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State the category and function of the embedded clauses in these

sentences, mark instances of ellipsis and WH-movement and if the
clauses are non-finite, state whether they have a visible subject or a
The kinds of clauses you will find are listed below.
1. NOMINAL: THAT Noun Clause/ IF/WHETHER Noun Clause/WH-Nominal
Relative Clause/ WH-Nominal Interrogative Clause
2. RELATIVE CLAUSES: Defining & Non-defining
3. ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF: Time/Place/Manner/Purpose/Reason (or
cause) /Result/Condition/ Concession/Comparison
1. The best thing would be to tell everybody.
2. Turning to the left, youll find the chemists (shop) youre looking for.
3. Though a young man, he managed all right.
4. Its very kind of you to help me.
5. However annoying his behaviour may be, we cannot get rid of him.
6. Once published, the book caused remarkable stir.
7. Afraid of what the teacher might say, the student remained silent.
8. When (ever) in difficulty, consult the manual.
9. I dont know what to do.
10.In pain, Alice could not sleep.
11.That was the only explanation possible.
12.If so/not, please keep me posted.
13.Hand it in tomorrow, if possible.
14.We dared not move for fear the enemy might see us.
15.Wilson is the man to consult.
16.Unless expressly forbidden, I will carry on.
17.Confused, the man left the room.
18.Tie him up so that he cant escape.
19.Even though given every attention, he died.
20.He wrote his best novel while at school.
21.It was so cold (that) the river froze.
22.A young inexperienced teacher, she felt like running away.
23.The girl in black is Mary.
24.Where (ver) possible, all moving parts should be tested.
25.That was the only explanation possible.
26.Though well over 80, he can walk a lot faster than I can.
27.The people here want to have a break.
28.He took medicine in order that he might recover.
29.Anyone wishing to leave early may do so.
30.We hid behind some bushes in case passers-by should see us.
31.The burglar wore gloves so that there were no fingerprints visible.
32.In so far as the weather remains settled, we will start tomorrow.
33.He was not contented, however rich he became.
34.Everything is left just as it was when the murder was discovered.
35.Deep as her sympathy was, she still had no word to offer.
36.Even if it isnt fine, we must start.
Prof. Sergio F. Rodrguez (2000)
Grammar II 2 E- Ctedra: Virginia Lpez Grisola

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