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Coffman Tyler
15 Febuary 2016
MUH 3212

B, F. "Bartok's Concerto For Orchestra." The Musical Times 86, no.

1233 (November 1945): 346.
B.F. talks about how the factors that Bartok used to create the

"Concerto for Orchestra | LA Phil." Concerto for Orchestra | LA
Phil. Accessed February 15, 2016.

Important notes and thoughts about the concerto.
Cooper, David. Bartk, Concerto for Orchestra. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Cooper offers a refreshing perspective and an admirable in depth

analysis on the renowned piece.

Fosler-Lussier, Danielle. Music Divided: Bartk's Legacy in Cold
War Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.
Fossler drew comparisons to the Cold War in Hungary and how

the Concerto coincided with it.

Gillies, Malcolm. "Bartok, Bela." Grove Music Online. Accessed
February 15, 2016.
Provides a biography about Bartok so you get an understanding
of the piece better.

Gillies, Malcolm. Bartok's "Fallow Years": A Reappraisal.

Akademiai Kiado.
Bartoks life is talked about from the perspective of an

Keller, James M. "Bartk: Concerto for Orchestra." San Francisco
Symphony. Accessed February 15, 2016.
Another set of notes that gives great, concise information about
the concerto.

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