2,165,745 N oats oa 08 2,908,793 8 271258 oas on 3640 mm 7472 mm 46 210s 038 si2280iste 6.23 OVERTURNING MOMENT. ‘Gvertursing woment, M =Z1(CLWsX8+CLWeHt+CLWLXI+C2W2X2) = 6 3__ RESISTANCE 10 OVERTURNING pone 8 859046396 Nm ©31 THICKNESS OF THE BOTTOM PLATE UNDER THE SHELL & ITS RADIAL WIDTH ‘Boviony Annular plat Gickaess, 0 “Thiekness of bottom shel course bs BotomAnmular pate radial width, wha - ‘Since th = greater of bs, ron, therefore itis 6.4 __ SHELL COMPRESSION WE ofan sl and portion of the fixed roof supperted by the shell, wt (8) ANCHORED TANKS. “Maxima longrdinal shell compression, LM 6 swt De Since WI2bs 48 n/m, 83.abs Pa - De ‘Therefore, Fa (< O.5Fty ) where Fey = Min specified yield strength of the bottom shell course $5. TANK ANCHORAGE ‘SRT GEOMETRIC DATA ‘Naber af bats, N - Dia. of anchor boll, 2 Dia. of anchor boltdcor (loss 19990 tmm(minsive. 284 mim) = Bots etele diameter. Da . ‘Root asa of each Kold dowa bolt, Ab - Spacing between enchor bolts, Sp 6.52__ MATERIAL & MECHANICAL PROPERTIES “Materia used Specific minimum yieid sess, Sy - ‘Allowable tensile stent, Stall (1.38 x 0.608y ) (App. E462. ) ‘Uplift force due to seismic Hoang, er tf dee : rs Tena rosy yan - Shcec samc sie amcrbo seats ist 4.408 mmm? 165.67 Nn? 97.70 Name 208.00 Summ? 208 203 Nim? 163.59 Winn? russ 69.92 Nim? smaz8et se T.WEIGHT ANALYSIS. ITEM N S028 Poxe 7 [GENERAL [Design [Type of tank suppor = Type of roof code. ADL 50 1098 Selisupportis pla-roat Tnside [Fank height [Dome roar hadius, kr (.8DE= Re Tae F diameter 200 mn 9s) mom \u.o60 ue Steel density oof plates lapping "Annular/Botom plates lapping so00 kgm? [factor Loo ff st 7 [SHELL COURSES lone -FOOT METHOD y CourseNo, Material Wid Weight : (um) «2 1 304 1304) 1209 2 34 1s 1209 3 304 is 1209 4 Bn 1K) 1209 8 n se 467 6 wit 1509 1209 7 wa 1500) 1209 8 : 9 . : 10 : ‘Total weight of shell plates ~ 7,720 ky. 3 [ROGER PLATES. ¥ “Material ‘Thickness Area Weight (um) (eum) (ks) Mt uo 13828087 664 664 kg 7 [BOTTOM PLATES “Material "Thickness Outside Dia, Weight (am) (nm) de) 4 14.00 066 1039 = 1,039 kg. ro ‘Thickness Mean Di Weight (um) (mm tke) kg © [PoP CURE ANGLE ¥ ‘Material ‘Sie Qty Length Unie Weight Weight dam) (agen) kg) Ma Labia West 1 aya) an IR = 158 ke 7 [INTERMEDIATE WIND GIRDERS, ¥ [Material Size Qly Length Unit Weight Weight fem) (kg) (ke) Ok sin 2R Ie [FLAT ROOF WITH RAFTERS Rafers ORISA LAO MORTON 4 BIO (SELI-SUPPORTED ROOF WITH RAFTERS [Materar Sue Qe) Length (um) Unit Weight e/a) ose Weight ) 1536 ‘Total weight of roof structures ‘ages 1,536 kg ROZALES FTotal weight of nozzles ¥ 1,500 kg 70 MISCELLANEOUS [Assuming 10.00% of otal weight 4.262 kg mm STAIRWAY & PERIMETER PLATFORM. [Assuming “TOO of total weight — 1.202 kg % (OPERATING LIQUID WRIGHT. [Operating liquid height Ter: 0 mm & 5g @= 183) 220,667 bg i AYDROSTATIC WATER WEI [Hydrostatic waterheight——(@— oS mm) 120,386 kg ERECTION WEIGHT JOPERATING WEIGHT |HYPROSTATIC TEST WEIGHT T3140 Fe, 235,807 ke, 135,525 kg sne2aonsty FLAT ROOF WITH STIFFENER DESIGN page: 11 8.1 GEOMETRIC DATA Taside diameter, Di - 40000 mm, Conosion allowance, ¢.a = 0.000 mm ROOF PLATE THICKNESS CALCULATION 8.2 ROOFLOAD Value of lap Tor roof plate, a Low Roof plate weight . @ Roof thk = 6410 —-mm,wr (plus lapping) 0.000462. Nimmé ‘Vacuum pressure , Va 2.000000) Nisam? Insulation wet, wi(=thkx tho) @ 0.0) (mm) x v.00 0.000000 Nin? Snow weight, ws 9.000000 Nim? Uniform live load,w1 (@ 122.00 gin?) 0.001197 Nim Additional live load,wa (@ 0.00 kein?) 0.000000 Nim Total live load + dead loads.wld (@ 0.001659. Niram* - 1.66 kPa < 220 kPa ‘The compression area shail be increased by the following ratio, k 100 502.28¢1.le erwin 8.3 FLAT ROOF CASK WITH STIFFENER. 33.1 MINIMUM THICKNESS AS PER ROOF LOADING ‘Assume rool plate thickness, ¢ ‘Number of stiffener, Ns Distance between stiffener, Ls Ratio of DLs BI Bending stress at center of long edge, BLwidLs? sb — (Gea)? Since sb < 0.678y, therefore the roof plate thickness is page: 12 = 6.00 mm. = 4 - 1000 mam, mn = 4.00 = 0.4974 - 22.92 Nem? ssuisfuctory. 502.28.01.xls page: 13 8.3.2 STIFFENER SIZING CALCULATION “Total oof load, Wer (@ 12) increasing factor) = 25015 N Roof load exerted per stiffener, W 6254. Stiffener size + 1730030081015 Sitifener material 2 Q235-A Unit weight, wst - 96 kg/m Specified minimum yield strength, Sy - 235 Nim? Section modulus, Z 1440000) mmm? Assume simply supported at both end, WDi Bending stress, sb =| <——— - 2.17 Némn? 8Z. . Since sb < _O.6TSy, therefore the size selected is satisfactory. 502.2801.xb8

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