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Five planets in Retrograding

Pluto Retrograde 2015 starts on April 18 at 17 Capricorn and ends on

September 26 at 15 Capricorn.
Before I talk about Pluto retrograde 2016 in detail, you will find a
description of Pluto retrograde in the natal chart followed by the general
meaning of Pluto retrograde in transit. Pluto retrograde 2016 should be a
positive experience overall. A powerful grand trine configuration gives
the communication skills and acute perception to expose any buried
and unresolved issues holding you back. Many of these repressed
feelings will relate to your love life or finances. Pluto Retrograde
Pluto retrograde in the natal chart is more common than inner planet
retrogrades such as Mercury and Venus. About 40% of people have
Pluto retrograde in their birth chart so it is less feared and less
detrimental than having an inner planet retrograde. That being said,
Pluto retrograde natal still has karmic repercussions and a definite
influence.With natal Pluto retrograde you may have difficulty
transforming your life due to fear of letting go. The internalization
process of retrogrades can slow you bringing your intense drives and
needs to the surface. You will probably have difficulty expressing your
personal power and influence.

A fear of being controlled or of taking control can stem from past life
experiences involving abuse of power or being overly controlled. Which
side of the ledger, whether victim or abuser, will be shown through
aspects to your Pluto and any fixed star conjunctions. Depending on the
particular past life conditions, you may have a fear of death, poverty,
manipulation, torture, imprisonment, being committed to a mental
institution, exile or betrayal. Power and control issues may also involve
the psychic realms, sex and inheritance.
For such reasons you can be very intense on the inside, secretive or a
control freak. Past life conditioning can repeat, especially while young,
in the form of compulsions, phobias, isolation or mistrust of family. You
may develop strong psychic power as a result of internalizing your
powerful drives and desire for power and success. Hiding you true desire
for power and influence can lead to suspicion. Pluto retrograde in your
natal chart subjects you to many fated events which are aimed at
bringing your deepest and darkest fears to the surface. A repeating
theme of particular experiences will continue until you learn to safely
express your inner power and intensity.
Pluto retrograde in transit is a regular cycle lasting five months every
year, during the opposition to the Sun. As with all outer planets, it
causes less concern than the rarer inner planet retrogrades. Transiting
Pluto retrograde is a time of reflection about power and control in your
life. If people have been controlling or manipulating you then now is the
time to let them go. If you have been too controlling of others or
situations then it is time to let go. This is not a time for power tripping
but a time for elimination. Fated events and repeating themes will
reinforce which of your controlling habits, compulsions, addictions or
prejudices must be eliminated.

If you have been too smothering and controlling in a relationship,

holding on too tight, then you may be forced to let go. If obsessive or
compulsive behavior involving food or drugs has taken hold of your life,
then events may force a turn around. The more intense your destructive
behavior, the more extreme the detoxing or withdrawal stage will
be, such as going cold turkey. Perhaps suspicion, secrecy, racism,
gambling or porn are taking control and holding you back from spiritual
evolution. Trust in your spirit guides and think of the extremes your
ancestors endured to have their genes expressed in you. Destroying
things which have control over you will increase your spiritual power
and lead to personal mastery.
Compliments of:

Saturn - Saturn Retrograde 2016 starts on March 25 at

16 Sagittarius and stations direct on August 13 at 9 Sagittarius.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is
sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma.
Karma is a form of energy that is very real. Like Saturn, it is very
closely bound to time. Past, present, and future blur into one. If you have
been bad in the past, then at a certain predestined time, an event will
occur to teach you a lesson. If you been good in the past, then at a
predestined time, an event will occur to reward you for your good deeds.
With Saturn in retrograde motion, the karma will relate to how
responsible you have been in the past. Saturn retrograde 2016 looks a bit
scary to start with and does involve a lot of hard work. There is a major
focus on addressing some previous or current disappointments involving
your love life or financial situation. However, after the lessons have
been learned, you will emerge to a more promising future of positive
change and growth. Before I go into more detail about Saturn retrograde
2016, I will talk about what it means to have Saturn retrograde in your
natal chart then the general meaning of Saturn retrograde in transit.

Saturn Retrograde Meaning

Saturn retrograde in the natal chart means that there was a problem with
self-discipline or avoiding responsibility in a former life. Due to illness,
immaturity or disrespect, you may have neglected looking after your
loved ones. Perhaps you failed to earn a living to support your parents,
or ran out on your partner and children. There will be some lessons or
extra effort required this life in order to pay back this karmic debt, and
learn the lessons so you dont have to go through this difficult cycle
again. Saturn retrograde by position and aspect shows the areas of life,
or the personality traits and behaviors, which specifically require extra
development. The optimum Saturn nature is disciplined, responsible,
stable, respectful and reliable. A healthy Saturn is hard-working and
dedicated. The aim is to be physically and emotionally strong enough to
endure the hardships of life, to take responsibility for yourself and your
Saturn retrograde in your chart could show as sadness, depression,
loneliness, tiredness or lack of motivation. Disrespect of parents and
authority figures may be holding you back. Whatever is stunting your
productiveness is what Saturn retrograde focuses on. This could well
have been an ongoing problem hindering success over many
incarnations. Events or relationships will keep reinforcing the problem
area this life, especially during Saturn retrograde phases, until you
master it.

Saturn retrograde in transit is a regular cycle occurring just over every

twelve months, lasting about 4 months, and spanning 6 or 7 degrees of
the zodiac. Transiting Saturn retrograde represents a time of limitation,
restriction, anxiety and fear. During the previous months since
Saturn entered the retrograde zone, you will have been dealing with
particular issues involving your duties and responsibilities as they relate
to your dependents and career.
Saturn retrograde means that whatever area of responsibility you have
been developing is so important, that extra time is needed to take stock
and make sure everything in order before you continue. You may be
tested to make sure you are ready to take on the extra responsibility. The
lessons you learn might be hard but they will be valuable.
On the other hand, it could be that a negative Saturn behaviors such as
sadness or shyness have been getting out of control. In this case, the
Saturn retrograde months will offer a chance to recognize and admit the
problem. Things may get so out of control that an intervention or some
drastic event must occur in order to shake you out of your depression or
isolation. By the time Saturn stations direct, you should have come to
terms with the relevant issues and be prepared for the next phase. In the
third and final Saturn retrograde phase, from the direct station until
Saturn leaves the retrograde zone, focus and motivation leads
to productiveness, achievement and recognition.

Jupiter Retrograde 2016 begins on 7 January 2016 at 23 Virgo, and

stations direct on 9 May 2016 at 13 Virgo.
I will talk about each phase of Jupiter retrograde 2016 including when
Jupiter enters and leaves the retrograde zone. Before that, however, you
will find a brief description of what it means to have Jupiter retrograde
in the natal chart followed by the general meaning of Jupiter retrograde
in transit. Overall, Jupiter retrograde 2016 is very promising, suggesting
plenty of personal, spiritual and material growth. Success can be
achieved in whatever area of life that needs more fulfillment, from new
love relationships to breaking addictions, overseas travels or
accumulating wealth. The actual Jupiter retrograde period itself does
present a challenge involving self-control. This karmic test has to be
passed before the full potential of Jupiter good fortune, success and
happiness can be unleashed.
Jupiter Retrograde Meaning
Jupiter retrograde in the natal chart means that there was a problem in
achieving goodness of the soul a previous life. This certainly does not
indicate a bad soul, but that there will be some lessons or extra effort
required this life in order to achieve goodness of the soul, to be
genuinely happy and content. Jupiter retrograde by position and aspect
shows the areas of life, or the personality traits and behaviors, which
specifically require extra development. The optimum Jupiter nature is
broad-minded, happy, comfortable and content. A healthy Jupiter is
continually growing and expanding in philosophical and spiritual

The aim is to be charitable, generous, friendly and welcoming to all

people, regardless of social status, religion, cultural or ethnic
background. Jupiter retrograde in the chart could show as greed,
selfishness, gluttony, extravagance, wastefulness or self-righteousness.
Addiction, intolerance, bigotry, ignorance or showing off may be
holding you back. Whatever is stunting your personal and spiritual
growth is what Jupiter retrograde focuses on. This could well have been
an ongoing problem hindering success over many incarnations. Events
or relationships will keep reinforcing the problem area this life,
especially during Jupiter retrograde phases. Jupiter retrograde in transit
is a regular cycle occurring every 13 months and lasting for about 4
months. Transiting Jupiter retrograde represents a time of philosophical
or spiritual introspection and reflection. During the previous months
since Jupiter entered the retrograde zone, you will have been dealing
with particular issues involving growth and development, happiness and

Jupiter retrograde means that whatever area of growth you have been
developing is so important, that extra time is needed to take stock and
make sure everything in order before you continue. You may be tested to
make sure you are ready to receive the good fortune, new romance, or
increased wealth you seek. On the other hand, it could be that a negative
Jupiter behavior such as greed or addiction has been getting out of
control. In this case, the Jupiter retrograde months will offer a chance to
recognize and admit the problem. Things may get so out of control that
an intervention or some drastic event must occur in order to shake you
out of your complacency or ignorance. By the time Jupiter stations
direct, you should have come to terms with the relevant issues and be
prepared for the next phase. In the third and final Jupiter retrograde
phase, from the direct station until Jupiter leaves the retrograde zone,
positive growth and develop lets you bound ahead toward ultimate
success and happiness.

Jupiter Retrograde 2016

Jupiter enters the retrograde zone on 12 October 2015 at 1315
Virgo. We can expect that the areas of growth in this first phase of
Jupiter retrograde 2016 will be influenced by the horoscope for that
moment Jupiter entered the retrograde zone. That chart is here, but you
will see it is virtually the same as the chart for the October 12 New
Moon. What a perfect way to embark on a growth spurt, the renewing
energy of a new moon, and a wonderful new moon to boot! The October
12 new moon brought the chance of exciting romance and wealth
creation. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction trine Pluto signaled big time
success and happiness It represented a fresh start, with the chance to
once and for all leave the dramas of the past behind, as intense passions
and desires motivated a major transformation.
Jupiter stations retrograde on 7 January 2016 at 2314 Virgo. Fixed star
Denebola at 21 50 will have a mixed influence on Jupiter. This star in
the Tail of the Lion is associated with misfortune and disappointment.
This is actually, just what might be needed to initiate the self-analysis
required to overcome any negative Jupiter behaviors. Denebola also
gives self-control and generosity, both of which will be desperately
needed considering the following challenging aspect to Jupiter.


Jupiter Retrograde 2016

Moon square Jupiter reinforces the potential dangers inherent in Jupiter
retrograde phases. A tendency toward excess when it comes to spending,
food, alcohol or drugs, may result in reaching rock bottom. The lack of
discipline associated with this aspect will be alleviated somewhat by
Denebola. However, extravagance, overspending, greed and generally
going overboard, could reach that critical point where something has to
give. Even if the pre-retrograde phase has been one of increasing wealth
and happiness, Moon square Jupiter warns of over confidence leading to
self undoing. Remember, Jupiter retrograde will bring tests to make sure
you are ready to receive the material or spiritual gifts you have been
working towards. Boastfulness or excessive pride will reduce the odds of
maximizing success.

Lack of faith and disloyalty associated with Moon square Jupiter are
very important. In the case of Jupiter retrograde 2016 manifesting as a
struggle for self-control, then lack of self-belief during low points could
lead to the stuffing of ones face or buying a pack of smokes. In the case
of increasing good fortune, then seeking a trophy wife may lead to the
loss of a true love. Thinking you are above others and other indiscretions
could be seen as treachery in the eyes of loved ones and may never be
forgiven. Jupiter conjunct North Node suggests that this retrograde
phase will result in positive growth and indicates success. Jupiter
retrograde in general, and this aspect in particular, reinforce the karmic
importance and need for growth in the particular area of life being


Jupiter stations direct on 9 May 2016 at 1315 Virgo. The growth phase
gains new momentum now after four months of checks and balances. It
is important to mention at this point, that this interpretation is a general
one, describing the background influences that affect each and every one
of us. How each phase of Jupiter retrograde 2016 affects
you individually will depend on the transit made to your natal chart. This
final phase of growth is more complicated than in previous phases, as
shown in the chart below.


Mars - Mars Retrograde 2016 ~ Dragon Slaying

Mars will be retrograde from April 18 until June 29 2016.
The red planet turns retrograde about every 2 years. I tend to view
retrogrades as working in a right brained/cyclical/intuitive way rather
than the direct linear mode we tend to operate in just to get through our
daily lives. The planets energy is turning itself upside down in a sense,
so we get the opportunity to view things from another angle. Mars is
traditionally a malefic, but it does not follow that in retrograde it
becomes even more malefic. Nor does Mars become its opposite, a
benefic! It just becomes well weird.
With Mars retrograde, instead of the usual flame-grilled Mars direct
affair, it becomes more of a slow, rich bake. Much depends on in which
sign Mars finds itself during the retrograde period. Generally the
Martian impulse will be slowed down, deepened and feel more Plutonic.
Mars retrograde could also be similar in effect to the energy of Pallas
Athena, where every move is planned carefully and strategically. I have
read that Mars retrograde is akin to it travelling in the 12th house, which
would make it more of a spiritual-warrior. So if one is going to wage
war at all, it will probably be a psychic one.
Mars Retrograde Meaning
Since Mars is about sex as well as war, Mars retrograde prompts us to
re-evaluate our sexual relationships. A new sexual attraction may burn
out quickly, while a fling with an old flame could turn into something
unexpectedly long term. Our ambitions and goals are bound to come
under scrutiny also. It is said that those who start a war during Mars
retrograde are likely to loose. In personal terms, starting a war could
mean summoning someone to court or initiating a new business
campaign against a rival. In competitive cases like those, it is usually
advised to wait till Mars is direct again. However if someone should
wage war on you, then it would be foolish not to defend yourself.

Mars starts its apparent grind to a halt on April 16, but officially turns
retrograde on April 18 at 4.14am PDT, 7.15am EDT, 12.14pm BST and
9.14pm AEST.) The effect of Mars retrograde depends very much on
what it encounters on its journey and how well it adapts to the cosmic
territory. It will start off at 8 Sagittarius, a fire sign no less, and then
travel back to 23 Scorpio, a sign it rules. Now I anticipate a much more
intense Mars retrograde than the passive-aggressive affair we had back
in March/May 2014. That time it occurred in its detriment sign Libra,
but hit lucky Spica. The sneaky crow star Algorab also figured too and
as a whole the energy was quite secretive and suppressed.
This Mars retrograde has a far more festering, volcanic energy bubbling
below the surface. I dont think then, that it will be possible to carry out
any secret Mars Rx missions for very long. This is because Mars will
station within a degree from fierce red giant star Antares, which is found
in the heart of Scorpio. Robson says Antares causes malevolence,
destructiveness, liberality, broad-mindedness, evil presages and danger
of fatality and makes its natives rash, ravenous, headstrong and
destructive to themselves by their own obstinacy. [1a] So right from the
start of the retrograde, we will get a taste of what is to come. First lets
look at how Mars is flavoured by the two decans it will travel through.


Mercury Retrograde Periods from 2016 to 2020

January 5 - January 25, 2016 in Aquarius, ends in earth-sign
April 28 - May 22, 2016 in earth-sign Taurus
August 30 - September 22, 2016 in earth-sign Virgo
Dec 19 2016 - Jan 8, 2017 in earth-sign Capricorn, ends in fire-sign

What is Mercury Retrograde?:

This happens three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury
slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward
(retrograde). It's an optical illusion, since there is forward movement,
like speeding by a slow-moving train -- as it recedes, it appears to go
I saw this on a road trip, driving alongside a moving train going slower
than my little white Subaru -- it really does play tricks with your mind!
While delays and misunderstandings do seem to happen, I've noticed a
magical trend -- that people and ideas return, for integration, resolution
and more.
Mercury Madness?:
Mercury is the messenger, and in this time, the delivery is warped or the
message gets lost en route. Some people find that their computers go on
the fritz or phone lines go down. If you're at all jittery about it, go ahead
and back up your important files. There can be delays, so give yourself
plenty of time to get places. What happens in those down times?
Mercury retro is known to be a time of 'fated' events -- who will you
meet? What will be revealed?


A Time-Out:
Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and reflect.
Something from the past returns in a different form. People, ideas or
buried insights that are keys to moving forward, float to the surface.
Often it's felt as a slowed down, contemplative time, and depending on
the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed
the first time.
Err on Side of Caution:
There's a long-held belief that it's best to avoid making set plans during
the Mercury Retrograde. This means holding off on signing contracts,
and forming partnerships and alliances.
What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious
revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the
domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.
Can you repeat that?:
In our relationships, sometimes we gloss over things that pushed buttons
at the time, but which we let slide. What seemed not worth the trouble
may reveal itself as a major issue in need of our attention. The Mercury
retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to
Back to the Drawing Board:
Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic rushing around of daily life.
The Mercury Retrograde period can be a rich time of reflection on those
This makes it a time for the soul to ponder its destiny. You might look
over old journals, review your creative work, muse on serendipities of
the past that have pointed you toward your spirit's calling. It can make
the retrograde period a time of solidifying a sense of your personal story
and where you're headed.


What does it mean in each different sign?:

The Mercury retrograde is shaped by the sign through which it is cast.
For example, a Mercury retrograde in Cancer turns the mind toward
things like family, home and the invisible emotional bonds that connect
On the other hand, a Mercury retrograde in Aquarius gives it a different
spin, with a review of group dynamics, the larger human community, all
from a detached perspective.
Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:
A major cause of stress at Mercury retrograde is frustration from
mishaps, things breaking down, computers going black. But if we know
it's cycle, this makes it feel less terminal. If things go pear-shaped, see
what's there to see. Take a break from the usual routine. Just observe and
see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it's
coming back, there's likely something more to learn or release from it.
This can be a good (and productive) time, in its own way.
You may have heard friends say, "Oh, no - Mercury is about to
retrograde again!" If you don't know astrology, you may have wondered
what they were talking about. Of all planetary aspects, this one seems to
garner the most attention from readers, and it certainly generates the
most mail. The reason for their interest is clear - this phenomenon is one
of the few that affects everyone in a fairly uniform way, and its effects
are always obvious. Once you begin to pay attention to how events in
your life change during these phases, you will soon see how important it
is to take note of them. Keeping track of Mercury retrograde periods
can allow you to increase your productivity and avoid at least some of
the frustration they can bring about. Let's look closely at Mercury
retrograde and what it means to you.




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